Radious Total War Mod - Part 1
7.397 σχόλια
VenkraCade 29 Ιαν, 14:50 
Thanks for the comments. I managed to do it but now the game crashes after every battle. I think that's it with the score :/
Uryens  [Δημιουργός] 29 Ιαν, 14:18 
Then identify the faction first, load the game and kill them
VenkraCade 29 Ιαν, 13:09 
Thanks, I found that too and I also know how to use the console but I can't delete the fragion because that's a ? and I haven't found the question yet, how do I do that :(
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 29 Ιαν, 13:00 
VenkraCade: Use console command mod.
VenkraCade 29 Ιαν, 12:35 
and how i do this ?
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 29 Ιαν, 6:10 
VenkraCade: That is know vanilla bug CA cant fix, delete the crashing faction via console commands.
VenkraCade 29 Ιαν, 5:48 
My game just goes down when I try to play. Every time I end the round, crash the game on AI No. 34, I've tried loading old saves and then doing something different in my rounds, but no matter what I do, it crashes every time on the same round on AI 34. I also have all the new patches on it
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 29 Ιαν, 2:10 
Dustseal: Resub All mods abd verify game cache and get latest hotfix from CA yesterday. You missing files from hotfix 6.0.4 which was released yesterday.
dustseal 29 Ιαν, 1:58 
it can not work
Crash report
The following mods cause a crash to the Database: Radious WH3 Mod Part1.pack
The first invalid database record is
wh3 dlc26 bundle military upkeep free force kho ggwh3 main effect force all
campaign upkeep disabled hidden in table
effect bundles to effects junctions tables
and pack file Radious WH3 Mod Part1.pack
The application will terminate now.
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 28 Ιαν, 12:53 
Greetings, Everyone!

Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Updated 28.01.2025 -

We have ready mod support for latest official hotfix 6.0.4 + additional balance changes, tweaks and fixes.

If you enjoy what we do, consider supporting our work!


Team Radious
崔克纳 28 Ιαν, 0:38 
Wiator 24 Ιαν, 4:28 
Yo, Radious! I can't overestimate the merits of your WH3 modification. I want it to be even better, and that's why I suggest cooperation with the creator of the Run 'Em Down - Units Actually Damage Routing Units. Seriously. I'm talking about experiences from quite frustrating situations. Best
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 24 Ιαν, 2:37 
Joel: You cant combine 2 largest and completely different overhauls together.
joelmanrique46 24 Ιαν, 2:23 
does this mod work together With SFO? by the way your mod is amazing
G0DLIKE_ 23 Ιαν, 6:31 
Thanks for your work!
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 22 Ιαν, 13:24 
Minor: We didnt removed any buildings and all units are available. Check your mods cause it sounds you have some conflicts.
Minor 22 Ιαν, 11:07 
@Radious Hi Radious developers, thanks for all the work you put into the mod! I have a question regarding the Khorne faction, specifically Skarbrand. It seems the buildings for recruiting Wrathmongers and Skullreapers are gone now. They were some of my favorite units! But the units themselves still show up in the game when fighting against the AI. What happened to them, and will you be bringing them back? Thanks!
Uryens  [Δημιουργός] 22 Ιαν, 10:16 

Better with shazbot mod manager
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 22 Ιαν, 9:47 
Greetings, Everyone!

Radious Total War Mod - Warhammer 3 - Updated 22.01.2025

Resub Part 3 to get new build!

- Removed Characters from Vampire Coast custom skill unit sets,
- Fixed missing skills for custom Vampire Coast lords,
- Fixed incorrect unit cards being displayed when applying upgrades to some Bretonnian, Beastmen, Skaven, and Norsca units,
- Added missing unit upgrades to Beasts of Tashnar (Norscan warhounds RoR),
- Minor spelling fixes,

If you enjoy what we do, consider supporting our work at .


Team Radious
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 22 Ιαν, 7:54 
Kabel: It would need rebalancing submod to work correctly since most of those landmarks have crazy OP effects.
kabel 22 Ιαν, 7:02 
Is this comparable with landmarks of legends or similar mods?
mafiarat 21 Ιαν, 12:01 
whoever made the slaneesh art for this knew what they was doing lol, great mod
sdunnyw506 21 Ιαν, 8:28 
@Radious Awesome and thank you! Apologies if I seemed pushy!
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 20 Ιαν, 20:50 
Gidwellion: Yes, but more difficult and limited. Works best with Norscans or Greenskins due to their mechanics.
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 20 Ιαν, 20:49 
Sdunny: We know about the scrap unit cards and plan to fix it in coming update. Its slightly more complicated then we would like it to be. 🙂
sdunnyw506 20 Ιαν, 20:15 
cont.: It actually looks like an update came out in relation to the scrap system framework in general... for example, in Dirty Dan's Bret scrap/upgrade system mod it looks like it he no longer requires the scrap framework. This change/update may fix the observed bug.
Gidwelion 20 Ιαν, 17:19 
@Uryens Thanks for the Answer. I understand this approach, yet i find it a little sad to compromise their Uniqueness to make them viable.
Gidwelion 20 Ιαν, 17:17 
Are AI confederations still possible with radious ?
sdunnyw506 20 Ιαν, 13:24 
Great work as always. A couple more observations:
-Spoke about Bret Zealousness/scraps system in previous comment; observations further found: All Bret ROR units EXCEPT the Holy Wardens of La Maisontaal have issues with their unit card art in the scrap/upgrade menu.
-Occupied Massif Orcal, While playing Couronne (potentially all of Bret), has the Greenskin city icon art, and not Bret. Description is Bret, but building icon art is Greenskin.

Great work as always, and please let me know if the observations are mistaken.
Uryens  [Δημιουργός] 20 Ιαν, 10:01 
Try verifying files
kristian.dolejs 20 Ιαν, 5:49 
Probably stupid question but almost every campaign (even when radious is the only mod on) army banners start glitching and it even crashes sometimes. Is it error on my side and if yes do you know how to fix it?
Uryens  [Δημιουργός] 19 Ιαν, 9:12 
GIdwealion: al capitals have 10 slots for anyone.

"so that the elves would have proper provinces in heathlands but stil wouldnt want to expand beyond that except for outlooks (since they are tree huggers and isolationists and it would be more immersive) but i get why you did it this way."

But that´s exactly what we wanted to change.

This is a map with almost 600 regions and 300 factions and Wood Elves dont even have the chance to see it all, even less fight lots of the LL present in the game. And lots of players of other factions never get the chance to fight them either

And they would be also extremely easy to defeat as they would have only one relevant province with just one city on it Actual towns only in hearthlands would mean almost only small towns and scattered in different provinces, never enabling proper recruitment of high tier units.
Order667 19 Ιαν, 8:48 
Is this mod compatible with the old world campaign mod
Gidwelion 17 Ιαν, 18:31 
Also for some reason rescource buildings cost only 100 gold when playing wood elves
Gidwelion 17 Ιαν, 18:09 
My suggestions are: (It can be either of those or both of them)

- To maybe limit the Copycat Forests (major settlements outside of magical forests) to heathlands.
Anything outside of heathlands should just turn into a 4 slot Asrai lookout or a glade.
- To make true magical forests 12 slot settlements and major settlements 8 slots to balance it out.

In both cases the Settlements building chain should be renamed to not be identical to a magical forest (Major Asrai Outpost for example or Tree fort, something like that)

Id suggest bringing back the vanilla Asrai lookouts for any territory won outside of heathlands
so that the elves would have proper provinces in heathlands but stil wouldnt want to expand beyond that except for outlooks (since they are tree huggers and isolationists and it would be more immersive) but i get why you did it this way.

Still great mod. The amount of work you guys put in is amazing. Got me another +200 hours playing each faction again.

Gidwelion 17 Ιαν, 18:08 
Are wood elves supposed to have 10 slots major settlements outside their magical forests ? Doesnt it kinda defeat the purpose of those forests to just be able to build identical buildings in some random major dwarf stronghold or some imperial city ? The major settlement building tier names are even identical to the magical forest ones. I cannot imagine elves being able to just grow a glade inside a dwarf stronghold that has been excavated on the side of a mountain.

They lose a lot of uniqueness due to that in my opinion.

Radious  [Δημιουργός] 17 Ιαν, 13:06 
Baya: Nope.
Baya 17 Ιαν, 12:25 
Is there a unit only version to this mod?
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 17 Ιαν, 8:06 
It's Not Slander If It's Written: Thank you for the kind words good Sir, glad you enjoying our work. We put a lot of effort and time into our projects. And if you can, consider supporting our work which greatly helps.
I have tried out most of the factions and bare minimum every single one I've tried has at least one unit that justifies this mod's existence *on its own*, not to mention the plethora of other amazing changes, the spectacular integration with the unit upgrade mod (finally I can well and truly take my starting army's units to endgame without being handicapped for it!)

I cannot give this mod enough praise if I spend all day gushing.

Thank you so, so much for creating and maintaining this mod - it's given new life to this game. I've added 200 hours of playtime off Radious alone, and loved every minute.

(commentary concluded. thanks again!!)
How many vanilla factions just aren't allowed to really exist past turn 75 because all their innate buffs are to units that are irrelevant past tier 3? How many Empire armies are rendered irrelevant because gunpowder is just THE best way and no other option matters?

And yet here the promise of versatility the Empire brings is actually delivered on

The Vampire Counts are allowed to be less a "vampires And Their Supporting Units" and much more "the horde of horror movie monsters is here to fuck you up", while not having monster units that render irrelevant i.e. the Beastmen

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my absolute favorite part of this mod, and there are a lot of things to love here, is that it expands on options for every faction while still keeping their identity

It'd be one thing if bretonnia just had amazing archers and amazing infantry - that's not what's happening. They now have RIIIIIDICULOUSLY good tier 5 cavalry, with various different options for different roles and an actual reason not to just doomstack grail knights, with infantry that's allowed to exist on the field for any length of time and actually hold ground while the knights smash in, but aren't going to carry a battle alone either

The attention to detail, the love - it really does feel like the mod creators had the goal of making it so you aren't pigeonholed into the same army comp for your faction every time, that there's really good reasons to use a variety of units, that however you want to specialize if it's within the faction identity it's totally an option

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Blackshare 16 Ιαν, 17:13 
I play campaig and around turn 100 lots of enemy factions are brain dead, just create armies around their cities and wont move. I wonder if radious is changing AI behavior, is it possible to use other mods to fix this AI issue?
sdunnyw506 16 Ιαν, 11:35 
Thanks! I will say, as turns have progressed, it does seem as if the High Elves are holding the line, and the Noctilus Blitzkrieg has been halted.

Also, thanks for taking note of the Bret scrap/zealotry unit card issue.

As always, love the work and thank you for what the team does!
Radious  [Δημιουργός] 16 Ιαν, 11:28 
sdunnyw506: Autoresolve imbalances is something no modders can fix, there are several factions which have simply much better results in AR then others and AI autoresolves everything. CA wasnt able (or didnt cared) to fix that.

High Elves on Ulthuan received starting buffs to various defensive buildings or increased tiers.
sdunnyw506 16 Ιαν, 8:33 
(cont) Outside this, it seems overall balancing is still good, with many factions surviving in a balanced form; the general strong factions emerge and survive as usual. Empire is strong, though Grand Cathay seems to continue to get wiped out fairly consistently (which I think is a deeper thing with CA as well).
sdunnyw506 16 Ιαν, 8:33 
2 additional observations:
Bretonnia: the scrap/zealotry system, the unit card art in the scrap/upgrade screen seems to default to greenskin unit cards for some of the Bretonnian RoR, when selected.
Vampire Coast, Count Noctilus: Not entirely sure whether VC is still a bit overpowered in general, but all VC armies within the Noctilus faction, in particular Noctilus, seem to wipe out everything in front of them. So for example, I just witnessed Count Noctilus himself autoresolve through Tyrion, Eltharion, and Alarielle within 2-3 turns, capturing settlements, as well as defeating nearly full stack armies with those lords. I am not entirely sure what it may be, but I believe Noctilus himself, or VC units, seem to be really powerful in auto resolve (may be from the increased range units they recruit?) Overall, Noctilus is still punching deep through High Elves by turn 25, and seems to for the majority of campaigns I have played.
Dimon-Ra 16 Ιαν, 6:41 
Без 5 баксов, обновить не получится?
Uryens  [Δημιουργός] 15 Ιαν, 15:43 
use shazbot mod manager to redownload all your mods and delete all mods you are not going to use, specially mod configuration tool
theforotten 15 Ιαν, 15:09 
same as bdog