Arma 3
Drongos Air Operations
1.088 comentários
MdVampire 1 de mar. às 3:10 
Drongo  [autor] 9 de fev. às 4:30 
The readme explains how to exclude aircraft from the mod.
jaqdraco 9 de fev. às 4:12 
So, i just wanna have a Thunderbolt fly towards ground enemies and engage them, via Eden editor waypoints.
But with this mod it doesn't work. The plane is just circling the area, doing nothing and eventually getting shot down by a hilux with flak.
Neither 'Destroy' nor 'Search and Destroy' work.
DrakoMT 7 de fev. às 7:36 
@Drongo Heli work fine for me they spawn and land and rearm but jets they spawn
they do a little bit of cas and cap then they go to Narnia to the edge of the map 100000 of kilometers far. I am testing it in Vanilla Malden.
阿拉伯神秘背包客 7 de fev. às 3:00 
Drongos AI Fire Support MOD call CAS Why wouldn't the A164 use his 30MM gun ?:GiveHug:
Sneep Snorp 31 de jan. às 21:36 
I’m a little confused would this mod make the ai factions also efficiently use their aircraft more or does it just give the player more control
BERSERKER 30 de jan. às 12:35 
Hi, can I airdrop the crates loaded with Drongos DYEL, for example, from a C130 using this mod?
And if so, can someone tell me how?
woood402 26 de jan. às 18:12 
is there a way to make them respawn after getting shot down? sync a vic respawn module to them or something like that possibly?
Drongo  [autor] 26 de jan. às 13:16 
VAM doesn't respawn aircraft.
woood402 26 de jan. às 6:04 
do the vam aircraft respawn after getting shot down? had an f16 get smoked and was hoping to call in another but the airfield never seemed to respawn it.
Sheliz 14 de jan. às 21:19 
Does this mod make the AI ​​only fly in circles gaining altitude without attacking anyone?
Shreeder 7 dez. 2024 às 7:44 
Update: unloaded RHS, and changed from virtual reality map to altis, it started working flawlessly
Shreeder 7 dez. 2024 às 6:58 
I can't open dialog options. Out of all your mods, only high comand enhancement works. I tried rebinding keyes and result's didn't change.
Lotus 30 nov. 2024 às 19:54 
I don't know how long ive been looking for this mod, but I finally found it, the fact ai pilots suck at piloting or using their weapons always annoyed me, but now they kick a$$ with this, thanks a lot Drongo.
Mike 30 nov. 2024 às 19:19 
Noticed a bug recently when having aircraft land:
Error Foreign error: Unknown enum value: "SLOW"

and some other stuff about setSpeedMode"Slow";
(maybe it's missing a space?)
Meeh 24 nov. 2024 às 19:53 
@Uncle Bob, I have had this problem too as a Zeus but you can rebind the key in Addon Settings.
Uncle Bob 24 nov. 2024 às 19:42 
Love the mod but there is a tremendous bug where tablet thingy opens every time i click the letter h when searching in zeus mode. Is there a way to fix this?
RetailPale 17 nov. 2024 às 16:40 
clicked one UI button and now it doesnt open no more just flashes, with an error line 25
nuggs_sauce 16 nov. 2024 às 1:31 
Is there a sp scenario you can recommend with this? My main goal would to be a gunner on a helicopter and just tell the ai where to fly. All scenarios I tried don't give air support and I rather not make a whole scenario in editor like in the guide
Glendening 13 nov. 2024 às 0:26 
So we found a strange bug when this is used with Antistasi Ultimate (and possibly Antistasi?). It causes air based QRF to spawn with 300% skill/accuracy.
76561198040606770 8 nov. 2024 às 5:35 
Is there a way to make a missile Not explode ? Make a hole in a ship,sink it and get retrived by divers?
76561198040606770 8 nov. 2024 às 5:26 
Works with Missile Box? Could we get some missle defence into this? Could this include some sort of ability to add ability to make an air field anywhere flat on the map? Thank you
76561198040606770 8 nov. 2024 às 5:18 
Could I get a Automatic replenish of Resupply Mission-option that adds a helicopter that will slingload an entire vehicle and dropp that off on a timer or according to needs? Thank you.
Apple π? 4 nov. 2024 às 16:16 
Are there any "skins" for the interface for this mod? I've been using it in Vietnam/WWII settings and it would be neat to see more period accurate UIs.
Meeh 2 nov. 2024 às 7:12 
I really like this mod and I use it in every zeus campaign I do with Modern Units, Having a smart AI that attacks like it's supposed to is vary nice, I just wish this worked with Spearhead 44.
LEE O C 28 out. 2024 às 18:31 
loving the mods, but CAS keeps blowing up own troops haha. dunno if its lasering empty sandbags n ammo boxes. using CUP assets
lty 21 out. 2024 às 7:09 
How do I set the egress point in the coordinate module? It's not in the YouTube video, so I'd like to know.
(Goth Mommy) GHOST_023 21 out. 2024 às 4:05 
Is there a way to make the virtual hangar at an airport save after a server restart?
Drongo  [autor] 21 out. 2024 às 3:01 
Try my AI Fire Support or Rimmy's Light AI Fire Support (way more features).

@(Goth Mommy) GHOST_023
Use an Air Corridor module to spawn aircraft in the air. It is not possible to rename airfields.
Odern 19 out. 2024 às 19:53 
Do you think you could add a feature where independent and opfor aircraft attack players when you tell them to seek and destroy using this system?
USMCLEE 19 out. 2024 às 11:53 
little birds wont use their miniguns for target, both AH-9 and the RHS AH-6
Drongo  [autor] 16 out. 2024 às 0:41 
Yes, there is a module for that.
LEE O C 15 out. 2024 às 16:26 
hi is there any way to remove all the text chat? disabling the game's radio chat doesn't do it
Colonel Jason 10 out. 2024 às 6:50 
Is this mod compatible with Dynamic Recon/Combat Ops?
Drongo  [autor] 28 set. 2024 às 15:24 
Small update:
Improved: CAP orders
Improved: AI aircraft can use guns for air combat
Spicy 15 set. 2024 às 16:40 
@Drongo It does happen without the blacklist module. I noticed in zeus that there's a yellow 2000mX2000m area marker in the bottom left corner of the map while the op is running. I did have it happen a few times on Altis but it wasn't nearly as common,
Drongo  [autor] 5 set. 2024 às 4:43 
Only the options in the list. VAM is Virtual Airfield Management. There is a readme in the mod folder that explains it in detail.
Messerschmitt 5 set. 2024 às 4:01 
Can i switch the alt to 10 not 5? in the script? i dont see it on settings? 2. What is VAM?
Drongo  [autor] 5 set. 2024 às 3:06 
TBH, I have no idea what could be causing this. Maybe it is the switchPlayer command, not sure.

Glad you like it man.
Messerschmitt 5 set. 2024 às 1:25 
Bro i love this mod so much, big thank you!
Cursed 4 set. 2024 às 22:28 

I just found out when two keybinds met together it'll create this issue. I just accidentally set the APS menu and Air Ops menu the same key, when opened this happens. :steamfacepalm:

What I mean about the silent is when giving a simple command to the AI, there's no command dialogue in the chat box or even speaking my voice out, even the AI will not respond by their voices, but the command instructed worked, they're just like muted out.
Drongo  [autor] 4 set. 2024 às 14:11 
Does it happen without the blacklist? Does it happen on vanilla maps?

What do you mean by silent?
Cursed 4 set. 2024 às 11:10 
Issue Report Sept, 5, 2024

-Any Mods
-Any Terrain

I've been playing a lot in single-player especially "Duws_x 3.05 by Killa Tomata", when using the gunner seat then switch back back to the player, the command dialogue is silent. Is there any way to fix this?
Spicy 2 set. 2024 às 13:18 
I assume I'm doing something wrong so I'm here to ask for clarification on fixed-wing aircraft orders. I have an RHS Mig-29 and Su-25 stationed at an airfield. They're assigned to VAM and i have a preferred airfield module down. Once they spawn, they fly to the bottom left corner of the map. I'm using your AI fire support mod in conjunction with this, and I have a blacklist area module over the player base. Is this normal behavior or is my setup wrong?
Drongo  [autor] 5 ago. 2024 às 15:01 
CAP calls should be distinct from fire support calls. Do you aircraft have AAMs?

Ace 5 ago. 2024 às 9:56 
Does this play nicely with LAMBS?
khangcubu123 4 ago. 2024 às 15:03 
also the reason i want to change faction that
i want to do detail order to plane than just cas ( like bombing and flying altidude,gunrun etc)
khangcubu123 4 ago. 2024 às 13:45 
I'm currently using AFS but most of time they prefer to use artilery than Airforce
Even there is about 20 planes above their heads
Drongo  [autor] 3 ago. 2024 às 21:15 
Have you tried using my AI Fire Support mod? That should allow sides to use CAP.
khangcubu123 3 ago. 2024 às 18:39 
Hi there best air mod ever
please is there a way to change faction in case that i use zeus to play alone and i need to access airs of all 3 faction to make them fight each other
watching the f4 chasing the mig and the mig is just loiter around that make me crying