PAYDAY: Rated Godlike [PDRG]
PAYDAY: Rated Godlike [PDRG]
27 March, 2014
ABOUT PAYDAY: Rated Godlike

Welcome to PAYDAY: Rated Godlike

Are you one or more of the following?

1. An avid PAYDAY player who wants to be more than just a hero saving the day in each and every game you played?
2. An unpolished gem? In other words you consider yourself as an excellent player but just need the right teammates?
3. A player who has accomplished many deeds but seeks to do even more?
4. A person willing to play his/her best without being bound to the use of cheats, trainers and scripts currently out there?
5. A player looking for redemption who unfortunately had the experience of playing in a hacked lobby and could not undo the changes?

By all means, this group may just be what you're looking for! In PDRG, we don't care if you're part of =T$E=, =[T$C]=, =THT=, =CU=, =$H$=, =M$=, [ TCN ], [] (let me know if I'm missing any others), or even solo and not affiliated with any groups. We believe that every player playing their best all the time and willing to continually improve is highly valued.

Do you still think you are an unsung hero where your heroic actions saving an otherwise failed game goes unnoticed? Think again.


Although this is invite-only, getting in is a lot easier than you think:
1. Be highly skilled, we welcome all good shooters, stealth players or survivors alike, all rounders are just as welcome as specialists. Not confident about your skills? Feel free to apply even if you're just a pub player who has pulled off heroic acts to turn the game from fail to a win, like many of us did.
2. Do not discriminate! Everyone who is part of this group will be treated equally, whether they are members, moderators or administrators. Group rank does not equal to skill level. This also means any form of prejudice, such as racism, is not tolerated in PDRG.
3. Strictly no in-game cheats of any form is allowed, I mean seriously? You're ruining someone else's in game experience just because you can? No, every hacker report will be taken seriously and perpetrator will be branded with the mark of shame.
4. No elitism allowed, moderators, administrators or members are not to look down on each other on the basis of in-game skills or whatnot. Again, group rank =/= skills.
5. Have a good attitude, blame games after a failed heist are not cool, staying positive makes you win heists more often ^^
6. Does not have a controversial history. As much as I'd like to keep this place a neutral ground, I understand it'd be unfair to those who already decided they belong here, even if the person invited is popular figure.

Getting invited

Unfortunately the amount of players I can invite myself is limited because I don't have contact with many of you guys, therefore I request help from all of you (moderators, administrators, or even members) to round up every good PDTH/PD2 player out there to be included in this community.

Your names and your deeds in the Payday underworld shall not go unnoticed...
VIEW ALL (108)
Originally posted by OVERKILL_ALMIR:
Click here to see the image.[]


Update size: 1,5 GB

Update 44 changelog
  • Added the Hoxton Breakout Heist
  • Added the Gauntlet song
  • Added the Something Wicked This Way Comes song
  • Added the Old Hoxton Playable Character
  • Added the Fugitive Skill Tree
  • Added the Crook Perk Deck
  • Added the Hoxton Reborn mask
  • Added the Nova's Shank melee weapon
  • Added 4 new achievements
  • Added the Hoxton Breakout Trailer as an intro
Skill changes
  • Partner In Crime skill - Basic/Ace version now reduce damage taken by your converted enemy by 40%
  • Hostage Taker skill - The Health Regeneration effect has been increased, from 0,3% to 0,6% for the basic version, while the ace version has increased from 1% to 2%
Team AI
  • Fixed an issue where the John Wick team AI would have less health than the rest
A word from Simon
Heisters and music lovers! With this new two day heist comes two new heist tracks - "The Gauntlet" and "Something Wicked This Way Comes" - and as you can hear on the micro site, the music heard at the beginning of the Hoxton Breakout trailer is a full fledged 60's soul hit with a chorus that will blow your socks off! All tracks will be in-game and on the soundtrack in a very, very near future! Rejoice! - Simon Viklund

Regarding FBI Files and the new GENSEC enemy
We have decided to postpone the release of both the FBI Files and the GENSEC enemy. We focused all our strength on bringing back Old Hoxton and making this the best heist possible.

We will release both features when we are ready. Thanks for being patient and keep those helmets flying!

If you "suddenly" crash after the update, it's because your game is modified. Use the threads in the forum to solve your issue. Uninstall your mods if you can't start the game or wait until the mod developers have updated the mods to work with the game.

We've gotten a lot of crash logs recently that we can't do anything about because it's all about mods crashing your games.

If you have tampered with your game files, you've done so at your own risk knowing that it will affect your software.

As a last resort, e-mail us directly.

If you experience issues where you can't host a game or see other servers, simply restart Steam by exiting Steam properly and then starting it up again.

In the Infamy menu, only one of the Infamy skills has text about the Fugitive skills. The other's still function, it's only the text that is missing.


OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.

Top Secret 6 Jul, 2014 @ 9:29am 
AMR-16 is still the best assualt rifle :D
Top Secret 29 Jun, 2014 @ 10:51pm 
MMMMMmmmmmmmmiracle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sandman332/Docholiday332 7 May, 2014 @ 3:28pm 
I want that zipline, and the access to areas in heists we have never had access to before!
Top Secret 5 May, 2014 @ 10:54am 
the new update is coming
Антоша Чехонте 25 Apr, 2014 @ 12:49pm 
anyone here still playing pdth?
Ragnaroxis 11 Apr, 2014 @ 7:17am 
hey guys, just joined the group and im keen as to play with some decent people. if any of you guys need help with a level or need more hands ill probably drop what heist im on to help out. as long as you arent a complete ♥♥♥♥ we will be best of riends <3
Enter chat room
27 March, 2014