PAYDAY 2: The Blacklist PD2BL
PAYDAY 2: The Blacklist PD2BL
22 November, 2014
ABOUT PAYDAY 2: The Blacklist

When "Host your own games" is not enough

Dear Overkill, we've had enough of cheaters and trolls!
Sure, the most common solution to deal with encountering cheaters is to leave games and host yourself, so you can control who is in and who is out, but... What happens if you encounter the following?
- Public stealth, trolls come in and throw grenade and leaves?
- Unlimited sentry guns or other equipment that you don't want?
- Raining loot bags/explosive bags?

Yes, you kick them, but more often than not the damage is already done. Face it, those selfish scums couldn't care less about the host and all they wanted to do is to "get some lulz" at the expense of hosts who waited patiently or spent their hard earned offshore cash on the heists they wanted to play.

Worse still, according to the info on newest open beta, Overkill intends to add vote kick to the game. In the worst case scenario that it becomes mandatory, that strips away the only effective tool hosts could use to deal with unwanted players. Because some cry babies whined about the tiny fractions of hosts abusing the kick system, that the majority of good hosts have to suffer? Hell no!

There is a saying, "Prevention is better than cure", you can't name and shame the bad people on forum to warn others, nor can you do anything about them before they cause damage in your game. But with this, you will get another weapon to stop that from happening. Encountering a cheater or troll? No problem. Your friend's bad experience with cheaters or trolls? No problem. Repeatedly hearing about some socialpathic player from forums and elsewhere? No problems!

"Frequently Asked Questions"

That's not fair! How can you exclude people from playing with you?
Let me remind you that there's a very good reason why Overkill made PAYDAY series host-kick and not vote-kick: Letting host decide who they want to and who they don't want to play with.

Scripts are cheating!
Unlike those various HUDs out there, this doesn't change gameplay, all it does is allow hosts to prevent unwanted people from ruining their games.

It doesn't stop cheaters completely!
Everything in this world has flaws, and improvements are added over time. Sure, this isn't enough to random nobodies from wrecking your game, but I will build on this and make it as usable as possible for everyone who are disgruntled with the amount of unwanted players everywhere.

I'm reporting you to Overkill!
Call the Waambulance while you're at it, since you're whining and not actually coming up with a better solution.
Zyonite 23 Nov, 2014 @ 11:26pm 
I'll have a look at the PDTH code base, chances are it should work also since PD2 is based on PDTH's codes with modifications, if not I'll quickly make a smaller one that will fit PDTH.
Enter chat room
22 November, 2014