Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Tundra Civilizations Rebalanced
Streamline 29 Jan @ 10:21pm 
When combined with your wetlands mod, Canada is unable to build farms on Tundra Floodplains, outside of tiles that contain peat. It ironically makes tundra floodplains worse for Canada than normal tundra.
JNR  [author] 22 Jan @ 2:23pm 
Tundra in Civ is not just actual IRL tundra - otherwise there wouldn't be so much forest in it. Rather, it covers the boreal zone as well, which do make up a big part of these countries. Also, it's a game with just five climate zones, keep that abstraction in mind before making such accusations. A tundra start bias is pretty much the only way to push a civ towards starting towards the colder latitudes. Grassland and plains are both found even in the tropical latitudes ingame. Trying to avoid that is a quite fair decision.

Oh, and calling the Canadians "British" is also stupid because England and Scotland exist as separate civs. None of these existed in 4000 BC anyway, so don't read too much real history into their start biases. It simply reflects where the civs existed at the time period their representation is drawn from.
manduul.bakhdal 20 Jan @ 11:44am 
Tundra bonuses for Russia and Canada never made sense to me considering that the majority of the population for these countries live in the milder parts. The tundra bias for starting location is even outright disrespectful to the many native peoples of the north who were colonized and faced extermination by these Russians and British who came from temperate regions.
Rakdos72 16 Jan, 2022 @ 1:33pm 
This isn't incompatible with p0kiehl's Civilizations Expanded, but Wilfred Laurier's new Sunny Way ability from this mod stacks with the Sunny Way ability from Civilizations Expanded, making Canada really broken
Iron knight Fe 1 Jul, 2021 @ 7:43am 
can you make it so all of Russia isn't snow stormed to death every 6th~7th turn please.
Russia has an ability that makes its units immune to snow storms would it be possible to have that extend to the rest of Russia or make it so snow storms don't just remove the improvements because corporations are hard to replace .
Arcadian 30 May, 2021 @ 5:50am 
Can you update this to make current Canada more balanced?
JNR  [author] 24 Apr, 2021 @ 8:33pm 
the Lavra changes from this mod are now part of the base game. I updated the mod to remove any code relating to the Lavra to avoid overlap. As a result, this is now a pure Canada tweak mod. Once I get the time, I will update the mod's appearance accordingly.
JNR  [author] 15 Apr, 2021 @ 5:43am 
I'll start thinking about changes based on that update only once the full patch notes are out.
Minimal_Gravitas 15 Apr, 2021 @ 5:28am 
You do amazing stuff for Civ, JNR! Have you thought about revising this mod in light of the changes coming 'round in the latest update (i.e. for Canada)?
Ingolenuru 1 Nov, 2019 @ 12:35am 
Hello JNR. :) It's me again. Did you tell all of your mods are update to the Sept 10 patch. I can't remember.
Lionel Hutz 1 Sep, 2019 @ 11:28am 
Great white north, eh. Beauty...
Amondin 20 Jun, 2019 @ 6:47pm 
The description for Canada doesn't seem to work in the pre-game menu. Great mod!
JNR  [author] 18 Jun, 2019 @ 5:22pm 
tweaked for the June 2019 patch. Description for Canada has been updated with the new bonuses. Removed the Food to Tundra and Snow Camps buff given with the patch, as it's not necessary with this mod since *all* tundra and snow tiles already get +1 Food.
Eva-kun 11 Jun, 2019 @ 8:00am 
Is Canada getting an extra hammer on other type of mountains outside of tundra for anyone else?
JNR  [author] 4 Jun, 2019 @ 1:14pm 
@chame, @skaz88
Turns out I forgot to take out a line of code I used for testing. Fixed it last week.
skaz88 30 May, 2019 @ 1:12pm 
Me too.
chame 26 May, 2019 @ 4:20pm 
I think this is the mod lets me build a synagogue in the holy site, even if the religion does not build one, or even when no religion has not been founded. When I disabled the mod, the behavior disappeared. Not sure why this would happen.
JNR  [author] 19 May, 2019 @ 4:43pm 
@Grim1087 great idea, actually. Has been added. Thanks a lot!
Grim1087 19 May, 2019 @ 2:03pm 
Excellent mod, thanks! A minor request: it always bugged me the Hockey Rink doesn't benefit from the Aquatics Center like it does the Arena. Seems like an oversight, any chance of adding that here? In any case, I'll be using this mod, thanks again
Captain Love Muscle 19 May, 2019 @ 9:37am 
looks like a great mod, thank you
Eden Elvis 16 May, 2019 @ 12:18pm 
weraptor 15 May, 2019 @ 6:24am 
Love the Lavra rework.