Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

45 ratings
Items (60)
Created by Raven343
Hello and welcome To the New Era of Graphics Mods This mod will bring whole new features on attila -Whole new shadow from thrones of britannia and this will make sure you will have best performance you can imagine -New terrain installed with this mod from ...
Created by Raven343
FOLLOWING TRILOGY OF VENUS & MARS & APOLLO, PAX HIS BEEN ADD TO THE FAMILY. What is PAX? PAX transfer attila to rome 2 terrain and environment all the battle map been changed Gaul & britannia & Hispania & Eastern Persian, and more And all this will look mu...
Lighting / Contrast fix
Created by Oblivious
This changes the contrast and brightness in most maps to just 1.0 Low effort mod, but i couldn't stand the ridiculous contrast on most maps. (Most have 1.5 contrast and 1.3 brightness)...
Trade Routes x2.5
Created by GreenJKing
Increases "trade_route_value_combined_gdp_proportion" from 1.3 to 3.25. Makes trade a bit more important to keep hold of. Save game compatible Place top of mod loading order. Compatible with 1212 AD and most other mods....
Earl's 4 turn per year For 1212
Created by EARL
A balanced version of 1 year and 4 turns, with the same research speed of technology as Vanilla, has fixed the event year. Accordingly, the movement distance of the campaign is also reduced by half (because the same distance should be traveled at the same ...
1.75x Faster Research for 1212 AD Mod (AI & Player)
Created by Wittmann
Credit for original to: His mod made it 4x faster which was a bit too fast for me, changed it from 400% -> 175%. Load this before your 1212 mods but after a 4-Turns per year mods....
MK 1212 Expanded Portraits
Created by wbwillis
More Portraits! Adding portraits to factions one at a time. Based on actual historical figures of the era. More unique portraits for Spies, Assassins and Priests to bring a more immersive feel to your campaigns! Each character has their own unique "Faction...
MK1212 Faction leaders and Generals variation enchancer + unit visual bug fixes
Created by WhyXelsink
***Savegame and the latest MK1212 update compatible*** NOT COMPATIBLE with any other generals reskin mod NOT COMPATIBLE with MK1212AD Generals and Agents reskin Load order: put this mod above MK1212 Base pack - Campaign Alpha Main goal of this mod is purel...
Diplomatic Marriage & Family Tree
Created by Xerxes
* Diplomatic Marriage gives +80 Reputation * Guaranteed Adulthood at Age 16 * Max. Family Children Number is 4 (Reduced from 6) * Base Family Noble Children Chance = 32% (Up fron 25%) * Maximum Illegitimate Children is limited to 2. Reduces by 50% for next...
Bad Traits Reworked
Created by wesloo
Total War: Attila has definitely better characters' traits mechanics than Total War: Rome II. Bad traits aren't usually so much damaging as they were in Rome II and their triggers are also (usually) better designed. But there are still some flaws. So simil...
More Public Order
Created by Manuel
Save compatible Works for player and AI easy +25 normal +20 hard +15 very hard +10 legendary +5 ...
Created by sam.pidgeon
Ever wanted extra income from trade? Better Loyalty from governors and generals? and ever wanted reduced political cost as well as reduced food consumption from buildings? well this mod is for you instead of having to activate several mods on top of all th...
1212 Kingdoms Political power revamp SUBMOD
Created by Emmortael
Rebalances the political power level bar in a more meaningful and progressive way that makes more sense. -compatability- This is a Submod to 1212 kingdoms, but can also work via vanilla game and should also work if your subscribed to different mods -save g...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 Submod: Sanitation Plus - Clinics
Created by jaydensworld2
Updated for MK1212 December 2020 update. Based on: Inspired by: Medieval Kingdoms 1212 Submod: Doubles the sanitation values...
Actual Food Redistribution
Created by Iskar
This mod changes the way food markets work. Instead of conjuring food out of thin air they now transfer food from the faction surplus to the province. In order to make this viable for feeding otherwise barren provinces the food amount has been increased. S...
Less useless resources
Created by Iskar
This is just a small mod to make some of the special resource buildings in Attila less useless and give an incentive to upgrading them without making them overpowered. All the bonuses mentioned below apply to the highest tier only. No bonuses were added to...
Horse Upgrades For All Horse/Cavalry Related Building (1212AD Submod)
Created by DanTheTTT™
LOAD THIS MOD BELOW THE MAIN MODS So far the submod only adds the "Horse Upgrades" for the "Chovgan Games" building for the Middle Eastern Faction which includes the Seljuk, Arab Kingdoms (Abbasid, Ayyubid), and Persians (Kwharazmian, Ilkhanate). Update 22...
Better AI Recruitment for 1212AD
Created by EARL
Description: A simple AI enhancement mod that Make it easier for AI to recruit advanced units, thus avoiding situations such as total war:range infantry .It has good compatibility, no matter what new unit MOD or 1212 update you load, it will remain valid. ...
No Cap for AD1212 ultra-stable version
Created by EARL
A cheatmod Cancel all recruitment cap.It has good compatibility, no matter what new unit MOD or 1212 update you load, it will remain valid unless the faction is deleted. In fact, I don't really recommend you to use this MOD, but too many friends have told ...
1212submod faction wide upgrade this is 1212 version. plz load this mod above of 1212 main mod...
1212 Snow and Desert attrition
Created by Timujin
This gives Snow and Desert attrition immunity to certain factions that it makes historical/geographical sense would have more resistance to it than others. I wish I could make it a percentage so it's not just a faction has it or not, however that is not po...
1212 Subjugate as Puppet State
Created by Timujin
Does exactly what the title says, when you occupy a new region you now subjugate as Puppet State rather than vassal. This way your new puppet state doesn't continue at war with the factions it was at war with previously and you don't have to worry about it...
Loyal Vassals
Created by Fitzkrieg
This is a quick mod that makes it so when a vassal, puppet state, tributary, or satrapy does not join a war, the treaty doesn't break and no war is declared. If a master or protector fails to join a vassal's war then the treaty will be broken as normal. I ...
1212 AD Levy Puppet State Troops 8+
Created by Gluteus maximus
This has added 8+ levy troops for 1212AD for all factions. T compatible with most other mods. Make sure to load above the main 1212 ad mods. Added the HRE trait to all factions without effecting All of the Effect bundle. When a nation has been vasselized. ...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD - Instant Annexation
Created by Stylianos_V
Updated for the newest release(12/2020) Hey! Are you bored of waiting 20 turn to be able to annex that pesky little vassal? Are you even more bored of waiting for him to become annexed? Fear not! With this mod you can vassalise him and annex him in the sam...
Advanced AutoResolve for Modders using Protect Button 2023 4th edition
Created by Sheph
Advanced AutoResolve for Attila Modders 2023 edition 1) The Defensive button (also "protect") gives only the player the advantage in autoresolve battles of all situations without weakening AI vs AI battles in any way. The mod does strengthen settlement/for...
Attila Ultimate Animations (Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD version)
Created by WhiteSushiEater
This is the Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD version of my Attila Ultimate Animation mod. The idea with this submod was to maintain the animation variety in the original mod whilst maintaining the Medieval Kingdoms battle system. Therefore, it should be 100% comp...
Return To Glory (Animations Mod)
Created by Petro
Description This mod improve the animations and it's intended to make battles more realistic but also more cinematics, perfect for videos. I have made this mod for my personal use with Ancient Empires mod (that I use in the videos) but it works well also i...
Bring Back the Fire!!! (Deployable DLC)
Created by ᛉAmerikanerᛣ
This mod brings back the good ole fireball and brimstone pits that you used to roast your enemies in eternal fire! Mod Abstract -Adds fully textured, and fuctional Fireball and Brimestone Deployables to the battlefeild Mod Compatibility -Fairly sure it wil...
Handgun Graphic Optimization for 1212
Created by EARL
A simple mod only modified the animation for handgun and arquebus . Simultaneously optimized the muzzle flame to optimize game performance. Only applicable to 1212 Feature: 1.Added reload animation to the musketeer
Larger Battlefields
Created by Apeirian
This mod is a direct copy/paste port-over from a Rome 2 mod made by "Theodora" -> It doubles the total area of battle and spreads armies out to their furthest ...
1212 Raze Mod
Created by DreamNegater
And woe to the vanquished. 1212 submod. Razing enabled. Credit to 1212 for their mod. This is a work in progress. There is some funny business going on. But razing works in general. Razed cities are very quickly colonized by new native factions (who aren't...
Unit Experience and Veterans Overhaul
Created by Amaranthen
Veteran Units Combat Efficacy Overhaul “Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young.” Description This mod increases the battle efficacy of individual veteran units and the impact of veterancy ranks have on each new unit. For every new...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Teutonic Horn Helmets submod
Created by Fearbuzz
Not official. *Version 2 New armor and shield variant. General with cape. All resources are from the main mod MK1212. Add the horned helmets to the following units in the Teutonic Order. T1 - The Grandmaster Knight Brothers (Ritterbruder) Samlander Swordsm...
Medieval Walls for 1212 AD and Age of Charlemagne (campaign map)
Created by Athanasios95gr
Medieval looking walls for European and Byzantine cities for the campaign map. Works for the 1212 AD mod, Age of Charlemagne and other medieval overhauls. Eastern walls seem fine so they remain unchanged for diversity and uniformity with the eastern campai...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD - Sassanid Medieval Retexture
Created by GearHawk
Description: A generic medieval/Islamic retexture for Sassanid settlements. This also removes iconic Sassanid models like statues and replaces them with generic ones. This mod will temporarily provide a more medieval-looking aesthetic for Islamic settlemen...
1212事件增强汉化mod(原mod为:Lex Reformata)
Created by biyishun13
推荐一个和1212ad配套的小mod,更多的事件+议会系统 原mod在工坊上叫:Lex Reformata。 原作者是一位法律与社会学爱好者,他坚信没有法律的社会不是社会,而在1212ad中法律相关的事件并不完善。 在中世纪这个时代除了十字军运动以外,还有很多诸如启蒙运动、文艺复兴、英法议会法治改革、货币改革、穆斯林国家世俗化改革与汉萨贸易同盟等诸多社会法律政治经济文化运动,1212ad中没有提现完全或者只用些许文字一笔带过的事件,这些在这个mod中都有所提现,相信一些P社玩家会喜欢这个mod。 在议会系统...
Lex Reformata
Created by Skyblitz
This mod is a submod for MK 1212 campaign, I am not a dev nor part of the team and not endorsed. So Hi everybody, before everything I want to thank Jake for his help and DET for his cooperation. Lex Reformata is a submod for MK 1212, a mod I enjoy but find...
1212简体中文汉化mod(Chinese Localization)V2.500版
Created by biyishun13
本mod需配合蒹葭汉化mod一同使用,具体排列顺序如上图所示,注意1212汉化mod在最上方,蒹葭汉化mod在最下方,版本号同1212本体mod一致。本次更新支持1212mod 2024/11版本 V2.500正式版更新日志: 1.威尔士 特拉布宗更新兵种汉化补全 2.补充威尔士简介和特性介绍 3.补全纳瓦拉王国简介 4.更新修复事务官招募闪退问题 5.更新汉化mod加载顺序检查提示框 6.增加大量新增雇佣兵兵种汉化更新 7.补充空白兵种名称及任务目标汉化 8.修复了阿提拉本体更新优化后10格建筑槽插件失效...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Scripts
Created by DETrooper
MK1212 Scripts Component: This component contains all the scripts for Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD, aiming to further enhance the gameplay experience with the addition of new mechanics and quality of life changes. This is a required component for MK1212's cam...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD - Custom cities beta
Created by Heisenburrg
!!!Campaign ready + Feature-Complete!!! This mod adds a total of 40+ medieval-european maps (small and large variants included) to the MK1212ad mod, emphasizing the medieval feeling of your siege battles! So far the mod includes 16 Central European maps; W...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Base Pack - Campaign Alpha
Created by The_Yogi
MK1212 Campaign Open Alpha: It's been over 5 years in the making across 2 games, but the Medieval Kingdoms 1212 campaign is finally available to all! Our Open Alpha phase starts today. The campaign as it stands is obviously in an incomplete state, missing ...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 1.v2
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 1 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 2
Created by Warman
One of 6 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is pack 2 of 6. ======== ASSETS USAGE AND PERMISSION POLICY========= 1. This mod contains both original works made by the team, and Open Source Project (OSP) models. 2. All Original assets, incl...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 3
Created by Warman
One of 8 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 3 of 8 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 4
Created by Warman
One of 8 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 4 of 8 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 5
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 5 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 6
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 6 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 8
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 8 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Models Pack 7
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 7 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Models Pack 9
Created by The_Yogi
One of 9 models packs you need to have to play this mod. This is model pack 9 of 9 If you find your Steam client not updating the mod automatically as it supposed to, unsubscribe the mod, then resubscribe to force Steam updating the mod. Recommended Mod Lo...
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Music
Created by DETrooper
MK1212 Music Component/Submod: The time has come. No longer will you be plagued by Roman music whilst crusading for the Holy Land. This music component of MK1212 currently replaces all Roman and Eastern battle/campaign music with tracks from a variety of T...
Olympian Campaign Camera
Created by Olympian
Mod description A campaign camera mod for Total War: Attila with adjusted height parameters. It allows the camera to zoom further out on the campaign map and a bit closer down to ground level. Miscellaneous If you feel adventurous you can also try the "Ext...
Olympian Battle Camera
Created by Olympian
Mod description A battle camera mod for Total War: Attila with adjusted height parameters. It allows the battle camera to move down to ground level as well as to move further up in the sky. Miscellaneous See here for the TW Center page of this mod. See her...
Performance Maker for massive battles
Created by WhyXelsink
*Mod is compatible with everything* About this mod: Edited LOD ranges for units, so huge battles are not a problem anymore and still look great. The main reason for massive FPS drops during huge battles in Attila are the LOD ranges for the units. Now your ...
Blood & Gore DLC better perfomance
Created by WhyXelsink
I've imported blood decals and dx blood effects from Rome II to improve battle performance for those, who are experiencing massive fps drops from Blood DLC. This mod should help you to have better fps during huge battles. You blood thirsty bastards <3 Aug ...
Created by Niamh Chinn Óir
字体:汇文明朝 出处:
Chinese Localization for Attila (By JianJia)
Created by Sorin
Chinese Localization for Attila (By JianJia) ...
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