Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

58 ratings
1212AD Earl Self Use
This is all the mods I am currently using, and the sorting is correct. I just uploaded them for backup. If necessary, please take them yourself
Items (51)
Earl's 4 turn per year For 1212
Created by EARL
A balanced version of 1 year and 4 turns, with the same research speed of technology as Vanilla, has fixed the event year. Accordingly, the movement distance of the campaign is also reduced by half (because the same distance should be traveled at the same ...
HRE Imperial Authority Overhaul 1212 chinese
Created by EARL
这个是神罗机制大修的中文版 原mod地址(里面有对效果的详细介绍: English Version 简介: 仅适用于MK1212 内容: 加速了帝国威望的增长速度 加强法令,使其更有用,并相应地调整其帝国威望成本。 改革会变得更有意思,现在你需要考虑是否根据实际情况进行改革,而...
HRE Imperial Authority Overhaul 1212
Created by EARL
Briefing: Some of my more reasonable overhauls have been made to the HRE decree mechanism to make it more interesting. Only applicable to MK1212 Description: Accelerated the growth rate of the Imperial Authority
Realistic Infantry Overhaul 1212 Chinese patch
Created by EARL
这是我的步兵MOD的单独汉化包,由于涉及到脚本修改,所以需要独立于之前我发布的汉化补丁 主MOD: 排序为:↓ Realistic Infantry Overhaul 1212 Chinese patch(本mod) Earl's chinese(我的汉化修正补丁) Realistic Infantry Overhaul For 1212 Realistic Missile/R...
Units/Bugs fix patch for 1212
Created by EARL
Attention! This MOD is now compatible with the new version.Due to the continuous updates of Vanilla 1212, many bugs have been fixed by them. Therefore, I will not continue working on this MOD until 1212 team is no longer active and I have discovered new bu...
《Earl's mod中文补丁》 暨 《1212汉化修正补丁》
Created by EARL
修补了一些关于1212本体汉化翻译的问题。 修正了部分错误的兵牌图标 整合了我的所有MOD的中文补丁 优化了兵牌数据,拉满了数据可视,尽量显示各兵种刚需的数据,每个兵种都能看全12条数据条(实际上共23项,但最多显示12项) 修复了尼西亚招募不消耗人口的bug(bug修复已转正) 校对了所有地名,古称全部更新完毕(bug修复已转正) 排序: 参考上方enhancement合集的排序 放在叫兽的中文补丁上面...
Better AI Recruitment for 1212AD
Created by EARL
Description: A simple AI enhancement mod that Make it easier for AI to recruit advanced units, thus avoiding situations such as total war:range infantry .It has good compatibility, no matter what new unit MOD or 1212 update you load, it will remain valid. ...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 Submod: Unlimited Governors and Max Agents
Created by jaydensworld2
Based on: Inspired by: Medieval Kingdoms 1212 Submod: Allows both the player and A.I. unlimited (999) governors and agents at...
Loyal Vassals
Created by Fitzkrieg
This is a quick mod that makes it so when a vassal, puppet state, tributary, or satrapy does not join a war, the treaty doesn't break and no war is declared. If a master or protector fails to join a vassal's war then the treaty will be broken as normal. I ...
Fertility-Increasing Sanitation Buildings
Created by The_Yogi
Do you hate how later in the game every region become infertile wasteland? Climate Change and repeated razing make farming unable to make enough food and income. Why aren't there any way to counteract this? Can't land be irrigated and fertilized to make th...
1212 Kingdoms Political power revamp SUBMOD
Created by Emmortael
Rebalances the political power level bar in a more meaningful and progressive way that makes more sense. -compatability- This is a Submod to 1212 kingdoms, but can also work via vanilla game and should also work if your subscribed to different mods -save g...
1212 Snow and Desert attrition
Created by Timujin
This gives Snow and Desert attrition immunity to certain factions that it makes historical/geographical sense would have more resistance to it than others. I wish I could make it a percentage so it's not just a faction has it or not, however that is not po...
MK 1212-SUBMOD-Faction Leader Influence double
Created by Gluteus maximus
This mode increases faction leader personal influence by 2x. Must Order above the MK Packs....
UI "Thrones of medieval kingdoms"
Created by dmfdn
THIS MOD REQUIRES ALL OFFICIAL MK1212 PARTS!! _______________________________________________________________ Introduction & Contents This mod modifies the campaign and battle UI with icons ported from other TW titles. The mod is still a work in progress, ...
1212 AD Supply System Submod:AI Friendly
Created by EARL
Attention:This is a sub MOD that only partially modified the data A very simple mod that Reduce the supply consumption of all AI.The supply system is very interesting, but the headache is that AI cannot plan supplies well, which often leads to inexplicable...
1212补给储备系统中文汉化mod 2.2(原mod为1212 AD Supply System)
Created by biyishun13
本mod需配合蒹葭汉化mod一同使用,具体排列顺序为: 1212补给系统汉化最上,1212supply system, 1212中文汉化mod,后续顺序同1212本体一致,蒹葭汉化mod最后 内容简介:补给系统mod为行军,驻防加入了新的补给及储备机制。当部队补给量不足时,即便派系粮食充足,野战部队也会出现减员的情况。城市中的储备及物流运输能力将决定野战军队补给的恢复能力。 汉化人员名单 总负责人:叫叫兽mch 汉化人员:biyishun13、Muse 校对及测试:biyishun13 补充说明:闪字问题为...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Supply System [ABANDONED]
Created by mementomoria
Important Place at the top of your load order Affects AI & player equally Not multiplayer compatible There's also an Ancient Empires Version and a Vanilla Version Description Forces need supplies to function properly. Each unit, including garrisons, usuall...
Earl's Ability 1212
Created by EARL
Only applicable to 1212 (and some were only applicable to campaign) Added some abilities(skills) to enhance the experience Feature: 1.Added 'Rest in place' ability to all units. After activation, the units will deploy a guard formation in place and rest to...
Realistic Infantry Overhaul for 1212
Created by EARL
It requires both Realistic Cavalry & Realistic Missiles Only applicable to MK1212 Description: A grand mod that meticulously modifies all Vanilla 1212 infantry units. Added a lot of interesting units, they will have some unique gameplay. Mechanics Overhaul...
Realistic Ranged/Missile Unit Overhaul For 1212
Created by EARL
Description: Only applicable to 1212 A large MOD that modifies all aspects of ranged units.Greatly improved the user experience and fun of missile units, and made some designs that are more realistic (just in my opinion)Meanwhile, I am doing my best to rep...
Realistic Cavalry Overhaul For 1212
Created by EARL
Preface:This mod has greatly changed the operational style of Vanilla Cavalry, and I encourage everyone to explore more cavalry operational styles.You may need to spend some time getting used to it Only applicable to MK1212 Description: I couldn't bear the...
Handgun Graphic Optimization for 1212
Created by EARL
A simple mod only modified the animation for handgun and arquebus . Simultaneously optimized the muzzle flame to optimize game performance. Only applicable to 1212 Feature: 1.Added reload animation to the musketeer
Bright Arrows For 1212
Created by EARL
Only applicable to 1212 (May be effective for vanilla) This MOD is only a graphic modification. Since this MOD does not change any data, the arrow support model cannot be reassigned. In fact, I have made many arrow models, which are diverse. If you want to...
No burden for Province food shortage
Created by Otiel
This mod is to bring TW:Rome 2 style food system to TW:Attila. When the empire has enough food, food will be distributed to the province that doesn't have enough food. Faction surplus - Increased faction growth boost cap (up to +6 -> up to +10) Faction sur...
1212简体中文汉化mod(Chinese Localization)V2.500版
Created by biyishun13
本mod需配合蒹葭汉化mod一同使用,具体排列顺序如上图所示,注意1212汉化mod在最上方,蒹葭汉化mod在最下方,版本号同1212本体mod一致。本次更新支持1212mod 2024/11版本 V2.500正式版更新日志: 1.威尔士 特拉布宗更新兵种汉化补全 2.补充威尔士简介和特性介绍 3.补全纳瓦拉王国简介 4.更新修复事务官招募闪退问题 5.更新汉化mod加载顺序检查提示框 6.增加大量新增雇佣兵兵种汉化更新 7.补充空白兵种名称及任务目标汉化 8.修复了阿提拉本体更新优化后10格建筑槽插件失效...
Created by biyishun13
RomeRenaissanc是中世纪王国1212AD的子MOD,并非阿提拉全面战争原版战役MOD,原版玩家订阅无效,本MOD以plexreformata为基础(和plexreformata及事件议会MOD简中版不冲突,可同时订阅),添加了三个罗马残余势力各自的复兴改革运动事件及其他全势力触发决议事件,包含部分中世纪晚期的事件。当前MOD为暂定版本,并非最终成品,因测试人员有限,如发现跳出问题请及时向本MOD组反馈。 晚期的拜占庭似乎在历史上很容易被忽略,事实上罗马人在最后的二百年时间里也进行过挣扎,三个罗马...
1212事件增强汉化mod(原mod为:Lex Reformata)
Created by biyishun13
推荐一个和1212ad配套的小mod,更多的事件+议会系统 原mod在工坊上叫:Lex Reformata。 原作者是一位法律与社会学爱好者,他坚信没有法律的社会不是社会,而在1212ad中法律相关的事件并不完善。 在中世纪这个时代除了十字军运动以外,还有很多诸如启蒙运动、文艺复兴、英法议会法治改革、货币改革、穆斯林国家世俗化改革与汉萨贸易同盟等诸多社会法律政治经济文化运动,1212ad中没有提现完全或者只用些许文字一笔带过的事件,这些在这个mod中都有所提现,相信一些P社玩家会喜欢这个mod。 在议会系统...
Lex Reformata
Created by Skyblitz
This mod is a submod for MK 1212 campaign, I am not a dev nor part of the team and not endorsed. So Hi everybody, before everything I want to thank Jake for his help and DET for his cooperation. Lex Reformata is a submod for MK 1212, a mod I enjoy but find...
HRE Borders (Medieval Kingdoms 1212 submod)
Created by Boicote
This is a sub-mod for Medieval Kingdoms 1212 that aims to improve your QoL when you are looking for the extent of the Holy Roman Empire. With this sub-mod, all imperial members share the same colour, so you can easily identify in the UI maps if a particula...
Created by BRAN MAC BORN
New Campaign Ai behaviors that includes more AGGRESSIVE and EXPANSIONIST factions that will ATTACK!. Campaign is more challenging. Ai factions will defend regions and capitals better and help aliies more. AI allies will be more loyal. More field battles an...
Medieval Warfare - Graphic
Created by AXXXE
The mod adjusts lighting, contrast, and other attributes for each season and weather. The difference is to know at first glance. The mod is intended as a supporting submod for the main Medieval Warfare mod. However, it is also compatible with other mods. i...
Realistic Water
Created by AdamosTomatos
The only water mod that covers the textures and the colors of the campaign sea! Original texture made the texture "bubbly" in some views and basically wasn't natural waves. The new texture is more smooth but also more detailed. The color of the water in th...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD New King General Wife Portraits Submod
Created by snoopy
Contents of the mod * This sub-mode adds new portraits for kings, queens, counts, sultans, dukes, barons and generals, and for wives. Mod Purpose * To add more portraits that are visually compatible with the main mods MK1212 and MK1380. In a nutshell - New...
MK1212 Faction leaders and Generals variation enchancer + unit visual bug fixes
Created by WhyXelsink
***Savegame and the latest MK1212 update compatible*** NOT COMPATIBLE with any other generals reskin mod NOT COMPATIBLE with MK1212AD Generals and Agents reskin Load order: put this mod above MK1212 Base pack - Campaign Alpha Main goal of this mod is purel...
MK1212AD main menu Fix patch
Created by EARL
Description: A very simple mod that fixed a BUG where the 1212 startup sort load retrieval error occurred because the MK1212 Developer team had updated the Custom cities beta a few months ago, but the script had not been updated, so it kept getting errors....
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Scripts
Created by DETrooper
MK1212 Scripts Component: This component contains all the scripts for Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD, aiming to further enhance the gameplay experience with the addition of new mechanics and quality of life changes. This is a required component for MK1212's cam...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD - Custom cities beta
Created by Heisenburrg
!!!Campaign ready + Feature-Complete!!! This mod adds a total of 40+ medieval-european maps (small and large variants included) to the MK1212ad mod, emphasizing the medieval feeling of your siege battles! So far the mod includes 16 Central European maps; W...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Base Pack - Campaign Alpha
Created by The_Yogi
MK1212 Campaign Open Alpha: It's been over 5 years in the making across 2 games, but the Medieval Kingdoms 1212 campaign is finally available to all! Our Open Alpha phase starts today. The campaign as it stands is obviously in an incomplete state, missing ...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 1.v2
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 1 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 2
Created by Warman
One of 6 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is pack 2 of 6. ======== ASSETS USAGE AND PERMISSION POLICY========= 1. This mod contains both original works made by the team, and Open Source Project (OSP) models. 2. All Original assets, incl...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 3
Created by Warman
One of 8 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 3 of 8 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 4
Created by Warman
One of 8 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 4 of 8 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 5
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 5 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 6
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 6 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 7
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 7 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 8
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 8 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Models Pack 9
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 9 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Music
Created by DETrooper
MK1212 Music Component/Submod: The time has come. No longer will you be plagued by Roman music whilst crusading for the Holy Land. This music component of MK1212 currently replaces all Roman and Eastern battle/campaign music with tracks from a variety of T...
Blood & Gore DLC better perfomance
Created by WhyXelsink
I've imported blood decals and dx blood effects from Rome II to improve battle performance for those, who are experiencing massive fps drops from Blood DLC. This mod should help you to have better fps during huge battles. You blood thirsty bastards <3 Aug ...
Battle Camera Mod
Created by Neyxos
This little mod unlocks the camera and allows you to zoom even more down to enjoy battles more intensely, on the land and on the sea ! ...
Chinese Localization for Attila (By JianJia)
Created by Sorin
Chinese Localization for Attila (By JianJia) ...