Space Engineers

Space Engineers

More Encounters - V10
53 opmerkingen
TK_Over50 9 nov 2024 om 2:59 
What are the suit modifications, as it was not in the description?
Lonny 29 sep 2024 om 4:27 
Lastly is there a way to give the factions infinite money so you don’t have to trade with them for them to spawn in ships? TY
Lonny 29 sep 2024 om 4:18 
As of now the encounters mods are quite unreliable and will probably crash as what I and others have experienced and the devs don’t seem to show much interest in fixing the modular encounters mods so until either they get fixed or someone reposts a fixed version this will almost always have problems.
Toad of Totenwald 23 jul 2024 om 16:14 
Is there anyway to tone the down the amount of attacks?
Mr. Meat 30 jun 2024 om 0:06 
very cool mod, but planet creature spawns seem to be broken with this mod loaded. not sure why
andrewleehoughton 14 jun 2024 om 10:17 
after the id of the plaents this mod will spwan in is it all the devil and void ones or others as neeed to remove them from star system gen thanks
Dots 6 jun 2024 om 22:13 
is v10 the latest version of this mod or will there be more versions?
thepawnow 4 apr 2024 om 13:35 
I Started Recoding it back to the way it was before Alot of the ISL an SEMS was taking out im readding it to make it fun again
thepawnow 3 apr 2024 om 22:01 
Ive been adding ships to your mod updated ones for my offline use
BeerKegBob 27 feb 2024 om 15:55 
This was a really cool mod but it stopped working for me for some reason
SpaceBoi 23 feb 2024 om 12:37 
is it normal to have only mercs spawn on earth?
thepawnow 3 feb 2024 om 12:28 
Need Custom Spawn Rovers its fun mod
superhappyalien  [auteur] 12 jan 2024 om 7:02 
they a mes Back list Options for Spawns above. What planet is this on
GADZILA 10 jan 2024 om 3:09 
Please tell me how to disable the "Junk" faction - their ships and stations go to the bottom at water setting 1
superhappyalien  [auteur] 1 jan 2024 om 10:51 
yes that intended. you can black list them as shown above
Weasley Wells 1 jan 2024 om 10:11 
Is it intended that ColdVoid4 just spawns behind you while traveling in space putting you inside its gravity well? If so is there a way to disable it spawning?
eXoMorgwen 28 nov 2023 om 5:25 
That sounds awsome, and in the mean time i think we go for a war with all AI factions and take a visit to that moons :D
superhappyalien  [auteur] 28 nov 2023 om 5:00 
@ExoMorgwen They are Big ships in this but you need to be at Max -1500 to see them, that being said they are rogue Moons that spawn for about 2 hours and they have worse ships as these moons have good ore types to mine. my Next update will be about Long Term Battles and wars you need to cut supply line ships to base to bring the shields down on Bases in order to bring down a area Hq.
eXoMorgwen 27 nov 2023 om 18:23 
At first really nice work, we startet a new seassion only to test this out and with one little thing we absolutly love it, the one thing is, we would love to have more bigger ships to fight or that chase us if that would be a part for the future hell yea :steamhappy: :steamthumbsup:
superhappyalien  [auteur] 22 nov 2023 om 15:44 
This Mod Will Add other mods as needed and will show up in your mods list in the next Few days Ai Enabled and Water mods maybe more please unsub if you do not want them. i will as always do a cut down version later but do not want to update to test mods at that same time.
Beef Made 15 okt 2023 om 9:38 
@Vaine Just what I needed thank you for the information I want a war heavy playthrough with lots of scavenging opportunities from downed ships.
Vaine 12 okt 2023 om 12:09 
continuation @BeefMade - i even made INCON and IMBER natural enemies of all by editing the factions.sbc of the respective mods and remove the conditions that made them agressive only towards enemys and ships with specific names, now i have both factions attacking everything they see from 3 km and anything that move close to them. oh and if one of the ships dont act like u want even if u changed things its probably cuz it doesnt use the behavior or trigger u edited. hope i helps cuz for me it works great, for more detailed explanation look for MES faction creation guide on youtube, should give u a lot of usefull information!! oh and make an external save of everything u edit cuz any update will change ur changes to the mod default!!
Vaine 12 okt 2023 om 12:07 
@BeefMade i think i found how to do it, with this mod!! u have to go to the faction folder, in the mod folder found on steam/steamapp/workshop/content/244850 and look for the mod u wanna edit. if u using pravda and other addons for example u go to those mods and edit the factions they add, if u only using ME v10 u go to the folder 3019256327 (thats the mod id/name of the folder). so after u are inside it u want to find the behavior files/folder, thats where is defined how will the ships behave in situations. most of them already have an agressive behavior defined and a trigger for it, thats where u can make those npc wars happen. u just need to find the trigger for the behavior u want (like agressive) and change the conditions for it to be triggered like removing relation and name condition, distance of line of sight, etc.
Herr Doktor 9 okt 2023 om 4:34 
Do you have a guide for your asteroid/grid spawns? I followed the one thats about 3 years old and it keeps spawning in a random asteroid.
superhappyalien  [auteur] 27 sep 2023 om 21:30 
Not right now. no.
Beef Made 27 sep 2023 om 12:02 
I'm guessing it's best not to use them together?
superhappyalien  [auteur] 26 sep 2023 om 11:59 
this just has less factions but still fight each other. but lot more harder ships and space encounters etc.
Beef Made 26 sep 2023 om 6:33 
I want a lot of faction warfare would this be better than your faction war mod?
superhappyalien  [auteur] 20 sep 2023 om 20:26 
Factions.Junker IMDC and SEMS will Fight each other or other NPC's from other mods If spawned in the same area at the same time. for the most part this work with EEM.
Vaine 19 sep 2023 om 21:19 
hey mate, sorry to bother again but could u tell me if there is a way to make all the factions fight against each other without changing the behavior or their default relation to enemy? or maybe its just the wrong ship spawning at the wrong time, like its behavior isnt to attack so if i decrease spawntime max/min and/or increase MaxShipPerArea may work? last time i tried changing the config file i screwed my save so ill try to ask first this time lol oh and would u mind telling me if its compatible with EEM? 6 years playing and never heard of it, want to give it a try but with ME. i want like incon and paralax for everyone but no need for the contact trought messages. thanks in advance!
black_dragon1230 17 sep 2023 om 17:19 
@m11kire Ive not seen that. All the SEMS/Junk/IMDC shipyards in my world have stuff for sale. There are even freight contracts.
m11kire 16 sep 2023 om 21:06 
i've noticed that the IMDC shipyards don't have shops set up, they have shops, but there's nothing for sale
superhappyalien  [auteur] 16 sep 2023 om 17:22 
that cool i got that fixed already for the next updates.
black_dragon1230 16 sep 2023 om 16:35 
Hope you dont mind me giving you all these issues im running into. The planetary shipyards(IMDC/Junk/SEMS) have an issue when trying to purchase the ships. Its says not enough free space around the station.
black_dragon1230 14 sep 2023 om 20:01 
@superhappyalien Ive noticed since Ive landed on as planet that the Fleet Shipyards are spawning and its great. One thing though they are spawning fairly heavily. I ended up with 2 sets of them 4km apart from each other. Just giving you FYI as im playing along.
black_dragon1230 11 sep 2023 om 15:57 
Sweet! Thats awesome!
superhappyalien  [auteur] 11 sep 2023 om 12:14 
they are other ships for sale i adding more as we talk but your rep needs to higher to see them.
3 types of Shipyards basic medium and advanced. same with Junker but better Discounts further you get away from the centre of the world
black_dragon1230 11 sep 2023 om 11:54 
@superhappyalien I do have a question for you. I have been to a station that you setup to use Lucas's ship table and services. I also saw it had 2 fighters up for sale in the store block. My question is, will there be or is there other ships up for sale? I ask this as I think its awesome that you set this up to have this and have been asking Keen for years now to set up where people can submit ships to be available for sale in the economy stations besides the really old ones they have.
superhappyalien  [auteur] 11 sep 2023 om 5:22 
@black_dragon1230 glad you like its. still needs a little refinement.
black_dragon1230 10 sep 2023 om 12:58 
@superhappyalien thank you for the answer. Ive had 2 instances of moons spawning close enough to me to put me in .40 gravity as im traveling along. Other than that everything else seems good with the new mod. I guess ill have to set everything as a station when not in use, and lock all small grids to stations. For anyone wanting to really "spice" up their encounters then use this and Reavers with the Chaos Spawner from Lucas. You will have crazy spawns and some good difficulty.
Vaine 8 sep 2023 om 15:18 
@superhappyalien awesome mate, thanks a lot again!!
superhappyalien  [auteur] 8 sep 2023 om 14:20 
@black_dragon1230 The Rogue Moon should not spawn near planet but yes do have a large gravity fields and some grids could get sucked down ,, this is part of the danager is they a way to blacklist the planets SEworldGenplugin if that spawns them to. the Rogue moon despawn once 2 hour have passed if this spawned them
black_dragon1230 8 sep 2023 om 13:52 
Possible bit of an issue with the mod unless its supposed to be this way. The rogue planet/moons spawn in and have massive gravity fields or are just spawning too close to grids and everything in space is falling into it. Up front disclosure incase it makes some difference, i have the SEWorldGenPlugin in use if that has some effect.
superhappyalien  [auteur] 8 sep 2023 om 8:51 
this is stand alone mod you do not need other mods it has the Main content still + more some faction have moved in to the SEMS faction etc but NPC Factions are still at war
Vaine 7 sep 2023 om 22:49 
Could not find in the description, does it includes AI Faction War too? the comments on ur other mod made me wonder if this one is the one i NEED lol thanks for the mods anyway!!
Stardust 30 aug 2023 om 7:35 
I absolutely adore the rogue moons! They're such a cool idea and a lovely addition to my current world. Fantastic work, you always have the coolest ideas. :p2cube:
superhappyalien  [auteur] 22 aug 2023 om 13:03 
Ok found the problem will be fixed but in rebuilding the spawn system around Junkers and pirates so maybe a while until next update. them ships are still there my mistake but will be removed and replaced with something that hold it self in higher G's Pirates will be a mix of everything.
Takamiki 22 aug 2023 om 10:34 
Lezuno is 1.2g and i saw this happening yesterday
superhappyalien  [auteur] 22 aug 2023 om 9:42 
hmm them ships should be able to hold them self up at 1g but even then i removed them coz there outdated ships ,, is this happening since the last update 18th
Takamiki 22 aug 2023 om 8:24 
think it was called the Kariama constantly seeing them fall trying to follow a pirate captured cargo ship this is on the Lezuno planet from the Ares at War mod, maybe your mod's spawn condition is thinking this is a moon with no atmosphere?