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Αντικείμενα (317)
"Creepy Cultists" microdungeon six-pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
This mod adds six encounterdungeons to the game, which all go by the theme of Cultists, worshipping the Ruin. All of them are cultist camps with parts of the Ruin emerging from the Planet. The idea for these dungeons came from raydragonmaster34, thanks go ...
"Death Valley" microdungeon six pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
This mod adds six more microdungeons to desert and savannah planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. This is my fourth dungeon mod for Starbound, be sure to check out my other mods too. Also, please leave ...
"Deep Frozen" microdungeon Six-Pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
This mod adds a six new microdungeons to cold planets. I hope to add a little more diversity to the game by doing this. I would be happy if you use my mod, leave a rating, and may write a comment, on how i could improve my structure. I will make more struc...
"Roots and Vines" microdungeon six-pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
This mod adds six microdungeons to the game, which are all found on jungle planets. This is my Fith dungeon mod for Starbound. Please Rate my mod, subscribe to it and leave a helpful comment. If you want to see any microdungeon in the game, then feel free ...
$99.99 Blocks
Δημιουργήθηκε από despacito
With a simple purchase of $99.99, you too can hold 9999 blocks! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!...
1.3 mech cinematic fix
Δημιουργήθηκε από GeO2
Allows outdated species mods to use mechs and custom captain's chairs. Every mod on the Starbound workshop should be supported. If a mod is on the workshop but not in the list, it's probably not affected by the mech or captiain's chair issues. --- Mods wit...
Δημιουργήθηκε από Cgeta
Version on the official forums: An Avian AI that replaces the default AI of all races. She has custom dialogue and animations, to give her her own personality and flavor. Sadly I wasn't able to i...
Actually invisible blocks and platforms
Δημιουργήθηκε από Good Game
Mod information Adds actually invisible blocks and platforms that also don't hide what's behind them. With this mod you no longer have to rely on unintended bugs/glitches for invisible blocks. Crafting information Invisible Block and Invisible Platform can...
Aether Sea Texture Reduction
Δημιουργήθηκε από Behold the Robes
Reduce the aether texture file to take less space and be slightly less taxing on older graphics cards. Requires Frackin' Universe, but won't crash if you don't have it. Won't do anything either then. Any version of FU should work since it's a simple textur...
Aimable Traveling Slash
Δημιουργήθηκε από loib
Someone asked for it, so I deliver. Just makes the Traveling Slash weapon alt ability aimable. That's 'bout it. Incompatibilities: Anything that changes the lua for TravelingSlash and Empowerment. Also turns out I forgot to upload the version of this mod w...
Akea [An Avalon Decorations Mod]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Snarily
I am moving all my decorations into one mod. All future decorative items will be put here. Like the Avali? Like extra stuff to look at? Like lights? The shiny? This mod adds and much shiny! And many more things to come. Plans: A collection of lights is up ...
Akea [An Avalon Decorations Mod] -MergedPatch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Vix
Hi! i'm not the original author. I'm patching things up a bit that's all! There was a 4 years old comment saying lights in this mod didn't count as lights for colony deeds, so eh, I fixed that You can visit the original mod page here! (they override each o...
All-in-One One-Handed Items
Δημιουργήθηκε από Atani
This mod is something I made for my own convenience to free up hotbar space by making a few different items one-handed. Hopefully some of you will find this useful as well! The main intent of this mod is to convert items with only one function into one-han...
Allow bees on ships [Frackin' Universe]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kat
I like bees and wanted them on my ship :). So I made a mod that allows you to have Frackin' Universe bees/apiaries function on your ship. Requires Frackin' Universe. Notes: - There's a day/night cycle on ships even if you can't see it, and the bees follow ...
Alternate Lush World Surface
Δημιουργήθηκε από Freef
Tired of seeing the same green planet over and over? This changes up things! What this mod does is make the planet sprites brown (blocks are not changed) And if you get tired of that too, it's safe to uninstall this mod as it only does minor graphical repl...
Any Capture Reloaded
Δημιουργήθηκε από pointbeing
If you have a question about whether something in vanilla is capturable/functions when captured, I ask that you please check the Known Capture Issues thread first. If your question still isn't answered after that, ask me. PLEASE NOTE: This is not a patch f...
Any Capture Reloaded - Pandora's Box Compatibility Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από pointbeing
A patch for Any Capture Reloaded which allows it to function properly with Elsen Rykker’s Pandora’s Box mod. It’s actually a surprisingly simple fix. It requires only ACR and Pandora’s to work. If you haven’t already, I’d actually highly recommend that you...
Any Capture Reloaded - Any HP Capture Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από pointbeing
A quick patch for Any Capture Reloaded that makes it so all monsters need not be below a health fraction to be captured. Note that this does not require any other mods but Any Capture Reloaded to function. It is not a compatibility patch. If you don't use ...
Δημιουργήθηκε από sleepySva Update v1.3, Nightmist Echoes This update adds a new planet, the Nightmist. Exploring the planet will lead you to encounter bygo...
Arcana WEdit tool expansion
Δημιουργήθηκε από Mr. NEWBΛBES
Support-mod for wedit that adds Arcana's blocks to interface....
Arcana Frackin Music Addon
Δημιουργήθηκε από Zeta
Lets you play music from the Arcana mod with the Frackin music player. Ofc, none of these tracks belong to me, but to the Arcana mod, and those who made the music for it. (FU and music player standalone can work instead of Ztarbound btw) Also check out Zta...
Arcana's Felin Hairstyle
Δημιουργήθηκε από アルカナ ∅
Requested by feyora Oh Girl ♪ that was hard than lamia and arachne to make this patch All is same as Human Version FS 1.0 P.S it's 100% patch not replace status : Completed and discontinue for some reason waiting for new version Felin is race that have man...
Arcana: Tanz Lighting Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Niffe
This patch changes light sources from Arcana to use dynamic lighting instead of static (see images). Tanz Lighting Overhaul patches are also available for: - Starbound 1.4.4 - Elithian Races Mod - Frackin' Universe - K'Rakoth Mod - Handheld torches - Color...
Automatic Doors
Δημιουργήθηκε από lornlynx
Makes all doors open and close automatically! Last update: v3.9 -fixed Outpost doors (again. I hope...) Regarding Outpost Doors: The devs have seemingly made automatic opening an innnate feature of the door-code now, but only the Outpost doors have it acti...
Avali (Triage) Race Mod
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fevix
Avali race mod for Starbound 1.4 The cutest predators this side of the universe rift We now have a Discord chat, come on in! No account needed! If you have issues, please go to and post a new...
Avali Additions
Δημιουργήθηκε από Erazil
little mod add Avali door and Avali Hatch ( maybe more in future ) I want to thank Neo which really helped and endure all my stupid questions (and there was a lot!!) and he made all the animation part (.animation and .frame files). big thank you to him. lo...
Avali Augments And Assorments: Revisited -MergedPatch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Vix
Hi! i'm not the original author. I'm patching things up a bit that's all! The wiring station recipe was broken for at least 3 years because it asked for a circuitboard(old-deprecated) still instead of a siliconboard(new). I fixed that! Also I saw in commen...
Avali Camps on Arcana Planets
Δημιουργήθηκε από Not February
A simple patch mod that makes Avali Camps able to generate on some Arcana planet types. They may generate on: - Arcane Forest - Arcane Tundra - Illuminated - Ardent Taiga - Eminsnow - Senbonzakura...
avali camps on frackin' planets
Δημιουργήθηκε από gensou ichida
a patch for FU and the Avali Triage race mod. allows avali settlements to spawn on FU planets. avali microdungeons will spawn in quite a few biomes, namely mountainous planets and primeval jungles, alongside an array of other cold-to-moderate climates. lar...
Avali colored Items
Δημιουργήθηκε από Ferrox
Ever look through your mod files and find a ton of unused assets? Well I did and thought "what a waste" so I decided to add them in this horrible way that will probably cause tons of bugs :D. All recipies are added now and can be accessed with a new crafti...
Avali Colored Items Addon - Holograms & More
Δημιουργήθηκε από Acheron
This mod adds in the additional hologram colors found in the Avali mod's assets, by default they go unused. The "Avali colored items" mod by mikypoo, Ferrox, and bunny adds in individual objects that use these alternative color schemes, However the origina...
Avali Drone Pet
Δημιουργήθηκε από leinglo
A drone pet for the Avali, complete with a custom pet house craftable from the Avali nanolathe. NOTICE: This mod is incompatible with Purchasable Pets, and is meant for those that don't use it. If you do use Purchasable Pets, you need to get the Purchasabl...
Avali Drone Pet Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Lonzo34
Ever wonder why your futuristic pet drone gets stuck on single-block-high walls? Or why only some versions have the drone use the charging dock? How about why the darn thing is constantly following your every move? Well have I got a patch for you! In addit...
Avali Material Strength Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Taehl
Nanocanvas is described as being able to stop bullets, so why does it only have 1 HP? This mod makes all 24 Avali building materials stronger than tissue paper. Some materials are tougher than others (common sense applies), with hull plates and paneling be...
Avali Perennial Crops
Δημιουργήθηκε από Neko Boi Nick
Perennial Crops Compatibility Patch for Avali (Triage) Race Mod Added support for Avali crops from the Triage mod, And adds support for the crop(s) added by, Avali Augments And Assorments: Revisited. Github:
Avali Plus
Δημιουργήθηκε από FlyIN_11
NOW---->1.88 版本变化: the changethe: 有谁提过到avali的机甲配置台吗? Has anyone mentioned the mecha configuration of avali? (其实还有加一个盆栽啦,不过不重要x) (I actually added a potted plant, but it doesn't matter) 如何使用这个mod How do I use this mod 按下C合成商店(目前) Press C to synthesize the s...
Avali Rocket Launcher + Misc Stuff
Δημιουργήθηκε από Maledy
*This is a reupload to the Steam Workshop - the original source of my mod can be found here: : This mod *requires* the up-to-date version Avali Race mod (the game will CTD w...
Avali Restored Tunics
Δημιουργήθηκε από Javenchi
This mod adds a couple of vanity items that were left unfinished in the Avali Triage mod. I simply went back and completed them, as well as added a couple of varients. This includes the "martial set" (and recolors) as well as a long flowing scarf. Vs. 1.2:...
Avali Solar Panels for FU!
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kumi
Avali themed solar panels for Frackin Universe as a standalone! Original mod for reskinning the solar panels found here: Finally updated to be the same as normal solar panels, craftable, etc...
Avali SpecOp Armor
Δημιουργήθηκε από Vorpal Vulpes
Adds simple variants of the Avali helmets, a cosmetic wing backpack based off the Floran mission set, and combat armor sleeves to Starbound. All items are recolorable with the ingame dyes. Wings worn in all pics and full combat armor as well. All gear shou...
Avali Sprite Fix
Δημιουργήθηκε από Nillke14
Fixes a few frames of miscolored pixels, for both male and female avali, and add a remaded back arm frame. an addicion to the fix, that also adds a costume avali skull sprite - which only visible on dead hardcore characters. This fix possibly not compatile...
Avali Weapon Type Additions
Δημιουργήθηκε από Baey.Desola
Something bad happened and I hid it (19-05/21-01) This is Old Mod I dont update again Sorry Version Warning Katana: VB-KS Aikana (t1-t6) Broadsword: P-VB-EC Avliocor (t6) CombatKnife: VB-CK K.22(t5) VB-CK K.23(t6) Railgun: P-RG Mangonel (t5) RG6 Mangonel (...
Avali Weapon Type Additions(Reupload)
Δημιουργήθηκε από 3일굶은라나는오이파르페를먹을까 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ USE THIS MOD NOT MY MOD This mode was re uploaded because of the deletion of the original. Original Author is Baey.Desola =================================...
Back Weapon
Δημιουργήθηκε από 솔직님
*Requires either Stardust Core Lite or Quickbar Mini Last Registered weapon display your back when not in use If the item has a "backDisplayImage" or "inventoryIcon" parameter, "backDisplayImage" is first and "inventoryIcon" is next priority If there are n...
Δημιουργήθηκε από Apple
Adds backpacks to the game. For a full description, visit the ChuckleFish forums page at:
Beam up from underground
Δημιουργήθηκε από Alex
This mod will allow you to beam up from underground and quickly go back to your ship in suvrival and hardcore modes. Might make your life easier if your running low on health or food in a dangerous place....
Beds for Two
Δημιουργήθηκε από Elfi!
Do you feel like you're not close enough with your partner, for all the experiences you've shared through the cosmos? Swap out your old single bed for a double bed, and you two can enjoy each other's company as you rest after a long day of mining, bounty h...
Before Light Blocks
Δημιουργήθηκε από Wakazu
A pack of building blocks, providing some usefull additions to construction, like non-intersecting panels and inbuilt lightstrips. Now all craftable from wooden workbench (where you make furniture and other blocks), since people asked. Total of 10 blocks, ...
Better (C) Pick Ups
Δημιουργήθηκε από GoodGuy
Faster & Transparent Items stay on your screen for I think 3.5 sec. This mod included in Better (C) Interface. If you do not like Better (C) Interface, but like faster pick up pop ups - this mod is for you....
Better Action Bar & Icons (Numbered Bar & Tiered Blueprints Edition)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Xaliber
Ever got bored of the flat look of the vanilla action bar and icons? Look no more, this mod slightly improves the graphics! --- If you liked my mods, feel free to donate me a snack through: Ko-Fi | Buymeacofee | Trakteer | Saweria --- This mod is originall...
Better Lush and Forest Parallax
Δημιουργήθηκε από Nekobi
This little mod improves the background for the Lush and Forest planets. What it exactly does: -Removes the weird huge trees in the background. -Changed one of the parallax sprites so it fits with the others (on the "before" screenshot, you can see one are...
Better Ocean Parallax
Δημιουργήθηκε από Amee102
The ocean parallax looks empty, doesn't it? Well... this little mod changes that! It adds more islands to the ocean biome parallax to make it look better and more welcoming. Sadly this mod does not affect pre-generated planets, meaning that only planets th...
Better Racial Merchant Stock
Δημιουργήθηκε από Lami.
- Human merchant sells canned food, chocolate, gauntlet, and chakram - Floran merchant sells raw poultry, leather, hardened carapace, phase matter, living root, and sharpened claw - Hylotl merchant sells kelp, coconut, reels and lures - Avian merchant sell...
Better Snow and Arctic Parallax
Δημιουργήθηκε από Nekobi
This simple mod improves the look of Snow and Arctic planets backgrounds. It removes weird huge trees in the deepest snow parallax, and clears a lot of the arctic parallaxes. Because why was there moutains everywhere on a frozen-sea planet anyway? Be aware...
Big Boi's All Music Pacc
Δημιουργήθηκε από YuriO
Guess what, this *may* be back. I moved the songs from the new pack I made over to here and may be adding more songs in the future. Have fun! A sound mod that adds new music to play on instruments! Songs so far: Beauty Of Annihilation Sweet Victory Spiderm...
Blue Archive Cosmetic
Δημιουργήθηκε από Mk Ⅳ: GIRZU
I am not good at English. I'm sorry for my poor expression. Welcome! visitors from Kibotos! Let's invite girls to this dangerous universe who are fine even after being shot by tanks! This mode mainly supports the halo that the Blue Archive character has. I...
Boundless Space Stations
Δημιουργήθηκε από bk3000
This WILL NOT change your existing stations, sorry! Increases possible build room on player stations by increasing the world size. No more need to compromise station design to fit within such a limited grid. No need to consider space efficiency. Width Heig...
Bounty Hunter - Rapid Rank Rising!
Δημιουργήθηκε από glider521al (Aura of Worlds dev)
This simple mod is designed to Save You Time by allowing you to Rise through the Peacekeeper Ranks faster. Thus enabling you to reach the harder and higher tier bounties/post-end game missions sooner, with less time spent grinding out errands through the s...
broom resprite
Δημιουργήθηκε από Zacrabo
resprites the broom to make it not suck Recommended Mods The following are all top-notch mods we heartily recommend using with broom resprite:
Calamity Fracking Music Addon
Δημιουργήθηκε από Zeta
A Fracking Music Addon that adds the Terraria Calamity Mod Ost, which was created by DM Dokuro!...
Cheeki Breeki Bandit Radio [Finally with Tracksuits]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Ω Spriggan Ω
04/08/2018 >.< sorry just a tiny bugfix that might of caused some crashes for people using the CHEEKIBREEKI it was using the wrong image for the lit sprite but that has been corrected. Thanks to steam user "Ahriscada" who posted a fix for it i noticed it w...
Δημιουργήθηκε από Lucien Shepherd Citybound is a simple mod that brings the Citysetting to starbound. When playing starbound, i love to build massive colonies and such. but i always missed the city atmosphere. This mod adds a Cityplanet to the unive...
CN More Farming - Frackin' Races
Δημιουργήθηκε από Colonol Nutty
THIS REQUIRES "CN MORE FARMING: REVITALIZATION" LOOK FOR A LINK IN THE REQUIREMENTS SECTION TO THE RIGHT If you enjoy the mod, consider donating to my patreon account here. If you are subscribing to this version of the mod (Steam) then I'd recommend you al...
CN More Farming - Frackin' Universe
Δημιουργήθηκε από Colonol Nutty
An addon for More Farming that adds crops to Frackin' Universe Biomes as well as support for a bunch of other things. THIS REQUIRES 'CN MORE FARMING: REVITALIZATION' If you are subscribing to this version of the mod (Steam) then I'd recommend you also subs...
CN More Farming - Perennial and Compact Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Colonol Nutty
THIS REQUIRES "CN MORE FARMING: REVITALIZATION" LOOK FOR A LINK IN THE REQUIREMENTS SECTION TO THE RIGHT If you enjoy the mod, consider donating to my patreon account here. This probably won't need much detail, so I'll keep it simple and short. This patch ...
CN More Farming: Revitalization
Δημιουργήθηκε από Colonol Nutty
More farmables, more ingredients, more foods, more furnitures, new biomes, and a new way of cooking! Installing this mod is a one-way trip, there are no uninstall instructions other than to start a new game. You have been warned! !!! IF YOU ENCOUNTER AN IS...
Colorful Avali Fluff 1.2
Δημιουργήθηκε από Nillke14
This mod simply adds the bright preexisting colors from to the feathers and secondary color options of base Avali mod....
Combinable Augments
Δημιουργήθηκε από C0bra5
Combinable Augments Combinable augments allows you to combine all of your augments, collars and fishing lures into a single piece of mastery. 1 Augment to rule them all, this is the goal of this mod. What can you do? - Combine epp augments together - Combi...
Common Avali
Δημιουργήθηκε από PolygonBird
A simple mod that makes the spawn chance of Avali go from a rare 'random' to a more reasonable 'uncommon' on Snow, Tundra and arctic planets. I made this mod after Frackin' Universe did a merger of Frackin' Races, the spawn of Avali has become rather extre...
Community Framework
Δημιουργήθηκε από Emmaker
I have a Discord! Join it here here! Community Framework is a mod that adds new scripts to Starbound for modders to utilize in their own mods. Community Framework is extremely open, and virtually anyone can contribute to it here. cfpower.lua A powerful, fl...
Community Hairstyles Pack (Unofficial)
Δημιουργήθηκε από darkvulpine
Uploaded to Workshop, if the content creators wish to take this down, I will. Original Link: Original Text ----------------- Updated this compilation for nightly and added a few o...
Compact Crops
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kave Johnson
"More crops on less land." This mod halves the required horizontal space for all large crops. If you are tired of the wide spacing of crops in vanilla Starbound, and want to make endless fields of Wheat or Sugarcane, then this is the mod for you! * FAQ * Q...
Compact Crops for FU
Δημιουργήθηκε από MrHimera
Compact Crops for Frackin' Universe! "More crops on less land." This mod reduces the required horizontal space for all large crops. If you are tired of the wide spacing of crops in Starbound, and want to make endless fields of Wheat or Sugarcane, then this...
Compact Tech Menu!
Δημιουργήθηκε από Silver Sokolova
Basically Compact Crafting but for tech menus! Supports the vanilla/standard tech menu and Betabound's tech menus....
Corbent's Interactive Crew
Δημιουργήθηκε από Corbent
I now have a Discord Server! Para la comunidad hispanohablante - Por cortesía de Davoker, ahora tenemos una traducción del mod al español: The goal is to improv...
Crafting Menu AvaliDebloat
Δημιουργήθηκε από Vix
See the emptyhand crafting menu? That monstrous thing that gets bloated by every mod? Just shoves everything that's from Avali (Triage) and AvaliPLUS that is in the craftingmenu into the nanolathe (except the nanolathe itself and the flag). Also allows oth...
Crew Can Snipe (100)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Rylasasin
In vanilla, crew have a hard coded range of 50 blocks. This is irregardless of what weapon they have. This simple mod sets that up to 100. They will now become aware of and attempt to engage enemies at 100 blocks and not be hard coded to just 50. This make...
Crew Customization +
Δημιουργήθηκε από FelmastProMcLane
Now a rewrite of Crew Customization Updated to have an interface, allow full customization of gear, change name and apply augments to crew members. Changelog: Inteface can be opened opened by a tailor. Added "Disable" Button, it switches from "D" to "E", w...
Custom species are curious too
Δημιουργήθηκε από Corbent
Allows crew members of custom species to inspect objects in the environment as vanilla species do. NOTICE: My new mod "Corbent's Interactive Crew" includes the custom species inspection fix, if you are subscribed to that one, you can unsubscribe from this ...
Cutebound Arcana
Δημιουργήθηκε από Archilyte
Cutebound patch for Arcana (Requires Arcana. Doesn't requirre Cutebound, but is recommended) Currently it changes Arcanians, and the Nova Station vendors. All art credit goes to ✧ S V Λ ° ✦ and Barb-tan Non-Steam Version...
Cutebound Avians - Re-Feathered
Δημιουργήθηκε από Minti
Cutebound Avians, Re-feathered, Drumstickified, and beakier than ever. Removes the human-like appearance while keeping the drumstick legs, feathered arms, and tail. 9-10-24 - Fixed Cutebound patch file overriding this mod. Cutebound made avians will look o...
Dark Souls-like broadsword idle
Δημιουργήθηκε από Magnus
This small mod changes the Broadsword idle frame to be more like Dark Souls by having the blade rest on the player's shoulder. It should work with any broadsword from any mod as long as the idle is not modified by the sword itself....
Datebound Job Offers
Δημιουργήθηκε από zeranno
A mod that lets you recruit freinds of the Datebound roles from Corbent's Interactive Crew (originally by Audie) with Job Offers! It basically makes the two compatible, so to speak. The new job offers can be made by hand using a diamond, apothecary, and st...
Deep Rock Galactic Music Player Addon
Δημιουργήθηκε από Flynt
Adds the Deep Rock Galactic Soundtrack to the FU* Music Player The tracks are just ripped from the Deep Rock Galactic soundtrack on steam. You can purchase it yourself here: This is my first mod (kinda), so do let...
Disable Tile Protection on Space Stations
Δημιουργήθηκε από themrpiggy22
Allows you to disable all tile protection on player space stations from the Space Station Console....
Diverse Weather
Δημιουργήθηκε από gay moth aunt
CAUTION: This workshop item will no longer receive updates. I no longer have time to work on maintaining these items due to now being a full-time sprite artist, so consider these workshop items to be fully open-source. You are free to upload or publish you...
Dura's Customizations - Arcana
Δημιουργήθηκε από dura
Adds a custom hairstyle, hair colors, and skin colors for Arcanians, Gilten, and Gelsemis....
Enhanced Matter Manipulator
Δημιουργήθηκε από Renamon
IS COMPATIBLE WITH STARBOUND UPDATE 1.4.4 Adds a bunch of new upgrades to the matter manipulator and splits the available vanilla ones up a bit more to make progression feel less few and far between. Power Upgrades Right now there are 19
Enhanced Storage
Δημιουργήθηκε από Neo
Enhanced Storage is a quality of life mod which improves the whole storage system of Starbound. On the one hand it adds a lot of new features to the usablity of containers, and on the other it adds many new content concerning storage and containers. Contai...
Enhanced Storage Patch for Arcana
Δημιουργήθηκε από Lubius
Enable Enhanced Storage features for Arcana crates, chests and other storages. Now it is possible to modify storage slots, fast stack and sort your stuff in all Arcana storage furniture. If you find any bug, please open a issue or a pull request: https://g...
Δημιουργήθηκε από Star-X
This mod makes Frogg Furniture sell its entire stock of furniture at all times. Basically it does away with the "featured furniture" mechanic by adding all of the featured items to the normal furniture list. Now updated to 1.4, with the Egyptian set added!...
Δημιουργήθηκε από Star-X
This mod makes Lana's Augment shop carry every augment at once. No more waiting a whole day to find that one damn augment you need! As it uses the patch format to change the number of augments per day to all of them instead of 3, it should be compatible wi...
Extended GUI
Δημιουργήθηκε από v6
This is a client-side mod. Extends most of the GUI windows so you can fit more items at the same time. The songbook can be found as a seperate mod by the name of "Extended Songbook" For a non-...
Extended Songbook
Δημιουργήθηκε από v6
This is a client-side mod. Extends the Songbook window so you can fit more items at the same time. If you want to extend more of your GUI then you can find the mod "Extended GUI" For a non-Ste...
Extra Materials
Δημιουργήθηκε από Vix
Starbound mod: RL Extra Materials This mod provides extra building materials, including: a variety of sloped glass panels invisible blocks that administrators can spawn and place for use in specialty builds Sloped Glass Panels A number of sloped glass pane...
Extra Zoom Levels
Δημιουργήθηκε από Patchumz
A very easy and basic mod that simply adds extra zoom levels to the options menu. You can select from between 1 and 10 zoom power instead of the default 2 to 4. The mod will be compatible with any mod that doesn't mess with zoom levels, so you don't have t...
Fabmats Christmaspack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
Merry Christmas! This mod adds ten microdungeons to the game, all in a festive mood. Maybe it'll help sweeten the christmas days for you. Since I do not have much time atm bugfixes might take a little time. This is my 12th dungeon mod for Starbound, be sur...
Fall Items and Objects
Δημιουργήθηκε από Tsuki-Killer
Since it's spooky time. I've decided to make Autum/fall Objects. The vendering machine should be very orange. if you have a lot of mods I would look at the bottom of the inventors table....
Faster MM
Δημιουργήθηκε από Ω Spriggan Ω
Increases the speed of the matter manipulator but a noticeable amount. should make the start of the game a great deal quicker. Simply changes the beamaxe.beamaxe firetime from 0.25 to 0.15 inceasing the speed at which it damage blocks. it uses a .patch met...
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kawa
The most-liked (and near-canon) space cat species. Use a character creation extender such as Xbawks to be able to select this species. Features: * Custom ship * Custom SAIL * Custom villages (yes, plural) * Custom sounds * Custom outfits * Custom vehicles ...
Felin Costumes+
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kawa
Do you sometimes feel like Starbound needs that certain you-know-what? Do you feel that Colonel Mustang may have been on to something? Say no more, say no more, nudge-nudge wink-wink. This mod, believe it or not, lets any character with a regular body shap...
Felin Fur+
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kawa
Adds more fur and hair colors to the Felin....
Felin Objects+
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kawa
Adds Felin descriptions to the default objects....
Felin Settlements on Arcana Planets
Δημιουργήθηκε από Not February
A simple patch mod that makes Felin settlements able to generate on appropriately themed Arcana planet types. Felin villages: - Arcane Forests - Verdant - Evoaquatic - Bamboo Forest Felin towns: - Arcane Deserts - Blistering - Stahlern Badlands - Azure Des...
felin towns on frackin' planets
Δημιουργήθηκε από gensou ichida
a patch for FU and Kawa's felin race mod. allows felin settlements to spawn on FU planets. obviously you won't find them in every biome, but you'll have better luck finding them in bogs, red deserts, primeval, chromatic, rainforest, and eden planets. c: ma...
Femboy Clothes
Δημιουργήθηκε από green engineer
KAWAIISTUFF+ is recommended, but not required. Certain recipes won't show up otherwise. A pack of miscellaneous femboy clothing items. UPDATE! Everything can now actually be crafted at the spinning wheel! Thank you to Emil Siegryn for the comments remindin...
Food Stack
Δημιουργήθηκε από v6
This is a client- & server-side mod. If it is not installed on server then your stack can & will reduce to 1 when transferred to the server. Food Stack changes so food can stack up to 1000. To stack food that have different rotting time you will need to pu...
Fixed Critters
Δημιουργήθηκε από riley
UPDATE: ShyDispatch has *actually* fixed the critters! Fixes any critter that is unable to walk up tiles. This now includes support for Frackin' Universe, More Critters, and Elithian Races. Compatible with existing save games. Special thanks to users Azure...
Frackin Crew Size - 99 Crew Edition
Δημιουργήθηκε από SerpentsBlight
This mod is a version of my other mod, Frackin Crew Size, except expanded to allow 99 crew. They should not be used together, but switching from one to the other shouldn't cause problems. Beyond that, the information about this mod is the same as its other...
Frackin Universe - Melee Aiming
Δημιουργήθηκε από Almantuxas
Version: 1.3.0 - switched from manual patches to a semi-auto patcher using shell/batch scripting and Lua. A patch to allow the aiming of non-aimable melee weapons (battleaxes, scythes, etc.) from Frackin' Universe. NOTE: This mod doesn't contain the origin...
Frackin Universe Perennial Crops New
Δημιουργήθηκε από RevvEmUp
Updated version of Perennial Crops FU Compatibility Patch Edition to include new crops. Applies the same rules as Perennial Crops to seeds: - Apalite - Alpha Seed Bulb - Bolbohn - Cottonbop Bulb - Crystal Plant - Duskiline - Dunestalk - Emera - Exonite - F...
Frackin Universe: Make Strange Seas Random Again
Δημιουργήθηκε από Rylasasin
As of Frackin Universe 5.6.367, Strange Seas were changed. No longer being randomly spawning oceans, they were changed to spawning straight "plasmic fluid" (aka alien juice) because "They were being over-used as resource sinks they were never intended to b...
Frackin Universe: More Planet Info Official Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Rylasasin
Up to date official patch for More Planet Info from the Frackin Team. Because there are 2-3 patches for this and none of them are up to date. This patch combines both ''More Planet Info Lush Planet Fix'' and ''Various More Planet info Patches for FU'', whi...
Frackin XS Mechs
Δημιουργήθηκε από Rylasasin
Patches XS Mechs (Modular Edition and Modular Weapons) so they align with the recent changes to Frackin Universe. * Mech blueprints are now unlocked via the research menu (Sigma and Elite Sigma = Tier 2, Rho and Priate Rho = Tier 3, Rhonin and MEKA = Tier ...
Frackin' Compact Crops (You're looking for the newer one.)
Δημιουργήθηκε από WolfHero
10/30/2019 - A new, working version of this mod has been made by another person, you can find it here: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Frackin' Interface
Δημιουργήθηκε από Sayter
Changes the UI for health, energy and food 1.54 - Updated bk3 inventory skin 1.53 - Updated quest tracker 1.51 - updates Mech crafting interface to use additional Tab 1.5 - new Chat interface! (Lillyoko) 1.4 - healthbar is wider at the left side to be more...
Frackin' Job Offers MKII
Δημιουργήθηκε από Mayonnaise Farmer
LONG AWAITED REWRITE - SQUID PEOPLE UPRISING MK II Basically this adds Job Offers for all of FU's new Crew and such. Currently everything is supported. This should be quite obvious, but this REQUIRES Frackin Universe and Job Offers....
Frackin' Music
Δημιουργήθηκε από Sayter
Note: Does NOT require FrackinUniverse, but is recommended since most of the music will play on those biomes. What is FrackinMusic, and why is it so gigantic? It adds (does not replace) over 250 new songs to your Starbound experience pulled from various co...
Frackin' Stations Interface
Δημιουργήθηκε από MrHimera
This mod replaces the interface of some stations with the FU interface! Replaceable stations: - Stations of the standard starbound - Some FU stations - RPG Growth Stations - Enhanced Storage Stations - Betabound Stations - Elithian Races - Galaxy in Confli...
Frackin' Universe
Δημιουργήθηκε από Sayter
FU Discord: Wiki: Disclaimer: Installing FU is a one-way trip. FU will affect your game universe and ALL characters. Note: Uninstalling the mod will cause crashes, unless you w...
Frackin' Universe Avali Diet Replacement
Δημιουργήθηκε από testpilot24
A simple mod that changes the diet of the Avali and smol Avali in Frackin' Universe to omnivore....
Frackin' Universe Felin Diet Replacement
Δημιουργήθηκε από testpilot24
A simple mod that changes the diet of the Felin in Frackin' Universe to omnivore....
Frackin' Universe & Many Tabs Compatibility Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από AnomNom Fixes two major issues that appear between Many Tabs and Frackin' Universe. Due to a conflict when modifying mechcrafting.config, Many Tabs breaks the Mech Chips tab from Frackin' Universe. This prevents the player from obtain...
FTL Crops: Fixed Again
Δημιουργήθηκε από Noche
A quick warning to all subscribers to this version of FTL Crops: This mod is incompatible with Frackin' Universe, and I will not be making a patch for it, as I do not play with FU and do not intend to reinstall it for various personal reasons, so I would n...
FTL Crops: Fixed Again (Avali Triage Patch)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Noche
A patch for my mod FTL Crops: Fixed Again, that adds compatibility with Avali (Triage). Does not modify anything else. Please report any issues you find. Compatible with Futara's Dragon Engine thanks to a recent fix!...
FTL Crops: Fixed Again (CN More Farming Patch)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Noche
A patch for my mod FTL Crops: Fixed Again, that adds compatibility with CN More Farming. Does not modify anything else. Please report any issues you find. Compatible with Futara's Dragon Engine thanks to a recent fix!...
FU + Extended GUI Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από RobotLucca
Fixes incompatibilities between FU and Extended GUI. Specifically, fixes the armor tab on the Spinning Wheel, the new mech horn/module tab at the Mech Crafting Table, and the new tabs for the Basic Crafting menu....
FU / Shellguard Mech Compatability
Δημιουργήθηκε από Sayter
Nothing fancy. Adds compatability for Shellguard mech parts to utilize FU mech stats, such as Mass, health bonus, energy adjustments, and so forth. 2 : updated damage values of a few weapons, but primarily balanced the Rotary cannon. 1.2: added support for...
FU Extraction Patch for Arcana
Δημιουργήθηκε από HRG164hjo
With this patch, you can use FU's extraction devices process some of Arcana tiles (almost all tiles you can meet while exploring, I think) and get some Arcana resources. For example, you can put "highland dirt" into a sifter and expect to get an "ariostone...
Fullbright Avali Holograms
Δημιουργήθηκε από Dust
Makes avali holograms fullbright (always fully illuminated)...
Futara's Dragon Pixel Full Bright Shader
Δημιουργήθηκε από FutaraDragon
Render Pixel As Full Bright =========================== Futara's Dragon Full Bright Shader =========================== Current Version 1.0 =========================== Attention!! This mod does not function when using Steam's subscribe function! This mod mu...
Glitch Lights Full Bright
Δημιουργήθηκε από ShyDispatch
PLEASE READ This mod requires Futara's Full Bright Shader mod for you to see the effects. Read the description, download the link from there, do not subscribe to the mod for the reason it states in its description.
Good Girders
Δημιουργήθηκε από Lemon Drops
These wicked decorations have tormented me for the last time. This mod makes prison girder objects actually good; they now can stack onto each other. It also allows you to attach objects to the girders without turning the girders into platforms, so you can...
Green Hills microdungeon six-pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
Only six hours after publishing my first Starbound Test-mod, i am publishing my second Mod. This one is a Pack of six microdungeons, desinged for lush and forest Planets. I want to improve the games diversity in the regard of microdungeons, so that the str...
hev charge sound
Δημιουργήθηκε από patman
energy bar plays hev suit charge sounds that is all
Δημιουργήθηκε από Hiran
Set of scripts that was designed to help modders....
HOUND Fashion 0.9.3
Δημιουργήθηκε από EIKO
HOUND brings you more cosmetics! This mod is designed to expand the cosmetic selection of Starbound and give players more options as far as their character's look is concerned, while giving you something to aim for with your surplus of post-game pixels. Th...
Hylotl Club Decks - Sweet Dreams
Δημιουργήθηκε από A-Vladimir
Replaces the Hylotl Club Decks music with "Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Holderz 2016 Remix)". Important Info - Don't use with any other mod that replaces "clubdecks1.ogg". ...
Illuminated Chests
Δημιουργήθηκε από Excavice
This mod makes it so chests in caves emit light, so you dont miss another chest! Supports Frackin' Universe and other mods! Comment mod ideas on my profile, if you can imagine it - i can probably implement it!...
Illuminated Ores - Original Version
Δημιουργήθηκε από Amdx
if this mod doesn't show up after subscribing, make sure to restart Starbound and/or Steam a few times until Steam decides to actually download the mod... Makes every ore in game glow slightly, the color depending on the ore type. Versions: This is the Ori...
Imm's Things
Δημιουργήθηκε από Immirik
ABOUT This is a standalone part of the bigger Better Ships mods. Available here are only the objects and tiles. ADDED ITEMS — Electrum Bar Crafted @ Furnace T1: Gold Bar + Silver Bar + Copper Bar Unlocked by Gold Bar ADDED OBJECTS — Colored Ship Light Craf...
Improved Food Descriptions
Δημιουργήθηκε από Neo
This mod improves the interface of food and medicine descriptions and make it possible to show additional information. It needs to be installed on both server and client. The new designed tooltips now showing: Amount of food (the player's max food amount i...
Improved Food Descriptions: Frackin' Universe Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Niffe
Adds support for Frackin' Universe. Currently Improved Food Descriptions works with FU but doesn't show its effects and many foods aren't even affected by IFDs script. This patch fixes that. Note: this patch modifies buildfood.lua so it is probably not com...
Improved Parallax For Scorched Planets
Δημιουργήθηκε από evanaug
This mod changes the background for Scorched/Decayed planets to more closely match the architectural style of the ruined buildings you encounter. Before, the buildings in the parallax looked more like the buildings that were on Earth, which should not be p...
Improved Techs
Δημιουργήθηκε από Voltage
Improves the techs that feel a bit lackluster. Blink Dash -goes farther -halved cooldown Sprint -costs 5 energy per second instead of 15 -doesn't prevent double or multi jump Aqua Sphere -can toggle buoyancy with SPACE -can move freely in liquids with WASD...
Δημιουργήθηκε από gay moth aunt
CAUTION: This workshop item will no longer receive updates. I no longer have time to work on maintaining these items due to now being a full-time sprite artist, so consider these workshop items to be fully open-source. You are free to upload or publish you...
Instant Crafting
Δημιουργήθηκε από v6
This is a client-side mod. Disables the timer on client-side crafting tables so that everything you craft finish instantaneously. Support mods If you find any table that isn't instant just reply with mod name & crafting table name in top left corner next t...
Instant Crafting Fixes
Δημιουργήθηκε από Jinuine Appreciation
Additional fixes for Instant Crafting seeing that it hasn't been updated within a year. This file only touches files not touched by instant crafting meaning you'll still need the Original Instant Crafting if you want vanilla tables and most modded tables t...
Instant Crafting For Arcana
Δημιουργήθηκε από Ἄννα Φιφιμι
Arcana is such an awesome Mod. BIG thanks to Sva! Wait!!?? 0.5 secs for crafting??? My lazy ass can't even wait for a mere 0.5 seconds. I must confess... So... I made it and you know what it does. _(:з」∠)_...
Instant Crafting for Arcana and MWH's Arcana Addon
Δημιουργήθηκε από 和him一起挖矿
Instant Crafting for Arcana and MWH's Arcana Addon. Doesn't require MWH's Arcana Addon, but I highly recommend everyone likes Arcana to subscribe it. Works fine with all existing instant crafting mods. Safe to unsubscribe in any time. Crafting time is part...
Instant Crafting MORE Fixes
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bug
Turns out it's a one line patch to get instant crafting on a station, a list of supported mods can be found in the discussions. Tell me if you find unsupported stations, since I don't think the other two main ones are being updated....
InstantCrafting EXPANDED
Δημιουργήθηκε από Nephirus90
IMPORTANT This mod does not cover anything already covered by Instant Crafting, Instant Crafting For Arcana, Instant Crafting Fixes or Instant Crafting MORE Fixes. None of these are really needed (not even the main mod) but if you want my mod it doesn't ma...
Item pickup quieter sound
Δημιουργήθηκε από p6kocka
Makes the pickup item sound quieter. The volume was decreased about 65 percent. It´s the sound when you pick up something. For me it was too loud and annoying. ~ Enjoy !! and please buy me a Cuppa Tea...
Job Offers
Δημιουργήθηκε από this is a profile name
Do you really, really want a NPC as a crew member? No worries, now you don't have to hope for them to give you enough quests to trigger the change. With one of these craftable/buyable job offers you can instantly make them happy to work for you. - Make any...
Δημιουργήθηκε από Sir Bumpleton✿
Sexy Clothes, Now Optimised! Enhances the KawaiiStuff mod to enhance it's overhaul feeling. Hound's Fashion is necessary to dye the striped outfits. You do not need the original mod for this mod to work, it is even highly suggested you delete the original ...
Kemono +
Δημιουργήθηκε από Ren.json
This patch adds new content for the Kemono mod. Current features are as follows: 7 brand new male hairstyles. 18 brand new fur colors. 18 brand new ear colors. 17 new eye colors. Integrated mech cinematic fix courtesy of GeO2. Next updates: Overhaul of col...
Kemono Race Mod ver 1.5
Δημιουργήθηκε από ODABUTSU
This mod is no longer in development. Now, as open source, you are free to edit with these mod assets. Thank you for playing for a long time. Everyone free to use the assets of this mod. No author credit is required. (But I'm a little happy if there is.) 6...
Learn Blueprints on Scan
Δημιουργήθηκε από 🐱
Learn blueprints when scanning objects. Should be compatible with any mods that adds objects and/or recipes. Update (2019-10-20): If the quest is stuck in your quest log: Type this in the in-game chat: /admin /failquest learnblueprintonscan /admin then re-...
Less Annoying Milk
Δημιουργήθηκε από GuyBronson
Milk in Starbound is annoying, no matter how you look at it. Either you have to raise a metric ton of Mooshi, or you need to run to Infinity Express and spend a ton of Pixels every time you need some. This mod aims to make milk less annoying by adding a ne...
Less Sky
Δημιουργήθηκε από greenRAM
-Less stars -Less twinkle effect with the stars -No Space Fog Very useful if you use a mod that adds additional zoom options. This is a small sky.config patch, so expect very few if any incompatabilities. I lowered the star values until I felt like the sky...
Loading Timer!
Δημιουργήθηκε από Silver Sokolova
This mod adds a timer to the loading screen! It counts up to 59 minutes and 59 seconds, which is basically an hour. I may make a version that goes up to 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds if there's enough demand for it....
Lyceen Race
Δημιουργήθηκε από AsheruSwiftwind.Ttv
A hunters cry echos out in the darkness. With a flash of steel an a snarl the hunters quest is complete. He turns and hands you, your first spear. One day you too will call the wild beasts your prey... The Lyceen are a race of canids. Masters of the hunt t...
Lyceen Race Frackin' Races Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Mycel Wolfcap
Version for the obsolete standalone Frackin' Races mod can be found here. Credit for this mod goes to iamzid. This is a re-release of his mod with some minor fixes. Also thanks for Asheru Swiftwind for giving me permission to do this. Original Description:...
Magma Ocean Parallax Addon
Δημιουργήθηκε από Ickura
Adds more to lava worlds. Lava oceans are made bigger, adds in a cluster of rock islands from original assets, spikes, and includes a huge volcano for all magma worlds. ONLY AFFECTS NEW PLANETS!!! Compatibility: (Compatible with Frackin Universe) (Compatib...
Make the Felin a cuter race
Δημιουργήθηκε από Sharksashimi
Makes the Felin fit in better with Make the Universe a Cuter Place. Simple edit of the eyes, they don't change colour or anything as I simply can't be bothered. It's simply to make them stick out less in the universe of cuteness. Now with more lore-accurat...
Make the Universe a Cuter Place (Heemi's Version)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Heemi
Cutebound / Make the Universe a Cuter Place without Harpy Avians. Also reverts Novakids to having Brands instead of faces. That's all. If BarbarianK and HDoomGuy want me to remove this mod, I can, I just figured putting it up here (since it's in high deman...
Many Tabs (1/2)
Δημιουργήθηκε από v6
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS PART 1 OF THE MOD. YOU MUST ALSO INSTALL PART 2 Adds an easy way for modders to add filter tabs to vanilla crafting stations and race tabs to the codex library without...
Many Tabs (2/2)
Δημιουργήθηκε από v6
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS PART 2 OF THE MOD. YOU MUST ALSO INSTALL PART 1 I will not be replying to any comments on this page. Please use the page for Many Tabs (1/2)
Many Tabs - Inventor's Table Mod Tab
Δημιουργήθηκε από AnomNom Converts the first tab of the Inventor's Table to only be vanilla crafting stations, while offloading all modded stations onto the second tab. This is mod I created entirely out of personal preference. I wanted to to something...
Many Tabs Avali Handcrafting
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bug
Adds a tab for handcrafted Avali stuff, requires Handcrafting Expansion and Many Tabs. Tell me if you find unsupported Avali mods so that I can add them....
Many Tabs for Arcana
Δημιουργήθηκε από 和him一起挖矿
Many Tabs for Arcana. Also recategorized some Arcana codices for convenience. Require Many Tabs and Arcana of course....
Many Tabs Job Offers
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bug
Adds a tab for Job Offers, requires Handcrafting Expansion and Many Tabs. Supports Chef, Maid. Hunter and Datebound. Tell me if there are others you want supported....
Many Tabs More Outpost Objects (Inventor's Table)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bug
Adds a tab for More Outpost Objects to the inventor's table, requires Many Tabs. Inventor's Table Mod Tab isn't technically required, but I made it with that in mind and it's cool so you should use it....
Many Tabs Project Knightfall (Inventor's Table)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bug
Adds a tab for Project Knightfall, requires Many Tabs....
Many Tabs - Spinning Wheel Felin Tab
Δημιουργήθηκε από AnomNom An addon for Many Tabs that separates the content from Felin into another Spinning Wheel / Sewing Machine tab. There is only so many tabs that can fit on a single Crafting GUI, so some of my addons may share the same tabs. Thi...
Many Tabs - Spinning Wheel Frackin' Universe Tab
Δημιουργήθηκε από AnomNom An addon for Many Tabs that separates the content from Frackin' Universe into another Spinning Wheel / Sewing Machine tab. There is only so many tabs that can fit on a single Crafting GUI, so some of my addons may share the sa...
Many Tabs Spinning Wheel Addon - KawaiiStuff+
Δημιουργήθηκε από AnomNom
An addon for Many Tabs that seperates KawaiiStuff+ content within the Spinning Wheel / Sewing Machine. Know any mod that you'd like to have given it's own extra tab? Please, don't hesitate to request it. I plan to finish out all the addons I wanted to make...
Many Tabs Spinning Wheel Banners
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bug
Adds a banner tab to the spinning wheel, requires Many Tabs. (Formerly Many Tabs Race Banners Redux) It only includes the banners that were already added to the spinning wheel by Race Banners Redux and Pride Banners, tell me if you find others. Technically...
Many Tabs Spinning Wheel Furniture
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bug
Adds a new tab to the spinning wheel for furniture items other than mannequins and banners, requires Many Tabs. It only includes plushes currently so it's basically just a plushie tab, but if you find other mods that add furniture items to the ingredients ...
Many Tabs Spinning Wheel Mannequins
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bug
Adds a mannequin tab to the spinning wheel, requires Many Tabs. It only includes the mannequins I happen to have installed at the moment, so tell me if you find others so I can add them....
Maxwell the Cat Song
Δημιουργήθηκε από Portal
Song from the Maxwell cat memes :) In-game song name: "Stock Market (Maxwell Song) - Piano"...
Melee Aiming
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kais
Changes the standard (left click) attacks of broadswords and hammers to aim towards the cursor, instead of only horizontally left or right. Note: secondary (right click) attacks are unaffected. This mod will affect other mods' broadswords and hammers as lo...
Melee Weapon Types (Temporary loot fix)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Noremac_TC
This is a quick fix of the Normal Longsword mod by AimlessimpOrcarated he says his current computer is broken so he cant fix the loot tables. This only makes it so the chance of finding longswords, rapiers, and lances is more rare and less omnipresent. I w...
Midnight Planets Actually Perpetually Dark
Δημιουργήθηκε από The OG Koopa
Has it ever bothered you that midnight planets are supposed to be perpetually dark yet the sun somehow manages to sneak in when no-one expects it? well be upset no longer as I have made it so midnight planets emit no light at all regardless of the time of ...
Mighty Music Song Pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από FlowingClouds
The MM Song Pack adds songs to your instruments' music lists. It is filled with songs from games, cartoons, movies, anime, and a bunch more. The previews hardly shows all the music in the pack, you can just check the Steamless version for every song in the...
More Moths
Δημιουργήθηκε από ealbers
Adds a variety of moth traps to help you establish your silk empire! Includes larger moth traps for lag reduction and ease of harvest. The new moth traps come in 2x1, 1x2, 2x2 and 4x2 sizes. All traps are crafted at the farming station. It should be noted ...
More Planet Info (work with 1.4.X not guaranteed)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Erisss
THIS MOD IS SUSPENDED FOR UNDEFINED PERIOD OF TIME You should install those 2 patch-mods to make it work properly. Quest marker fix Lush planet fix This mod is SERVER SIDE since modifies lua files. More info about planets, moons, and some other system bodi...
More Planet Info - FU Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Alb
Without this mod, there will be some planets that you'll just not be able to visit, as you'll be zooming out instead of clicking on the planet. The above picture shows the mod in action. Before, that planet was impossible to visit. Now I fixed it. PS: You ...
More Planet Info Lush Planet fix(Works with FU)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Jinuine Appreciation
This is a quick fix for More Planet info regarding Lush Planets. With this mod, it should no longer show errors when viewing Lush planets. Use this mod in conjunction to the original for 1.4:
More Planet Info: Biome Fix
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fulmine
IMPORTANT: you need to have the original More Planet Info mod installed. Otherwise this mod will NOT work! This patches the More Planet Info mod to list all the surface biomes. A lot of the surface biomes were not listed on the planet information screen, t...
More Tabs for Many Tabs and Extended GUI
Δημιουργήθηκε από jss2a98aj
Increases the number of extra codex and crafting tabs supported when using Extended GUI and Many Tabs. Also makes tabs start near the top of interfaces. This started with me needing more codex tabs and resulted in more tabs for every menu that both Many Ta...
More Teleportz
Δημιουργήθηκε από DooM74G                The More Teleportz adds all ship teleporters, three quest teleporters, two outpost teleporters and a few custom teleporters for personal use. You can purchase the teleporters from the 2 Stop Teleshop. All tele...
MPI Fixes
Δημιουργήθηκε από Armok
This mod is basically fixes a pair of bugs within base MPI itself, both how it accidentally assigns a threat name a level higher than normal to star systems, and also how it prevents players from selecting moving NPC ships before they arrive at their desti...
New Recipe Star
Δημιουργήθηκε από Immirik
ABOUT This mod changes the icon for recipes into a humble lil' star, allowing more space for item titles. That's it. This description occupies more space than the mod itself. COMPATIBILITY The only thing that could conflict with this mod is something that ...
The Naked Gun 2½
Δημιουργήθηκε από patman
makes skip's naked gun good - it works on more npcs (probably all?) - it works on players (lol) - its Blue now. instead of just using the vanilla raygun sprites - you can upgrade it at the weapon upgrade anvil to steal back items & held items https://i.img...
Nicer Avali
Δημιουργήθηκε από Rylasasin
Makes Avali friendlier towards humans and vice-versa. BUH MUH LORE! Okay, first of all, the reason Avali were 'nasty' towards humans in the first place was because they were introduced back in the Koala days, back when all the races were more or less like ...
Nilly's Avali Colors
Δημιουργήθηκε από Nillke14
This mod adds 126 in total to Avalis, to make them stand out with vibrant colors, or blend in the unusual environments. These colors come in little collections by: Avalis Of The Paradise ( 77 ) MonoAvali ( 5 ) Rain Forest And Artic Raptors ( 32 for all col...
nMM - Price Adjustments (BETA)
Δημιουργήθηκε από nuggubs
This mod is heavily subject to change! A sort of addon mod for nuggubs' Mega Mod, but does not strictly have to be used with. Simply adjusts some object prices and adds prices to all blocks. All natural blocks are worth 1 pixel. Processed blocks are usuall...
No damage cap
Δημιουργήθηκε από patman
allows you to do more than just 1000 damage just changes "clamp" in protection.2functions to "extrapolate" thats it tested for about 9 seconds, probably works fine should work with other mods that increase the cap (FU does this i think) (they do not remove...
No Highlights On Inspected Objects
Δημιουργήθηκε από Anter583
Removes the MM scanmode highlights on already inspected objects, should lower visual clutter without affecting its usability that much (note that you won't be able to use scan mode to detect secret buttons). Doesn't touch the other highlights, just the one...
No More Erchius Ghost
Δημιουργήθηκε από Suphax
You know that annoying flying noclipping lovely and enjoyable pink ghost that follows you around on moons and speeds up with the more fuel you mine and one hit kills you on touch? Yeah, this mod removes that. Enjoy! If you encounter any problems like seein...
No More Gas Giant Bounties!
Δημιουργήθηκε από COVID-19
This mod is a simple patch which stops bounties from generating on Gas Giants, because who wasn't getting sick of that one? I know I was, so here we are. There is a version of this mod for Frackin' Universe's gas giants, however there was no such mod for t...
Δημιουργήθηκε από Depression Hurts, Eat More KFC
Want to be able to spawn in and customize npcs well beyond even what the chargen gives you? Want to just find that one bloody human npc with the short green hair? Well brother(or sister!), we at N.P.C. Inc. have got good news for you! Introducing: NpcSpawn...
nuggubs' Mega Mod - Vanilla Tweaks
Δημιουργήθηκε από nuggubs
A bunch of various changes to vanilla objects and items. Made to pair with the rest of the mods in the nuggubs' Mega Mod collection This mod includes: 3x3 preview images for ALL vanilla blocks in their hover tooltip 6x3 preview images for ALL vanilla platf...
[LEGACY] nuggubs' Mega Mod
Δημιουργήθηκε από nuggubs
This version of this mod is no longer being updated, and has been replaced. THIS IS THE FINAL UPDATE OF THIS VERSION OF THE MOD. I've finally split this mod into different parts, and brought everything up to my current standards. This version of the mod is...
nuggubs' Vanilla Texture Tweak Pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από nuggubs
A pack of texture changes to vanilla content, to try and make the game look a little bit more consistent with itself. Please keep in mind that I do not consider this mod to be complete yet! I plan to make additional changes in the future. This mod is compl...
One-Handed Torch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Suphax
This means the torch, not the flashlight. This mod modifies the normal torch to be one-handed. Non-Steam version here v 1.1: * Changed to JSON patch method as I forgot to implement it into this mod. v 1.0: + Released ...
Optimized Diverse Weather
Δημιουργήθηκε από Nyanax
Optimizes weather for FPS by significantly reducing most weather particles (and reducing the size of dust, smoke, and mist). This mod includes all Vanilla weather that could potentially be FPS intensive, along with some from Diverse Weather by gay moth aun...
Optimized Weather - Diverse Weather
Δημιουργήθηκε από Lukiwarble
In my quest to fix the stupid weather lag that was driving me crazy, i found what i just now decided to turn into a mod and share to help anyone that's also suffering from the weathers. This mod patches every weather i found from the Diverse Weathers mod t...
Ori and the Blind Forest - FU Music Player Addon -
Δημιουργήθηκε από DayBreak
Just adds Ori songs to the Frackin Universe music player, as well as adds a few new songs from the Definitive Edition soundtrack. Requires both the Ori music mod and Frackin Universe....
Ori Franchise Music
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fwoob
This mod adds music from Ori and the Blind Forest, and Ori and the Will of the Wisps, into Starbound. All of these songs play on vanilla worlds as well as planets added in by Frackin' Universe. This adds in 123 songs, entirely from Ori and the Blind Forest...
outpost visitor fix
Δημιουργήθηκε από Zacrabo
recommended to be used alongside the "McDonald's" mod fixes a silly oversight where outpost visitors show their healthbar even though you can't attack them, this was especially noticeable in mcdonald's because every npc there is a visitor the dog still doe...
Pandora's Box (Legacy - Read description)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Elsen Rykker
----------PANDORA'S BOX---------- Attention all Pandora's Box users, please heed this message: Pandora's Box V4.0 will be the final update for this mod. I have decided to reboot the project anew. This may sound sudden for many, but I feel this has been a l...
Parallax Compression (FPS Improvement)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Xaliber
This mod intends to improve FPS performance by compressing all parallax images size. --- If you liked my mods, feel free to donate me a snack through: Ko-Fi | Buymeacofee | Trakteer | Saweria --- Instead of removing the parallax background like other mod d...
Perennial Crops
Δημιουργήθηκε από Toyi
--Perennial Crops-- Plant once and avoid the annoying chore of replanting your crops! What does it do? This little mod makes that every base crop of the game (wild and planted) behave like tomato, grape, banana and coffee plants; so once you harvest them, ...
Δημιουργήθηκε από the little dragon (kgergo 12)
A re-texture of the protector's broadsword and the broken broadsword. I aimed to give the weapon a more experimental feel. Even if it may not be much, I am proud that I was even able to put this together in the first place. The mod is client-side, and shou...
PIZZA TOWER The Death That I Deservioli Playable Song
Δημιουργήθηκε από the w1se virus
The Death I Deservioli from pizza tower now playable in starbound! I technically don't own the instrumental midi/abc files for this song all I did was I found a midi off of a website and decided to plug it into starbound ...
Place Blocks Anywhere!
Δημιουργήθηκε από Silver Sokolova
Build in midair! This new object (craftable from the menu) can be placed in midair, and allows blocks to be placed directly next to it. • If the server has this mod installed, anyone can use this item! You kinda need the mod to craft it, though......
Place tree everywhere
Δημιουργήθηκε από Mr. NEWBΛBES
Simple mod that allows you to place trees everywhere. 100% vanilla-friendly. Good tool for builders. Mod for instant growth wont work with this, because they both patching same file....
Powers of Ruin
Δημιουργήθηκε από Void Eye Gaming
Powers of Ruin is a mod that adds two new items: Ruin's Energy Augment and Eye of Ruin. Ruin's Energy Augment is a simple augment. When you take damage with this augment, two things will happen: *There is a 1 in 6 chance that all nearby monsters will be in...
Project 42
Δημιουργήθηκε από Aikiro42
Project 42 is an apparatus designed as a handle that breaks its wielder's limits beyond what is possible by harnessing and augmenting the wielder's biology. The apparatus draws blood to form its own high-frequency blade and provides the holder with the ski...
Project Knightfall
Δημιουργήθηκε από Nitrosteel Project Knightfall is an ever growing expansion mod for Starbound that centers around a brand new, highly advanced military faction called the Knightfall Initiative. Enhance your Starbound exp...
Protogen FU BYOS Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bun
Adds Frackin Universe BYOS support to protogen. Patch made by derWelpe. Only use if you play with Frackin Universe, otherwise this does nothing...
Protogen Race
Δημιουργήθηκε από Bun This mod adds Protogen to Starbound! This mod is in it's very early stages, and as such may not be entirely balanced or function properly. Let me know ...
Protogen Race Patch for Frackin' Universe [UNOFFICIAL]
Δημιουργήθηκε από CanadianVice
Integrates Bun/Shotshell156's "Protogen Race Mod" with Frackin' Universe's stats system. Requires both mods to play. THIS MOD IS NOT OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED BY FRACKIN' UNIVERSE OR PROTOGEN RACE MOD. It is not officially supported, so please do not trouble t...
Puts NorthernMaple in the credits (replaces sayter)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Vix
Puts NorthernMaple in the credits and replaces sayter....
Protogens Head Re-Retexture
Δημιουργήθηκε από Riot Polizei
Summary Head "re-retexture" for Version 0.9.5 of Bun/Shotshell156's Protogen Race. It's a "re-retexture" since a re-texture by Ouroboros already exists. This texture set aims to pull the style of the head closer to that of the vanilla Starbound races (3/4 ...
Race Banners Redux
Δημιουργήθηκε από mothbeanie
This is an update of a mod I made 6 years ago. It adds the flag banners in the Protectorate lobby as objects, with the addition of a Novakid one and a small Protectorate one. It also adds Elithian Alliance banners and an Avali one, which can either be spaw...
Race Banners Redux - Avali Recipe
Δημιουργήθηκε από mothbeanie
Allows the Avali banner from Race Banners Redux to be crafted at the Avali Nanoloom....
Race Traits
Δημιουργήθηκε από Oмεяυıп Just click the image above to join the Discord server! In the "Modding Cave", you can chat, look at WIP mod updates, discuss new mod ideas, get modding help, and more! If you want to show supp...
Race Traits - NPC Addon
Δημιουργήθηκε από Oмεяυıп
This small addon allows NPCs and crewmembers to have the same stats that players get from the "Race Traits" mod! Note: Doesn't work for old NPCs. Only newly spawned NPCs will have this change. However, old crewmembers will immediately get their racial stat...
Radio message retexture
Δημιουργήθηκε από Terch1k
Retextures a radio message, with opening and closing animations Gif runs in 25 fps, so i made a video in 60 fps and you can watch all details of animation Red color Orange color BLACK color(credits to Zerius) Recommended with Center That Radio Use this sit...
Raptorframe: addon for Project Knightfall [Valor Update]
Δημιουργήθηκε από Jetfire
Important note: this addon does require Project Knightfall and Avali (Triage) Race mods. Make sure you have these mods installed before attempting to launch the game with this addon. Links can be found here: Click here to open Avali (Triage) Race mod main ...
Refined Cursors
Δημιουργήθηκε από Cyberion
This is very simple mod, basically it is the refined version of the default ingame cursors. The cursors are well suited for any resolution, especially 2K and 4K. The default cursor is now painted in green color, the crosshair is more thin and has original ...
Remote Interfaces
Δημιουργήθηκε από Paul Allen
Adds the "interact" local message to the player so other contexts can open interfaces. NOTE: This mod adds functionality for other mods to use. This mod does *not* add any playable content. Github Repository:
roblox drinking sound over vanilla drinking sound
Δημιουργήθηκε από AppleBiscuit
also known as "slurping_then_an_ah.mp3" replace vanilla drinking sound sound made by morgantj from freesoundorg no preview video cuz im too lazy to make one, download the mods and find out yourself :)))))))))) ...
Ruin is your End
Δημιουργήθηκε από Flowslikepixelz
Bestows upon the Ruin a most nefarious soundtrack to grace your ears with as you engage in fisticuffs....
Rule Breaker / No Cool Dudes Allowed
Δημιουργήθηκε από Simply a Speck of Dust
Adds 1 song so you can play the sick riff from Anonymoose's 'Rule Breaker' sfm and break all the rules! This is my first experience modding and playing with .midi/.pak files so expect the worst and you won't be dissapointed This was really fun and quite th...
Δημιουργήθηκε από patman
literaly just a remake of the ruler from terraria just because some dingus asked for it it also adds that tile grid thing around the cursor use the buttons in Quickbar to toggle them if you have StarExtensions theres keybinds for both togglse in the /binds...
SCS Crafting Stations
Δημιουργήθηκε από Scope40k
Makes crafting easier with three new crafting stations that include most of major recipes. Becomes available at Durasteel Age. The mod also provides new furniture and reskinned versions for other stations. The newest version is 1.10: Please see the Patch l...
SCS Stations: Enhanced Storage Add-on
Δημιουργήθηκε από Scope40k
This mod extends the effects of Enhanced Storage mod on SCS Stations. Also adds SCS versions for storage stations....
SCS Stations: FU Add-on
Δημιουργήθηκε από Scope40k
Adds various tabs to support FU recipes in the SCS crafting interface. Absorbs the following FU stations: Nanofabricator, Matter Assembler, Chemistry Lab, Armoury, Ship Upgrades, Power Station; Also: Recipes from new levels of upgrades for vanilla stations...
SCS Stations: Instant Crafting Add-on
Δημιουργήθηκε από Scope40k
Instant Crafting addon for the SCS Stations....
Shellguard Frakin Music Addon
Δημιουργήθηκε από Zeta
Lets you play music from the Shellguard mod with the Frackin music player. Ofc, of these tracks belong to me, but to the Shellguard mod (And royalty free music) (FU and music player standalone can work instead of Ztarbound btw) Also check out Ztarbound - M...
Shellguard Patch for Spawnable Items Pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από bennybanz
Travelling Merchant has given me permission to upload this. The Shellguard Expansion is probably my favorite mod of all time and there wasn't an SIP patch for it so I made one! Enjoy!...
Shellguard: Starbound Expansion Remastered
Δημιουργήθηκε από Travelling Merchant
Welcome to the Shellguard: Starbound Expansion remaster! We have a public discord here! This mod is a full expansion to Starbound, focused around a new faction called Shellguard. Shellguard is a large scale mercenary group as wel...
SIP Patch for Felin/Felin Costumes+ (Updated)
Δημιουργήθηκε από bennybanz
I know there's already a Felin SIP patch, but it hasn't been updated since 2019 so I made my own :) This mod includes SIP patches for both the core Felin mod and Felin Costumes+! You can use this patch if you have either mod independently installed or for ...
SIP Patch Project Knightfall (Steam Latest 20 Aug, 2023)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Az.R. El Torturador
Latest Project Knightfall patch for SIP maybe someone need it...
Skippable Cinematics
Δημιουργήθηκε από v6
This is a client-side mod. Skip any cinematic with ESC-key. It does not reduce any loading times that are covered up by cinematics. For a non-Steam version, visit
Skizot's Dozers
Δημιουργήθηκε από lophatkao
MiniDozer + MegaDozer Vehicles Buy the Controllers at Penguin Pete in the Outpost (or his Portable Outpost counterpart) Original art & code by Skizot Updated code by LoPhatKao More Info: --]...
Slightly Improved Tech Station Holograms (Felin)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Foxe
"Slightly to drastically changes the look of the character holograms that appear when equipping tech at the tech console." This is merely an addition to the original, using some of Santeripe's fixes to make this. I made the female texture have slightly thi...
Slow Hunger
Δημιουργήθηκε από Helari
A quick edit to make your character become starved in about one hour realtime (It only takes 25~ minutes in vanilla which interrupts gameplay way too often for my taste). With this mod you still need food to survive but you aren't constantly annoyed by sta...
Solar Spectra - Radiant Novakid
Δημιουργήθηκε από Azulaloi
This mod replaces the dim white light emitted by Novakid with a brighter light that matches their natural hue. As of v0.2, Spectra no longer makes permanent changes to your save. You may now uninstall Spectra at any time. If you previously installed v0.1, ...
Solarium Fishing Rod (and lure and reel)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Dr_Shadox
That mod add a Solarium fishing rod , and also a solarium lure and reel. Note the rod have better stats than the best vanilla fishing rod (Durable Fishing Rod) , and the reel & lure combine the effect of all reel & lure (+ a little boost on their stats). A...
Spawn Rate Increaser
Δημιουργήθηκε από Brattymaddy
Increases spawn rates of : Any and all chests. Items inside of chests. Underground vines. Wild crops. Ores. ...
Spawnable Item Pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Silverfeelin This mod allows you to spawn any item in the game for free, no matter where you are. The Spawnable Item Pack is client sided; it works on any server that allows mods. The Spawnable Item Pack uses Stardust Core Lite. If you a...
Spawnable Item Pack - Frackin'Universe Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Skies912
Provides access to almost all items, objects and tiles in Frackin'Universe through the SIP User Interface window. Please be aware that certain items / objects have been omitted. These items will not be added back or listed. Please do not ask. As always, ha...
Spawnable Item Pack: Avali Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Skies912
Patch to add Avali items to the SIP UI window....
Spawnable Item Pack: Enhanced Storage Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Skies912
Adds items from Enhanced Storage to the SIP in-game UI 1/15/19: Initial release 1.0.0...
Spawnable Items Pack Patch for Arcana
Δημιουργήθηκε από bennybanz
I made this because I was bored and someone in my comments wanted it lmao Enjoy!...
Spicy's Instrument Themes - Calamity Mod
Δημιουργήθηκε από SpicySpaceSnake
Spicy's Instrument Themes - Calamity Mod 0.8.0 adds several themes from Terraria's Calamity Mod to be played on instruments. Join the Discord! My personal Discord contains categories for things that I work on. I'd recommend joining if you're interested in ...
Spicy's Instrument Themes - Terraria
Δημιουργήθηκε από SpicySpaceSnake
Spicy's Instrument Themes - Terraria 0.2.0 adds several themes from vanilla Terraria to be played on instruments. Join the Discord! My personal Discord contains categories for things that I work on. I'd recommend joining if you're interested in seeing earl...
Spider-Man 2: Pizza Time Song
Δημιουργήθηκε από CobaltBox
A mod that adds Pizza Time to Starbound in the song list for instruments....
Starbound But Pixels Sound Like Studs
Δημιουργήθηκε από The OG Koopa
Yes. The funny cube money now sounds like the funny circle money. English translation: The pixel pickup sound is now the sound that plays when you pick up studs in LEGO games. Have fun....
Stardust Core Lite
Δημιουργήθηκε από Zia Satazaki
Formerly known as Quickbar Mini. A vanilla-server-friendly subset of Stardust Core, including the Quickbar, metaGUI, the unified settings panel and selected pieces of library code. You don't need to install this if you already have Stardust Core! metaGUI A...
Δημιουργήθηκε από BurntChow
Ever get annoyed that you can't see what's behind the chat box while scanning things? Just annoyed that you can't see what's behind it in general and it takes up so much screen space? Well I was, so I made this. Now you can... See Through Chat Bubbles Also...
Stop Dropping Consumables - Survival Tweak
Δημιουργήθηκε από groobus
Dropping those healing items and food stuffs can be annoying when traveling across the universe. Thankfully this mod disables that from happening, and you can now go loot your other valuables even in the harshest environments. I found it kind of odd that h...
Tabs for Avali Nanoloom
Δημιουργήθηκε από RobotLucca
Makes the Avali Nanoloom have an actually usable UI. With tabs. No more hunting for whatever clothes, blocks, or furniture you want to make!...
Taehl's Teleport Beams
Δημιουργήθηκε από Taehl
Trippy teleport beam graphics, featuring twice as many frames of animation and cycling colors! Improved beams for over 100 species, including: - All vanilla species - Arachne - Arcanian (Arcana) - Argonian - Artificial Intelligence (Race) - Avali - Avonian...
Tanz Lighting Overhaul
Δημιουργήθηκε από Sir Greaves
Makes every light cast shadows. May negatively affect performance. ...
Taurikin - Pants Up
Δημιουργήθηκε από Icy Vinyl
This mod is a fix for our quadrupeds friends use more clothes from vanilla game. How to use: - Open the craft interface on button C; - Search and craft the Taurikin Pants Machine; - Place the normal pant on left slot and click on Fit; - Take the right slot...
Taurikin Full Fur
Δημιουργήθηκε από DrPvtSkittles
Taurikin Full Fur This is a sprite replacement mod that needs the Taurikin race installed to work. Changes the sprites to be less human and more canid. This is intended to represent one of the forms the Taurikin can be. You can use this mod with new or exi...
Taurikin Full Fur Hair Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Neb
What it does Gives the Taurikin Full Fur hair! Thats literally it, its the hairs that came with normal taurikin so I might add more or I may not... Since Skittles didn't want hair on their horse foxes, they made the hair sprites empty and have no image... ...
Taurikin Race
Δημιουργήθηκε από DrPvtSkittles
Taurikin This is a mod I have held off from releasing for a year or more. My aim was to push myself to do a custom body. While I am happy with the sprites, unfortunately I have put all my energy into that and I've not considered lore or personalities. It i...
Tech Additions
Δημιουργήθηκε από gay moth aunt
CAUTION: This workshop item will no longer receive updates. I no longer have time to work on maintaining these items due to now being a full-time sprite artist, so consider these workshop items to be fully open-source. You are free to upload or publish you...
Tenants Reworked
Δημιουργήθηκε από myewphi
A rework of tenants to make them a bit more rewarding. Changed the rent table for almost all vanilla tenants to make them give higher pixel counts. To balance this change, colony deeds are more expensive. Beyond these vanilla adjustments, there are also ne...
Terrain Tweaks (Frackin' Universe)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Immirik
NOW IMPLEMENTED TO FRACKIN' UNIVERSE Most of the tiles in the images are now part of FU and are not part of this mod anymore. A few tweaks will remain separate here, but I still haven't took screenshots of them. Screenshots are outdated for the time being....
Δημιουργήθηκε από Guildes
Custom main menu title The....
The "Darkest Nightmares" microdungeon six-pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
The "Darkest Nightmares" dungeon six pack. This mod adds six more microdungeons to dark planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. This is my fourth dungeon mod for Starbound, be sure to check out my other m...
The "Deadly Poison" microdungeon six pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
The "Deadly Poison" dungeon six pack. This mod adds six more microdungeons to toxic planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. This is my fourth dungeon mod for Starbound, be sure to check out my other mods ...
The "Flaming Hot" microduneon six pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
The "Flaming Hot" dungeon six pack. This mod adds six more microdungeons to scorched planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. This is my Tenth dungeon mod for Starbound, be sure to check out my other mods ...
The "Permafrost" microdungeon six pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
The "Permafrost" dungeon six pack. This mod adds six more microdungeons to tundra planets. With doing this i am hoping to enrich the experience you will have with Starbound. Although this is the last mod in this ongoing series of six packs, i will make mor...
The first "Community Picks" dungeon pack.
Δημιουργήθηκε από Fabmat
This mod adds 17 new and unique microdungeons to Starbound. It was made entirely with ideas of the community on my Discord server, my thanks go out to them. I hope to enrich your experience with the game with this mod. Please subscribe, leave a rating and ...
The Naked Gun
Δημιουργήθηκε από skip
Go to that one place in the outpost that's, like, by the ark. Give 69420 pixels. Obtain Naked Gun. Use naked gun to steal people's clothes. Also sub to pathicc's mod inject naked. Also if you want it to remove weapons and backpacks patman's got you covered...
Tougher Mobs with Better Loot!
Δημιουργήθηκε από glider521al (Aura of Worlds dev)
Adventurer, do you want more challenge and reward from combat (particularly if you run a server)? Or keep your pets and villagers around for longer? Current Version: With greater adversity comes greater reward Stats in a harder universe This mod m...
Toxic Ocean Fish / Critter Fix
Δημιουργήθηκε από LoftyLoftyLoftyLoftyLofty
Occasionally, fish and critters that spawn in toxic oceans will not have poison immunity. This mod patches vanilla fish and critter spawns in the toxic ocean biome to be properly resistant to poison. -------------- Tested in singleplayer and multiplayer. -...
Universal Liquid Source
Δημιουργήθηκε από Good Game
Mod information For the first time ever, you can have an infinite stream of ANY liquid. Yes, this is indeed compatible with every single vanilla and modded liquid right out of the box! No patches needed! Preview image shows a build example. How to use A Un...
Universal Uncrafter
Δημιουργήθηκε από Peasly Wellbott
The Universal Uncrafter device will take any item with a recipe - even from mods! - and reduce it to its material components. Material block types with no recipes can be converted into Grey Goo. Weak, easily gathered materials like dirt and gravel will con...
Upgraded Upgrades
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kais
Increases the target level of the Weapon Upgrade Anvil (found at the end of the Ancient Vaults accessible after the main story has been completed) from 6 to 7, and makes all vanilla weapons and shields upgradeable. Any items that you previously upgraded to...
Usable Bathtubs
Δημιουργήθηκε από Reyquiem
Hot on the heels of my last mod that did something like this, this mod adds functionality to the Basic Bath item. Yet another item that, surprisingly, isn't interactable. Well... now it is! This functionality is purely cosmetic. Sitting in a bathtub does n...
UU Tier Patch: 10
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kais
Requires Upgraded Upgrades! This addon mod increases the target level of the Weapon Upgrade Anvil to 10. Tiers higher than 7 are not guaranteed to be balanced with respect to vanilla content! Items that have already been upgraded at the Weapon Upgrade Anvi...
UU Tier Patch: 6
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kais
Requires Upgraded Upgrades! This addon mod reverts the target level of the Weapon Upgrade Anvil back down to 6. This addon is for folks who think tier 6 is already strong enough, but still want procedural and non-legendary items to be upgradeable. Items th...
UU Tier Patch: 8
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kais
Requires Upgraded Upgrades! This addon mod increases the target level of the Weapon Upgrade Anvil to 8. Tiers higher than 7 are not guaranteed to be balanced with respect to vanilla content! Items that have already been upgraded at the Weapon Upgrade Anvil...
UU Tier Patch: 9
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kais
Requires Upgraded Upgrades! This addon mod increases the target level of the Weapon Upgrade Anvil to 9. Tiers higher than 7 are not guaranteed to be balanced with respect to vanilla content! Items that have already been upgraded at the Weapon Upgrade Anvil...
Valve Splashscreen Replacement
Δημιουργήθηκε από john boner
OLD AND BAD Replaces the Chucklefish splashscreen/intro when you boot up the game with the one seen in Valve/Source games such as Portal, Half-life, L4D2, CS:GO, etc. This mod is client side and should work with all other mods as long as they don't alter t...
Varied Starting Worlds
Δημιουργήθηκε από StupidBrainSmoothie
• Screenshots taken using Radiant Worlds and Vanilla World Variety. Both are highly recommended with my mod. Disclaimer • Please do not use this with mods that change the universe generation of vanilla planets within different star types. I have provided a...
Varied Starting Worlds- FU Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από StupidBrainSmoothie
Disclaimer • Do not use this with the story patch. Description • This is a patch for my mod 'Varied Starting worlds' that allows Vinalisj's Lab and the cave entrance to spawn on all starting planets, allowing players to progress through the FU tutorial whi...
Various More Planet info Patches for FU
Δημιουργήθηκε από Jinuine Appreciation
This file is a Quick fix for various Frackin Universe settlements and dungeons. With this you shouldn't see anymore of the dreaded error icons (Unless another mod adds settlements). It also ready to apply new surface dungeons for when other FU adds more se...
Weather Lag Fix
Δημιουργήθηκε από Lukiwarble
For you that's having fps issues with the weathers in starbound just like i did. This mod lowers 2 settings (particleRegionPadding in client.config and particleRenderWindowPadding in rendering.config) to lower the impact it has on the game fps. Should be c...
WEdit - World Edit Tech
Δημιουργήθηκε από Silverfeelin This mod allows you to edit the world around you on a larger scale. Copy structures, fill empty areas or draw blocks freely without setting up any scaffolding. Note WEdit works around a few limitations the game has, resultin...
Xbawks Character Extender
Δημιουργήθηκε από Kawa
Adds 36 easily-extended species buttons. FAQ Q. How do I add species? A. Find and install them. This comes with none. Q. How do I make species? A. This is not the place to tell you. Q. When I run it, it looks like crap. How come? A. You may have two mods i...
XS Mechs : Modular Edition (BETA)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Tiniebla
XS Mechs : Modular Edition (BETA) Old name is : Mech New Body Thank you Tshinzon! Your XS Mech graphic is AWESOME! THIS MOD IS OPEN FOR ALL. FREELY MODIFY AND UPLOAD! - Is that LEGS!? Yes. That is legs for your nice mech! - I stretched up the mech skeleton...
XS Mechs : Modular Weapons+ Pack
Δημιουργήθηκε από lophatkao
XS weapons and more parts for XS Mechs : Modular Edition --- WORK IN PROGRESS - BUGS HAPPEN--- REQUIRES XS MECHS : MODULAR EDITION 14 weapon Arms + 4 more Legs for your modular mech! All parts available by finding bluebrints. They're not perfect yet, but t...
Δημιουργήθηκε από zimberzimber
The mod is no longer being maintained. If issues arise feel free to fix them and reupload the mod. Notify me if you do, so I could hide this page to prevent confusion. Github repo: Welcome to Ztarbound; A mod that ...
[3.2 UPDATE]Voyage: An Arcana Addon
Δημιουργήθηκε από 和him一起挖矿
This is an addon of Arcana mod. It needs Arcana mod to run! Some of the mod assets come from Arcana mod itself. Ownership of these assets is credited to S.V.A. and the whole Arcana mod team. IF YOU HAVE FRACKIN' UNIVERSE LOADED. RIGHT CLICK YOUR STARBOUND ...
Δημιουργήθηκε από pixel.doge
Community Forum Individual Packs Version: Still working as of January 2019! The pack of (2016) adds new color selections for PCs and NPCs to use. Each color is unique to that race and body ...
[fu] crew beds+
Δημιουργήθηκε από radioactivefoxsiddy
ever played frackin universe and when making a themed room for a ship member thought to yourself "man, i wish i could have a bed that fits with this room more" well now you can! this mod adds 100+ crew beds all from frackin, vanilla and Galactic Dungeons! ...
[Many Tabs] Handcrafting Expansion (1/2)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Anter583
This mod makes Many Tabs affect more crafting tables, primarily Handcrafting. Go to the 2nd part for info, or to discuss/comment/etc. This part of the mod only exists because it has to for the 2 (technically 4) mod combo to work. Things break / don't work ...
[Many Tabs] Handcrafting Expansion (2/2)
Δημιουργήθηκε από Anter583
This mod makes Many Tabs affect more crafting tables, primarily Handcrafting. I also installed a vanilla tab to handcrafting. All credit goes to v6, who made Many Tabs. All I did was copy-paste their code to everything that didn't have it. Just as Many Tab...
[More Planet Info] 1.4 Quest Marker Fix
Δημιουργήθηκε από Anter583
Patches the mod More Planet Info (made by: Erisss) to properly render the Quest Markers added in 1.4 by replacing the old Lua file (cockpitview.lua) with a modified one that incorporates parts from both MPI and the 1.4 update by adding in some missing ques...
[OFFICIAL] FU BYOS Modded Race Patch
Δημιουργήθηκε από Hubnester
A patch to make it so modded races that can use the Frackin Universe build your own ship. Chucklefish Forum Version: Github Link: