Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Items (200)
「 粉色系列 」number.28 - 吉他 | 夜光版 / 「 Pink series 」 Guitar | Luminous dynamic
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.28 | 粉色死神镰刀 | Pink Reaper's Scythe 替换了吉他,(replace the Guitar) 内容/content ● V模 ● W模 ● 武器HUD ● 打击音效-2种 ● 夜光 ● 动态镰刃 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829036352662686863/AE80DB31B9E9E4EF0548CAC59E3D0C43ACF686E1/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&i...
【少女前线】 SG553 (95式)| [Girls Frontline] SG553 (95 rifle)
Created by 洛兮
替换隐藏武器sg552,replace the hidden weapon sg552。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 在同样属性的角色中难得地同时对指挥官也相当上心。 称呼指挥官时一直非常礼貌地以"您"代称,充满温柔贤淑气质的同时也意外地容易让人产生一点距离感。 接定制皮肤枪,不过不是免费的(毕竟要恰饭的嘛)!...
【崩坏三】 MP5-SD 希儿(替换 mp5)\ [Honkai Impact 3] MP5-SD Seele(replace the CS:S MP5)
Created by 洛兮
替换隐藏武器MP5 replace the hidden weapon CS:S mp5 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 随便做的,做的不好! 希儿,能帮到舰长吗?...
【崩坏3rd】德莉莎观星扇子 替换 平底锅 Replaces "Frying Pan"
说明 · 【崩坏3rd】德莉莎观星扇子 替换 平底锅 Replaces "Frying Pan" · .添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) :miHoyo / 神帝宇 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1817743600323193299/1AA19858AB3104455C4...
【 补档 】黑猫本子面包车 懂的都懂
Created by 诚宝
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png 替换了游戏内随处可见的面包车(replace van) 懂的都懂,在这个物欲横流的社会,奶子生存不易,大家好自为之 Author:蒜蓉炒面 PLEASE http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
【R18】售货机 Vending machine
Created by sanfermin
Dynamic picture of 12 pornographic pictures Light in the dark Switch pictures every 12 seconds There are 12 pictures in total replace all Vending machine...
乌丸千岁 表情包替换小电视动画 - Karasuma Chitose TV animation
Created by 这把一定过
使用了乌丸千岁的表情包替换了游戏内小电视的花屏 烏丸 千歳(からすま ちとせ) 渡航原作、QP:flapper插画的轻小说企划《少女编号》的主人公之一,女主角。大学一年级女学生,其颜值高、外表可爱、性格人渣腹黑,所属No.1 Produce旗下的新人声优。曾是声优训练班里的第一名。自认为业界门槛很高,如果没人知道“乌丸千岁”这个声优的话,那么那不就和“乌丸千岁”这个声优根本不存在是一个意思了。虽然很容易得意忘形,但内心却十分强大,甚至被做成表情包 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
从雨 (ムラサメ)平底锅 - Frying Pan (Murasame)
Created by 这把一定过
制作了一款平底锅的皮肤,使用的角色是小从雨 从雨(ムラサメ) 出自《千恋*万花》是日本游戏开发商柚子社于2016年7月29日发售的GALGAME,为柚子社的第9作。公开同时也宣布将被改编成同名漫画,漫画版由季月えりか作画,于Media Factory旗下的漫画杂志月刊Comic Alive连载。 实际效果根据个人画面偏好设置会略有不同。 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏? 我的幼刀P90(UZI)请点这里 你们柚子厨都没有×儿的(小声...
八重村的监控电视机 Honkai gakuen TV
Created by 老王摸摸狗
替换房间里的电视机 我天命上班R18 相关游戏:崩坏3...
初音花嫁铁喷| Miku's marriage Chrome Shotgun(Chrome Shotgun)
Created by 桃乐丝啊
MIKU Chrome Shotgun 仅替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 图片来自| Picture author :fusuma #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/87991868 模型动作均来自官方 The model and action are from the official https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1754...
Created by lm
初音miku消音冲-Js9 替换消音冲锋枪mac-10 我自己已经用了非常久了,闲的无聊上传了。 原mod:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2111896058&searchtext=js9 miku's JS9-elfail Replace mac-10 I have used it for a long time for myself, idle boring upload. If have some problems, I ...
多娜多娜标识以及海报替换 dohna dohna signs
Created by luckylami
多娜多娜标识以及海报替换 dohna dohna signs 替换了一部分标识以及海报的图片,目前大概三百五十种 Replaced some signs and posters, and now there are about 350 kinds 本身标识图具有一定的说明意义,所以尽量保留了原图的功能性,尽量让原来的字母都和原来一样能看清 I used the software to recreate these pictures based on the original version, so that...
多娜多娜爱丽丝饮茶动态加载图标 dohna alice loading icon
Created by luckylami
多娜多娜爱丽丝饮茶动态加载图标 dohna alice loading icon 这个物品和动态小飞机图标是代换关系,只能用其中一个...
小天使 流星雨主题开山刀 - Machete ( Meteor shower theme )
Created by 这把一定过
使用流星雨作为主题,重新涂装了刀身(砍刀/开山刀)的皮肤,并使用了rurudo的小天使插画 进行装饰 Pivix ID= 70434240 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏? __________________________________ Use a illustration of the Meteor shower as the machete's skin and decorate the blade with an angel by rurudo. Details please check the ...
少女前线HK416 自动贩卖机/Girls' Frontline HK416 Vending Machine
Created by PIO
替换了自动售货机,目前10种 高清自动贩卖机,约30秒替换一次 指挥官,有我就够了( 图片均来自P站 ...
崩坏3 等离子影秀 替换 武士刀(Katana)
我还是比较喜欢这种比较科幻的武士刀。 已对材质进行无损放大处理。 动作还是原来的动作。 有夜光和血腥效果。...
Created by mmi开心
-Date A Live- Tokisaki Kurumi-replace-(pumpshotgun ) 约会大作战-时崎狂三4K替换(1代的单发散弹枪)发光不刺眼版本...
猫宫日向木喷 | NekomiyaHinata pump Shotgun(pump Shotgun)
Created by 桃乐丝啊
猫宫日向 猫老大 NekomiyaHinata 木喷 单喷 仅替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 拥有质感 Have texture 模型动作均来自官方 The model and action are from the official https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1716409000985268792/58B23AB02D84A5F1A73DA803106524B4...
Created by mmi开心
猫羽雫左轮手枪替换格南手枪发光不刺眼版本 原手枪https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2001508561&searchtext=cso...
Created by mmi开心
白上吹雪替换2代的连狙发光不刺眼版 Denny凯妈zmg原枪模https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1803742393...
碧蓝航线 夕立(椿)煤气罐
夕立系列应该弄完了,明天开始我要准备弄本命二妹了(先从BGM下手),等我改了哈曼就弄一套哈曼的。 (谁反对夕立就砸爆他的哈曼!) 神教套装: 夕立(椿)门:http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1082968290 夕立(椿)安全门:http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1083285844 夕立(椿)医药箱:http://steamproxy.com/shar...
神楽七奈Chrome Shotgun
Created by mmi开心
神楽七奈Explosive Ammo
Created by mmi开心
神楽七奈Golf Club
Created by mmi开心
Created by mmi开心
神楽七奈Incendiary Ammo
Created by mmi开心
Created by mmi开心
索菲 平底锅 [Sophie Twilight]frying_pan
Created by HLS
索菲平底锅 荧光 frying_pan Can glow in dark 贴图原因,不能与索菲消防斧共用 Can't use with Fireaxe...
Created by 雪楼林素
替换了安全屋进入下一关前的载入界面背景 Replaces safe house loading background before next level 图片取自pixiv Pixiv ID:63931660 artist: KJDs artist ID:10939145 ...
魔女之旅 伊蕾娜 显示器动画
Created by ゛電子芝士 -
# 魔女之旅 伊蕾娜 # 替换了电脑桌面的动画 # 老婆真的是太可爱了 # 动画出处: ♣𝘾𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙄'𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡♣ # 感谢各位的赞和订阅 # thank you for your subscription and praise ...
魔女之旅 伊蕾娜 电视机动画
Created by ゛電子芝士 -
魔女之旅伊蕾娜 替换电视机动画 遇到困难睡大觉~! ...
魔法未来麦克风magic mircophone 替换 吉他[guitar]
magic miku 2016 microphone replaces guitar 魔法未来2016麦克风 替换 吉他 此mod包含: ·吉他原动作和音效 ·专属粒子特效 MOD include : ·Original Anmation ·Exclusive particle effects https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1764818006310221048/437768B1D0CB0260D3FFDDE23B73333B9D39D1B1/ htt...
(Konosuba)Megumi's staff(bat)
Created by Eithwa
2/27 試著從MMD轉移模組到L4D2 總而言之就是一蹋糊塗 法杖大小不對,模組中的魔水晶沒有顯示,拾起武器地圖會90度旋轉 3/12 w_weapon成功轉換 4/12 新增發光材質、HUD icon 4/18 修改大小 完成 Baseball bat replacement...
30 anime vending machines(30种售货机动漫壁纸)
Created by dbqwcl
这个MOD,替换了游戏中的自动售货机的皮肤。一共30种,并且会自动切换,图片包括《终结的炽天使》 《Angel Beats!》《你的名字》《变态王子与不笑猫》《Charlotte(夏洛特)》《魔法少女伊莉雅》.........
404 Saferoom Loading Screen : Girls' Frontline / Dolls' Frontline
Created by NPCsnake
-Girls' Frontline- 404 Bikini Chapter(Saferoom) Loading Screen -少女前线- 404小队 泳装 关卡(安全室)读图背景 (UMP45,UMP9,HK416,MIZUGI,ANIME)...
AK-47--蕾姆(Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 )\ AK47--Rem
Created by 洛兮
替换AK47 Replace the rifle AK47! 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 附带检视动作,做的不好,还请见谅! 欢迎加入L4D2mod制作交流群:1016787637 ...
AK47-IronBeast from CrossFire
Created by ClearSkyC
This is Super VIP weapon from CrossFire. About some features: animated texture 3D jigglebone flame eyes Credits: CrossFire - Model/texture/sound ClearSkyC - Animations, sound editing, texture modifications, original compile. ENJOY~ 7月18号更新:修改了视角,更改了枪声,重新做了...
Airplane Launcher
Created by Ellie
This mod replaces the Grenade Launcher Pellet by an... airplane ?! Yeah, what would be more logical than an... airplane launcher ? Anyway, like the Pizza Party mod, the goal of this mod is not to make the game more realistic, but just a lil' bit funnier......
Airport apron mapping
远近效果停机坪贴图 根据“徒手开根号”大佬的少女卷轴停机坪和贴吧的远近效果喷漆教程制作...
Created by Zaeryn
"And the Scrolls have foretold of black wings in the cold, That when brothers wage war come unfurled! Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound, With a hunger to take you RIIIIIIIGHT IN. TO. THE. DAAAANGER ZONE!!!" -Song of the Dragonborn Stupid sexy A...
Aria the Scarlet Ammo Opening Intro & background Creditless
Created by Almighty
*In order to use this mod you will need to download GCFScape to open the readme with the actual mod as well as instructions in it. Here is the download link for GCFScape Start up L4D2 and let the addon download. Once downloaded exit the game. Now all you n...
AWP Quake Champions Railgun sounds
Created by Hitsuga
Hey guys, i've got here another mod!) Replaces AWP shooting sound to Railgun sound from Quake Champions. This mod replaces only sound! Anything else that you see on the video is other mods, and they (as originals) belong to their creators, i only port soun...
Ayachi Nene Healing Sound/宁宁:痛痛飞走吧~打包治疗音效
本mod使用柚子社人物绫地宁宁的名句:“痛いの、痛いの、飞んでいけー”替换打包音效。 希望柚子厨们喜欢~ 满意的话请点个赞吧~ 预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av201525777/ 01:12s...
Azur Lane Bus Stop
Created by NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Animated Bus Stop 15 advertisements replaces every 16 seconds -碧蓝航线- 动态公交站/巴士站/汽车站 15款广告每16秒改变一次...
Ballista Self-Found & Handmade
Created by Ramm.asmiette
Check the collection for more ! First ballista model replacement for .50 cal machine gun ! New model made of bike + broken 50cal + handmade crossbow + riot shield New sound ! video 1:11 ps: removed muzzleflash after video was made....
Barrett .50 M99[AWP]
Created by ThunderKiss65
You know, are you ever tired of having to take on a tank with nothing but a tiny smg and a pistol? well, you can throw those away because you have just been issued the Barret M99! A single shot bolt action bullpup anti-material rifle that just so happens t...
Bat Saw
Created by Oguzhan
Replaces the Baseball Bat...
Blast Wing(Uzi)
Created by Hekmatyar
Replace the Uzi,Making a new action and replaced the sound of shooting. Don't forget to Rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. ———————— 2.0 Edition:Rema...
Bren Mk I LMG [M60]
Created by [ΖмBя.™] Dusty
English (by Google translator): Anyway this is my first mod addon published in workshop Steam :D The mod developed is the famous light machine gun called the Bren, with variant Mark I (Mk I) or simply Bren, which was used by the British army during conflic...
Cat Gun
Created by ☂ℝΔ¿ℕ₂
Cat Gun replaces smg(UZI) Original model of the game S.K.I.L.L. - Special Force 2 Ported rigged and - particles by Me includes: world models view models sounds particles Special thanks to MARK2580 for the idea and for providing models and textures and soun...
Cat gun hud icon - uzi
Created by 2000
Cat gun hud icon - uzi ....
Charlotte Loading Background & UI
Charlotte Loading Background & UI Replace the Loading Background & UI... (替换通过安全门计分板加载界面,替换创建地图加载界面....) Something for you.... Put this file --- Charlotte-OP { link : 1Sa75x-4llHfvNGucjx9pLg(Remember to add ) pwd : hcjc } copy five times... Rename--just li...
Colt SAA "Peacemaker" (Dual pistols)
Created by Tööttieläin
Artillery model Colt SAA replaces Glock and Sig Sauer pistols. Desert Eagle replacer: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=892919910 Chrome shotgun replacer: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884406931 HUD addon by Al...
Compact Slim HUD [ALT]
Created by Stocke
A fusion between Freshboy5000's Slim Hud and Kimono's Clear HUD. This is the alternative version of Compact Slim HUD. This version brings the default position of inventory, and it works with any damage indicator and crosshair. Thank you for download! Credi...
Concrete Cutter - Chainsaw
Created by мяFunreal
This lovely Concrete saw made by dekogon was animated by me and put into L4D2, replacing the chainsaw. Pretty cool huh? ps: the soundmod in the video is not included ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account na...
cons-Girls' Frontline Blackcat loliHK416 Vending machine
This time, the vending machine cover was replaced by the beautiful picture of little 416 (with a color chart and 18X chart in it). Because the simple dynamic change chart is not meaningful, this time we made a random change chart, every time you see the gr...
cons-Girls' Frontline HK416 R18 pillow replace medic
R18 pillow replace medic Change the graph every 5S. There are four graphs with R18. Two of them are R18, and the other two are normal. This pillow has a luminous effect. ...
Crosshair Circle Dot Cyan
This is the same as the Crosshair Circle Cyan, except there is a center dot. If you don't want this overlapping the game's crosshair, you can disable it with crosshair 0. Crosshair without dot: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2144915...
CS:GO | Knife = M9 Bayonet (w/ "Knife" Deploy Sound)
Created by wx
"M9 Bayonet" replaces "Knife" (Glow in the Dark) > with "knife" deploy sound. its basically the same thing as the other version, but this one is with its own knife sound, unless other uses the same thing. which can cause a conflict. * M9 Bayonet knife depl...
CSGO SSG08-幽灵战士
Created by Sea
如题又是用的大佬的模型自己改的皮肤QWQ,这次替换的是scout(鸟狙) 大佬的模型链接https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1332063007...
CSO2 AKM nebula(AK47)
Created by 涅盘重生
CSO2 AKM nebula replace the ak47. enjoy it!...
CSO2'awp_new_s_nebula1(hunting rifle)
Created by 涅盘重生
CSO2'awp_new_s_nebula1 replace the hunting rifle. The replacement of CSS awp is here:http://www.steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2018686578 Key word: CSOL2 csol2 Csonline2...
CSO:Laser Gun (尘埃之光)
Created by 熊熊子
This is a weapon from CSOL.It uses an optical particle attack Credits: Counter-Strike Online - Model/texture 可乐熊 - Animations, texture modifications, compile replace for the SG552. CSOL的尘埃之光 枪身部分透明和自发光,希望大家喜欢...
D concerto (Scar)
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD modifies the scar,It has a new sound,It has a new way of holding.There is a certain fluorescent effect.interestingly,It has some notes.But my ocd is not recommended to use it, but also to welcome you to tryThank you for your attention to my WORKSH...
DAME(ダメ) Shove Sound - Noel
Created by 梦想硕硕
From the game: Alice In Cradle...
Date A Live Concert Posters - 约会大作战 狂欢节 海报
Created by NPCsnake
-Date A Live- Dark Carnival Posters This time I made a lovely style Enjoy it 《约会大作战》 狂欢节演唱会海报 这款海报主要以非战斗元素为主题,风格比较软 图片尽量都使用原作画风,当然不能确保全部都是,希望各位喜欢 This is the two Date A Live posters of Death Center: 这是两款《约会大作战》的死亡中心的海报: steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filed...
Date A Live Tobiichi Origami Methratton(Put water into the well cover)
Created by mmi开心
Date A Live- Tobiichi Origami-Methratton--replace -(Put water into the well cover) 《约会大作战》 鸢一折纸-绝灭天使- 替换 (下水到井盖)...
Date A Live Tobiichi Origami(P90)
Created by mmi开心
-Date A Live- Tobiichi Origami-replace-(P90) 约会大作战-鸢一折纸替换(P90)小型冲锋枪发光不刺眼版...
Doki Doki Forever Ending Credits Music
Created by Takami
This mod replaces the L4D2 and L4D1 credits music. Credits: Song was made by OR3O ...
Dragon Cannon [ fire particle ]
Created by Ramm.asmiette
A small original mod to get the modding process back in my head. Inspired by https://collections.royalarmouries.org/object/rac-object-33892.html Dragon Cannon for grenade launcher : Worldmodel Viewmodel Partial custom sounds Partially fitting animation for...
dynamic crosshair
Created by 灵空寂灭
created for my own using...
Explosion marks爆炸留痕有点小色
Created by 狐狸狐契
替换爆炸之后的弹痕 Explosion marks...
fgo酒吞童子替换死亡画面 Shuten-Douji replace Death picture(R-18)
Created by 绅士之枪
This mod may not be suitable for everyone Shuten-Douji replace Death picture (dynamic)...
FGO Anastasia pump shotgun
Created by 多乐美
FGO Anastasia pump shotgun pixiv picture author :Torino...
Fate Extella - Artoria's Excalibur - Katana
Created by FieryVector
This mod replace the Katana with the legendary Sword from the King of Knights. The Model is extracted from Fate Extella Extraced by me The model and texture made by Marvelous...
Gakkou Gurashi!(School-live!) Style loadingbar&Spinner
Created by 菲利希亚
This MOD used the animation "Gakkou Gurashi!"(School-Live!) in the material replaced the loading bar and spinner...... Ver1.3:Change the loadingbar ***The above content uses Google Translate,My english is too bad= =||..Sorry.........
Gawr Gura A Gunfire (Hunting Rifle)
Created by CoffeeBirb_TTV
Adds a gunfire sounds for the hunting rifle...
Genshin Impact - Skyward Spine (Pitchfork)
Created by TenkoTamamo
A polearm that symbolizes Dvalin's fire resolve. The upright shaft of this weapon points towards the heavens, clad in the might of sky and wind. This mod brings the great 5-Star polearm to L4D2. It's using the 2nd Ascension style, and also comes with glow ...
Genshin Impact Ayaka Folding fan Replaces Tonfa 原神 神里绫华折扇 替换 警棍
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Ayaka’s folding fan.It replaces Tonfa in game. 原神神里绫华折扇替换游戏内警棍 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Tonfa 替换 警棍 ----------------------------Then/补充-----------------------...
Genshin Impact Freedom-Sworn (Machete)
Created by Pathfinder_FUFU
====== =Genshin Impact Freedom-Sworn (Machete)= Replaces Machete A straight sword, azure as antediluvian song, and as keen as the oaths of freedom taken in the Land of Wind. ====== V-model W-model HUD Icon Shiny in the dark Enjoy! ====== Hutao replaces Roc...
Girls' Frontline少女前线随机主题罐装啤酒【 RNG pills】
Created by 劳伦缇娜
少女前线人形啤酒现已上架 330ml罐装好喝到爆【替换止痛药】 每一个喝过的指挥官都这样说 那么面前的指挥官要不要来一罐呢~ 有春田太太 内格夫妹妹 HK416 WA2000任君挑选哦 每一罐都是随机的 成份 -啤酒易拉罐 -随机人形福利 -300ml格里芬专用啤酒 -30ml坍塌液 -超合金材料 看到这里了指挥官大人给个赞呗QWQ 祝给赞的指挥官大人们出5星货哦(ノ⊙ω⊙)ノ 来!干了这罐人形啤酒【咕噜咕噜】 我不会告诉你们这其实在某宝里面买得到的=W=...
Girls' Frontline HK416 TV
Created by Hawkiepaisen
replaces tv with loli hk416 if u want it to stretch properly u need ellie's flat screen tv: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543785952 Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Go! Pokeball! (Vomit jar)
Created by
http://i.imgur.com/UqMRK8k.gif New version : https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228728070 The pokeball from Pokemon replaces the vomit jar (Boomer bile bomb). Be the Pokemon Master ! LOL ! Credits : Model & Textures : Rafael De Jongh C...
Gold Death Sickle
Created by 无趣者
Gold Death Sickle-fire axe...
Hakurei Reimu Poster - 博丽灵梦 海报
Created by NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Poster Replaces Death Center billboards,Mall and Jimmy Gibbs Poster This is Hakurei Reimu Concert Posters : steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1427963789 -东方- 博丽灵梦 死亡中心 海报 替换了地图中路边广告板和购物中心海报 博丽灵梦的演唱会海报 : steamcommunity.co...
Halloween - RNG Tables (Demo Spooktacular Compatible)
This slaps some Halloweenish tablecloths on various tables in the game. This does NOT overwrite the Halloween tables present in Demo's Spooktacular prop set. ...
Halloween - Spider Grenade Launcher
It's time for spook! Replaces the grenade launcher with a spider. Weighting for the legs was VERY lazily done, but it's good enough for me. For those of you appalled by it, I recommend my Spider Seasoned grenade launcher retexture instead. Get it HERE. ...
Hata no Kokoro SMG-Silened
hapi :) 图中为最低特效 半透明发光贴图,喜欢请点赞 Hata no Kokoro PumpShotgun: http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=710968746 Hata no Kokoro ChromeShotgun http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=721374339...
Hatsune Miku Fan Van!
Created by Authentic Mikutard
Changes the rusty vans into Authentic Miku Fan vans. You would think producers are driving those around! Credits: The cute Miku in the thumbnail is by KEI Garou (original and v2 Miku). The beautiful Miku on the van roof is by IXima (v3 Miku). The cute Miku...
HD 30 Sexy Manga Vending Machines
Created by Ellie
Complete Overhaul Due to Valve's new file size restriction thing, I had to redo the entire mod. So to change a bit, I included new pictures :D, if you are interesting in where you can find it and "more", visit (NSFW) Danbooru (do a Google search) This mod ...
Hentai book cover
Created by 幻想住人
This mod replace the book cover by R18 Ero honn's cover...... Because there are 16 books in the game,so i used 16 picture to finish this mod. No time to explain,get on quickly! {LINK REMOVED} 这个mod用R18工口本的封面替换了游戏中书本的封面........
Hequan Yarn Fog (Safe House Sign)
Created by mmi开心
-Erotic Cartoon Teacher - Hequan Yarn Fog (Safe House Sign) 情色漫画老师-和泉纱雾替换(安全屋标志)发光动态Q版和泉纱雾...
Honkai Impact kiana doll [uzi]
Created by kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time is kiana doll in Honkai Impact ,it replace pipebomb in game. I recommend using the default arm length. 今日份的沙雕mod来了 迫害琪亚娜(划掉)暴打琪亚娜屁股(划掉) 最好用默认的或者小于默认的手臂长度,而且人物的手臂最好细一点,不然会 穿模。 八重...
Hunting Rifle - Ice
Created by Litchi
ICE   • It's only a reskin of the Hunting Rifle. • There is no sound mod with this. • The character in the picture is Hatsune Miku CyberTech Version. • Click on "subscribe" for download it. • Restart you'r Left 4 Dead 2 game, for the mod work correctly.   ...
Huo-Long Heater (CSS MP5)
Created by AvengedDeathAlert
Once upon a time, Heavy weapon guy made a contract with a dragon, naming her Sheila, then go on an adventure together. Many scorn her for being an ammo gultton, but some find her fresh and unique. Features - HUD icon. - Custom sound. Credits Valve: Team Fo...
Maya's houki - Shovel
Created by NanaNana
This is my first time to publish weapon addons. Hope you like it >A< Credit: Character design & 3D modeling: キュビ(@Kyubi_002) Porting: NanaNana Animations: Lt.Rocky, NanaNana (shove) https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/3390957...
TF2 Lollichop for Shovel
Created by Minnie Mouse
Replaces the Shovel melee weapon with the Lollichop from Team Fortress 2....
Guandao over Shovel
Replaces the Shovel with a Guandao weapon. Also includes Katana sound effects over the Shovel ones as I found those to be more fitting for the weapon. Model comes from Sketchfab by n143rs https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/guandao-6f887799d9b84cd599aecbf76747...
Honkai Impact Seele Vollerei Starchasm Nyx's Sickle Replaces Shovel 崩坏3 血渊之眸・如一 替换 铁锹
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Seele Vollerei Starchasm Nyx's Sickle.It replaces Shovel in game. 崩坏3血渊之眸・如一替换游戏内铁锹 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Shovel 替换 铁锹 ----------------------------Then/补充-...
【深空之眼】寒霜之牙·维达尔斧头 替换 消防斧 VIDAR Aex Replace Fireaxe
Created by Pig God
简介/introduction 嗯就如标题一样,维达尔的斧头替换消防斧 创作者 / Creator Models/模型出处: 深空之眼/S1nKonyS/_NIGU_/番茄炒蛋拳/赶紧润 Compile/移植: Hehuan(me) 包含内容/Includs V models | 第一人称模型 W models | 第三人称模型 Official Texture | 官方贴图 允许转载但必须要附上链接和出处,禁止盗用 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/18...
Soulworker Lily weapons(fireaxe)
Created by 前女友
model from SoulWorker Replace:Fireaxe 替换:消防斧...
机动计划 女爵 —消防斧(Fireaxe)/ The Project:Soldoer NO.1 —Fireaxe
Created by 洛兮
写在前面:这是我自己用Blender建模做的,模型和贴图有些瑕疵,还请见谅。 替换消防斧,replace fireaxe 包含:颜色贴图(basetexture),法线贴图(normalmap),夜光效果 我的Bilibili主页: https://space.bilibili.com/247187251 如果你喜欢这个作品,请点赞,收藏,关注;谢谢! If you like my works, please like, collect and pay attention to me; thank you ...
thanatos9 ( fireaxe)
Created by 多乐美
replace the fireaxe ...
[HONKAI3][崩坏3]ICE SCYTHE-天霜之斯卡蒂(fireaxe)
Created by 梦宫.思宜
Replace the fireaxe 替换消防斧为天霜之斯卡蒂 刀口部分加了透明 本来只想给刃口加镜面效果的,然后出BUG了 变成全身镜面了,试了一下还蛮好看的 代价是镰刀柄上有一些灰色纹路(是反面的镜面效果) 素材均来自于崩坏3...
Soda Popper (Pump Shotgun)
Created by AvengedDeathAlert
More radioactive lead poisoning. Features - HUD icon. - Custom sound. Credits Valve: Team Fortress 2 resource ...
M1887 星空下的少女Star Gril (Pump Shotgun)
Created by 姬野永远
新人第二次做MOD替换泵动式霰弹枪(木喷) Replace for Pump Shotgun 此MOD包含模型,贴图 This mod includes model/texture Credits: 主要动画/模型编译 Mainly Animation/Complie - 苦黄瓜 奔跑&待机动画 Run&Idle Animation - Mav 贴图 Texture -姬野永远 原图 Stella 原模型来自 Tööttieläin大佬制作的M1887 MOD 原模型链接 https://steamcomm...
【明日方舟】COD:MW M680 —铃兰(木喷) / 【Arknights】 M680—Suzuran(pump shotgun)
Created by 洛兮
替换木喷,replace pump shotgun 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap);本来想做官模的,但是,官模那个贴图~~~~,做过的都懂的!! 原版COD MW m680 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1924745206880463891/BC8B84E8F3C14E4E85C9E42CDA996C1A87CDD370/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Let...
Apex Legends - Mozambique Shotgun
Created by Twilight Sparkle
Lifeline - "Mozambique here!" That's right, coming from Apex i bring you the "best" weapon ever made or what others use to say which is the mistake of Respawn it self which is the Mozambique Shotgun, this one will replace the Auto-Shotgun(XM1014) as it com...
[Honkai 3rd]Star Destroyer 19C replaces Tactical Shotgun
Created by 遗世紫丁香
歼星者19C替换战斗霰弹枪。 感谢鱼音大佬提供的模型。 Replace Tactical Shotgun with Star Destroyer 19C in Honkai Impact 3....
Model 1887 + 1-Hand Spin-Twirl Animations! (Replaces Chrome Shotgun)
Created by Paul Stompbox
As the title says. Ever wanted to do the Winchester lever-action spin-reload / spin-action the way John Wayne and the Terminator did so? Here you go! Your character will now twirl the weapon around every time (s)he: -Pumps it (after firing) -Deploys it -Me...
【BEATLESS】M570替换铁喷(replace Chrome shotgun)
Created by M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】M570替换铁喷 Credits: animation: HK G41 model: saber interactive sound: saber interactive, warface materials: M82A1闇冥 ...
Doom Script For Chrome Shotgun (Blowback)
Created by Yuuyakizami21
This script is similar to the super shotgun script that I created yesterday. The difference is the ammo type used, instead of PISTOL_MAGNUM, it is now AUTOSHOTGUN so you can now send infected close to you flying. This one is for the Chrome Shotgun....
[CSO] rainbowgun (chrome)
Created by LE37
replace chrome_shotgun and sounds...
Created by 鹫间芹奈
BGM列表 1. Angel boring(feat. Aiobahn) 2.Angel flight(feat. Aiobahn) 3.Ascension of angel(feat. Aiobahn) 4.INTERNET ANGEL(feat. Aiobahn) 5.INTERNET OVERDOSE(feat. Aiobahn) 6.ニセモノの幸せだけど(feat. Aiobahn) 教区第一关和沼泽激战第一关均可找到唱片机,或者调用管理员插件进行播放 网易云QQ音乐电台均可收听原声带 小天使请安~...
Created by 演员
碧蓝档案天童爱丽丝主题的点唱机 侧边第一条金属框的前端部分,存在建模不规整问题,对涂装有影响 点唱机在高低画质下几乎是两个东西,调整了部分涂装颜色,以免在低画质下整体颜色过重。 调整了不刺眼夜光效果 注意:未修改默认音乐,因此它可以与其他音乐MOD同时使用...
周杰伦音乐替换唱片机音乐 - Jay Chou Music replaces Jukebox music
Created by 宁德古猫
MOD说明 - MOD Description ——中文—— 这个MOD和我之前所制作的MOD(链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2921784734)是一对孪生MOD,区别在于这个仅仅替换唱片机里的音��为周杰伦的音乐,而另一个是替换更多方面(详细请见上面的链接)。制作这个MOD的原因是有朋友问我是否能做个单独仅仅替换唱片机的,想着现在正值中国农历春节放假在家,于是就做了一个出来方便大家使用。大家在使用的时候要注意不要和上面那...
Powerful flashlight(强光手电筒)
Created by 寒枫Feng
The instruction is changed. No other plug-ins are required. Now the range and distance of the flashlight have been greatly enhanced, and there is no need to worry about getting dark any more. The effect is probably the same as the above figure. Among them,...
Clean Flashlight
Created by ClipoDEL
Mod replaces the texture flashlight making perfectly clean....
书记舞 电脑显示器动画
Created by 蒜蓉炒面
替换了游戏内的电脑显示器, 我是藤原拓海 我开着AE86 我有个妹妹叫藤原千花 听说广大b站用户想娶我妹妹 如果你能在秋名山赢了我,我会同意你娶我妹. 今晚秋名山见 粉丝群:931395294...
透明门transparent door(援交打折限定版)
Created by ひなたのゆめ
因为全透明会撞上去所以加了个图片,门板是全透,图片半透 因为搞不懂贴图所以会有一些bug,但那又怎样,摸着网线来打我啊,打不着吧哈哈哈哈嗝 自认为实用性很高,其实也没什么卵用 ※图片的呈现会因环境光线效果而改变,从暗处看很亮的地方就看不见图片了,如果门后是地图外(全黑)图片会变成实体 ※门框是bug,能不能接受看你们自己,本人很菜,完全调不来,希望有dalao指点怎么整改...
R18-TV 万华镜电视
Created by Ex_GuGuGu
万华镜电视,三张gif,两雾枝一莲华,什么?你说你想要全套?年轻人不要太气盛!小心冲昏了头脑。自己动手丰衣足食哈 低技术力替换三台电视画面,懂得都懂哈。别过图的时候傻盯着电视看了,队友会很尴尬。 要用自己偷摸着用就好,别太张扬。 Replace anime R18 tv ...
[BO3] Argus - Pump Shotgun Sound mod
Created by The Dietzster
This is the Argus' sound mod for Jacob_LHh3's pump shotgun replacement mod. Sound was edited and modded by me to fit the shotguns functions. Sound found through ProtoAMP's Shotgun sound extract files in his shotgun's sound effects pack: https://www.youtube...
Mashu / 麻薯替换 Tank [Voice]
Created by Jo
Affects all of Tank's "voicelines" The voice in my- i mean my friend once told me how much of a sin it is for there to not be a voicemod made specifically for this questionably aged catgirl tank mod, taking that as a challenge, i told him to go touch some ...
Majora's Mask: Laser Sight Box
You can just order Lenses of Truth by the dozen? Who knew! ...
Predator Laser Sight
Created by Tя!cky ツ
Tri-Laser Beams 🔴♦️🔴♦️🔴 Tri-Dots as seen in the Predator Movies 🎬 ✔️ Yes you can use any Laser Color Changer you like (visit Urik's Workshop) ❌ If no other mod is added you'll see the games "Default Red" Want something bigger Try These❗ https://steamuserim...
Modern Warfare Intel (for Laser Sights)
Created by Alex_D #NoWar
A green laptop with a bunch of laser aiming modules A laptop is a portable computer that you can place on top of your lap (hence the name) as opposed to desktop computers. Laptops found on enemy territory can contain actionable intelligence, so it is advis...
PainKiller Crosshair Laser Sight
Created by Tя!cky ツ
Replaces Crosshair with a custom sized Orange Ring then when you activate Laser Sights 3 laser beams merge to form it's inner reticle Pentagram. 😈In order to remove standard crosshair open console enter "crosshair 0" to toggle off "crosshair 1" to toggle b...
Hatsune Miku Helicopter Pilot
Created by мяFunreal
Hatsune miku found herself a helicopter. Includes corpse models. She will, once in a while scratch her right arm, look at the dashboard, look out the window and move her feet. Credits: Mamama - model, textures Dewobedil - rigging, port to gmod MrFunreal - ...
Halo UH-144 Falcon (ONLY Helicopter!)
Created by RxBlazeWave
This mod replaces the Dark Carnival and No Mercy helicopters with a military and Intersystem News variant of the UH-144 Falcon with working dual rotor blades! It also replaces the skybox chopper seen in the third mission of No mercy as well as the crashed ...
Oreo cookies | Riot shield - 奥利奥夹心饼干/防暴盾牌 -两种口味 | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
Oreo cookies replace the Riot shield - Edible | Luminous 奥利奥夹心饼干 | 替换了 防暴盾牌 | 夜光 一共两种口味 : 经典原味,樱花草莓味 PS : 使用防爆盾需要一些任务文件里包含防爆盾文件的一些地图上你才能见到防爆盾 PS : Requires a map with riotshield in the mission file. You can see Riot shield. 内容/content https://steamuserimag...
救援直升机——质量效应宇宙飞船 (Rescue helicopter——Mass Effect spacecraft)
Created by 韦子能
创造: 未知(作者寻找中) 改动: 黑色狂欢节救援直升飞机替换为质量效应宇宙飞船 Creation: Unknown (author in search) Changes: Black Carnival rescue helicopter replaced by mass effect spacecraft...
Soraoto Animated Computer Screen
Created by U+1F62D
Replaces the LCD computer screen with an animation of the characters from the anime Sora no Otoshimono / Heaven's Lost Property....
Created by fever钟
<Girl Cafe Gun> Maid SuXiaozhen replace Computer screen 活力女仆随时欢迎您的到来! The energetic maid welcomes you at any time!...
(R18) Barrels - 10 RNG Genshin Arts
Created by Jules!!
These are explosive! This was archived from My Main Workshop ...
Pink Traffic Barrel
Created by pwettiedollie ❀
This changes the Traffic Barrels to Pink! ...
Serious Sam II Double Barrel
Created by Xenecrite
Serious Sam II Double Barrel remplacement for L4D2 Pump Shotgun Models And Textures:Croteam Imported Source:Upset Animations:Rex The Impaler Compiling:Xenecrite Sound:Croteam...
Arknights Blaze Fuel Barrel (Glow)
Created by 42Hitchhiker_AID
鲜血染尽武器,蒸腾整片战场! 只替换了贴图,可以搭配其他非贴图模组使用 Only the textures are replaced and can be used with other non-textured mods https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1768246627213015757/B809D13779D8D0505F89177D1B8C365909452ECA/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett...
COMM: TF2 Mini Dispenser (BLU) [Explosive Ammo]
Commissioned by Unusual pizza blw.tf ___________________________________________________ Features: - Explosive Ammo World and Viewmodels - Explosive Ammo Enabled Model ___________________________________________________ Model from: Team Fortress 2 Model an...
A Touch of Brimstone (Incendiary Ammo)
Created by Demo
Bullets are fantastic for punching holes through flesh and bone, no doubt. Reducing foes to bloody pulp from a distance, it's almost magic, really. However it's only almost magic. What if we wanted a touch of real magic to say, set our foes ablaze while sh...
[CSO] crossbowEX
Created by LE37
replace sniper_military and sounds...
Platinum Spice Tank Music
Created by ruckhime
Sound mod that replaces the tank music with Platinum Spice, a mashup of Platinum Disco, Nisemonogatari's 3rd OP, and the Terry Crews Old Spice commercials. Credit to RazQ for making the mashup....
Graffiti Chinese Edition
Created by 客家蝠婆
This Mod will make the wall text changed to Chinese. P.S, not including art graffiti. Thanks Despair and Amie help, And Gung Zi Ming to provide translation for reference....
Survivors Progress
Created by LP
Shows the progress of the survivors movement as a percentage (by default, this is implemented in the Versus mode) Second screenshot show versus default message and my customized (left down corner)...
kizuna ai kizunaai faq Replace PUSH
Created by 真·勇者
爱酱花Q替换推 kizunaai faq Replace PUSH 给赞鸭 qwq 求赞 给赞鸭 qwq 求赞 给赞鸭 qwq 求赞 给赞鸭 qwq 求赞 给赞鸭 qwq 求赞 给赞鸭 qwq 求赞 This is not insulting others. Just a virtual Youtuber stem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyFYH-7Ody0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyFYH-7Ody0 https://...
Meow meow | Gasoline - 喵喵の汽油 o(*°▽°*)o | Luminous
Created by Egret♥白鹭鹭
Meow meow(Cat claw) replace the Gasoline | Luminous 喵喵の爪 替换 手提汽油桶 | 含: 普通汽油、任务汽油、背后汽油 (暴风骤雨) 、路障汽油组 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1852682864760626400/6B94935725327C83296457B6918966F3C02A7258/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&i...
Created by AvengedDeathAlert
Replaces the MAC-10(Silenced SMG) Credits: Original: https://gamebanana.com/skins/109469 Design,model and textures: Teh Snake Animations: Brain Collector Sounds: Strelok...
miku cola(glow)夜光
Created by Adobe
miku cola...
New Speed Tools
Created by MN
Thanks to the PCI-Gaming source code, the tool changed the original default interface, the English font to Chinese font. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ver: ------------------------------------------------------------...
Uruha Rushia Bus Stop
Created by NPCsnake
-hololive- VTuber : Uruha Rushia Bus Stop 9 images replaces every 16s -Hologram Live System- 润羽露西娅/潤羽るしあ/うるは るしあ 公交站/巴士站/汽车站 9张图片每16秒替换一次 此必须物品并非一定要一起订,仅作为同一系列的提示...
Megumin Pipe Bomb "Explosion!"
Created by Chrimbous
Repaces the Pipe Bomb explosion sound effect with Megumin from Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku (Or just Konosuba) Shouting "Explosion!"...
Princess Connect Pekoriinu itempickup
Created by Probe
Yabaidesune★ Just for fun XD...
Underwater Adventure: Swordfish Katana
One of the greatest natural weapons of the sea in the palm of your hand. ...
Priestess' Staff [Cricket Bat]
Priestess' Staff from Goblin Slayer for Cricket Bat. ___________________________________________________ These Model Features: - Cricket Bat World / View Models ___________________________________________________ Model from: 300 Heroes Model and all rights...
Star Artillery(M16)
Created by Hekmatyar
Replace the M16,Making a new action and Replaced the sound of fire. Don't forget to Rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. 替换M16,制作了全新的动作并且替换了开火的声音 如果你喜...
zelda breath of the wild zora silverscale (golf club)
repalce the og golf with a zora silverscale it also come with custom toon shading and sounds, enjoy...
Loony Park PainKiller Chainsaw (custom sounds available) 疯狂公园电锯 (可用自定义音效)
Created by ☆麻辣香锅☆
疯狂公园的电锯,虽说是电锯但是实际是这东西好像是个风扇刀(确信),总之还是蛮帅的,希望你们喜欢 If you have played that map,you are certain to have a deep impression of that blade gun,cool model cool sounds.That's why I ported it out.Due to it uses custom sounds,you need to learn how to add this just li...
[C:MW] Spear (pitchfork)
Created by L0qi
Replaces pitchfork I was looking for sounds for my other add-on that's currently WIP, but I found some neat models instead. Oh well. Features: Model Textures Sounds HUD icon Reskin compatibility Credits: Torn Banner Studios - model, textures, audio Lt. Roc...
Moon Stick - replaces the crowbar
Created by Roku - cuenta vieja
This is a request for ۰•●Princess☾21●•۰. You can support me on Patreon and get a custom melee! https://www.patreon.com/rokul4d2mods One of the weapons from Sailor Moon :P replaces the crowbar and the HUD icon of the weapon....
[RNG] Banana pistol
Created by Ramm.asmiette
Banana partially peeled for pistol magnum. - VIewmodel with rng textures - Worldmodel - Default sounds, use your owns ! - Anim by Tööttieläin Credits : Real banana 3d scan by deep 3D studio ( free ) Arstation...
SukaSuka IN&IMA replace the Credits music
Created by 菲利希亚
This replaces the Credits Music with 'What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?'(SukaSuka) IN"Always in my heart" & IMA "Scarborough Fair". "Scarborough Fair" replaces l4d1 "Always in my heart" replaces l4d2 **Slightly increas...
Scarborough Fair - Yamadatamaru Credits Music
Created by 菲利希亚
This replaces the Credits Music with 'What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?(WorldEnd/SukaSuka) 'IMA "Scarborough Fair". -------------------------------------------- BGM:Scarborough Fair Creator:山田タマル The time of us:ALL ---...
Nekopara Medical Cabinet医疗柜(R-18)more H ver更H版本
Created by Jake-Habert
More H version then, In game Uncensored https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1428890389 From 秋月爱莉 Don't get close to the Medical Cabinet when there are people nearby 改了柜门的内侧和外侧的贴图,给边框换了个更可爱的颜色,游戏内无修,仅仅在预览图上打了码 不要在附近有人的时候靠近这个医疗柜,如果你不想家庭/社会...
Vickers Mk.I Machine gun 英国维克斯Mk.I马克沁重机枪
Created by PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=Vickers Mk.I Machine gun= =英国维克斯Mk.I马克沁重机枪= Reaplaces M2 HMG 替换M2重机枪 内含: W模 Feature: W model https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/787478730070355997/9FEA4E352BE2A9C1D2F30824A5B0E6BB235A9EE3/ British army used Maxim machine guns since the last decade...
M1903A3 Springfield[Scout]
Created by ThunderKiss65
REPLACES THE HIDDEN CSS SCOUT THE ONE WITH THE BOLT THAT GOES PEW CLANK CLANK NOT THE HUNTING RIFLE Here is an american made springfield rifle, a ww1-ww2 era bolt action rifle firing a powerful 30-06 cartridge and is known for being a deadly rifle in any m...
Tsam soul——Thanatos-7(M60)
Created by Hekmatyar
Replace the M60, Made a new action and Replaced the firing of the sound. Don't forget to rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. 替换M60,制作了全新的动作并且替换了开火的声音...
[CINDERELLA GIRLS] Souyoku no Aria Figure replace Ammo Pile
Created by LiuP
A little work for little fun. Oh boi, I realy love this event 😄 Event song: Souyoku no Aria The event will end at 8:59:59 PM (+9 GMT) Aug. 27, 2017 Rewards: Ninomiya Asuka - 10k Event Points Kanzaki Ranko - 20k Event Points/ 120k Rank -> best rewards ever ...
Reisen Car Itasha
Created by PZY
く__,.ヘヽ. \   ./ ,ー、 〉      \ ', !-─‐-i / /´       /`ー'    L//ヽ、      /  /,  /|  ,  ,   ',    イ  / /-‐/ i L_ ハ ヽ! i .     レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  |      !,/7 '0'   ´0iソ|   |         |.从"  _   ,,,, / |./ |      レ'| i>.、,,__ _,.イ /  .i |       レ'| | / k_7_/レ'ヽ, ...
Moon | Neptune
Created by Sawapine
Mod replaces default moon for Neptune from Hyperdimension Neptunia....
Overwatch Pachimari {Gnome}
I'm back!And a massive project will come out soon,just wait. 换了全新的封面和介绍风格,为下个大MOD做准备。 Replaces Gnome. 替换侏儒 Models and textures:Blizzard Entertainment Physics,Publish:Me High resolution textures |自制高清贴图 ClearSkyC 晴空大佬 Purple heArt 猫灵大佬 You for always suppor...
Kanna Animated Note7 for PipeBomb
Created by HSK
character : kanna kamui model:pipebomb modified from id=786039273 more detail in chinese 這次做個康娜螢幕會動的Note7管炸彈 看康娜對你跳,一手康娜到處跑(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) 此模組只修改了皮膚與動畫 模型源自於id=786039273,有興趣自己去查XD 還有可加入一些音樂或特效模組一併使用 如果有錯誤顯示,歡迎下方留言給我 #個人實測可用,訂閱直接套用,若有錯誤顯示先看看你的模組有沒有相衝。...
Created by 凌波
替换背景视频 订阅的是图标 链接:{LINK REMOVED} 密码:95uc 第一次制作 Replace background video subscriptions with icon links:{LINK REMOVED} Password:95uc...
The helicopter (miku)
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD changes the rescue helicopter, it is the appearance of blue MIKU,I hope you can like it,My computer technology is not very good, so the MOD is not very perfectBut I still want to thank you for your support,In addition,the MOD as a pink crashed hel...
Created by 原电池
Replace saferoomloading screen...
Miku Saferoom Door
Created by Hawkiepaisen
twinkle twinkle little star Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
[Honkai 3rd]M134 Vulcan Minigun replaces minigun
Created by 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】M134火神机枪替换加特林机枪 Replace minigun with M134 Vulcan Minigun in Honkai Impact 3....
Peashy's Star Gloves defibrillator
Created by Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the defibrillator with Peashy's DLC weapon, the Star Gloves, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -HD Texture (512px) -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model -Glowing texture (if you want a non-glowing version, simpl...
Winter Wasteland - Icicle Adrenaline
Nothing gives you that extra oomph like ramming a huge shard of ice into your thigh. Turn that "Brbrbrbrbr" into a "Brrrrrrrr" today! This is the spy-cicle community item from TF2. Additional search tags: xmas, x-mas, Christmas, winter, frozen, team fortre...
Orange Juice (Pain Pills)
Created by Majro
"You're a regular health nut." Why ruin your body with painkillers that contain deadly chemicals when you can instead enjoy a nice cold glass of orange juice, full of vitamins and pulp goodness. It even has a little umbrella! Replaces pain pills, naturally...
Tippy Medkit
Created by Lost my pieces
Ammunition Fulmination Volume 13 (Explosive Ammo)
Created by Demo
Some doctors spend their lives nurturing the broken and hurt, always vigilant in their quest to help their patients walk the road to recovery and good health. Other doctors are much more interested in finding the answer to that age-old question "how can I ...
Camping Trip - Tent Explosive Ammo
Set up a very ineffective tent to protect* you from zombies. *Absolutely no protection will be provided by this product. Credit: "Tent" by alexxx_xarchenko ...
Dark Souls Bonfire (ammo pile)
You guys can finally kindle the fireXD. 你们终于可以传火了XD Replaces ammo pile. 替换 弹药 Models and textures:Fromsoftware BANDAI NAMCO Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me Particles effect |高端传火特效 DANIAO 我江带头冲锋 You for always support me | 大伙对我以来的资瓷 Remember to le...
Christmastime - RNG Explosive Ammo Mystery Gifts
Santa has been leaving presents out for all the good little survivors. Unwrap yours to see what's inside!! Featuring: -Barbie Deluxe Dreamhouse -Hot Wheels 4-in-1 Set -Nintendo Switch -The Original Xbox -Fundies, Underwear for Two -Bob Ross Chia Pet ...and...
Thanksgiving - Cookbook & RNG Pie Explosive Ammo
The Thanksgiving feast continues. I'm quite late with this because I was away celebrating Thanksgiving in person. It's still November though, so I'm uploading it anyway. Hmph. Features 12 different pies/recipes: Blueberry, Fig, Apple, Strawberry Rhubarb, P...
R2D - Golden Gift [EXPLOSIVE AMMO]
"Humor is healing, like a present." ―Rockynic // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Summary: "The Golden Gift is a gift with a golden loop and a ye...
Jolteon | Explosive ammostack
Created by In-GER
-Jolteon replaces ammostack This mod adds a new 3D model for explosive ammo/ and explosive ammo_w -pokemon -nintendo -eevee evolutions No.1 ...