Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Items (90)
Barricaded World - Extended Erosion [b41/b42]
Created by Onkeen
Features Most of the time, I play at very advanced erosion. But I always found that houses were "too clean" so I created this mod to put erosion to the next level. It makes most of the houses look like abandoned safehouses and city buildings appear desolat...
[B41] Expanded Helicopter Events
Created by shark
This mod replaces the vanilla helicopter event with a more dynamic suite of events which are both challenging and fair. Furthermore, the mod is designed as a framework and can be easily expandable and modifiable in itself.*
[B42/B41] The Motorious Zone Vehicle Pack
Created by fhqwhgads
This mod will add several vehicles to the game. The vehicles are vanilla-styled (including lore-friendly names, or optional real names), era appropriate (1993 and earlier), and support all the features of vanilla vehicles. The pack will be a variety pack, ...
Created by Hyzo
Overall firearms overhaul. Adds several new guns: Glock 17 (9x19mm) Colt Single Action Army (.44-40 WCF) MP5 (9x19mm) UZI Carbine (9x19mm) Winchester 1894 (.44 Magnum) Winchester 1873 (.44-40 WCF) FN FAL (7.62x51mm/.308 Winchester) M60 (7.62x51mm/.308 Winc...
Noir's Rifle Slings
Created by Noir
I asked Akyet if I can upload my own version of his Rifle Slings, he said yes so here's is Features Adds a Sling slot to equip 2h guns/melee weapons Sling can be wear in four positions Slings doesn't worn out Slings keeps position when wearing a backpack S...
Map Legend UI [B42\41]
Created by NikGamer
Works with Build 42! Playing build 41, but still don't remember what all the building colors stand for? Or, perhaps, like me, you think that the vanilla build 42 map key looks a bit... off? Suffer no longer. This mod adds a legend from old town maps to in-...
Spongie's Clothing
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Works in multiplayer Adds 28 new clothing items Most jackets added can be opened or rolled which will lower their insulation and weather protection. Also unhides sweaters under jackets. The full item list can be found pinned in the di...
Created by eris
eris_nightvision_goggles Item artwork by Lith @ TheGoodOldDayz server. Adds working night vision goggles. B41 IWBUMS compatible. Midnight and midday screenshots shown above. Screenshots were taken with maximum nvg brightness setting (100%), default night d...
Created by Tchernobill
Details kills by weapon category and by weapon in a new dedicated tab of character window. Adds to the genuine character panel the number of Z that died of other things than player weapon. Technical details Total number of kills can be exported (if selecte...
Mod Options (Build 41)
Created by star
ModOptions WIP (paused)! Allows other mods to be customized. Any mod author can add custom options to their mod. Requirements (!) THIS MOD IS COMPATIBLE ONLY WITH BUILD 41 (!) For Build 42 see here. Steam Workshop Issues 1. Quit the game. 2. Unsubscribe. W...
Moodle Framework B41
Created by Tchernobill
Makes it easy to add moodles for modders. Moodle Framework Configuration If you want colors to be easier to distinguish, you can set to white the reference color for moodles. This applies to both vanilla and modded moodles. You can also deactivate various ...
More Traits
Created by HypnoToadTrance
IMPORTANT: Build 41.68 and Higher Due to false-flags for anti-cheat, it is recommended to disable anti-cheat when hosting a server with this mod. You can try enabling some anti-cheats, but your mileage may vary. A Personal Appeal To Decency: Please do not ...
ra's Professions
Created by razab
Content: This mod adds new professions and occupations and makes some changes to the vanilla ones. Each profession may come with special traits, skills, starting equipment, clothing and/or starting positions. New professions: 01. Teacher 02. Botanist 03. W...
Manik's Survivor Retextures
Created by Manik Goblyn
Realistic retextures for male and female survivors, including makeup. All textures are 1k for greater detail. (set resolution in game settings to 1024 for best quality) There are two variations of this mod, one with underwear and one without. PLEASE, only ...
Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Created by iBrRus Description Common library for Tsar's Companies. Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc (Code modified ...
True Music: Grunge
Created by Davy Crockett
I made this in regard to Time Period Accurate Music. So if you wanna have the tracks: Drain You, On A Plain, Stay Away, In Bloom, Lithium, Love Buzz, Alive, Even Flow, Man In The Box, etc. You can find em here:
True Music
Created by iBrRus It's time for true music in Project Zomboid again. The mod allows all users to add their music to the game. In addition, you can add your own vinyl cov...
True Actions. Act 4 - Talking
Created by iBrRus Mod adds an animations when the player typing in the chat. Only for multiplayer. Mod commissioned by Yayo, specifically for the Day's End Roleplay serv...
True Actions. Act 3 - Dancing
Created by iBrRus Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were marked by dancing: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the ...
True Actions. Act 1 & 2 - Sitting & Lying [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Created by iBrRus WARNING #To make the mod work in multiplayer in the server config disable anti-cheat protection for type 12. AntiCheatProtectionType12=false Act 2 - Ly...
Time-Period Accurate Music (True Music)
Created by THEM
UNMAINTAINED Time-Period Accurate Music! This is a Addon for True Music. This mod adds 220 songs that would be realistic to when Project Zomboid takes place (Pre - July, 1993). All songs are given a Vinyl + Cover & Cassette form. The song names follow the ...
Rebalanced Prop Moving
Created by Ludwig Van B.
Do I really need a hammer to move a couch? I wish I could move this desk, but I haven't taken any carpentry classes! This mod removes the nails holding your furniture and appliances to the floor! Details: - Furniture and appliances require no skill/tool to...
Military Ponchos
Created by Akyet
Adds a new Military style poncho to the game! Can be worn in two different styles both with hood up or down options. Currently the Military Ponchos come in 3 colours but more including patterns etc. are planned. Current Colours: Green Yellow/Brown Black __...
Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars!
Created by Filibuster Rhymes
Hey dudes, the comments are disabled because it's just Russian spam now, haha. Once build 42 is out and stable, I'll update this version and re-enable comments. Until then, if you need any help with it, feel free to join the discord. You should also check ...
(41, 42) (Vanilla) Crashed Cars Mod
Created by Alabeo
Warnings: Build 42 Compatible. The mod WORKS with Multiplayer in Build 41. Description: Ever wanted to have the famous highway scene from The Walking Dead in Project Zomboid? Ever wanted to see more chaos on the streets? Did you hate the bland burnt car mo...
4 Color Bic Pen.
Provides a 4-color Bic Pen with the functionality of a Black, Red, Green & Blue pen. Also makes the pencil double as an eraser, because the icon shows the pencil having an eraser, so clearly, it should be usable. Made purely because someone on Reddit asked...
Share Annotations
Created by belette
Compatible with version 42.2.0 and 41.78.16 (solo & multiplayer). This mod allows you to share your map annotations with your friends using any piece of paper in a lore-friendly way. Features: write down annotations using pen and paper to share with others...
Clothing Actions - Radial Menu
Created by dhert
Supports B41 and B42. Works in Multiplayer A new save is not required A QOL mod for Project Zomboid that displays a Radial Menu for all Extra Clothing Actions that can be performed on currently worn items. Less fumbling through your Inventory! For example,...
Better Hand Wash (41.60+)
Created by Sunnyyyyholic
Currently, the amount of water for washing socks required 10 water. This is the same amount of water to wash a jacket. Besides, if very little blood splashes on your clothes, you need 10 water to wash it. I feels weird when I do wash clothes. and this is v...
March Ridge Expansion
Created by Nerd
Single Cell map mod that expands the North West side of March Ridge. The mod expands March Ridge in cell 32x42, and includes a school, a neighborhood with big luxury houses, a car dealership, and a park, and more! Also check out C.O.N. Research & Testing F...
Authentic Loot Rates
Created by Authentic Peach
Goals of this mod: Encourage more long-term game play Encourage players to loot a certain location for something ie more ammo at police stations. Encourage players to explore a skill subsystem like jarring or the metalworking recipes. What does this mod do...
Rosewood Expansion
Created by pinzdesign
UPDATED: - Minimap! It should be working now, fully regenerated and updated (need to start new game) - Updated core tileset - should resolve at least some of the red question marks issues - Significantly decreased weapon spawns by removing military lockers...
West Point Expansion
Created by ww2commander
NOTE: West Point Expansion is now included as a community map online at the PZ Map Project. You can explore the map in greater detail here: Tired of vanilla West Point, want more to scaveng...
Mileage Expansion
Created by KONIJIMA
Mileage Expansion Introducing the "Mileage Expansion" mod, a game-changer for all vehicle enthusiasts! Get ready to embark on a journey of realism and immersion as this mod brings a whole new level of authenticity to your favorite game. With the "Mileage E...
Flash Light Bars on Emergency Service Vehicles
Created by ATPHHe
(Updates currently On Hiatus) : IWBUMS 41.39+ seems to have caused an issue with the light bars and sirens. With this mod disabled or enabled, any enabled (turned on) light bars and sirens currently disable themselves when reloading a save file or reloadin...
Small Town First Responders - LEGACY2 - REWRITE OUT NOW!!!
Created by Jack Rossman
- COMPLETE REWRITE! - - REWRITE WILL BREAK SAVES! - - A LEGACY VERSION WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THIS MOD PAGE UPON RELEASE! - CLICK HERE! What does this do? This mods adds 29 new, realistic and lore-friendly Federal, State, County, Town and private agency unif...
Jump Through Windows
Created by AbraxasDusk
Have to get away in a hurry? Just jump through a window! When sprinting, you'll automatically vault through windows in your path. Careful though! If the window is closed it's probabaly gonna hurt... Updates: v1.1 -Fixed bug causing errors when fighting zom...
Disinfectant Cologne
Created by Anquect
Have you ever wondered why We can't use cologne as a disinfectant? Well.. Now you can! This mod replaces normal Junk (ew) cologne with new Cologne categorized as First Aid instead of Junk. It doesn't have much use in it but it's perfect for using it as a t...
Mx's Bags
Created by Mxswat
Adds new bags and backpacks: - Trauma Backpack, it has the same capacity as a Vanilla Military backpack - Medical Fanny Bag, it has 2 capacity compared to the Vanilla Fanny Bag and comes in 3 different colors. (Craftable) - Specialized Medical Fanny Bag, i...
CorpseStudy (fork / remake by ttr)
Created by ttr
Original mod by Mattb224 - Craft Medical journal and learn First Aid skill by butchering corpse (corpse needs to be in inventory) v1.4 - added ModOptions (do not show in mods options due to ...
More Medical
Created by iBrRus Suffering from the flu, but work is not waiting? Can't heal from a burn you got a long time ago? Scared to get behind the wheel with a medicine cabinet...
Equipment UI - Paper Doll Equipment Interface [B42/41]
Created by Notloc Equipment UI Equipment UI is an addition to Project Zomboids interface that adds a paper doll (STALKER / tArKov inspired) equipment panel for managing and viewing your character's equipment. Use mod options to hide equipped ...
Add Random Sprinters
Created by EasyPeasyViking
This mod allows to add random sprinters. It works for both SOLO and MP. You can configure the rate of sprinters. You can also set zombies to be inactive at night hours (all zombies will be shamblers). You can decide to go with a custom day/night hours OR u...
Map Symbol Size Slider
Created by capsgry
This mod adds a symbol size slider to map symbols menu. With it you can change the size of symbols and notes on the map. Features Resize symbols and notes on global map and map items FAQ Can I make the symbols even bigger? The main purpose of the mod is to...
Just Throw Them Out The Window
Created by co`
What is this about? This mod is meant to address a single problem. You all know too well that awkward moment when the upper levels of your base get invaded by zombies. If you're lucky enough to survive this, you end up with piles of corpses all around the ...
Fuel Side Indicator
Created by kabaww
EXCITING NEWS! The latest blog post by The Indie Stone ( seems to hint that they will add a fuel-side indicator to the vanilla game on Build 42. I'm so happy that the developers noticed this smal...
Fluffy Hair [B41 & B42]
Created by Scavenger
This mod will add for almost all hats new adjusted hair models for the default hairs to keep their original shape when wearing something on the head. No more Ponytails or flat hairs! You can still turn your hair into ponytail if you wish so. (Also i improv...
[B42] I Don't Need A Lighter
Created by Fingbel
What is this mod ? So you're telling me that people can't light a cigarette while sitting in front of a campfire or while driving around in a 90's car ? Well this is over with this mod. You now have access to a car-lighter within every car and you can also...
Swap It
Created by Chuckleberry Finn
Does the following: Equipped weapons will swap places with hotslotted weapons instead of being put away. Example: If you have Weapon A on your belt and Weapon B in hand- selecting weapon A will equip weapon A and put weapon B on your belt. Activating an em...
Spongie's Open Jackets
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Should work in multiplayer Open jackets, roll shirts, tie sweaters, tuck pants Adds new ways that clothing items can be worn such as: opening and rolling jackets/shirts, tying sweaters & hoodies, and tucking in pants. Supports almost ...
Brutal Handwork
Created by dhert
Supports B41. Works in Multiplayer An update for this mod shouldn't be expected until 2025. Definitely at least not until B42 has multiplayer. A new save is not required A combat mod made ...
Fancy Handwork
Created by dhert
Supports B41. Works in Multiplayer A new save is not required A VERSION FOR B42 WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON. There is currently a bug in B42 where Animation Sets are not recognized from the new B42 folder structure, and thus have to be duplicated which doubles ...
Simple UI library
Created by MrBounty
Simple UI Library Want to make a simple menu for your mod to : - Ask the player to choose between two things? - Ask the player a nickname, age, height, weight, etc ? - Display a map ? - Display player-related information from your mod such as amount of mon...
Created by MrBounty
Spongie's Hair
Created by spongie
Supports B41 and B42. Works in multiplayer Adds 78 new hairstyles for both body types Immersion breaking hairstyles don't spawn on zombies. Full hairstyle list is in the preview images above and the pinned discussion below Recommended Mods: Fluffy Hair - R...
MRE Mod [B41]
Created by Blackbeard
This version is for BUILD 41 ONLY A separate mod will be created for B42. What does this mod do? Adds MRE's to the game! Includes a 3d model box, Stack of MREs and an MRE package. Notice! You can view the change log for updates. Features: Spawns a MRE and ...
More Durable Weapons B41
Created by Hyzo
More Durable Weapons B41 Inspired by the mod Realistic durabilities by Hisu. Tested and works on IWBUMS 41.61 Because of weird bugs I had to put the Item Tweaker mod code in this mods files but give DarkSlayerEX a like anyways because it wouldn't be possib...
VHS SkillTapes (SP & MP)
Created by Crawling King Chaos
Adds VHS tapes for Crafting and Survivalist skills. Each series has 6 episodes that give XP. Tapes are VHS-Retail and should spawn along with other retail VHS. You don't need a fresh save for this mod, but the tapes will only spawn at undiscovered location...
Better Sorting
Created by ChthronicKnight Complete overhaul to item categories and various name tweaks. Compatible with B41, B40, and Multiplayer(B40+B41)! This mod can be safely added or removed from a...
Better Excerices (x2.5 Exercise XP)
Created by Stellar Harbour
Get more XP for doing exercises Trying to make it balanced for both MP and SP Workshop ID: 2703283146 Mod ID: FasterTraining...
[B41] Occupied Louisville (320+ Spawn Points!)
Created by Cuckoo
Occupied Louisville 1.2 has now been released (13th Feb 2022). A rewrite of this Workshop item description is pending. In the hope of making the release less disruptive for anyone using this in multiplayer, an unmodified legacy version of Occupied Louisvil...
Dylan's Tile Pack
Created by Dylan
Will be working on bugs and fixes for B42, potential name change for the tile pack too. The mod will continue to have a B41 option as well. Adds custom tiles to map mods. To server owners, feel free to add our mods to your modpacks. We grant permission to ...
Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles
Created by Daddy Dirkie Dirk
A collection of tiles, this mod as a standalone will not have any effect on the game. This mod simply does the behinds the scenes magic to make all the tiles function as intended. Now, if you are not making maps/mods and are simply using this mod as it is ...
throttlekitty's tiles
Created by throttlekitty
This is a collection of world tile sprites I've made to be used as a resource in creating custom maps. Some sprites may have additional functionality, I'll be including lua for those in this mod as needed. I don't plan on making anything here craftable, ho...
[OBSOLETE] ItemTweaker Extra Clothing Option Addon
Created by Delran
Spongie's Open Jackets doesn't require this mode anymore, you can remove it from your modlist. ItemTweaker Addon, Extra Clothing Options This addon add allows to easily add multiple extra clothing options, such as "Open Jacket" or "Down Hoodie" to modded i...
Build 42+ UNSUPPORTED - Item Tweaker API
Created by DarkSlayerEX
Workshop ID: 566115016 ModID: ItemTweakerAPI --EDIT 3 - End of Support -- I thank you all who have subscribed, and with these numbers am humbled. I am aware this mod no longer works for build 42. I am okay with this, and in fact am glad, as this mod was ho...
Lingering Reflexes...
Created by Mr Sunshine
Super special thanks to belette for his awesome mod Random Zombies! This mod simply uses the cognition code. ============================================================= =====================================================...
Created by Nebula
The mod completely changes the mechanics of cigarettes - the cigarettes will be inside the pack. Smoker mod - can work both independently and with other mods that change cigarettes, in the second case it can use items and capabilities of other mods. All co...
Guns Are Loud Again (Firearms B41 Patch)
Created by Scroobles McDoodle
An edit of Spongie's "Guns Are Loud (Again) to include the guns from Firearms B41. Buffs the absolute crap out of the sound radiuses. Gun go BANG. All credit for the code goes to Spongie, I simply altered their mod. Go check out their original mod if you w...
Post-Soviet Armory
Created by _LemeS_
Check out my discord server for updates and ongoing development! A collection of our firearms with comrade Huell! The pack will be constantly supplemented with new types of weapons and updated regularly (atleast after b42). Th...
Shark's Weapon Pack
Created by shark
Consider buying me a coffee You can't spell slaughter without laughter. This mod introduces thirteen new melee weapons to Project Zomboid: Cavalry Saber - Once used ceremonially by the US Army and now used by you. https://i....
Created by Chakal16
Hello all, this is my first addition to the Project Zomboid world, hope you all enjoy it. This mod adds several military checkpoints and bunkers around the vanilla map. Good luck with your search and take care. Secrets are always a dangerous thing to searc...
Braven's Utilities
Created by Braven A set of tools This simple "mod" adds basic functionality I tend to use in my actual mods. This is absolutely necessary for some of my mods. Click here to see the full list. Free to Use Anyone is hereby granted ...
Created by Pertominus
This tile pack has been made available for map makers to use. Some of the tile sheets are within the mod folder itself. The rest will be released when they are properly edited or if requested on the mapping discord. Several room definitions have been added...
Created by Kahj
A small town called Ashenwood. The town grew fast as people wanted to settle somewhere outside of the city but still have all the service and entertainment of the big cities. More and more houses popped up as well as a few small businesses that decided to ...
Raven Сreek
Created by DavidBlane
EVAC Louisville
Created by Chakal16
Main Stuff This mod adds a main evacuation point at Lousville, placed on the main stadium of the city. Recommendation This is just one of the planned EVAC points which are made to complete the SecretZ checkpoints for vanilla map. Already included in Secret...
Created by Chakal16
Stuff Very simple mod at his name says, just adds a blockade at the main bridge between West Point and Louisville. Already included in SecretZ Pandemic pack If you are using SecretZ Pandemic don't use this standalone map. Wo...
EVAC Muldraugh
Created by Chakal16
Stuff The Muldraugh train depot was reworked as a military evacuation point, so maybe now is a bit more interesting place to visit than before. Good luck. Already included in SecretZ Pandemic pack If you are using SecretZ Pandemic don't use this standalone...
Battlefield Louisville: The Stadium
Created by Chakal16
Stuff One more time, not a complex a mod, with this and some others im working on i'll try to show some battle "scars" in the city of Lousville against the zombie pandemic, this time in the baseball stadium which in this case was used as stronghold by the ...
Battlefield Louisville: The Hospital
Created by Chakal16
Stuff St Peregrins Hospital suffered the beggining of the pandemic, and now after the fall of Louisville is just a shadow of his past full of dead. As my other mods of this kind, a simple modification adding the scars of the battle against the zombies in L...
10 Years Later Professions and Occupations
Created by Harrison
Because nobody's a burger flipper this far into the apocalypse. This mod is a replacement for the regular professions that the vanilla game offers, and is intended to be used for gameplay scenarios that dive further into the apocalypse, such as 6 months or...
Profession Framework
Created by Dr_Cox1911
Profession Framework Mod for Project Zomboid by Fenris_Wolf Adds a framework to simply adding additional professions and traits to project zomboid, and editing the default professions. As well as simplifying the modding process and letting professions have...
[B41] 10 Years Later
Created by Dane
10 Years Later Discord 10 Years Later Collection ! 10 Years Later setup guide ! If you only want the overlays, just enable 10YL_HIGH or 10YL_MEDIUM or 10YL_LOW and disable 10YL_MAPS OR use light edition: 10 Years Later - Light version 1) SOLO : Mod load or...
Melos Tiles for Miles Tilepack
Created by melos_tiles
Notice: This tilepack only works properly in B41 and is not suitable for B42! (I will eventually update it as soon as TIS releases the offical tools to do so!) 24.12.2024 Update: - Lots of new tiles, especially for the new map "Shortrest City" to work prop...
Simon MDs Destroyed Tiles
Some destroyed tiles I created for general usage Workshop ID: 2862154374 Mod ID: simonMDsDestroyedTiles...
Simon MDs Tiles
Some tiles I created initially for my Stalker Stores (only the ones with no loot right now). Tiles will also be used in other mods I am working on. Thanks @Miss Raptor ( for providing your beautiful art so I can integrate t...