Just call me, Mikey   United States
You are loved immeasurably by the sorts of beings and people that align with your nature. Always remember that.

"To You dear reader, may your stay be fruitful and enriching"
"To my brethren in Heaven, keep fighting the good fight!"
"My Spartan brothers and sisters, rise up, your time is now."
"My enemies are none, but those who are against me I say, may we never cross paths"

"I am searching for a woman to rest myself in her heart forever."

"I am clinging on to the hopes and promises of Jesus Christ."

"You have seen what I have seen, the horrors of this society."

"You are the hope of the universe, the answer to all living things that cry out for peace"

"You are loved and cherished, everyday every fiber in my body moves forward for you"

"Solo, and without a doubt, I know things will change."

"Surrounded by love, and family, I know you will find me"

"I will be waiting, because I know your searching too"

Give space to the nourishing elements of the spirit. May the floodgates be open to all possibilities. Discover the uninterrupted infinity of the eternal spiritual world for which you were born. You are part of something greater, something that no human or living being can give, only Jesus Christ can give this. Long live the king.

I want your ascension story, to be beautifully arranged, and played out as the symphony of chronological perfection, may your heightened state of consciousness take you into eternal bliss, my friend.
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Mikey 2 hours ago 
I wish eternal blessings onto your soul, for wherever you go, may your blessings follow. To each and every one you love, I wish eternal blessings for them as well. May your life shine as a beacon of hope to others. May you Constantly bring smiles to those around you, and may you nullify all hardships, and disappointments, transforming them into renewable opportunities for everyone including yourself. May you see the truth about God, and reveal to others his beautiful plans of salvation for all who decide to listen and carry the faith forward. And alas, may you be transformed into the perfect image of god, giving you incredible strengths and moral values. Amen
Mikey 3 hours ago 
I see you, you are perfect in every-way. Humanity if all you did was reach out, to Jesus, you would see. This world would change, and all peoples from all accross the world would unite. Fear not, you are loved, there are those fighting for this reality to come to fruition. There are those that are constantly doing the right things, for you. They are fighting for you. So that our world can be at peace and go back to normal. And so you can have a brighter future. =) It will come true, I promise. There will be darkness first, but it is required by the lord that these things have to happen. For the people are choosing who to follow , which is needed so god can make the final judgement on the universe. Things like wars, death, famines, earthquakes and wars and rumors of wars must come to pass. Before the lord makes his self known.
Mikey 11 Dec, 2024 @ 2:57pm 
Mikey 19 Nov, 2024 @ 12:42am 
we are all sinners here on earth, but, as long as you believe with all your mind heart and soul that Jesus Christ paid the price for your sins, died for you and came back to life, you will be saved. Believe in him and you shall have eternal everlasting life. Believe me when I say we are all damned to torment. For our sins, and the evil things evil people do to others. We will be judged. All of us. So do good unto others as you would have them do to you. Think rational. Don't be a fool and mislead others with your folly.