Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Items (79)
Zombie Loot
Created by Dylan
This mod is tuned towards Extremely Rare Loot. Feel free to edit the mod and upload your own version to match your settings and/or server This mod was made with multiplayer in mind. Like other survival games when you kill a mob you will have some likelihoo...
ZuperCart - Carts & Trolleys
Created by iBrRus Realistic Carts & Trolleys for best life. Mod adds trolley and shopping cart. Shopping cart capacity - 49. Trolley capacity - 49. There can be only one...
Yaki's Hair Salon
Created by Yaki
B42 Compatibility Update is out ! YAKI'S HAIR SALON ------- This mod adds new Vanilla friendly hairstyles for women and men ! Compatible with hats and bandanas thanks to the FluffyHair mod. ------- The ADDON version needs to be paired with the BASE version...
Yaki's Hair Retexture
Created by Yaki B42 Compatibility update out now Compatible with the FluffyHair mod. YAKI'S HAIR RETEXTURE This mod replaces the basegame hair textures for every hair with new, smoother and realistic ones. It constist in new textures for Wa...
Vanilla MRE [B41/B42]
Created by Fox
This mod adds Vanilla Like MRE Rations to the Game. B41 Information B42 Information Page Updated for B42 Features Includes Sandbox Options Spoon Animation (If Character has a spoon in inventory) Ration Dosen't Spoil as long as it's unpacked Ration Craft Ra...
Water Dispenser
Created by KONIJIMA
Features In this mod I try to make everything as Vanilla as possible. - Dispenser have 250 unit of water like the vanilla dispenser. - Water Jug can be filled with gasoline for a total of 250 units. - Vanilla Dispenser automatically converted to custom whe...
TED BEER`s Player Makeup Retexture
Created by Ted Beer
- Made with Build 41 Change the Male and Female player Makeup, Camouflage, War paint More realistic camouflage, new styles of makeup. 2021 - 01 - 16 - two clown textures have been updated with more realistic stereoscopic effects. - upgraded the Brave Heart...
TED BEER`s Player Skin Retexture
Created by Ted Beer
- Made with Build 41 Change the female player skin to be more realistic. 2021 - 01 - 14 - Modify some textures # Body ===== Ted Beer`s Retexture List - Female Player nude Retexture (Now) - -...
TED BEER`s Player Skin Retexture Underwear
Created by Ted Beer
- Made with Build 41 Change the female player skin to be more realistic. Different styles of underwear 2021 - 01 - 14 - Modify some textures ===== Ted Beer`s Retexture List - Female Player nude Retexture -
Created by FluffySnake
This is a standalone mod. It changes the zombie and player textures to be more realistic and have no underwear, now without crotch voids. Additional info Included (and fixed) mods: TED BEER`s Male Player Skin Retexture TED B...
Created by MrBounty
Tidy Up Meister
Created by PePePePePeil
Overview : Automatically returns to the original equipment when the operation is completed. Confirmed to work with Build 41/42 and also work on MP. Features : When an action that switches equipment when performed, such as dismantle, is completed, the equip...
True Actions. Act 1 & 2 - Sitting & Lying [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Created by iBrRus WARNING #To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. AntiCheatProtectionType12=false Act 2 - Ly...
True Actions. Act 2_CH
Created by strangerroco
True Actions. Act 2_CH Workshop ID: 2719883952 Mod ID: True Actions. Act 2_CH1...
True Actions. Act 3 - Dancing
Created by iBrRus Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were marked by dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the ...
True Actions. Act 3+. Dancing on VHS
Created by iBrRus Since the release of our Dance magazine, we have received many letters of appreciation from people in our state. But one day we found a videotape in ou...
True Actions. Act 4 - Talking
Created by iBrRus Mod adds an animations when the player typing in the chat. Only for multiplayer. Mod commissioned by Yayo, specifically for the Day's End Roleplay serv...
True Music
Created by iBrRus It's time for true music in Project Zomboid again. The mod allows all users to add their music to the game. In addition, you can add your own vinyl cov...
True Music Addon: True Music Eurobeat D Edition
Created by JuanTheTropper
A huge collection from eurobeat to crash your car Mod Playlist on spotify: 2 Fast - Burning up the Night (Total Fire) (Extended Version) Ace - Adrenaline Ace - Breakin' Out Ace - ...
Random Zombies
Created by belette
Compatible with version 42.0.2 and 41.76 (solo & multiplayer). This mod lets you customize how many zombies of each type (crawler, sprinter, smart, tough, etc.) appear in your game. Inspired by Customizable Zombies. Please make sure you've read the FAQ bel...
Pass out
Created by DahakaMVl
Informations: Causes your character to fall asleep on the spot if you have max tiredness for X in-game hours (default 6). The amount of hours is configurable in the sandbox options. This is intended for a more hardcore playthrough. Features: Compatible wit...
Players On Map
Created by Zach
This mod will show you players on the map. Where do I find the options? If you are hosting the server -> Image -> Image If you are the client -> Image -> Image If you are an admin -> Image -> Image What are the options? Admin Options:
Authentic Z
Created by Authentic Peach
Want a FUN and REALISTIC zombie outfit distribution mod? This mod is for you! This mod adds a variety of zones into the game which gives zombies outfits to match their surroundings. It also adds over 150 custom outfits which are appropriately placed on zom...
Autotsar Trailers
Created by iBrRus Autotsar Trailers Inc. - the best trailers in Kentucky! Do you work on a construction site and your tool no longer fits into the car? Tired of running ...
Become Brave
Created by Monkey
B42 - Disclaimer and FAQs Mod is still in active development, so expect updates. Mod is tested in Singleplayer, Coop and Dedicated Server environments with multiple people. It works. Updates...
Become Desensitized
Created by Monkey
B42 Version - Disclaimer and FAQs Mod is still in active development, so expect updates. Mod is tested in Singleplayer, Coop and Dedicated Server environments with multiple people. It works....
Better lockpicking
Created by Aiteron
Description - Adds the mechanics of breaking the locks of doors, windows and cars using a bobbypin or crowbar. Lockpicking is done with mini-games! - Adds a mini-game of lockpicking ignition using wires. Also, the ignition lock can be broken with a bobbypi...
Better Sorting
Created by ChthronicKnight Complete overhaul to item categories and various name tweaks. Compatible with B41, B40, and Multiplayer(B40+B41)! This mod can be safely added or removed from a...
Better Towing (Work in SP/MP 41.71+)
Created by Aiteron
Initially, this mod added its own towing physics with a rope and a rigid hitch. But the developers liked this mod and they added the towing option to the game! ( link to development blog ) Mod expands and improves towing, which is added to the game. Suppor...
Backpack Borders [b41]
Created by Notloc
THIS IS VANILLA AS OF B42 Backpack Borders is a small UI tweak that adds a background and border to the container buttons in Zomboid's inventory windows. The change makes it easier to see each individual button, particularly when the player is using dark c...
Boredom Tweaks
Created by Jon
Something I found when playing Zomboid was that the Boredom moodle was always a bit frustrating to manage. The way it functions in vanilla, any time you are indoors you are slowly gaining boredom, and it is slightly slower while reading. If you are in mult...
Craft Helper (41.x)
Created by b1n0m
Craft Helper for build 41 This is a new version of famous mod "Craft Helper" with improved UI. Original version for build 40 and lower is here: This mod will add a "Craft Helper 41" context m...
Custom Songs for mod True Music (with 650+ songs)
Created by McPax CASE.GIFT
Stable Version of the mod Custom Songs for mod True Music (with 650+ songs). All songs are in cassettes only. Note: Mod is compatible with other custom songs mods for true music addon. List of the songs: Click here -> List to check the list Changelog: 05/0...
Dynamic Traits and Expanded Moodles
Created by PepperCat
Features The player will be able to gain or lose both positive and negative traits during the game based on different conditions. New traits, some dynamic, some statics. Vanilla traits cost rebalance. New moodles and new effects for vanilla moodles such as...
[v41] Even More Everything Colors
Created by mezz
Pick any color you like, for your hair, clothing or anywhere else the game asks you for one. Twenty different hues, with many saturation and brightness variants each. Workshop ID: 2726792138 Mod ID: MezzHairColors...
Everything Has a Name
Created by Arendameth
Description Feeling lonely amidst the apocalypse? Now you can rename everything -literally- and have your own recognized buddies of inanimate items and vehicles! ... or you can just rename your containers like any sane survivor and keep your base neat and ...
Created by star Now you can defecate and urinate. Try to be very careful while you are going to the toilet or you may get dirty! Preview Features Subscribe to the Mo...
Exercise with Gear
Created by Authentic Peach
Exercise with your Gear on! Normally the game forces your character to take off their backpack and remove any equipped items. What this mod does: This mod removes that functionality from the game. Your character skips that step and can perform exercise act...
[B41] Expanded Helicopter Events
Created by shark
This mod replaces the vanilla helicopter event with a more dynamic suite of events which are both challenging and fair. Furthermore, the mod is designed as a framework and can be easily expandable and modifiable in itself.*
Fluffy Hair [B41 & B42]
Created by Scavenger
This mod will add for almost all hats new adjusted hair models for the default hairs to keep their original shape when wearing something on the head. No more Ponytails or flat hairs! You can still turn your hair into ponytail if you wish so. (Also i improv...
Fuel Side Indicator
Created by kabaww
EXCITING NEWS! The latest blog post by The Indie Stone ( seems to hint that they will add a fuel-side indicator to the vanilla game on Build 42. I'm so happy that the developers noticed this smal...
Fancy Handwork
Created by dhert
Supports B41. Works in Multiplayer A new save is not required A VERSION FOR B42 WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON. There is currently a bug in B42 where Animation Sets are not recognized from the new B42 folder structure, and thus have to be duplicated which doubles ...
Expanded Traits
Created by Draco
This mod adds several positive and negative traits, as well as profession and trait specific starting items. Several health issue related negative traits are added. Several options are configurable in the Sandbox settings. You have my permission to include...
Generator Time Remaining
Created by Undefined
A simple mod that displays the days and hours left before a generator runs out of fuel. Features NOTE: To configure the options, Mod Config Menu is required (link)Option to convert in-game time to real time (Default is In-Game Time) Option to set minimum E...
Created by KONIJIMA
Features - Sandbox Settings. - Can store fuel into barrels. - Large Gas Can, can also store water into it. - Barrel can spawn with random amount of fuel. Latest Update The mod has been updated for 41.72. Great news, this game patch have integrated most of ...
Gas Barrels - Fuel API Version
Created by Kraz
A much better version of my Gas Barrels mod. With this version you can craft specific fuel barrels for FuelAPI instead of using just the basic barrels found in the world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Harry's Hair
Created by harrycheez
B41 Simply Adds new hairstyles and natural hair colors. It also replaces the hair textures with one that cooperates with hair colors better. Most of these were done for my friends and people who have helped me a lot with modding. These all have hat variati...
Has Been Read
Created by PePePePePeil
In v2.14, support for Titled Literature (e.g. Books and Magazines) has been added. However, please note that these items, will be marked as "Already Read" they are read after enabling the mod or updating it. The icon display for these items can be turned o...
Immersive CD Players
Created by Nebula
Attention! Do not use iCDPlayers in public live streaming of the game - it may infringe the copyright of the music owners. Realistic functionality of CD-players and CDs. 1337 tracks on 118 CDs + custom CDs (85 user tracks on...
Improved Hair Menu
Created by duckduckquak
Replaces the hairstyle, skin color and clothing dropdowns with a 3D preview. Also changes the in-game haircut menu. Usage     Drag the preview to rotate the model     Click to select     Arrows switch pages Compatibility The mod uses a copy of the vanilla ...
Jump Through Windows
Created by AbraxasDusk
Have to get away in a hurry? Just jump through a window! When sprinting, you'll automatically vault through windows in your path. Careful though! If the window is closed it's probabaly gonna hurt... Updates: v1.1 -Fixed bug causing errors when fighting zom...
Just Throw Them Out The Window
Created by co`
What is this about? This mod is meant to address a single problem. You all know too well that awkward moment when the upper levels of your base get invaded by zombies. If you're lucky enough to survive this, you end up with piles of corpses all around the ...
Created by Tchernobill
Details kills by weapon category and by weapon in a new dedicated tab of character window. Adds to the genuine character panel the number of Z that died of other things than player weapon. Technical details Total number of kills can be exported (if selecte...
Mod Manager
Created by NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Mod Manager: Server
Created by NoctisFalco
An extension for Mod Manager that makes the process of editing server mod lists much easier and faster. Now you will never forget to add required mods to your server's config! If you appreciate my work, please support me: ht...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Created by star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BUILD 41 (!) For Build 42 see here. Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. W...
More Traits
Created by HypnoToadTrance
IMPORTANT: Build 41.68 and Higher Due to false-flags for anti-cheat, it is recommended to disable anti-cheat when hosting a server with this mod. You can try enabling some anti-cheats, but your mileage may vary. A Personal Appeal To Decency: Please do not ...
More Zombie Death Sounds
Created by Stomno
Smash! This mod adds a few variations of zombie death sounds. Different stab and smash effects for those tired of the same old ones when going on a killing spree or defending your base from hordes. Works in multiplayer (co-op ...
New Flashlight Animation
Created by WHAT A SHAME
I am not going to update this mod. You can update the mod yourself, just make sure to include a link to the original mod. THE MOD ALSO REPLACES THE ANIMATION OF HOLDING A LARGE FLASHLIGHT Replaces the flashlight animation The mod can work with other mods i...
[B41] More Simple Traits (MST)
Created by hea
Mod contains three versions: Vanilla - balanced to play with base game/traits. Dynamic - balanced for playing with the Dynamic Traits mod. Mini - contains only traits with +1 to missing skills and balanced with base game/traits. You only need to choose one...
Moodle Framework B41
Created by Tchernobill
Makes it easy to add moodles for modders. Moodle Framework Configuration If you want colors to be easier to distinguish, you can set to white the reference color for moodles. This applies to both vanilla and modded moodles. You can also deactivate various ...
Read While Walking
Created by star
You can read while walking. You can set reading speed in sandbox options. Bonus Features Also you can start/stop reading a book by pressing "R". So you can read/fight almost simultaneously using just keyboard. You can start reading even if the book is in a...
Sleep On It
Created by ArpyClarkson
Life in the apocalypse got you down? Sleep On It! Most problems in life can be solved by sleeping them out- now you can sleep away those feelings of boredom and sadness just like you do in real life! Now when you sleep your boredom and sadness will slowly ...
Spongie's Hair
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Works in multiplayer Adds 78 new hairstyles for both body types Immersion breaking hairstyles don't spawn on zombies. Full hairstyle list is in the preview images above and the pinned discussion below Recommended Mods: Fluffy Hair - R...
Spongie's Clothing
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Works in multiplayer Adds 28 new clothing items Most jackets added can be opened or rolled which will lower their insulation and weather protection. Also unhides sweaters under jackets. The full item list can be found pinned in the di...
Swap It
Created by Chuckleberry Finn
Does the following: Equipped weapons will swap places with hotslotted weapons instead of being put away. Example: If you have Weapon A on your belt and Weapon B in hand- selecting weapon A will equip weapon A and put weapon B on your belt. Activating an em...
Take A Bath
Created by t10310
內容: 點擊浴缸後可以洗澡並起洗掉身上的污漬及血跡 , 在洗澡過後人物可以稍微降低不快樂以及無聊指數和感冒狀態 在 MOD Options 調整頁面中可以設定要脫下的裝備類型 目前模組只能在單人遊戲中執行 Make the bathtub able to take a bath and clean up the blood and dirt on the body After taking a bath, the character can slightly reduce the unhappiness a...
Authentic Animations
Created by Ravenim
Edits Emote Radial Menu to Do Animations - Hold "Q" to start! No further installation required. hit subscribe, enable, and play! ALL ANIMATION ASSETS ARE CREATED BY THE GREAT MARTIN OF TIS Credit also goes to ibRus some code fixes. Yes this mod works with ...
Common Sense
Created by Braven It's something so simple, but PZ lacks it sometimes. This mod solves this issue by adding many Quality of Life improvements to the game. I plan to continuously update this mod, adding more and more common sense...
Draw On The Map - Free Hand Drawing [B42/41]
Created by Notloc
Draw On The Map adds a new free hand drawing tool to the game map! This tool allows you to freely draw lines of any shape. You can customize how thick and filled out the line is, allowing for bold full lines, thin dotted lines, and everything in-between! A...
Gunpoint Redemption [B.41/B.42]
Created by Kaofan
Works on SP and MP - Version B.41 and B.42 This mod refreshes a previously available modification that was removed. Thank you for your understanding and support. Important Notice This modification is intended for adult players only as it may include sensit...
Item Stories [beta]
Created by Champy
This mod makes buildings more "lived in" by spawning items inside them. It is picking what to spawn randomly from a 'story' system. If you've tried my "'immersive barricaded start" mod , this will spawn items in a similar way, but for every building, and a...
More Description for Traits [b42 & b41]
Created by Champy
B42 Unstable Update (Former version is still there for b41 compatibility) - Added Mod options - Added Free Recipes What's new in b42 ? Some stuff. A lot of changes to the cost of traits. Like High Thirst now gives only one point Corpse Sickness : Weak Stom...
Profession Framework Old Build 41 Patch
As of January 13th, 2022, the original mod was updated, I recommend all to migrate back to that edition. This patch will remain until mods will switch dependencies to it. A framework for adding new professions. PATCHED FOR THE HYPERCHONDRIAC TRAIT JAVA ERR...
Simple UI library
Created by MrBounty
Simple UI Library Want to make a simple menu for your mod to : - Ask the player to choose between two things? - Ask the player a nickname, age, height, weight, etc ? - Display a map ? - Display player-related information from your mod such as amount of mon...
Skill Recovery Journal
Created by Chuckleberry Finn
Lore-friendly(ish) solution to the loss of a character. Craftable journals which allow the recovery of skills and recipes.
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Created by iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
Advanced trajectory
Created by 喵了个球
Advanced trajectory This Mod modifies the ranged weapons and throwed weapons. Ranged weapon: 1.You can see the trajectory of bullets. 2.You can shoot the head, body and feet of zombies through the crosshair. (It is not perfect yet) 3.Your aiming skill leve...