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Space Engineers

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AAM Caspian-Class Frigate Mk. II Mod 1 [Outdated]
Type: Blueprint
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371.936 KB
6 Dec, 2014 @ 1:44pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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AAM Caspian-Class Frigate Mk. II Mod 1 [Outdated]

NOTICE: I have done some testing and just discovered that the shield peircing capabilities of the second torpedo are non-operational due to the launch proximity (they fire too close together for the second one to activate properly :P ). I have fixed this issue and I will release a Mod 2 soon, once i figure out something else to improve. If you have anything to suggest, feel free to post :)

This is My modification of Dwarf Lord Pangolin's Caspian Frigate

Get Pangolin's newest version Here!

NOTE: Projections seem to be saved to the projector once loaded once and I dont believe that one would need the original blueprint because of this. Just in case, you can get the projectile Here!

My modifications include:
-Merge block release system
-Projection construction system
-Very simple one button fire sequence
-More armour in the nose portion
-Hardened "hidden" fire control center

The main thing I did to this craft was eliminate the need for grinders and piston magazines via the projection tool system.
I also used merge blocks for the release system as these have proved to be more reliable (pistons flip out at high speed). The timer system to fire this is stowed away inside the ship and encased within a heavy armour box for protection.

Firing the torpedos
When you press the [3] key on the toolbar of a command console, two projectiles are built from scratch, then hurled towards your target. This allows for near indefinite supplies of ammo given that you have the resources to support production. This is a much more compact design that could be used on more ships to reduce battle profiles.

Hope ya'll enjoy!

NOTE2: The projectiles kind of scrape past the heavy armour blocks at the mouth of the firing tunnel so you will notice some deformations after repeated firing, I will attempt to remedy this, but in the meantime ya'll will just have to perform some routine maintenance on the firing chamber :D (hope its not too much of a hassle :P )

(PS. If you guys/gals are interested, I'll get around to posting a detached example that you could build from :D )
(PPS. The reason I decided to modify the MK. II is because I love green... lol simple as that)

Whiplash141  [author] 14 Jan, 2015 @ 7:18pm 
This one should work for you! The linked ship is my most recent improvement to this ship. Currently working on a survival ready version
ArtariousTGAT 14 Jan, 2015 @ 6:19pm 
Doesn't work though......the batteries are not charged and so the AFM block does not turn on so no shooting :(

Other than that, I like it!
eitanrosen48 7 Dec, 2014 @ 9:38pm 
ok thanks
Whiplash141  [author] 7 Dec, 2014 @ 8:25pm 
Absolutely none my good sir/ ma'am! :D
eitanrosen48 7 Dec, 2014 @ 5:06pm 
what mods does this use?