Conflitto di Italia - CDI -
Conflitto di Italia - CDI -
10 October, 2015
ABOUT Conflitto di Italia

Italia in Turmoil

Setting Year: 1570
Context: Revolving around the known conflict between Templars and Assassins, this roleplay will focus on the attempts of the first to gain control over Italia, while the latter faction attempts to dismantle their operations and protect people from injustices of those with power.

Essential Rules
Character Life:Player characters cannot die without game master permission or player permission, the first overruling the second.
Character Knowledge:Unless your character has found information or facts either by roleplay context or with the approval of a Game Master, or player that holds the information, you DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING. TL;DR: no metagaming.
Character Status:Unless you belong to one of the front page positions, your character will start as an initiate in the faction chosen, without many skills.

Assassin Brotherhood (Player Faction)

Motivated by values of freedom and survival, the Assassin Brotherhood seeks to take down those who would wish to control the world, while following their creed. Assassins rise as they improve themselves, through successful assignments, the magnitude of their skill, and volume of their wisdom.

Headquarters: Firenze
Grand Master:
The Mentor: Trevor Edmonton
The Tinkerer:

Templar Order (Player Faction)

The Templars, mortal enemies of the Assassins. Driven by a lust for power and domination. They kill all who get in their way, and those of whom they deem necessary to remove. The Templars have strong hierarchy, their members rising through achievements and successful displays.

Headquarters: Roma
Grand Master: Lilith Desdemona d'Romana
Field Commander of Milano:
Field Commander of Firenze: Rossana Argentieri da Toscana
Field Commander of Venezia: Nicolas d'Florentini

City States of Italia (NPC Factions)

Papal States
Pope: Pius V
Cardinal: Gabriele Paleotti
Cardinal: Giovanni Francesco Commendone

Grand-Duchy of Toscana
Grand Duke: Cosimo I de' Medici

Duchy of Milano
Duchy - Vacant (Spanish Rule)

King: Philip II of Spain

Serene Republic of Venezia
Doge: Alvise I Mocenigo

Game Masters

Stylish Killer

Character Application
Political and Reference Map[]
Firenze, Home of the Assassins
The sun set upon the city of Firenze,

Rossana rode along the road leading to Firenze from Toscana, accompanied by several other horsemen. The gate was in sight up ahead, guarded by a regiment of Florentine soldiers. Rossana continued her approach, as did those who followed her.

When they arrived at the gate they were stopped by the guards. The captain of which approached Rossana, as she dismounted. As he stepped in front of her she pulled out a letter, stamped with the papal seal; and handed it to the guard. Of whom upon reading the letter ordered his men to stand down. He handed it back to the woman, before returning to his post.

With the way into the city secured, she was free to ride into Firenze; where she could finally begin her work.

Over the next few days more and more groups of men entered the city. Stopping at different gates, at different guard shifts, and always handing the same letter, sometimes handing over a bag of gold as well.

The nature of their presence is not certain, yet it does not bode well...

Originally posted by Rossana Argentieri da Toscana:

It is my honor to inform you of a success in Firenze. We have entered the city in large number, and established a base within the city. Some of the guards have joined our cause, with some persuasion; while those we dare not try to buy, submitted to the letter you provided.

We will begin our work in Firenze, while attempting to stay as hidden from the Assassins as possible. I am certain they are suspicious of our arrival, and we may be watched. We will lay low until it is safe to act.

May the Father of Understanding guide us,

Rossana Argentieri da Toscana

~|Rice|~ 24 Oct, 2015 @ 2:13pm 
Yes sir! :)
Stylish Killer 24 Oct, 2015 @ 11:58am 
That alteration is admin made, Rice.
~|Rice|~ 23 Oct, 2015 @ 8:07pm 
Sixth... :3

By the way quick question, If our guy is accepted do we have to write [Accepted] or is it optional?
ExaltedPhoenyx 19 Oct, 2015 @ 5:43pm 
Arcadian Phoenix 19 Oct, 2015 @ 3:51pm 
We need more Templars! D:

I'm all alone there :(
Arcadian Phoenix 19 Oct, 2015 @ 3:51pm 
Third? >.>