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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 78.0 hrs on record (76.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Nov @ 4:22pm

I have to say that I was NOT expecting anything after being disappointed by Inquisition. And to be fair, the first few hours of the game feel a bit slow. However...

You come to your first major choice, and the entire tone of the game takes a sharp turn for the better. From there on, I couldn't stop playing, and the game had me fully in it's grasp. The characters are incredible, the story is so well done, the gameplay is fantastic. If you're skeptical, but you have enjoyed Dragon Age in the past, this is a MUST play for you. It has so, so much lore in it to explain almost everything in previous games, and you really need to see it for yourself.

By the end of the game, I didn't want to finish it. The stakes felt so high, and my choices really, REALLY, mattered. But I finished it, and now my heart craves more.

Please give this game a go if you like Dragon Age as a whole. It's an incredible work of art that really deserves to be given a chance.

Thank you, Bioware, for putting such love and care into this game. It shows through, and I feel that love tenfold.
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