

Real Star Systems
Stargazzer811 17 Jan @ 6:41pm 
Here's my question: Where the heck did you get the Crab Nebula and its pulsar?
authentic_tincan 10 Nov, 2024 @ 4:01pm 
it's a mod that adds a new earth system, the two mods worked fine before and i was able to get the author of the other mod to add the required star systems that trigger this mods systems to spawn and the last update they did removed the systems out of fear of duplicate earth spawns, they then refused to make their mod compatible and said id be better off requesting you to make yours work with their mod instead
PLMMJ 6 Nov, 2024 @ 3:41pm 
Apparently it's some sort of Japanese content mod, I can't speak Japanese so I don't understand any of it
PLMMJ 6 Nov, 2024 @ 3:40pm 
Dimensional Time Fault, apparently. Never heard of it before.
mzilli  [author] 6 Nov, 2024 @ 3:26pm 
@authentic_tincan DTF?
authentic_tincan 5 Nov, 2024 @ 3:29pm 
hello again, during the update process, the mod became unusable with the DTF mod, could you make a fix?
mzilli  [author] 29 Mar, 2024 @ 9:36am 
@PLMMJ It was still being updated when I made this mod; there hasn't been any need to remove that compatibility in the years since.
PLMMJ 27 Mar, 2024 @ 5:22pm 
Why do keep compatibility with a mod that hasn't been updated in 4 years?
Annarresti 14 Dec, 2023 @ 8:54am 
Hi. Is there a way that I can set the custom neighbouring systems as the starting system for forced spawn custom empires?

authentic_tincan 17 Oct, 2023 @ 3:20pm 
I have a better idea, a separate mod, that way you dont have to worry about breaking the rule, and it can be used in conjunction with this one for those who want a realistic galaxy
authentic_tincan 17 Oct, 2023 @ 2:50pm 
i guess i'll just add my list to the mod myself, since its not that hard to do
mzilli  [author] 17 Oct, 2023 @ 1:16pm 
@authentic_tincan As a rule, I don't add nebulae unless there's a semi-famous star at its heart. I have the Crab Nebula and the Carina Nebula; probably won't add more anytime soon. Still, thanks for the suggestion!
authentic_tincan 16 Oct, 2023 @ 7:37pm 
Heres a list of the most noteable near earth nebula
"Pistol Nebula"
authentic_tincan 16 Oct, 2023 @ 7:35pm 
yes, I was hoping you would ask, I have a list of real Nebula that I made in hopes that you could add it to the mod under the nebula names
mzilli  [author] 16 Oct, 2023 @ 2:58pm 
@authentic_tincan Can you be more specific?
authentic_tincan 15 Oct, 2023 @ 6:19pm 
greetings again friend, I come with a suggestion for you, adding the most notable Nebula to the mod
mzilli  [author] 26 Sep, 2023 @ 1:41pm 
@kinexxona Check the change notes. ;)
kinexxona 26 Sep, 2023 @ 9:16am 
Possible update?
mzilli  [author] 26 Jun, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
@B-loeber This mod does overwrite the file that defines star names, so they'll be the vanilla ones if you use this mod. Unless you swap the load order with the other mod you're using.
B-loeber 26 Jun, 2023 @ 6:41am 
would this mod override systems with numbers like fx-332? have a bigger galaxy mod running but im tired of seeing numbers and not names on the systems :)
Take the meds 9 Apr, 2023 @ 7:30pm 
Ok cool, thanks
mzilli  [author] 9 Apr, 2023 @ 6:38pm 
@Spy from team fortress 2 (Real) I do have a mod called Supernova - Cosmic Fury , and it can select this mod's Betelgeuse as a supernova candidate. :) As for Sirius, it has planets in vanilla (including one of the prescripted colony sites for the UNE) so I'm leaving it as is.
Take the meds 9 Apr, 2023 @ 9:02am 
Can betelgeuse have a 1% chance of supernova within the next thousand years of a stellaris game? Also Sirus has no planets in orbit because it was blown away by one of the stars supernova
authentic_tincan 16 Feb, 2023 @ 3:44am 
I found the issue, when the DTF origin is selected, it adds its own sol sector called "DTF SOL" and only spawn the direct solar neighbors
authentic_tincan 3 Feb, 2023 @ 2:04pm 
I have cyberxkhans namelist mod could that be causing a conflict?
ive had earth custodean spawn and dead sol spawn with more stars from the list
mzilli  [author] 3 Feb, 2023 @ 1:10pm 
@an_authentic_tincan They seem to spawn correctly on my end. Not all these stars are guaranteed to spawn, but a bunch should, especially on larger galaxies.
authentic_tincan 3 Feb, 2023 @ 9:07am 
I hate to bug you again, but in my travels only the close to sol stars seemed to spawn with the Yamato Reborn earth mod, is that something you can look into or is that something the other mod would have to fix?
mzilli  [author] 29 Jan, 2023 @ 6:30pm 
@Connacht Given the random nature of Stellaris' galaxy generation, and the small size of its maps, these requests would be extremely difficult to pull off with any degree of accuracy. And I don't want to spawn too many real systems around Sol for fear of crowding out the game's own unique systems (for example, abandoned megastructures and primitives). This could be better achieved by creating a static map like that used in Star Trek: New Horizons, but it's out of the scope for a relatively small mod like this.
Connacht 29 Jan, 2023 @ 5:56pm 
I have two requests:

1) Force spawn Sol in-between two spiral arms of the in-game galaxy map. This would roughly represent its real placement in Orion's Spur. Otherwise, the game might place it in a random position, even near the galactic core or at the end of an arm.

2) Arrange the placement of close systems so that they roughly match their real position relative to the Sun from above:
For example, Epsilon Eridani is on the opposite side from Alpha Centauri (I'm ignoring the Z axis now as in the image), but in-game nothing prevents it from spawning one hyperlane away beyond Alpha Centauri.

There is actually a third request but it's just an extension of the second: some of the systems in your list are not marked as "spawns close to Sol", such as Altair or Van Maanen's. But if it's possible to implement 2), then it would be possible to sort other systems.
mzilli  [author] 27 Jan, 2023 @ 7:48pm 
@an_authentic_tincan Done!
mzilli  [author] 27 Jan, 2023 @ 4:30pm 
@an_authentic_tincan Can you post a link to the mod? I can't seem to find it in the workshop.
authentic_tincan 27 Jan, 2023 @ 11:15am 
I was able to get the creator of the Space Battle Yamato DTF Sol mod to add the base game human star systems, can you see if this mod can be made compatible with it now?
mzilli  [author] 14 Oct, 2022 @ 9:39pm 
@Gatzek Fixed, thanks!
Gatzek 10 Oct, 2022 @ 9:27am 
@mzilli In the Barnard solar system, the name of the star appears as NAME_Barnard's_Star
mzilli  [author] 13 Sep, 2022 @ 12:55pm 
@an_authentic_tincan It looks like it should be compatible already? The Sol neighbors won't spawn but that's because they rely on Barnard's Star being present, which is left out in that mod's Sol system.
authentic_tincan 12 Sep, 2022 @ 4:55pm 
can you make it compatable with the Dimensional Time Fault earth mod?
mzilli  [author] 15 Jul, 2022 @ 1:46pm 
@Nikolai301000 I don't see why not.
Nikolai301000 15 Jul, 2022 @ 12:37pm 
Would this mod be compatible with mods that add more galaxy sizes?
mzilli  [author] 23 Feb, 2022 @ 6:03am 
@feder Probably not, sorry.
feder 23 Feb, 2022 @ 3:38am 
Gatzek 10 Dec, 2021 @ 10:58am 
@mzilli Thanks for the great mod. In my opinion much better and more interesting than Real Space. Well done.
Gatzek 7 Dec, 2021 @ 7:10am 
I have a very strange and unusual error. If I run Stellaris ONLY with this one mod then after selecting an empire and starting a new game a crash to desktop occurs. If I use this mod together with my whole collection (~80 mods) everything works fine. Isn't there some hidden dependency in this mod? Can anyone confirm this error?
mzilli  [author] 5 Dec, 2021 @ 12:53pm 
@Sensei Wu Probably not, in reality Epsilon Eridani is too young to have habitable planets.

@Gatzek The mods don't clash with one another so you can use any order.
Gatzek 5 Dec, 2021 @ 10:52am 
Does this mod load above or below Settled Solar Systems and Distant Origin? Or is it indifferent?
Anchovy 2 Dec, 2021 @ 7:55pm 
for epsilon eridani can you add reach and tribute?
mzilli  [author] 24 Nov, 2021 @ 1:44pm 
@ClockworkC0rvus Putting Trappist close to Sol would be a bit overpowered, imo. Humans have it good enough as it is. :P And I can't control where player-Sol spawns on the map, unfortunately. If they add that functionality in the future I may consider it.
ComradeCorvus 23 Nov, 2021 @ 12:20pm 
And perhaps have Sol put in an accurate galaxy position, too? Look at any map of the milky way and its in the "mid rim" of the lower section of the galaxy, in the Orion Spur.
ComradeCorvus 23 Nov, 2021 @ 11:15am 
What about Trappist 1? Could you make it so its guaranteed to spawn near Sol too? The system is already in the base game, it just doesn't seem to be a constant.
Black 3 Jul, 2021 @ 11:41pm 
Not sure if this is caused by this mod, but I sometimes have several star systems with same name. These systems are always with names that this mod adds. In my curent game, Epsilon Eridani spawned three times and several others twice. Has anyone encountered this?