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Tot ist tot Baby! [TITB]
กลุ่ม STEAM
Tot ist tot Baby! [TITB]
15 กันยายน 2009
เกี่ยวกับ Tot ist tot Baby!

Left 4ever Dead

Die L4D Funcommunity rund um alle Zombieschnetzler mit Mikrophon.
Costum Maps in der Steamgruppe!
Hunter lernen!
5 ความเห็น
Der Blaue Wolf 21 ก.ย. 2009 @ 1: 03pm 
Is ja reger Verkehr hier xD
kanuga 21 ก.ย. 2009 @ 6: 13am 
So why not flame it AND shoot it?

Because they're tracked separately! I don't know why. Therefore, shooting wastes ammo!

In Campaign (but not in Versus) Burning and weapon damage is calculated separately. Thus, on Advanced difficulty, if a tank is has taken 7200 weapon damage, (and is therefore 90% dead), and is THEN set on fire, it will still take 35 seconds to die from fire.
kanuga 21 ก.ย. 2009 @ 5: 55am 
13. Shooting the tank when you are incapacitated is usually a bad idea - keep a full reload in your pistols to defend the teammate who revives you afterwards. If a teammate manages to attract the attention of a tank beating upon you, and if you then shoot the distracted tank, it will usually resume beating upon you.

13A. Distracting a tank away from a fallen teammate which it has already started to beat upon can always be accomplished by mounting the minigun (no, not THAT way), or sometimes, by running up to touch-distance and shooting or meleeing the tank. You must then BACK AWAY, because if the tank swings at you and hits the ground, its fist does area-effect damage and can kill your nearby downed teammate. Only the mini-gun method of distraction works very well if the downed teammate is firing at the tank. If you only mount the mini-gun for a second or two, the tank will only be distracted for a second or two, and may quickly resume pounding on the nearby downed teammate.
kanuga 21 ก.ย. 2009 @ 5: 54am 
Gasoline flames start a tank's burn-to-death-timer which nothing stops ticking, even when the flame-animation is stopped by entering water. In campaign mode, a tank's damage from weapons and explosions is SEPARATE from fire damage. This means shooting at a burning tank usually just wastes ammo, unless you WANT convince the tank to attack you instead of a teammate. (Exception: when a tank is already over 90% dead from physical damage, lighting the tank on fire CAN combine with weapons to snuff out the last 10% of its hit points...link to come).
kanuga 21 ก.ย. 2009 @ 5: 51am 
nur mal weil wir neulich drüber diskutiert haben
0 ในแช็ต
15 กันยายน 2009