LittleBigDen 8 Dec @ 10:48am 
-rep tunnel
rescue_service 4 Dec @ 9:42am 
tunneler camper played like an absolute scumbag
♡Myth♡ 3 Dec @ 11:42am 
+rep killer gave me hatch^^
Mist 1 Dec @ 2:47pm 
It's a circular argument dude because again i have no control over my SoloQ teammates & how the killer decides to play. Am I to just accept losing every match because the killer is hard tunnelling & proxy'ing randoms?

You could be #1 survivor in the world in every metric, and lose every lobby you are in because randoms varying skill no true way to communicate and more especially varying skill levels.

Tunnelling & Camping needs to come to a complete end. Anti tunnel builds do work against mitigating it but then it's still not enough sometimes. Spreading out hooks on the first cycle (4 stacks of Grim) counters this perk's value.The game design cannot stay like forcing a 3v1 at 5 gens.

This perk is almost a precursor to what should be some form of basekit like reassurance was for camping before Anti-Camp was added.
sou 1 Dec @ 2:27pm 
That's a game design problem, playing a 4v1 on a C tier killer forces you to play like this unless you want to be gen rushed. If i was on blight i would play very differently but the point still stands. At some point, you have to learn to actual play the game rather than rely on perks to play for you. Its the same argument as people who run every second chance perk in the game and body block the killer when they get unhooked, this burden perk does the exact same thing of no interaction with the killer, they simply get 2 or even 3 extra hook stages. That player was hooked 6 times before dying, along with DS AND half your team doing gens the entire game vs a demo. You tell me how thats any more enjoyable for me then a blight with 4 slowdown tunneling you off hook at 5 gens
Mist 1 Dec @ 1:40pm 
I get tunnelled 80% of my lobbies at some point either off First or Second hook or both commonly. And then 20% it doesn't happen to me its 100% happening to somebody else.

They usually lose committing to me like that maybe pulling a draw dependant on my lobby but that stops being fun over and over and over again forced to run the same anti tunnel build. If more teams (and they will soon) start running that perk it will destroy any killers intent to tunnel. Which is not what they should be doing anyway.