SW Addons SW Addons
SW Addons SW Addons
6 augustus
14 opmerkingen
FruitBerry 15 sep om 11:39 
@Grocel: Understood.
Grocel 15 sep om 9:49 
@FruitBerry: I like that you have many ideas for our projects, but please don't underestimate the effort needed to actually bring them all to life. So some might not see any day light in case you are wondering when they will happen.
Grocel 11 sep om 15:33 
@FruitBerry: I think, you got it right. You may post as many suggestion as you like, as long it is not just shit posting/trolling. You other posts were fine so far, so don't worry about that.
FruitBerry 11 sep om 15:25 
Hi Slig and Groc!

I got a new question about suggestions.

I've been coming up with quite a few ideas but I'm afraid if I were to suggest them too fast, there could be consequences. Is this true? (I did read the rules before asking this. Honest).

Note: I'm not entirely sure that if I were to post suggestions too fast, it could be against the Spam rule.
Grocel 6 sep om 14:39 
@FruitBerry: Thanks m8.

1. Yes, we do. Please see the group description for details.
2. Yes, it is still being worked on, but it it is postponed. It will take a while until we can turn that prototype into a real reliably working thing.
FruitBerry 6 sep om 14:09 
Hi Slig and Groc. Love your addons, been using them since 2014. I also got two questions.

1. Do you accept suggestions? If so, where should I suggest them and when is a good time to do so?

2. The SW controller on one of your youtube vids. Is that still being worked on or has it been postponed?
SligWolf 3 sep om 8:28 
I'm glad you like the addon!
At the moment we work on some updates for the base and some optimizations for vehicle parts.

There are a few trains already on the waitlist but no steam trains, no.
I want to make some more steam train in the future. But since the todo list is quite big atm i can work on it at earliest in the next year.
Not Enough.. 2 sep om 19:02 
That SW Western Loco Add-on is amazing is there by chance you ever will make more steam locomotives in the future? Because i like the work you do, it's quite fantastic. :steamthumbsup:
SligWolf 31 aug om 10:02 
We will look into it when we get back to the siren update. But we can't promise anything. :steamthumbsup:
Olosawa 31 aug om 9:32 
will the siren addon ever get support for simfphys vehicles?
Grocel 24 aug om 14:56 
@Rednaxela: It is likely impossible to do in a useful and reliable manner.
Rednaxela 21 aug om 15:58 
You should make a generic railroad crossing addon, for some reason the TrakPak2 and TrakPak3 dont really have working crossings, ik there is a dupe out there but it would be cool to maybe see one in the "art style" of minitrains
SligWolf 14 aug om 9:52 
Yeah, me too! That's why I made so many. :steamthumbsup:
gleeby deeby 14 aug om 9:50 
I like trains