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Fenerox: Fluffy Fox Tails!
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10 Jun, 2017 @ 11:40am
16 Jun, 2017 @ 7:43pm
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Fenerox: Fluffy Fox Tails!

So, I personally believe Fenerox are based on the Fennec Fox. That adorable creature has an adorable fluffy tail! Nothing like the thin 'wooly' tails the race wears ingame.
So I went looking for a mod to give fenerox cute tails, one already existed, but I was not fond of the look of the tail personally. So I made my own.

This Mod give Fenerox Big Fluffy Tails, that match their fur color and are tipped black. The animation covers the prehistoric tail completely, so while fenerox npcs will still be weating it, you will not see the whooly tail any longer.

This should be multiplayer compatable and client side only: Meaning you can safely join vanilla servers but only you will see the fox tails.
In theory this mod would work with the playable Fenerox Mod, and any mod that adds colors to Fenerox, though I have yet to test that out.

Thank you for your time and have a nice day~ <3
Rambler  [author] 14 Dec, 2023 @ 7:27pm 
It is not! Cutebound edits body sprites, this mod edits body sprites, iirc there's no way to make them compatible without just making a whole separate mod. Anyone is free to use the tail sprites here to make their own version though so you could probably make one that fits more with cute bounds aesthetics. If someone does and tells me I'll add a link to it to the description.

Won't cause any crashes or anything though.
Djracem 29 Nov, 2023 @ 12:15pm 
also heads up, this is NOT compatible with cutebound, afaik
Dekario 28 Mar, 2023 @ 10:58pm 
I have tested it, I can load and play as fenerox and they are nakey, as expected, from GROTU but they unfortunately don't have the tail. But thats fine, I just use that other one, that includes a tail.
Rambler  [author] 28 Mar, 2023 @ 11:03am 
as far as i know it shouldnt conflict with that mod.
Dekario 27 Mar, 2023 @ 3:29am 
is there any way to make this work with "get rid of that underwear" ?
COVID-19 3 Feb, 2023 @ 5:34am 
Aight, thanks.
Rambler  [author] 2 Feb, 2023 @ 10:15pm 

I no longer update or maintain any mods. If you want you're free to make any edits you want and reupload it to steam, Id add a link to the description here, but I'm not going to fix either issue.
COVID-19 1 Feb, 2023 @ 7:06am 
If you put:
"priority" : 9999

in your mod's metadata file, it will override most other mods.
That's what I did to make it work with cosmic fenerox.

If you want to fix that, or want the files to update it, just lmk.
Fennovanyx 2 May, 2021 @ 3:35pm 
The Tail goes infront of the ears when falling, might be something to look into
Taero 13 Mar, 2021 @ 7:03am 
Also, I can confirm that this works with the "Playable Fenerox" mod.