Sea Power

Sea Power

Jane's Fleet Command Redux
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Techno  [developer] 16 Nov, 2024 @ 8:22am
Known Issues
All Missions
  • The current version of the game (build #108) has some issues with triggers. Some triggers may not fire properly making missions not work as intended. This should be fixed in the next release of the game. The issue should also be fixed on the beta branch of the game, but this may introduce other issues.
  • Missions with objectives will have some objectives displaying as "In Progress" at the end of the mission. This is despite those objectives being complete.
* Pacific Pirates
  • Polish flag used in lieu of Indonesian flag.
* Shore Bombardment
  • Buildings sometimes spawn in the water.
I'm not sure what causes this bug but restarting your game and trying the mission again should fix this issue. If anyone has ideas on what is going on or how to reliably replicate it, please let me know.
  • The target Army HQ is identified as a port.
** Hair Trigger
  • Backfire bombers circle at 100NM. This seems to be an issue with the vanilla AI. I've done what I can to prevent this happening most of the time.
*** Nominated for an Oscar
  • Mission starts centered on the air base.
This should be fixed in the next release.
Last edited by Techno; 26 Dec, 2024 @ 7:38am