Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

981 ratings
Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station (Monorail Version) 上海磁浮龍陽路站 (單軌鐵路版)
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2.754 MB
13 Sep, 2017 @ 2:49pm
19 Nov, 2021 @ 3:15am
3 Change Notes ( view )
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Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station (Monorail Version) 上海磁浮龍陽路站 (單軌鐵路版)

***UPDATE 2021-11-19***
fixed pink pedestrian path.

Shanghai Maglev Longyang Road Station 上海磁浮龍陽路站

Maglev train station in Shanghai, China, where people can take the maglev train to Shanghai Pudong International Airport and back.(more info at: wikipedia [])

This is the monorail version. If you're looking for the true maglev version, here is it.
The station is longer than the vanilla monorail station. You can use the long maglev train ( Transrapid MAGLEV ) by REV0.
Station contains 4 subbuildings with semi-transparent glass and moving escalator. And I reduce the noise pollution and radius.
There is a elevated train station version of this station:

Enjoy and thank you for subscribing!

車站比遊戲內建單軌車站長,可供REV0的加長列車( Transrapid MAGLEV )停靠。車站內含四個subbuildings包含半透明玻璃和移動手扶梯。


stats 基本資料:
model infos 模型資料:
10x4 Monorail station
Tris: 6308
cost 費用: 15000
maps: 1024x1024 (d,a,n,i,c,s)
upkeep 維修費: 240/week
LOD tris: 92
water 水: 160 m3/week
LOD maps: 128x64 (d,a,i,c,s)
electricity 電: 480 KW

my workshop stuff 我的工作坊物品
Tags: Transrapid, Maglev train station, Shanghai, China, Glass, animation, animated escalator, 磁浮, 龍陽路站, 龙阳路站, 上海, 中国, 中國

by Emperor Li
pan.czmielu 3 Feb @ 11:16pm 
Hi. Could you amend that station for suspended tracks?
98ColdDew 13 Apr, 2024 @ 4:00pm 
For people who failed to load : this asset needs After Dark and Mass Transit DLC

致加载失败的人:这个资产需要 After DarkMass Transit DLC
PetiPupsi 30 Apr, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
also doesn't work for me :(
tangjaylen 11 Apr, 2023 @ 6:14pm 
Asset fails to load in game.
Emperor Li  [author] 23 Nov, 2021 @ 3:26pm 
I forgot to tell you that I fixed the problem a few days ago.
Sprout 18 Nov, 2021 @ 9:33pm 
Hey Emperor Li .The construction of maglev station will indicate that the distance is too close .The maglev station which has been built has disappeared. How to solve it.:steamhappy::steamhappy:
Emperor Li  [author] 18 Nov, 2021 @ 4:30pm 
I think I found the reason. The cims can't access the other platform because the pedestrian path for both platform aren't connect to each other. It only worked if it was built like in the preview picture between two roads.
I redrew the pedestrian paths. It should be working fine now.
Thanks for the message!
Madison 16 Nov, 2021 @ 6:48am 
Hey Emperor Li, this asset recently got some weird thing going on. I have been using this Asset mainly for the middle stations, meaning 1 monorail line will have both stops from both directions on the opposite side of the platform. However, recently Passengers are not queuing up on the other side of the platform.

Lets take Station A -> B1 -> C -> B2 -> A as my monorail line: passengers will only queue up on B1 despite they desire to reach Station A. They are willing to take that extra mile to go to Station C first.
This is happening on multiple monorail lines. I also checked the monorail will stop at B2 platform but with 0 passengers.

I don't see this phenomena on Metro or train stations.
Emperor Li  [author] 21 May, 2020 @ 5:58am 

monorail station track is already in the game. Just use "find it" to find the station track.
1984368351 7 Apr, 2020 @ 4:34pm 