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기록상 61.0시간 (평가 당시 49.3시간)
One of the few games that had a predominantly successful launch. Optimization and Balancing seem to be a pretty subjective experience. Fun and fast-paced.
2024년 12월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 672.7시간 (평가 당시 663.0시간)
The game itself is really fun. Fast paced Battle Royale with Heroes with abilities.
They just need to prepare for times when more players could join the game again, add a lot more content, more safety measures and bug fixes.
Little heads up if you're good at shooter games, it's better to find people to play this with, because for some reason you can get the worst random teammates and it can be discouraging. A good way to do this is to add people ingame that play well and join one of the active Clans.
2024년 11월 22일에 게시되었습니다. 2025년 3월 5일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 589.3시간
Repetitive content, laggy servers (especially group content), trashy vehicle physics, the game is about enhancing your gear over time, but it doesn't matter anymore at one point because everything is so easy, even on the hardest servers. Literally the biggest challenge is coping with the lag when for example you can't switch your weapon or it reloads itself. The foundation of the game is really cool though even if it is as one of my ingame Clan members said:"Ask an AI to blend 10 games into one." The games would be for example: The Division (the weapon/gear brands and the looter/shooter factors very similar), Control (the trippy story is similar, they even almost 1:1 copied some graphics), Valheim (or any other sandbox survival game), Death Stranding, PUBG, Palworld (which already also is like AI blended games), etc. There is even a bunny in the game which looks like Agent 47 from Hitman with the suit and barcode tattoo in the neck.

So, what happens in the game is, you start on a server and build your base, farm everything (acid, oil, ingame currency, etc) until you have so much that you don't know what to do with it, play laggy group content thats not challenging (except some things, but they're getting repetitive), then at one point (pretty soon) your gear is so good that there is no point in farming better gear. Then after 5-6 weeks same thing over again. Oh and also they put out vastly overpriced loot boxes, there's ppl paying 200€ for skins etc.

So, I had my fun with it (almost 600 hours), but I'll avoid it for now until they fix servers and add more fun content, but I don't think the server thing will ever happen. It's basically the same what happened in The Division 2, which I also stopped playing because the servers were bad.
2024년 11월 5일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 35.8시간
Lot of fighting (Batman combat style), driving (+ car combat), upgrading vehicles and free roam quests.
The first 10-20 hours were addictive, 36 hours in it does feel like a chore, since a lot of quests have a repetitive pattern, but that is if you want to 100%.
Get it on sale (obviously like everything).

Overall it is an atmospheric and likeable game, so it gets my Thumbs Up!
2024년 7월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 202.8시간 (평가 당시 2.1시간)

Prior I gave a negative rating, because I had invisible floor textures which made me discontinue to play. So, fair warning, there are perfomance issues right now which I hope Capcom will resolve soon. I get low fps and bad graphics when other games of that caliber run way better on this PC, but at least I was able to fix the invisible floor textures with the help of other community members in the Community Hub. There still are people not able to fix it, so be aware of that.

THIS ASIDE, I'm having fun with the game, even if it is too easy at times, but I know that greater challenges await, because I ran into too strong foes out of curiosity. I still see room for improvement, but so far it still is an awesome game, which got me hooked. And yes, I did play DD1 a few years ago before the DD2 announcement and I'm pretty happy with the result so far. Just some things they didn't change which would've been an easy QoL update, but whatever. It is a good successor. Let's see if future patches can make it even greater and I still have a ton of content left to explore for a final judgement.

Something they should definitely change is the way savefiles work, because there are only 2. One is the autosave file which overrides your manual saves and then there is the Last Inn visit savefile. I think it's good that there is the Last Inn visit save, but it's just bad to have the autosave override your manual save, because it can autosave in pretty bad spots.

About the micro-transactions, it doesn't matter. Everything you can purchase here is stuff you don't NEED ingame, at least I didn't use 100% of it after 20+hours gameplay (I used one wakestone because I thought it was a quest relevant character that died and also I got an achievement for that on Steam). It's just to make the game easier/more convenient. Other games have 1000x worse DLC's, let's say Total War with all these expansions.
2024년 3월 21일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 3월 25일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 12.8시간
I give it 6.8/10.
Gameplay rather meh, even if they came up with some cool stuff.
I don't like waiting for guards patroling, which is why I quit Dishonored early and this happens here as well, but more in the beginning, later you have more tools to avoid that.
Sometimes you get locked from using "Sprint" which is annoying and unnecessary, maybe to get the already rather short time to beat the game higher. In certain atmospheric moments okay, but not when you can still explore a lot of the surroundings. You can't save the game, always have to start from checkpoints, which can get frustrating, because you have to repeat some dialogue or in some cases a (quick time) event. Not having an option to save / quicksave sometimes also leads to deciding for a path which can lock you out of the prior area. But I think most of the checkpoints they chose are alright.
Characters, voice acting, sounds and atmosphere are good. AI pretty stupid. Rat movement looks weird sometimes. Story is decent. This game really is a weird mix of "I want to continue because of the characters, atmosphere and story, but at the same time gameplay is not super satisfying." In the end I still have to give it a thumbs up, because it's likeable. I already installed the sequel and will play it. I guess the game has a nice change of pace compared to other games.
2023년 12월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 230.1시간 (평가 당시 193.5시간)
+ Graphics, atmosphere & locations
+ Weapon/gear/usable skills diversity
+ Recoil patterns & gun behavior
+ Lot of content for solo & group

- Requires online mode, which means you rely on Ubisoft servers and they sometimes have issues, but overall it's fine.
- Can get repetitive in the long run. Once you cleared every mission, raid and other content, which to be fair takes a respectable amount of time and is fun 1st time exploring, you will replay a lot of it again.

There's still an active playerbase. If you like looting and shooting, you will have fun with it. There's a lot of possible combinations for playstyles and I was surprised how many gear bonuses they came up with. Recommending it on sale, base game + Warlords of New York (WONY) DLC which is required for endgame (together 18€).
2023년 11월 29일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 7.5시간
Timeless classic.
Graphics still hold up until now. Gameplay is fun, good soundtrack. AI could be better at times, 1st placed through all Gold tracks without any problems. Achievements on steam would be nice. The game needed some fine-tuning to be a masterpiece, maybe some variables like explosions and wrecking balls in the bonus tracks, but it's still great the way it is.
2023년 10월 31일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 28.5시간 (평가 당시 25.4시간)
I love it - Lot of freedom with your choice of weapons/abilities as you progress through the story and acquire them. Feels like a sandbox game. Very aesthetic; mysterious story and characters (typical Remedy production), good audio design, lot of extra dialogues, collectibles with background information if you want to know more about the story. I got it on sale for 10€ and I can definitely recommend it for that. At first I enjoyed it more playing with Controller, but later switched to MnK - Either way works. As you can see, I am at 25hrs right now and I sense the end is near and things start getting repetitive. 40€ would be too much for me personally (but all these 60-80€ games are overpriced imo and I don't buy them). 10€ for this is a great deal!
2023년 9월 16일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 12월 18일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 66.8시간 (평가 당시 66.7시간)
Have to recommend it, even if as a fan of the AC background story there's things you'd wish they did a little better or different.
100%ing it, obviously a lot of things got repetitive.
I definitely grinded through it, it was captivating. Overall for sure worth having in your library.
2023년 7월 21일에 게시되었습니다.
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1-10/23개 항목을 표시 중