Qwerty's Bosses and Items 2
uebok86 30 Thg07, 2022 @ 1:18pm
Very laggs in multiplayer
laggs in multiplayer, without players. FPS drops by 80% . new v0.8.0 unstable
Lần sửa cuối bởi uebok86; 30 Thg07, 2022 @ 1:21pm
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seyfmour 30 Thg07, 2022 @ 7:36pm 
Carcinised Crab 30 Thg07, 2022 @ 8:08pm 
For me it caused buffer overflow when trying to start a server (However this issue was only with a specific world)
qwerty 3.14  [nhà phát triển] 31 Thg07, 2022 @ 6:53am 
Nguyên văn bởi Don Quixote de la mancha:
For me it caused buffer overflow when trying to start a server (However this issue was only with a specific world)
Can you send me a copy of the problematic world?
qwerty 3.14  [nhà phát triển] 2 Thg08, 2022 @ 2:55am 
Should be fixed in the newest version 0.8.1
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