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Viable Feudalism and Imperialism - Empire Federation
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Viable Feudalism and Imperialism - Empire Federation

I 5 samlingar av MrFunEGUY
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Have you ever wanted to play as a feudal/imperial empire, but found that Stellaris was lacking quite a bit with that play-style?

This mod aims to fix that. This mod edits the game so that you're allowed to form federations with your subjects.

It then utilizes the federation framework to make a federation that functions more like an empire.

The result? A (hopefully) better feudal/imperial-type gameplay experience.


- I've added a basic Empire federation origin to the game, similar to the vanilla federation origins. You'll start in an Empire federation, with 2 other members who will be your vassals. However, unlike vanilla federation origins where federation memebrs will have similar ethics to you, these vassals can be any combinations of ethics.

Empire Project:

- Just like normal federations, the empire federation now has a project. It's the same as the hegemony federation project, with some differences. No subject of an empire federation can reject the project. There are 2 different options subjects can pick. Subjects can either willingly support the project, or unenthusiastically go along with the project.

- Subjects who go along willingly will gain +10 opinion from the Crown nation, decaying at 2 / year. Subjects who are unenthusiastic will resent their emperor for forcing them to contribute resources towards the project. They will gain -60 opinion towards the Crown nation, decaying at 2/year. Subjects will either willingly go along with the project, or be unenthusiastic participants depending on the Crown nation's relationship with the subject and the empire federation cohesion.

- All AI empires will contribute to the project, but at least 3 subjects must contribute to get the best reward. This is irrespective of how many members are in the empire federation, so if there are only 2 members besides yourself, you cannot get the best reward.

- The project becomes available after the Empire has been formed for at least 50 years.

Good to Know:

- Perks and their effects.

- Need to be either Authoritarian or have the Feudal Society civic to form the federation.

- Imperial (federation) Fleet has no hard cap.

- Federation Law cooldown is 2 years. For some reason, the cooldown timer doesn't seem to show up. Sorry about that.

- Emperor has an edict to disable law proposal changes. No need to worry about cohesion loss if unruly subjects can't propose laws.


- If you had the ability to choose to invite someone to your Empire Federation (which will be extremely difficult as no one wants to give up their autonomy to an emperor), they don't automatically become your vassal. Doing this breaks the War in Heaven, so it's not an option. You cannot invite independend empires to the Empire federation. Thing is, I don't know how many sovereign nations would accept invites to become vassals in an empire as opposed to remaining independent, and I didn't make this mod with the intention of inviting independent nations. A state does not usually willingly give up sovereignty. If you want them in your empire, subjugate them.

- The voting benefits only extend to the AI, so this doesn't work well when other players are in the Empire federation. This is because other players can also propose votes, and because the AI will always say yes, they basically have the same voting power privilege as the emperor. I don't know a way around this at the moment.

- English only as of right now. If you want to do translations to other languages, just let me know and I'll give you the yml file if you can't find it yourself.


- There appears to be a bug in base game that has to due with Fleet Construction. If you switch from where if you its original setting to the other setting and then back to the original setting, the new setting cannot be chosen again. It never comes off cooldown. By default, it's set so that only the Emperor/President can build fleets. This is because of another vanilla bug where if the default setting is that AI can build fleets, they won't. Once you change it so that the AI can build, I don't recommend changing it back unless you never want them to be able to build again. There is really no explanation for this bizarre behavior. I'm hoping it's something Paradox fixes, because the code doesn't seem to affect it at all. If this becomes a big problem, I will look at just reverting a lot of my changes to laws, because there aren't many other options.


- Russian Localisation by Anti4iteR. Thank you!

- Crown and star vectors for the federation icon by Vecteezy

Some Other Mods I've Made/Updated:

- Civil Wars

- More Authorities

- Useful Heirs

- Species Name to Nation Demonym

- End Truce & Close Borders

- We Require Borders

- No More Exclaves

- Ethics and Civics Alternative - FunEFork

- Galactic Bank - FunEFork

- Intervene: Help Friendly Nations - FunEFork

- Vassals Expanded and Reworked - FunEFork





For the best support, find me at #mrfuneguys-mods on the Stellaris Modding Den Discord:

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23 sep, 2022 @ 0:23
15 aug, 2020 @ 8:37
495 kommentarer
synncrytech3 6 jan @ 18:48 
while waiting for the update i made crude 'fix' by adding

federation_leader_diplo_weight_contribution_add = 0.5

to the first federation perk, if anyone else has the issue.
synncrytech3 6 jan @ 18:22 
im having the same bug as cinnamonger, please fix :<
WeWeKeNeMen 5 jan @ 6:07 
is this compatible with feudal expanded?
Cinnamonger 3 jan @ 20:13 
hello! just reporting a bug :3 it used to be that transferred diplomatic influence was removed from subjects (iirc) but in recent games that i have tried with the empire origin the diplomatic influence was not transferred from, just added to. as a result, subjects keep their base diplomatic influence while part of the empire, but the crown still gets the bonus. additionally, upon loading into the game it takes a tick for the game to register the diplomatic weight addition, meaning the crown is at their base diplomatic influence for a tick. this can cause a subject to supersede the crown if they possess a higher base diplomatic weight than the crown nation for that starting tick. wanted to see if its on my end, and if not wanted to make sure you knew! thanks for making my fave origin in this game it really rocks :)
MrFunEGUY  [skapare] 15 nov, 2024 @ 14:11 
@Kaiserin - Very interesting. I'll update this mod for 3.14 soon enough, but really don't know how it could be causing a crash in that manner. I'll look into it.
Kaiserin 14 nov, 2024 @ 19:20 
This mod might not be fully 3.14 Compatible. In my late game playthrough with this mod as a part of my load order I was experiencing a consistent crash on the first of the month. After turning this mod off and leaving my other ones enabled I managed to get past the crash. I saw that on the first of the month one of my vassals in the federation was getting a rebellion which seemed to be causing the crash. Even with just this mod enabled on a empty load order I still experience the crash on that date.

Just posting this here to see if it's only a problem on my end or not. I also use it with your "Vassals Expanded and Reworked" mod in case that helps. Your mods are great and they are perfect for my feudal empire playthroughs.
Kraffest 10 nov, 2024 @ 9:59 
Is this mod compatible with 3.14?
MrFunEGUY  [skapare] 17 okt, 2024 @ 15:47 
You'd have to do edit the "allow" section in common\federation_types\vf_empire_types.txt
SATOSHI ᛉ 14 okt, 2024 @ 12:34 
How to remove the civic requirement? I'm using a species with their own ethic and it doesn't count as imperial so I can't select feudal society.
MrFunEGUY  [skapare] 15 sep, 2024 @ 20:12 
Fixed, thanks.