Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids 2
1 625 megjegyzés
Hello darkness 8 órája 
i'm trying to attack a hive tile and the game crashes when trying to generate a map for the encounter. I'm trying to troubleshot and understand the issue and i was wondering where to go to check for bugs. In case there's some faq somewhere that explains common issues, to help with the troubleshootting
† Bertsz † 12 órája 
Works with multiplayer mod?
Oskar Potocki  [készítő] márc. 5., 9:44 
It is not possible. Only an empress insectoid type can spawn insects that you can take with you.
kk márc. 4., 6:51 
Hello, can anyone tell me how to use insectoids from artificial hives in raids and caravans? Is it even possible? Is there any expansion or mod that makes this possible?
Xanthiras márc. 4., 6:21 
Is it intended that your tame insectoids can get addicted to royal jelly? Since they have different biology from humans and jelly is targeted at them, you'd think it should be safe for them.
The Coal Man márc. 3., 16:55 
Figured it out, I didn't have a hive yet. Once i built that it worked as intended.
The Coal Man márc. 3., 14:35 
I am having an issue where I have to expand the hive area 1 cell at a time. When I try to drag the box it doesn't work, anyone had this issue?
Oskar Potocki  [készítő] márc. 3., 10:06 
Consider using the Jelly sacks evolution on your insectors.
Peldrigal márc. 3., 7:19 
I have managed to build a basic hive and the bugs have built some walls, but despite me having the materials in storage and the blueprints on the map, a sorne hive or a creeper will not be built. Is there something I am missing or it might be an interaction with other mods? Years have passed and still have not seen any of the faction events.
Kerian Halcyon márc. 2., 23:29 
I enjoy the recent changes a lot, but I miss a lot from insectoids 1, such as the milk beetles and spiderweavers. Is it possible that these can make a return somehow, or are they doomed to the void (unless another modder can somehow revive them in the future)?
Mike márc. 2., 16:46 
I am indeed constantly fighting when using the queen storyteller. FIGHTING MY FRAME RATE. In all sincerity it's has been nothing but war caravans and bulk goods traders flooding my colony non stop. sometimes three of four oft hem a day. my frame rate tanks and so does mt tps. I'm not even two in game weeks into my colony.
Cevlar226 márc. 2., 13:41 
How are you supposed to manage the Insectoid Xenotype jelly consumption? They eat a ridiculous amount of it over any other available food, starving out my insects, and if they don't eat it they die. The structures just can't produce nearly enough for even 6 of them, let alone them + a hive, and there's no way to limit how much they eat to a certain amount. Any advice would be appreciated cause I just can't seem to find a way to keep up with their appetites
DisgracedDairy márc. 2., 0:35 
This is an odd request, but is there any consideration for a 'medic' insectoid (possibly giving the 'basic hive' another unit to produce) and/or geneline? It's painful having to either mass forbid medicine to insectoid troops or watch your doctors tend to brain damaged insectoids for days on end.
Forestbrother15 márc. 1., 9:40 
Hey which of the raid type events, such as the burrow siege, can happen on a non infested map tile?
Lord Rugdumph febr. 28., 16:13 
I have no idea why but i just started a brand new colony and the bug storyteller has sent me at least 20 caravans withing the first few hours xD
headlessgenie febr. 28., 12:36 
nvm i never even had it it seems. huh sorry
headlessgenie febr. 28., 12:35 
big important question, can i run this *alongside* the first one?
Нубас febr. 28., 10:14 
Imagine if there was a Vanilla Factions Expanded: Super Earth
jumpercali febr. 26., 12:33 
My megascarabs aint doing anything why could that be?
Youpiee febr. 24., 11:16 
@Nickolok I agree! Maybe it could feed on filth but if it doesn't have any filth it runs out of "food" and stops, then has to be given jelly to start it back up?
Vauxel febr. 24., 5:22 
nvm sorry I'm slow as shit I didn't know u needed insects to make it lol
Vauxel febr. 24., 5:12 
Does anybody have a problem where they can't construct creeps and hive walls/doors?
Elgate febr. 24., 3:35 
If you have two maps (such as with SoS) can you decide which one will get raided from Han Horde?
RadSpaceMom febr. 23., 16:32 
Why are like a million bugs spawning every time I do a round from the storyteller and form the thumpers it lags my game out
Oskar Potocki  [készítő] febr. 22., 14:32 
Chitin is a textile-style stuff. Not a metal.
SkyWatcher febr. 22., 9:29 
why i can't craft a plate armor made of chitin? i want to do a tribal run against insects
Nickolok febr. 22., 0:46 
I really need a little cleaning bug for my insectoid colony!
febr. 22., 0:18 
The insectoid ship wrecks are scattered throughout the map, and I don't even have a simple way to clean them up. I think there should be a one-click demolition option after the raid ends, just like with mechanoids.:steammocking:
lucky_one 🍀 febr. 20., 5:50 
@Shawn The Derplock ye I actually stopped playing with this mod because it's unbearable, they are far too common and just flood your entire map plus cleaning them takes ages. I will stay tunned if they touch something about it tho, the mod is awesome
Droider febr. 19., 11:40 
ive noticed that SOS2 and whatever mod adds the Black Hive adds artificial hives for their bugs. is there a list of other mods that do the same or are those the only ones?
InsideOutFace febr. 19., 9:26 
Is there any way to speed up the spread of jelly floors?
Shawn The Derplock febr. 18., 20:30 
Please let us deconstruct infested ship chunks
Nickolok febr. 18., 12:43 
The hunters dont actucaly go out and hunt automatically do they? You just have to control them I assume?
Geisthander febr. 17., 14:26 
Any chance that creep could be configured to count as floor? I have a tribe of insectors that is upset because their ideogram room is unfloored. I was hoping that adding the precept that made them like creep would change this, but it doesn't. I suppose I can remove all the nearby creepers once they get everything around covered, then build floors, but it breaks the vibe. I feel like the altar room is the one they should INSIST on being creep
lucky_one 🍀 febr. 17., 9:18 
any way to reduce the amount of "infected chunk crash" events? Randy seems to love them and just perma spam them
betahell_32 febr. 16., 15:53 
how tf do the hunter insectoids work
RadSpaceMom febr. 16., 7:15 
For some reason when I’m using the wave storyteller it spawns a million bugs that fill the map and lag my game does anyone else have that issue?
Claus febr. 15., 15:56 
Can World map infestation be disabled?
ZIRI febr. 11., 6:06 
l really want know why removing destruction botton from ship ruins event, l have to click destory botton again and agian and agian..., is there any way to solve it?
Professor Capybara febr. 11., 2:38 
after reloading a save my bugs show up in the animals tab and have to be constantly trained is this intended behaviour or did i mess it up somehow`?
Hanz febr. 11., 0:49 
Messing around with custom scenarios, trying to make one with the hell pods from the prebuilt scenario and through testing I've found the hell pods are tied specifically to the scenario instead of the "New Squad" type. I'm realizing, however, there's little to no information I can find on what the "New ____" Player Faction types actually do for any of the Vanilla Factions Expanded mods. Is there somewhere that information is recorded? Obviously things can be figured out via trial and error, but it'd be nice to know things like starting tech level, starting techs researched, backstory categories, etc like we can find on the wiki for the base game scenarios like Arrivals, Tribe, and Research Expedition.
Zergologist febr. 9., 14:56 
Would it be a bad idea for player owned hives to have a gizmo in their UI to limit the roaming area of its spawned insectoids?
Kuukuna febr. 8., 10:26 
Really like Han Horde-mode, just wish I could hide some or all parts of the UI, make the interval between waves semi-random (say a wave every 2-7 days) and either disable or customize the chance of gaining a tech after each wave (or even adjusting the chance for each activity state separately).
Нелюдь febr. 8., 3:16 
Can I add it to an existing save without consequences? (Swarm near the settlement and so on) And can you create a farm? I have the ideology of the underground, we want bug meat
swaggy febr. 7., 10:01 
I also dont seem to get the roaming insect world map event. im going to try and find the culprit
swaggy febr. 7., 9:53 
i tried loading biomes! caverns first and the problem persists :(. the only way i can find the other bugs is at hive bases. though royal variants seem to spawn from burrow sieges
Sheep febr. 7., 6:45 
I have Biomes, Biome raids will prioritize caravans it seems, but also naturally won't spawn other Insectoids really (sometimes but it seems to weight vanilla and Jelly pots higher) Hive raids and the like are still spawning all them, but normally see vanilla primarily. So maybe?
swaggy febr. 6., 12:43 
i could try removing it or changing the load order.
Oskar Potocki  [készítő] febr. 6., 4:56 
could it be that Biomes! is destructively patching our raid group makers?
swaggy febr. 5., 9:33 
are the raids not guaranteed to have different genelines? cause ive only been seeing sorne and biomes! caverns bugs