Alex   T'bilisi, Georgia
Get money, get vodka, get wasted
(Как завещал дедушка Тленин - учиться, напиться, забыться.)
ryssä droog, average booze mixed with pure gunpowder consumer
mood dispenser [fluffyboi.com]
Currently In-Game
Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game
The Language of Facts
Per aspera ad astra

If you ask me about my PC specs, I won't tell. It's not that important.
If you ask for my favorite games, genres, movies, it's only important if you wanna invite me to play or watch. (If I'm not busy at the moment, I could be writing or studying)
If you wanna troll me, annoy me or mock me for outlook on life, (or my ethnicity, you capitalist scum!) preferences or any other reasons, GOOD LUCK, TOVARISCH

"The creative spark directly depends on the ability to love. He who does not love will not create. He will not love the world around him, nor himself, nor his work, and will not be able to express this love in creativity."

About me

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<Ej drāž sevi>
My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married.
True name - close friends only, but you can call me Alex Soroka.
Yeah, yeah. I know there's a stereotype that every russian is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up mentally. I'm not mad, just constantly drunk
21 yrs old, технический душнила.
Likes to watch anime and surreal web content (Such as AllInAll and Joel G :steamthumbsup:), study Elder Scrolls lore and laugh at bird memes.
(Soroka is a slavic word for magpie, btw)
Listening to Kennyoung, Ken Ashcorp and any other Kenny I know almost everything, except phonk and rap music. This $hit is for the birds.
Installed both Windows and Debian. Why Debian? I'm used to it. Why Windows? Because games. Ubuntu is too mainstream
Political preferences - none of your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ business. Yours as well for me, except for Putin supportives. If you are one, you'd better not add me or contact me at all.
:stopping: Ещё раз, для особо понятливых - фашиствующую вату здесь не жалуют. :stopping:
Википедия всё ещё доступна, желающий узнать об истинных причинах войны и её последствиях для простых людей всегда может это сделать.
— Полюбуйся. Люди жрут консервы из дерьма, спят на улице, а у этих — золотые унитазы. Им не стыдно? Где, бл*ть, совесть у них?
— О, не знаю, Джонни. Когда встречу миллиардера, обязательно передам, что Джонни Сильверхенд спрашивал: «Где, бл*ть, совесть?»
— Не надо ничего спрашивать. Просто в рожу плюнь как следует.

Favorite food - Sea salt ice cream (Adding coconut milk or flakes is optional, but not bad thing to do).
Fursona, animesona, ponysona, trollsona - ..no, I'm not THAT kind of nerd. All I have is my human sona (and a desire to move to protogen bod one day) .
If you wanna play with me, ask for my discord first.

And if you have read up to this point, have not died from alcohol intoxication and still want to communicate with me, I welcome you as one of my friends. Let's have some liquid 40% fun.
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Created by - LD and ̷T̷e̷y̷
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Wunder 6 Feb @ 2:10pm 
Зашибись :steamthumbsup:
The Outsider 6 Feb @ 10:04am 
Это член дружбы добавь его..„--~'¯…….'\
Своим лучшим друзьям на („-~~--„¸_….,/ì'Ì
Стенку.Чем больше ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥„-^"¯ : : : : :¸-¯"¯/'
Тем ты ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥е друг¸„„-^"¯ : : : : : : : '¸„„,-"
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The Outsider 6 Feb @ 10:04am 
The Outsider 6 Feb @ 10:02am 
The Outsider 6 Feb @ 10:01am 
The Outsider 6 Feb @ 10:01am 
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