กลุ่ม STEAM
(Down2frag tournaments) D2Ftourny
กลุ่ม STEAM
(Down2frag tournaments) D2Ftourny
31 กรกฎาคม 2019
United States 
เกี่ยวกับ (Down2frag tournaments)

Down 2 frag (4v4) tournament

Currently hosting the Down2Frag tournament for the L4D2 community. The tournament will consist of a swiss section, followed by a elimination round that will determine a winner. This tournament is very unique as each round will be played on a different config on a lesser played map to help keep things interesting and examine how a team can adapt to each scenario they are given. The map pool list in within the rule set pinned in the discussions page, but will be reiterated here:

Finally, the home and away system has been revised and is now supported by the tournament, with strict server rules for Asian/Australian teams to avoid exploiting pings. Team captains may arrange to play either a best of 1 on a NEUTRAL ping server, or a home/away setup, based on the scenario of the players and their pings. If captains cannot decide on a neutral or home/away, admins will force upon their own decision.

1.[Pacifice] - (Zonemod)
2.[Diescraper redux] - (EQ)
3.[Blood harvest] - (Apex)
4.[Carried off] - (Zonemod)
5.[Hard rain] - (Promod E-)
6.[Suicide Blitz] - (Zonemod)
7.[Dead air] - (Apex)
8.[Dead Before Dawn] & [The Parish] - (Promod Elite) Note: The scores from both campaigns will be added as a total.

Currently we have a very strict rule on smurfing. Every account of every player being signed up will be checked thoroughly to ensure a fair tournament. Being caught with a smurf on your team could result in your teams signup being deleted. Currently signups are still running until the 25th of August.

We stride to make sure as many games as possible will be documented through streaming on the twitch platform, and casted by some of your favourite all time L4D casters! Stream/casting Info will be released prior to bracket release post signups. Matches that are being documented will be announced beforehand so people have time to watch the game.

Custom Map Downloads[sirplease.gg]

Swiss Round pairings! https://challonge.com/1opq31dz

Placements -
1st - Pubstar
2nd - Evo
3rd - Party Quest

Group has been locked, matches will be archived on SousNapTime youtube channel soon, tournament has ended.
Archiving, Little late sorry...
**SIDENOTE** The end, Information, Final Verdicts, Thoughts, Reflection
5 ความเห็น
sou 26 ก.ย. 2019 @ 12: 57pm 
Carried off finale tank spawn fix - must be used by all servers https://github.com/SirPlease
Grizz 25 ส.ค. 2019 @ 4: 50pm 
sou 24 ส.ค. 2019 @ 8: 57pm 
Link to the required configs and plugins for the tournament, including a full read.me with instructions on how to install can be found here: https://github.com/LuckyServ/l4d2_luckylock_server_install_public
sou 24 ส.ค. 2019 @ 8: 56pm 
Map config changes have been made, Hard rain now being played on Promod Elite, and Carried Off being played on Zonemod
sou 17 ส.ค. 2019 @ 8: 01pm 
Signup deadline coming soon! Predicted 16-20 teams, Group homepage fixed with important info, configs almost done being reworked, streaming info out soon!
22 ในแช็ต
31 กรกฎาคม 2019
United States