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Cataph's Boyz Will Be Boyz Compatible Mods
I am an avid fan of the tabletop version of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, so I was over-joyed to hear that there is a mod that closely simulate the tabletop game: Cataph's Boyz Will Be Boyz mod. This is a personal list of those mods that work well with that overhaul.

Items (47)
Boyz will be Boyz - Closer to Tabletop - Unit Pack
Created by Cataph
This is the optional (yet highly recommended) pack for additional units made explicitly for our CTT overhaul. Do not attempt to use in vanilla or in any other context. (archers and huntsmen base units merged with the new dlc ones) We are keeping additional...
Boyz Will Be Boyz - Closer to Tabletop overhaul (CTT)
Created by Cataph
- On WH3. To business! - CTT aka Boyz will be Boyz is an overhaul intending to offer an alternate balance take: closer to tabletop balance, more unforgiving, with more focus on counter-play and loss management. This means stats were rebuilt on ALL units. T...
Table Top Caps - Silent and Furious Edition
Created by DrunkFlamingo
This mod's description keeps being deleted by steam, so if it isn't here occasionally, that is why. This mod adds a unit capping system to the game implemented in Lua script. All units in the game are assigned a category (which are for the most part pulled...
Unnatural Selection Ultimate
Created by Jadawin
TWW2 is no longer getting patches or DLC, so my mods are also considered final and will not receive any more updates. Therefore I disabled comments on all of them to avoid constantly getting notifications for the same dumb questions that have been answered...
AI Limited Expansion - Saturated Empires
Created by Jadawin
TWW2 is no longer getting patches or DLC, so my mods are also considered final and will not receive any more updates. Therefore I disabled comments on all of them to avoid constantly getting notifications for the same dumb questions that have been answered...
AI Tweaks - No Anti-Player
Created by Jadawin
TWW2 is no longer getting patches or DLC, so my mods are also considered final and will not receive any more updates. Therefore I disabled comments on all of them to avoid constantly getting notifications for the same dumb questions that have been answered...
No Building Autoconversion - Anti Snowball
Created by Jadawin
TWW2 is no longer getting patches or DLC, so my mods are also considered final and will not receive any more updates. Therefore I disabled comments on all of them to avoid constantly getting notifications for the same dumb questions that have been answered...
No United Against Us & No Alliance demands from AI
Created by Jadawin
TWW2 is no longer getting patches or DLC, so my mods are also considered final and will not receive any more updates. Therefore I disabled comments on all of them to avoid constantly getting notifications for the same dumb questions that have been answered...
Loreful Diplomacy (Updated - Final W2 Edition)
Created by Jim
Introduction This is an update of Crynsos' excellent Loreful Diplomacy mod. Updated with my own additions, permissions granted. ----- Information What does this mod do? It modifies the number of diplomatic actions a faction,...
No alliances
Created by Flying Fox
Version of my "no military alliances" mod, but with defensive alliances also disabled. Made by request. Makes it impossible for the player and AI to make an alliance, but doesn't change alliances you start the game with. Might make some quests unfinishable...
No Great Power
Created by Unnamed_Shadow
Removes the Great Power penalty. I found it really annoying. Makes Confederation impossible. Enjoy!...
Cataph's Less Rebel Rebels [updated for Silence]
Created by Cataph
While I was working at the dynamic caps for Boyz will be Boyz, I felt the urgency of changing some things with the rebel unit pools. I mean, it's bound to raise an eyebrow or two if you can't recruit more than one dragon but the neighbourhood rise up again...
No More Rogue Armies
Created by Heljumper117
Mod Features I just got tired of seeing major races getting destroyed on the map by Rogue Armies. They're not exactly loreful and some of the armies that spawn are just ridiculously OP to where normal factions controlled by the AI just won't be able to cou...
Region Trading
Created by Vanishoxyact
This mod adds a new UI which provides a basic version of region trading. Functionality currently includes purchasing and gifting of regions. The main reason this mod was added was to allow the player to obtain regions which have been taken by friendly AI f...
Ruins Settling Cooldown For Chaos, Beastmen And Norsca (And Others)
Created by prop joe
Same thing as Ruin Resettling Cooldown for the AI by Anyndel, but using new script commands added in the latest DLC. As a result we don't have to give the settlement to a fake faction. Only applies to the AI, humans can colonize things razed by chaos/beast...
No Loss of Chivalry for attacking other Bretonnians
Created by André
Feel free to attack all Bretonnian Factions without getting any harmed in your chivalry! Works with Radious!...
Paladin Replenishment
Created by sm0kin
Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Hammers & Herdstones". Adds the "Replenish Troops" hero action to the Bretonnian Paladin. Since Bretonnia doesn't have a third hero type who provides replenishment, it felt only fai...
Shieldbearers and Oath Stone Bearers
Created by ChaosRobie
"Beer, bearers, Battlestar Galactica" This mod adds Shieldbearers and Oath Stone Bearers, both are mounts for the Dwarfs. Description Shieldbearers are a mount for Dwarf Lords, including Belegar. They gain increased health, but give up their shield... beca...
Swords of the Emperor
Created by Xoudad
"There is much wrong in the way that the Empire runs itself, Bloch. Many who rule do not deserve to. Many who are ruled could make a better fist of it. You’re a fighting man. You’ve seen armies commanded by fools and good men led into ruin by them. But the...
Valten, Herald of Sigmar
Created by Xoudad
"Forged from the other world, six treasures shall he posses....Upon his head the crown shall see all, and open eyes will prove woe to mortal kind. Then shall he ride unto the World...Then will the World know that the last war has begun" —Part of the Prophe...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords
Created by Militus Immortalis
WARHAMMER 3 VERSION HERE Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Rakarth Update". This mod transfers legendary lords and legendary heroes of defeated factions (of the same culture) to factions that are still in play. This...
Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords - No confederation (Partial)
Created by SinisterWeasel
This is a work around to disable confederations for the AI that works with Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords, one of my absolute favourite mods. RDLL needs confederation enabled to work properly, so this mod changes AI personalities so that they never offer...
JR's Old World Skill Overhaul
Created by JerreyRough
This mod is aimed at updating all Old World skill trees for Total War: Warhammer 2, bringing them in-line with the new race's skill trees. Creator's Note: Despite CA bringing Old World lords closer to their New World counterparts with various updates, they...
One Button Respec (Updated!)
Created by DrunkFlamingo
Here is a mod that adds a single button to the character UI to fully respec the character's skills. This can only be done once per game per unique character. As far as I know this is a 100% full respec that does not mess with quest skills, innates, traits,...
Home Region Movement Bonus
Created by Dresden
This mod increases movement for armies in their own regions by 10%. Compatible with most mods and with ongoing campaigns/save games. In current campaigns, you will have to end turn once for it to take effect. Notes: - Does not affect horde factions since t...
Control zone + 20%
Created by Xteel
Increases armies and cities control zone by 20%. Idea comes from a TWW1 mod created by RODRIGO. Witness him brothers & sisters....
Enable AutoResolve Quest battles!!
Created by Prince Tyrion
this mod simply makes the auto-resolve button for quests clickable again the button will remain grey with the red tooltip but it is clickable now I tried to change the opacity and remove its tooltip but it seems like somehow another script is overriding it...
Execute (useless) Lords & Heroes
Created by sm0kin
Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Hammers & Herdstones". This mod adds ui elements that allow the player to "execute" (useless) lords and heroes - even if they are immortal! Why? The longer you play a campaign the m...
Regional Unit Rename - yes, it still works
Created by prop joe
When you recruit a unit its name gets prefixed with the name of the region (settlement) where the recruiting army is stationed. So recruit Swordsmen in Altdorf, they get renamed to Altdorf Swordsmen. Also affects the AI. Doesn't affect lords and agents. Th...
Created by AtticNote
Other Versions • CLEARER UNIT CARD UI Summary • Black unit card frames. Bottom semicircle hidden except on renowned and blessed units. • Hover and selection overlays not changed. ✅This mod is purely cosmetic. It won't affect saves or gameplay. No databases...
Brighter Borders
Created by Decomposed
A small graphical mod to make the borders on the map brighter and more distinct. I don't really like how they appear "washed out" in the vanilla game, so hopefully this will fix it a bit. I based this on one of my favourite mods called Improved Border Colo...
Zoom in/out Camera
Created by XIV
It doesn't sink beneath the ground...
Faster End Turn Camera
Created by Vanishoxyact
Simple mod to speed up the camera used to move around the map during the end turn phase, as I found it was too slow. Should be compatible with every other mod, unless it also changes this camera. Save game compatible. If you would also like a higher campai...
Less buff and effect VFX
Created by Ourg
The purpose of this mod is to lessen the number of graphical effects vfx on screen and only keep the essential. This is what you want if you want immersive replay or making RP video on battle with K mode. the list of what the mod is doing : 1 : // no more ...
NO MORE STUPID ANIMATIONS FOR ALL RACES (Compatible with Everything Affects Custom Units)
Created by TheLoneCenturion
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION SO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MOD DOES AND READ UPDATE NOTES DISCUSSION FOR DETAILED LIST OF ALL CHANGES COMPATIBILITY -Save Game: Yes (It can be both added and removed at will with no issues) -Custom Units: Yes -All other mods: Yes >>List ...
[HN] Clear Skies
Created by [HN]
Greatly reduce the amount of fog present on the campaign map Ever wished you could actually see what's going on the map? This mod ...
Save Camera Settings
Created by sm0kin
Updated for "Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Hammers & Herdstones". You might be aware of the fact that campaign camera settings are saved to your savegames. Which means you have to choose your prefered campaign camera setting...
Pick any unit for Lord for battle testing
Created by RomoR
Updated for the Silence and the Fury So this is the same mod has the one I made for WH1, it lets you pick any single unit as your general for custom battles so you can test freely without any lord interfering with the battle. All moral buff/debuffs related...
Created by Groove Wizard
REUPLOAD For now, I've reuploaded this mod to another mod with the exact same contents, and it doesn't seem to have any of the issues this one is currently facing. Please use that one for the time being. I'll be disabling comments on this mod for the time ...
UI Modding Framework
Created by Vanishoxyact
This mod adds a whole framework allowing the possibility of creating custom user interfaces within mods. Creating UI's within mods is notoriously difficult which results in very few, if any mods utilizing them. This framework unlocks this possibility by pr...
No more procrastinator/lazy trait [Up to date with Rakarth Patch]
Created by Flying Fox
Features This mod essentially stops the lazy line of traits from triggering by raising the threshold points in character_trait_levels from 1, 2 and 3, to 999, 999 and 999....
Skip Intro Logos
Created by DaTroll
Last Update: 2021.07.14 Launches the game straight to the main menu. Skips the intro logos (SEGA, Creative Assembly) and the opening cinematic. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to report bugs....
Smaller Battle Banners
Created by Apex
This mod reduces the size of all battle banners to 30% of the original size. I found the vanilla banner size way too big, blocking large parts of the screen and taking the immersion out of the game. Removing banners completely makes the battles confusing q...
UI Unit Markers
Created by Caligula
IMPORTANT - READ THE DESCRIPTION For this mod to work, you need to hold down spacebar and make sure that "Selection Markers" is ticked ON but not locked.
Empire Master Engineers II
Created by ChaosRobie
This is a continuation of ZombieFlander's Empire Master Engineer mod. That mod has been retired. Emperor Magnus the Pious famously said that three things make the Empire great: faith, steel, and gunpowder. In the Total War: Warhammer games, the Empire has ...
Jadawin's Various Campaign Tweaks
Created by Jadawin
TWW2 is no longer getting patches or DLC, so my mods are also considered final and will not receive any more updates. Therefore I disabled comments on all of them to avoid constantly getting notifications for the same dumb questions that have been answered...
JvJ's Boyz will be Boyz - Closer to Tabletop - Unit Patch Compendium
Created by JvJ
Description - Read This, Please? I'll keep this short, this will essentially be a collection of little compatibility patches for numerous mods, it's 100% plug and play you don't need to be subbed to all of them. This pretty much emulates Cataph's own in-mo...