Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

271 ratings
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Gamemode
Addon Tags: Comic, Fun
File Size
483.869 MB
12 Mar, 2021 @ 3:34pm
29 Sep @ 1:38pm
14 Change Notes ( view )

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Gm_Sts Discord Server:

Welcome to Garry's Mod Special Tactics Sector! GM_STS 3.0.7

Garry's Mod Special Tactics Sector is an arena fight simulator with up to four teams that battle against each other. Each team is given four Boxes that represent monsters that will fight for them in an arena during each round. You must win rounds to score Research Points for your team, which are used to upgrade or 'randomize' your boxes so that they have different Mob Types, or higher Strength. There are also special mini games every 2 rounds where players on each team must compete in various activities to earn Research Points to upgrade or randomize your Boxes.

Every Box has these attributes:

Tech Level: What level your box is determines what rarity of mobs you are able to receive after randomizing. Upgrading the tech level will give you access to more rare mobs when you re-roll

Tech Level 1: Common Mobs
2: Common, Uncommon
3: Uncommon, Rare
4: Rare, Legendary
5: Legendary

The Rarer the mob, the more powerful of a mob it is.

Mob Type: the type of mob that will spawn at the beginning of the round

Strength: the number of the mob that will be spawned at the beginning of a round. Any multiplier inherent in the mob will be multiplied by the strength. (Antlion x2 Strength 2 = 4 total spawn)

For 1 rp (Research Point), randomize the mob type and strength of your block. The tech level determines what mob rarities you have a chance of getting. In order to get rarer monsters, you must upgrade the Tech level of your box

Upgrading the tech level will give you access to more rare mobs when you re-roll. The cost in Research Points to upgrade from one level to another is the current level x 6.

Tech level 1-2: 6 rp
2-3: 12 rp
3-4: 18 rp
4-5: 24 rp

All of your blocks must be at the same tech level before the next tech level is available. (I.E. All of your blocks must be at Tech Level 2 before you can upgrade any of them to tech level 3)


Readying up:
Once all of your data readers (the chutes to the left of your waiting room) have a box in them, the ready lever will unlock at the main console. Once you throw the lever, your readiness will be announced and you can enter the hallway.
(Tip: When the round begins, your mobs will be spawned from the left-most data reader to the right, so plan your strategy accordingly)

Once all the teams have readied up, you will be teleported to a randomly selected arena, where your mobs will spawn and fight the other teams' mobs. The last team standing wins the round, and then the research points are given out.

The Winning team earns 6 Research Points
The Losing teams earn 5 Research Points.

Bonus Rounds:
After every 2 regular rounds, a bonus round occurs, where you compete against the other teams in various challenges to earn more Research Points

Deathmatch: 1 Point per kill
Capture the Flag: 20 Points per Flag
Grab the Batteries: 5 Points per battery
Survival: 10 Points per person on your team that survives

THIS GAMEMODE WAS NOT MY IDEA. Trempler on the Sven Coop team made this gamemode first for Sven Coop. Thank you so much to Trempler for making such an awesome gamemode! This addon wouldn't exist without you

Trempler's work:

Please leave constructive criticism if you have a suggestion that would make the game more balanced, or more fun.


Waiting Music: Miami Sky by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Battle: CP Violation, Brane Scan

El Matador: Go Together - Ashija
Space SMG's: Triage at Dawn extended
Crab Storm: Go Together - Ashija
Boomsticks: AIN'T NOTHIN' LIKE A FUNKY BEAT - Hideki Naganuma
Capture the Flag: Something Secret Steers us
Ravenholm: HNG3R - flairon1
Citadel: Celestial - Ashija

Ashija can be found at
flairon1 can be found at
The SFM thumbnails were made by @C_U_R_S_3 on Twitter (nsfw).

ED: 494.2%

Special thanks to playtesters syrupboss, Zypher, SlayerJay, poyo, Fuddgenugget, and Panda.

sts_starting_points - Starting points. No effect after game start.
sts_total_rounds - Amount of rounds to play. No effect after game start.
sts_minimum_players - Minimum players required before game can start.
sts_outfitter_support - Change how team recognition is handled if using outfitter.
sts_forbid_dev_room - Whether or not to forbid access to the secret dev room.
sts_disable_settings_buttons - Whether or not the lobby buttons should do anything.
sts_episodic_content - Whether or not to add episodic mobs to the mob pool.
sts_force_bonus_rounds - 1 - Force bonus rounds on 0 - Force Nothing -1 - Force bonus rounds off.
sts_random_teams - 0 - Allow players to choose teams 1 - Random two teams 2 - Random Four teams. No effect after game start.
sts_allow_team_swapping - 0 - Do not allow swapping teams midgame 1 - Allow swapping teams mid game
sts_deathmatch_points - Determine point reward for kills in bonus rounds.
sts_deathmatch_time - Determine time for deathmatch bonus rounds.
sts_survival_time - Determine time for survival bonus rounds.
sts_survival_points - Determine point reward for survival in bonus rounds.
sts_ctf_points - Determine point reward for capturing the flag in bonus rounds.
sts_battery_points - Determine point reward for delivering the battery in bonus rounds.
sts_bonus_round_interval - Determine how many rounds between bonus rounds.
sts_winner_points - Determine point reward for winning a round.
sts_loser_points - Determine point reward for losing a round.
Popular Discussions View All (7)
2 Nov @ 7:23pm
Issue: Monster description goes off the screen depending on resolution
30 Sep, 2022 @ 11:17pm
NPC Ideas
Minisquel Meat Man
21 May, 2022 @ 5:58pm
Bonus rounds not working?
Jahova (The Witness)  [author] 29 Sep @ 1:39pm 
this is likely caused by sv_playerpickupallowed somehow being set to 0, likely from another addon. i've pushed a fix that should set this convar to 1 when the game starts
primate prime 25 Sep @ 8:37am 
Can't move the boxes at all. Any ideas?
Jahova (The Witness)  [author] 7 Aug @ 11:47am 
wouldn't be much of a secret if i told you
DAKO 7 Aug @ 5:58am 
where is the secret dev room
Snofosnargen 24 Jun @ 2:59pm 
Soma 16 Jun @ 9:50am 
hi, do you need rus translate for addon? I can help
TIMAXS IMPOTENT 10 Jun @ 9:28am 
thank you for updating mod :amphibianhat:
Jahova (The Witness)  [author] 18 May @ 9:49pm 
yeah it's a known issue, next planned feature is a stalemate mode which should resolve this, fixes for now are starting with more points. this is just a hl2 thing unfortunately :/. thanks for the report
starterpack 18 May @ 12:35pm 
it appears that headcrabs cannot kill each other, this can be a fatal flaw considering that the 1st tech level is predominantly headcrabs and headcrab variations which makes the possibility of a stalemate in early rounds highly likely.
Jahova (The Witness)  [author] 8 May @ 1:07pm 
yes, join the discord for updates