Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Föremål (92)
'93 Ford F-Series
Skapad av KI5
Heavy duty beast that can take some punches! It comes in multiple variants, dually variant that can haul more stuff and police and fire department variants. They all have some unique features but they share most of the parts and functionality. Just make su...
'92 AM General M998 + M101A3 Cargo trailer
Skapad av KI5
And now... for something completely different, fully animated M998 HMMWV! I've been asked many many times to make this thing and I refused for many reasons but the time was right and it seemed like a great candidate for a test. A concept to see what PZ can...
41.78+ Propane Torch Fix [B42 Supported]
Skapad av Drazion
Now works in B42 This mod is meant to readjust the capacity of the propane torch in the 41.78 and 42 builds from 10 back to 100 IF YOU ADD THIS MOD MID-GAME YOU WILL HAVE TO REFILL YOUR ALREADY SPAWNED TORCHES AT LEAST ONCE TO SEE THE NEW VALUES This fix w...
Advanced trajectory
Skapad av 喵了个球
Advanced trajectory This Mod modifies the ranged weapons and throwed weapons. Ranged weapon: 1.You can see the trajectory of bullets. 2.You can shoot the head, body and feet of zombies through the crosshair. (It is not perfect yet) 3.Your aiming skill leve...
'87 Ford B700/F700 Trucks
Skapad av KI5
B700 is the best known school bus, probably of all time and the F700 trucks are used everywhere, the ford base was used in many variants and generations and Kentucky was not immune to it. 6 variants, every with some special features but most of the parts a...
Skapad av Braven
Basements are here! Whether to make your own hideout, storage room or a fancy underground lounge, we've all wanted a basement in PZ at one point or another. This mod introduces them to the game in fully customizable fashion! Features You can check out all ...
Backpack Borders [b41]
Skapad av Notloc
THIS IS VANILLA AS OF B42 Backpack Borders is a small UI tweak that adds a background and border to the container buttons in Zomboid's inventory windows. The change makes it easier to see each individual button, particularly when the player is using dark c...
'87 TOYOTA Land Cruiser FJ60 [Working/Outdated]
Skapad av KI5
It's one of the most iconic off road vehicles ever, old school SUV with a lot of load space, if you find the one with the roof rack, you are in for a treat. It features many little extras you will have to find on your own. Gear ratios come straight from th...
Clean Ashes
Skapad av inject
Bring sweeping into the 21st century and (partially) free yourself from the tyranny of the context menu. You must have a broom or shovel (thanks for pointing that out Derrick da Fox) in your inventory. Right click any ashes on the ground, select Clear Ashe...
Canteens And Bottles
Skapad av Greb
Adds three types of Canteen, two types of drinking Flask, some Gym Bottles, some Waterskins, a Giant Water Bottle and some Jerry Cans to the game world. MILITARY CANTEEN: Olive Drab Army Green Military Canteen info: Weight when empty = 0.3 Weight when full...
Clear description for Moodles
Skapad av Unamelable
Updated language description for everyone! (Hello World!) Considering that "More Description for Traits" exists, I was surprised nobody made a mod for moodles. I figured it would be quite handy to have this mod alongside it. So I made this little QoL mod. ...
Combat Text (B40+B41+B42)
Skapad av Rezistor
Show health bar above zombie heads and damage dealt Health bar features: shown when player hit zombie for first time and health bar is not visible (100% = current zombie health) health loss is animated (orange part of bar) bar will hide itself after 10 in-...
Collectible Die Cast Cars
Skapad av fhqwhgads
Everyone loves collectibles, right? Why not start collecting model cars? This mod adds a ton of die-cast cars to collect around Kentucky. Cars have different rarities, and include cars from the vanilla game as well as my vehicle pack. The cars can be acqui...
Common Sense
Skapad av Braven It's something so simple, but PZ lacks it sometimes. This mod solves this issue by adding many Quality of Life improvements to the game. I plan to continuously update this mod, adding more and more common sense...
Dark World [41.78+] MP
Skapad av CrazyTv
WARNING! LEAVE YOUR DEFAULT GAME IN THE DARK NIGHT SETTINGS This mod will make your game a little darker, especially at night.. I recommend you start a game after 6 months or 1 year so you have a better scenario... I'm still trying to darken even more in t...
Darker Map
Skapad av Lightja
No more flash bang when opening map. Dark mode enthusiasts rejoice! Updated for B42! Copied folders to original B41 locations as well, so should work on B41 now too. Workshop ID: 2939187818 Mod ID: darkerMap...
Draw On The Map - Free Hand Drawing [B42/41]
Skapad av Notloc
Draw On The Map adds a new free hand drawing tool to the game map! This tool allows you to freely draw lines of any shape. You can customize how thick and filled out the line is, allowing for bold full lines, thin dotted lines, and everything in-between! A...
[B41/B42] Faster Hood Opening
Skapad av TehaGP
Faster Hood Opening Makes the Hood Opening be almost instant instead of taking some a few seconds. Build 42 Compatible! Build 41 Compatibility Remains!
Game Night
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
This mod adds a UI window in order to play card/board games. Interactions with the UI reflect those changes to the items in world. Simply place a Game Night supported item in the world, and right click 'Play'. Features a card deck system with search UI, fl...
Fancy Handwork
Skapad av dhert
Supports B41. Works in Multiplayer A new save is not required A VERSION FOR B42 WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON. There is currently a bug in B42 where Animation Sets are not recognized from the new B42 folder structure, and thus have to be duplicated which doubles ...
Game Night - Mahjong
Skapad av Celene
Adds Mahjong for Game Night. The ingame set contains 144 tiles, typical of Hong Kong mahjong (9x4 Dots, Bamboo, Characters; 4x4 Winds; 3x4 Dragons & 4x1 Flowers and Seasons). Allows you to play Hong Kong, Sichuan, Japanese 4 player and both Japanese and Ko...
Game Night: Scrabble
Skapad av Celene Yes, ZYZZYVA is actually a legal word. Scrabble extension for the Game Night addon All rights reserved by their respective owners; I do not claim any ownership to any...
Game Night: Americana
Skapad av Celene
Add-On for GameNight. A legally distinct reskin of Carcassonne for Game Night. Rules are exactly the same, just with new tiles. To rotate the tiles use the scrollwheel after grabbing the placed tiles. :) Made for the Game in a Game in a Week Jam https://ra...
Game Night: D&D
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
Add-On for GameNight. Includes a full DND dice set, and interactive character sheets/drawing grid-paper. Recommended: Draw On The Map to draw on included papers.
Game Night: Battleship
Skapad av Authentic Peach
Play the game Battleship using the GameNight UI Place the game on a table, right click, and hit play! Requires two people for the full experience... Link to the official instructions by Hasbro DOWNLOAD THE BASE MOD : GAME NIGHT Special thanks to Chuckleber...
Game Night: Cyberpunk 2020
Skapad av KpyrJIbIu
Add-On for GameNight. Includes dice and interactive character sheets to play with your choombas. Recommended: Draw On The Map to draw on included papers. Now go, chip' in, edgerunner!
Game Night: Occult
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
Add-On for GameNight. Includes occult and supernatural items to play with. Get a glimpse of what the future... or the past... has in store for you... https://raw.gith...
Game Night: Mosaic of Magic
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
Add-On for GameNight. With hundreds of cards to collect, each more powerful than the last, Mosaic of Magic offers endless possibilities for deck customization and strategic gameplay. Mosaic of Magic, released in early-1993 and widespread, can be collected ...
Game Night: Covert Names
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
Add-On for GameNight. Two rival handlers each have a new spy, and are tasked with introducing them to their fellow agents covertly. The new spy can only use clues and covert names to discern who is friend of foe. To win, your team will need to make contact...
Game Night: Pogs
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
Add-On for GameNight. Pogs are back... in POG form. The hottest round collectables of 1993 is back! Find Pogs, play for keeps with your friends, ruin your friendship, become a Pog Champion. All this and more await you!
Game Night: Spiffo's Trading Cards
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
Add-On for GameNight. Includes 22 trading cards from your favorite fast food restaurant! They are the 22 Vanilla Professions. Found in the usual places Game Night items can be found, as well as Spiffo's Restaurants.
Has Been Read
Skapad av PePePePePeil
In v2.14, support for Titled Literature (e.g. Books and Magazines) has been added. However, please note that these items, will be marked as "Already Read" they are read after enabling the mod or updating it. The icon display for these items can be turned o...
Game Night: Whodunit
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
Add-On for GameNight. Mr. Buddy, the host of game night has been murdered! Can you determine who, with what, and where? The other classic detective game. https://raw....
Game Night: Zombies Drop Games
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
Add-On for GameNight. Zombies will drop loot related to Game Night. Sandbox Options available for customization.
Item Condition Indicator
Skapad av opsedar
Item Condition Indicator Addon to NoctisFalco Weapon Condition Indicator to also show colors for Items. Problem NoctisFalco Weapon Condition Indicator mod covers weapon, water & lightsource. Drainable items like blowtorch/painkillers has no color when equi...
Skapad av Tchernobill
Details kills by weapon category and by weapon in a new dedicated tab of character window. Adds to the genuine character panel the number of Z that died of other things than player weapon. Technical details Total number of kills can be exported (if selecte...
Mod Manager: Server
Skapad av NoctisFalco
An extension for Mod Manager that makes the process of editing server mod lists much easier and faster. Now you will never forget to add required mods to your server's config! If you appreciate my work, please support me: ht...
[B41/B42] Mini Health Panel
Skapad av Speedy Von Gofast
A minimalistic wounds display without the need to open the health panel. Can be disappeared when no wound need to be treated. Updated for Build 42 The add-on has been updated for Build 42 while a separate version for Bu...
Mod Manager
Skapad av NoctisFalco
Improved mods selection screen. UPDATE 2022-02-05 - "Disable all" and "Disable all (except favorites)" options will not disable Mod Manager when editing the default mod list. - Fixed an error when changing the screen resolution. If you appreciate my work, ...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Skapad av star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BUILD 41 (!) For Build 42 see here. Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. W...
Moodle Framework B41
Skapad av Tchernobill
Makes it easy to add moodles for modders. Moodle Framework Configuration If you want colors to be easier to distinguish, you can set to white the reference color for moodles. This applies to both vanilla and modded moodles. You can also deactivate various ...
More Description for Traits [b42 & b41]
Skapad av Champy
B42 Unstable Update (Former version is still there for b41 compatibility) - Added Mod options - Added Free Recipes What's new in b42 ? Some stuff. A lot of changes to the cost of traits. Like High Thirst now gives only one point Corpse Sickness : Weak Stom...
More Gloves
Skapad av Simsimix
More Gloves!! Have you ever wanted more customization for your dream character? The apocalypse won't be easy if you don't have the right pair of gloves This mod adds up to 16 whole new options with different stats, designed for different roles and occupati...
On the Door
Skapad av PePePePePeil
In Build 42, keys no longer spawn on doors. However, the logic for obtaining keys from doors remains intact. Therefore, this mod has been updated to be compatible with Build 42 in case door key spawning is reintroduced in the future. It's difficult to chec...
[B41] More Simple Traits (MST)
Skapad av hea
Mod contains three versions: Vanilla - balanced to play with base game/traits. Dynamic - balanced for playing with the Dynamic Traits mod. Mini - contains only traits with +1 to missing skills and balanced with base game/traits. You only need to choose one...
Plain Moodles
Skapad av Bion
Minimalist semi-transparent background textures for moodles with level indicator. Does it work in Multiplayer? Yes. Does it work on existing saves? Yes. Safe to enable/disable at any time. Compatibility Compatible with Clear description for Moodles, Weathe...
Players On Map
Skapad av WobbyChip
Rain Wash
Skapad av NoctisFalco
Rain washes blood and dirt away. Including the character's body, clothing, equipped bags, equipped and attached weapons, the vehicle your character is in and vehicle attached to it or last used vehicle and vehicle attached to it. How it works Body, clothin...
[B41/B42] Rain Cleans Blood
Skapad av Akamir
Tired of zombies splattering their brains all over your pretty lawn? Well no more! Just wait for some rain or snow and watch it all fade away. What does it do? This mod makes it so that when it's raining or snowing, blood will slowly fade away from floors ...
Refillable Lighters
Skapad av Cpt. Metal
This mod will not be updated to B42 since this recipe was added to the base game. Thank you all for using this mod! Refillable Lighters Have you ever been annoyed by the fact that this game treats seemingly refillable lighters like disposable ones? Then th...
Read Faster [B41+MP]
Skapad av avokato
All vanilla skill books now have 70 pages each. Works on the existing save, but you need to find new books in unexplored territory. SP: 220 vs 70 Vanilla With mod No traits 18 min 6 min Fast reader 13 min 4 min Slow reader 24 min 7,5 min MP: (With a defaul...
[B41] Simple Overhaul: Melee Weapons (SOMW)
Skapad av hea
Simple Overhaul: Melee Weapons (SOMW) For Project Zomboid ver. 41.78 . Works in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer. Included translations: EN, RU, CH, CN, IT, DE, KO, UA, TH, PTBR, ES, AR, JP, TR, PL. FEATURES: - New fresh models and textures for almost all...
Skill Recovery Journal
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
Lore-friendly(ish) solution to the loss of a character. Craftable journals which allow the recovery of skills and recipes.
Skapad av Nebula
The mod completely changes the mechanics of cigarettes - the cigarettes will be inside the pack. Smoker mod - can work both independently and with other mods that change cigarettes, in the second case it can use items and capabilities of other mods. All co...
Snow is water [MP Working - v1.3.1]
Skapad av Buhorl
Info Snow is still water, so Rain Collectors and Metal Barrels will be filled when snowing, just at a slower rate (50%). It's a small mod that I created for myself for winter storm playthroughs. It works great paired with mods such as Cryogenic winter, Ete...
SportXAI's Ambient Color [B41]
Skapad av SportXAI
This mod has changed dawn, dusk and night color, and added sunshine effect, you can see the sunshine between 6 am and 9 am or 6 pm and 8 pm Workshop ID: 3072719389 Mod ID: SportXAI's Ambient Color...
that DAMN Library
Skapad av KI5
What is this? This is a framework that fuels all KI5 mods, one centralized place to fine tune and expand all mods and make them ready for game changes and new features. You can find more about it here: that DAMN Library - Crafting, Fixing and Recycling exp...
True Actions. Act 3 - Dancing
Skapad av iBrRus Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were marked by dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the ...
This mod replaces the models, textures and names of nearly all vanilla firearms, attachments, ammunition and magazines. It also adds several new lore-friendly weapons and items. ⚠️ READ THE FAQ ⚠️ As of this version, 23 new firearms (and their magazines), ...
Time Period Accurate Posters
Skapad av MarianaS2601
Movie posters! Vidya posters! Band posters! Anime posters?! Even ads for some reason! Inspired by the Time-Period Accurate True Music add-on and the Aza's posters mod, this mod adds 120+ posters from before 1993, mainly from the 80's and early 90's. You ca...
Weapon Condition Indicator [41.60+]
Skapad av NoctisFalco
The mod shows condition (durability) of a weapon attached to the hotbar (back, belt, holster, etc.) or equipped in the primary hand. And many other useful features. Features - Two types of weapon condition indicators: icon (star or bubble) and progress bar...
Vilespring's M113A1 Armored Personnel Carrier [Updated 2023]
Skapad av Vilespring
The M113A1, an American Armored Personnel Carrier constructed out of 5083 Aluminum Alloy at 28mm - 44mm. This machine and its variants have been in service since 1960 all over the world. In Project Zombiod, the M113A1 is a very rare and very powerful, yet ...
Zomboid Paper API
Skapad av Chuckleberry Finn
This is an API which allows "paper" via map items. Allows for multiple imaged pages per item, also supports map symbols for each page. Also supports Draw On The Map.
'97 ADI Bushmaster
Skapad av KI5
It's 1997, Australia was under a full quarantine for four long years, but they managed to keep the virus out. Now, they are sending their first RECON teams around the world, and one of the highest priorities is the Knox County. A few small teams have tried...
'84 Cadillac Gage LAV-300
Skapad av KI5
After many months of delays, countless headaches and 2 overhauls, it's finally time to release this fat chunk of metal to the public! LAV-300 is a successor of well known V100 Commando, it shares many features with it, but it has many extras and many surpr...
Dylan's Tile Pack
Skapad av Dylan
Will be working on bugs and fixes for B42, potential name change for the tile pack too. The mod will continue to have a B41 option as well. Adds custom tiles to map mods. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to ...
Autotsar Motorclub
Skapad av iBrRus
This day has come! Autotsar Inc. together with KI5-Production, are pleased to present the new vehicles: ______________ 1984 BWM R80/7 Monolever - Class...
Aquatsar Yacht Club [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Skapad av iBrRus
WARNING To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. "AntiCheatProtectionType12=false" F.A.Q. Does this mod work without the Tsar's Common Library mod? No. Does this mod work without the Cherbourg mod?...
Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles
Skapad av Daddy Dirkie Dirk
A collection of tiles, this mod as a standalone will not have any effect on the game. This mod simply does the behinds the scenes magic to make all the tiles function as intended. Now, if you are not making maps/mods and are simply using this mod as it is ...
[B42/B41] The Motorious Zone Vehicle Pack
Skapad av fhqwhgads
This mod will add several vehicles to the game. The vehicles are vanilla-styled (including lore-friendly names, or optional real names), era appropriate (1993 and earlier), and support all the features of vanilla vehicles. The pack will be a variety pack, ...
MEA - M113A2 Armored Personnel Carrier
Skapad av cyt
The M113A2 is an armored personnel carrier that was developed in the United States during the 1960s. It is a tracked vehicle that is designed to transport troops and equipment across a variety of terrains, including rough terrain and water obstacles. The M...
Military Environment Addon
Skapad av cyt What is the Military Environment Addon? The Military Environment Addon (MEA) is a multi-part mod that aims to completely overhaul, supplement, and introduce military equipment into the world of Project Zomboid. What should I...
Motorious Zone Vehicle Pack - standardized vehicle upgrades
Skapad av PeterHammerman
Compatibility mod for Motorious zone with Standardized Vehicle Armor 2 - made for my youtube videos series. Im in pain that awesome mod like Motorious Zone hasn't vehicles upgrade so far, so i decided to make this happen. WARNING! No future updates are pla...
Motorious Zone - RV Interior Addon
Skapad av fhqwhgads
This addon for Motorious Zone will add support for the RV Interior mod to relevant vehicles in the pack, allowing you to enter and customize your vans or buses from MZ you may have collected. It uses interior maps included in the core RV Interiors mod, so ...
North Of Killian Country
Skapad av JUP1T3RTG
North Of Killian Country Welcome to the North of Killian Country, the expansion of my first map Killian Country, I hope you enjoy it. Location This map uses 3x5, 15 cells; 24.29 - 25.29 - 26.29 - 26.29 - 27.29 - 28.29 - 24.30 - 25.30 - 26.30 - 26.30 - 27.3...
Skapad av Pertominus
This tile pack has been made available for map makers to use. Some of the tile sheets are within the mod folder itself. The rest will be released when they are properly edited or if requested on the mapping discord. Several room definitions have been added...
RV Interior
Skapad av Maxwelt
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ENABLING THE MOD Simulate interiors of some vehicles. Support over a 100 vehicles. Each vehicle has 25 fully-customizable independent spaces. The power is tied to the car battery. Some trailers have no battery of their own, and...
Simon MDs Tiles
Some tiles I created initially for my Stalker Stores (only the ones with no loot right now). Tiles will also be used in other mods I am working on. Thanks @Miss Raptor ( for providing your beautiful art so I can integrate t...
throttlekitty's tiles
Skapad av throttlekitty
This is a collection of world tile sprites I've made to be used as a resource in creating custom maps. Some sprites may have additional functionality, I'll be including lua for those in this mod as needed. I don't plan on making anything here craftable, ho...
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Skapad av iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
Vehicle Repair Overhaul
Skapad av hehehemann NOW UPDATED FOR BUILD 42 Build 42 is Repair ONLY options - Many more options for repairs have been added B41 and B42 COMPATIBLE Salvage options will return for build 42 at a later date Find a clunker you love but its one zom...
Standardized Vehicle Upgrades 2 (OLD)
Skapad av Jack Rossman
Updated version available here. This version will no longer receive updates. What does this do? A car armor mod that covers every vanilla vehicle, every Fili's vehicle and the Petyarbuilt379...
Improvised Glass
Skapad av Orc
You've survived the apocalypse. You've memorized the Wood Time TV Jingle. You've stolen countless cars, survived endless nights and you've scavenged your little heart out and yet, that elusive windshield or home window eludes you. Not anymore! Introducing ...
More Traits [RUS]
Skapad av Dilanyan
"Перевод на Русский язык мода Версии build 41.78+" Russian translation of mod Versions build 41.78+ : More Traits Author (Автор) More Traits - Мод добавляющий новые по...
Jay's Building Expansion
Skapad av Myself
This mod includes two main items designed to expand on vanilla building mechanics: Jay's Building Utility: A utility mod which makes metal constructions slightly cheaper, as well as adds sandbox settings to increase health for ALL metal and wood constructi...
[B41/B42 Beta] Simple Overhaul: Traits and Occupations (SOTO)
Skapad av hea
Simple Overhaul: Traits and Occupations or just SOTO Please, rate mod for promotion. It will motivate me to make more content! Thank you <3 Features: - Rebalanced vanilla occupations, making all of them worth to pick. - Rebalanced vanilla traits, some of t...