All That Is GRIMDARK (3.14.☠)
363 comentarios
G marceau 30 ENE a las 11:15 a. m. 
"crash when I click on a star named Xi : that is a new problem, never had this one "

What is the map you use ?

I will make a cleaner version of the list.

For the name problem (if you have system called unknown and a crash when you click on it ) it can be fix in vanillia with a mod that had more star name.

Turning the game from stellaris to a w40K univers can be tricky, the game ressist !

G414 mod list update tested pi version to end game :
ToooMuchSalsa 28 ENE a las 1:33 p. m. 
@G marceau : your list still has the UI overhaul mods. Also, I am having a crash when I click on a star named Xir. Instantly crashes my game everytime. I am currently trying to figure out how to delete the star through console commands
Cornfedman19 28 ENE a las 12:16 p. m. 
So every faction except the mechanicus and the IoM shows up to pick from, any idea why they're the only two missing?
ToooMuchSalsa 26 ENE a las 10:58 p. m. 
@G marceau: What version are you playing on? I am playing on 3.14.1 with only your list and it crashes as soon as i press New Game
perl 13 ENE a las 8:22 p. m. 
Can you integrate "Invasion!" into this?
ritz_ 5 ENE a las 5:39 p. m. 
Individual Necrons start with the Synthesization tradition tree, and it kinda breaks them and turns them into undesirables
Da Kaptin 3 ENE a las 10:53 a. m. 
Nother bit, loaded my necron save to play the next day, All necron pops replaced with , an organic pop that hates me. New necrons are being built but no matter how far back i load a save all my pops are now blank undesirables
Da Kaptin 2 ENE a las 4:57 p. m. 
Playin necrons, cant clear stasis tomb due to ranger lodge?
G marceau 28 DIC 2024 a las 1:01 a. m. 
I ve everything working on my side
Rockie 27 DIC 2024 a las 6:19 p. m. 
bro trying to use this latest version 3.14 and it doesn't work at all. completely broke, only 1 or 2 potraits load, nothing else works. anyone know whats going on? or do i need to downgrade a version?
Monkey Nuts Entrepreneur 26 DIC 2024 a las 11:21 p. m. 
You're doing the God Emperor's work.
Lo Sceriffo di Nottingham 22 DIC 2024 a las 10:02 a. m. 
ok thanks you. But cant his mod work with 40 k factions+patch, because I always CTD when I use them together.
FirePrince  [autor] 22 DIC 2024 a las 9:44 a. m. 
@The Emperor: thx, will check it asap!
@Emelya42bro: sry, no, I think you misunderstood humanoid.
@Lo Sceriffo di Nottingham: no, it's not normal. This mod update is standalone.
Lo Sceriffo di Nottingham 22 DIC 2024 a las 8:33 a. m. 
I've just downloaded the mod, but I can see only few custom portraits (i.e. can't see necrons, or aeldari). Is it normal? Another question. is this 3.14 version sufficient or i need to use the original all that is Grimdark mod too?
Emelya42bro 21 DIC 2024 a las 10:03 a. m. 
Is it possible to remove the restriction on the Orc race attribute only for humanoids? Please, this is very disturbing.
The Emperor 20 DIC 2024 a las 12:46 p. m. 
I would like to report a bug,
On the screen where you can pick prescripted empires it shows the Imperium of man and the leader portrait is the master of mankind but when I spawn this empire in game its just a commissar or a high lord of Terra. And just another minor thing I've noticed is that portrait in question of the master of mankind is not sellectable in the edit empire page. The mods I use are the 30k/40k factions, 30k/40k factions compatibility patch and all that is grim-dark this one here.

I figured id bring this to your attention because I don't believe its intentional. I would also like to thank you for keeping this wonderful mod updated.
Merry Christmas
MrGulag 13 DIC 2024 a las 10:50 a. m. 
lore wise yes it wouldnt really be hyper accurate, but gameplay wise its more compatible overall, and if someone wants lore accurate imperials they can just make lore accurate imperials
FirePrince  [autor] 13 DIC 2024 a las 10:45 a. m. 
THX for feedback, I updated.
@MrGulag: that would not fit lore wise, but I fixed a mistake in this species code.
@Centurian128: actually yes, was not really tested new code, should be fixed now.
MrGulag 11 DIC 2024 a las 3:27 p. m. 
Idea for the God Ruler origin
instead of doing funky things via events to give you a second species, why not just make it so that it allows you to create a second species akin to how the shroud rage origin works. i think it would definitely be simpler and more straightforward, also allowing for greater player choice when designing their empire
Centurian128 11 DIC 2024 a las 1:39 p. m. 
@FirePrince That's weird. It has happened consistently at year 10 in my last 4 attempts as Necrons. I have nothing enabled that should affect this mod, it's mostly UI stuff and Shroud? I'll do more testing.
FirePrince  [autor] 11 DIC 2024 a las 11:26 a. m. 
Actually the Great Khan shouldn't have anything specific to do with this mod. A specific shipset is also not defined.
@Horytex: could you plz come to discord or the discussion tab to talk about the fixes!?
Centurian128 11 DIC 2024 a las 9:42 a. m. 
Is the Great Khan Event supposed to always trigger for Necrons? Using the new Machine shipset? Also, why?
Horytex 26 NOV 2024 a las 4:57 p. m. 
I managed to fix everything, except for the species appearance. It shows up when I select the Necron trait, but I need a Paragon machine appearance, and it doesn't let me use the Necron appearance. Does anyone know what could be causing this or how to fix it?
Horytex 26 NOV 2024 a las 3:39 p. m. 
I was testing mods that could complement it, but it still doesn't work. The buildings don't appear, nor do the armies, and the species itself disappears and stops functioning. The population appears with the number, but the species does not. As the game progresses, my capital gets revealed. First, an event pops up saying they've found tombs, then the Great Khan event triggers, and my capital is revealed.
G marceau 25 NOV 2024 a las 5:17 a. m. 
Horytex : here tested for the last version of the game:

i recommand to try first with GRIMDARK ( + portratits + patch ) + Shroud + patch

and Warhammer 40k Map with WH40k Galaxy Overlay

then you had what you need for your roleplay
Horytex 22 NOV 2024 a las 9:40 p. m. 
What mods do I need to be able to play it well? What happens is that the necron structures no longer appear, or is it another mod that gives them to me?
FirePrince  [autor] 21 NOV 2024 a las 11:44 a. m. 
@Horytex: Machine Age or Synthetic Dawn
Horytex 21 NOV 2024 a las 1:02 a. m. 
What dlc is needed for necrons?
FirePrince  [autor] 7 NOV 2024 a las 12:17 a. m. 
@Giorgio22: can you pls be more concrete, there are hundreds...
@Tomllander: yes
@Stump Bone: yes, in some way, but I'll revisit this.
@firespark84: added
Giorgio22 4 NOV 2024 a las 8:04 p. m. 
some civics can't work,their ideology isn't proper
Tomllander 3 NOV 2024 a las 2:32 p. m. 
Cant play as necrons, do I need a dlc?
Stump Bone 29 OCT 2024 a las 7:10 p. m. 
playing as the death guard i don't have access to vanilla buildings. is this a mod a conflict or a feature?
firespark84 28 OCT 2024 a las 6:59 p. m. 
are servitors meant to have happiness? the trait should give the nerve stapled type thing where they dont have happiness
G marceau 24 OCT 2024 a las 6:11 a. m. 
firespark84 : nope, species is humanoid portraits that give you acces to all form of portraits exept mechanicus (cyborg) sorry for that, i use the cyber portraits for them. But most of the scientific have mecahnicus portraits.
firespark84 22 OCT 2024 a las 4:24 p. m. 
also is most of your population meant to be tech preists even when starting with the imperium origin?
firespark84 22 OCT 2024 a las 3:55 p. m. 
does the mechanicus work best as spirutualist like the cybernetic creed origin from the base game or materialist?
FirePrince  [autor] 22 OCT 2024 a las 11:38 a. m. 
@[DAO] Encoded29: should be just as removing blocker deposits. Do you have a better idea?
[DAO] Encoded29 21 OCT 2024 a las 3:36 p. m. 
as necron how do you unlock opening stasis chambers?
FirePrince  [autor] 21 OCT 2024 a las 5:03 a. m. 
Thx, done.
microsausage 19 OCT 2024 a las 10:28 p. m. 
I tweaked the federation settings a bit in relation_events to make the emperor more likely to stay in control (instead of random). Give em a try if you like. Thanks for all the work you've put into this mod.

federation = {
set_federation_type = hegemony_federation
set_federation_leader = root
set_name = "EMPIRE_DESIGN_imp"
add_federation_experience = 4600
set_federation_law = succession_term_status_change
set_federation_law = succession_type_strongest
set_federation_law = centralization_medium
add_cohesion = 100

G marceau 18 OCT 2024 a las 12:19 a. m. 
Sedmeister : yes i have them , i ve send them to the Dev because indeed it s very strange.
Sedmeister 17 OCT 2024 a las 2:02 p. m. 
Yeah sorry, been using Steam for like ever and only posting images to share like this for the first time. (Also I am responding to meeages on both my phone and computer, features differ on the different platforms.) I believe my images should be viewable now?
FirePrince  [autor] 17 OCT 2024 a las 4:40 a. m. 
@Sedmeister: Your file links seems private!?
G marceau 17 OCT 2024 a las 1:44 a. m. 
one problem at a time : that is the spirit
can you send the pics you have made to r/W40kfactions or via MP on reddit to u/Liomarcus
Sedmeister 16 OCT 2024 a las 5:42 p. m. 
Here I am able to declare war on any other faction.

I am creating the factions as per instructions, ie: going into all of the factions that the mod creates, renaming them (by putting a space at the end of the empire name, then editing them a second time by deleting the space in the empire name) so I can then force spawn each of the empires into my games.
Sedmeister 16 OCT 2024 a las 5:38 p. m. 
Sedmeister 16 OCT 2024 a las 5:33 p. m. 
Ok let's do one problem at a time. Here is a screenshot of my inability to declare war on the Ork Horde. See how I am unable to choose a war goal and therefore declare some kind of casus belli war?
G marceau 16 OCT 2024 a las 6:59 a. m. 
Sedmeister i use 4 mods for this :

Warhammer 40k Map ( for Terra Warhammer map or Warhammer galaxy map)

(you should have terra map in the left corner where the stars numbers is )

WH40k Galaxy Overlay (for the segmentum )

[3.12] Galactic Core Enabled (self explanatory)

Extragalactic Clusters [3.2] (to use by consol command)

and i strongly recommand for w40K roleplay this one :

[3.12] Just Human ( preftl are humans = compliance )

links here ( i need to update the mod list to Vela but it is working ) :

Also "Can't declare war on them" Are you a Crusader state ?
If not send me some pics by mp to my reddit page i will look into it tonight
Sedmeister 16 OCT 2024 a las 4:28 a. m. 
Also, G marceau I followed this link. Where can I get the map from? I don't have it as an option in my game set up.
Sedmeister 16 OCT 2024 a las 4:26 a. m. 
Sorry to be a pain. About my eighth game as the imperium of man. If I spawn near Necrons or Orks, I can't declare war on them. I select declare war, I get the button to invite others to the war, but there are no casus belli options, nothing. Not even greyed out buttons. No buttons whatsoever. I can declare war on other factions as per usual. Am I missing something?