

Extra Ship Components 3.0 [Actual]
NHunter  [developer] 22 May, 2021 @ 2:19am
Buildings updates for Stellaris 3.0
As many of us have undoubtedly noticed, Stellaris 3.0 has significantly altered the pop-building balance while this mod wasn't affected that great by it, production of special resources still became much more costly. If only because pops are now so much more 'expensive'. Therefor, I believe it is time to do some updates and would like your input on the matter.

1. The lazy approach: just increase production and upkeep of jobs so that you need less pops working to get same amount of nanites/psionic charges/whatever.

1.5. Partially-automated production: add starbase modules and/or buildings that would produce ESC special resources without any pops required. Psionic charges module will probably require starbase to be in an inhabited system.

2. The no-extra jobs approach: Buildings for ESC resources become planet-unique and generate a small amount of their resource by themselves. The main "production" will be handled via modifiers that alter production of other jobs and even pops themselves.
--- psionic charges are passively generated by non-robotic pops that aren't actively purged.
--- nanites are produced by metallurgists (or maybe artisans).
--- gravitic anomalies produced by researchers
--- living crystals are produced by farmers (or miners)
--- enigmatic energy is produced by technicians
--- transdimensional vortexes are also produced by researchers

As for other buildings provided by the mod:
- Stellar energy tower looks fine
- Zro distillery and Dark Matter Drawing Facility might need to have their jobs upkeep and production doubled.
- Reprocessing plant looks mostly fine.
- Quantum Computation Node might need to lose 1 job to bring it in line with tier 2 lab.
- Mantle mining facility... might need to lose one mining job, but should otherwise be mostly fine.

What are your thoughts about all this?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
8FPSSECRETFIGHT 22 May, 2021 @ 5:22am 
Thanks for work, first of all I think 2nd approach is very bad for mod compatibility, wouldn't try that, in my humble opinion 1.5 approach is the best, it makes sense and have logic for all ESC resources I can remember
Aerolfos 22 May, 2021 @ 5:29am 
2 would be good if Paradox had a sensible way to modify jobs that doesnt involve changing the job itself, but they don't. Mod compatibility and compatibility with updates is probably too much to deal with.

So 1 it is.

1.5 is competing with other modules and job bonuses are usually better, making planets more desireable for "main" production of stuff.
NHunter  [developer] 22 May, 2021 @ 5:44am 
there is for some jobs. it will require some further overwrites of economic categories, but it will let you do stuff like <all metallurgists produce +X of Y resource> (pretty sure that 3.0.3 made that actually vanilla feature. previously, without overwrites you could only do multiplier modifiers (produce X% more))
Cpl.Facehugger 22 May, 2021 @ 11:39am 
I'd prefer the 1.5 method, personally. In my experience I usually have a fair number of open building slots both on planets and starbases, but rarely enough pops to fill any jobs produced by those buildings on my planets. But if the resources came out of automated buildings like the fallen empires have, or starbase modules? That wouldn't be as much of a problem.

Of course, I use NSC so my star bases are chunky things with a ton of free slots to make use of so that might be skewing my perception.

Method 2 sounds ideal, but it also sounds like a compatibility nightmare, and one of the things I like about ESC is how well it plays with most other mods without needing to muck around with compatibility patches for the most part.
Pongola 23 May, 2021 @ 9:17am 
I like approach No.2. Living crystals are more a miner theme (and lithoid/robots dont care for farmer jobs), psionic charges could be bound to pops with "latent psionic" and "psionic"trait , or the telepath job of the psi corp building.
Expanded Stellaris Traditions has many tradition picks who do this already. +minerals form farmers or +energy credits from bureucrats etc.
(modifier = { planet_bureaucrats_energy_produces_add = 2 }
Doesnt overwrite the vanilla bureaucats, is its own file.
Last edited by Pongola; 23 May, 2021 @ 9:18am
Hmm... if it won't affect compatibility with other mods I would say 2, if it would then I would say 1 then, 1.5 is also ok but I'd rather they stay buildings instead of modules
Last edited by Lazy Invincible General; 24 May, 2021 @ 5:40pm
SpaceMarine4040 31 May, 2021 @ 10:58am 
having telepaths produce some (very small amount using and empire modifier rather than editing jobs) of psionic charge would be a nice touch for flavor if nothing else. I do like the changes you made to production.
NHunter  [developer] 31 May, 2021 @ 1:27pm 
Originally posted by SpaceMarine4040:
having telepaths produce some (very small amount using and empire modifier rather than editing jobs) of psionic charge would be a nice touch for flavor if nothing else. I do like the changes you made to production.
I think I can do that. Pretty sure telepaths don't have a vanilla economic category to screw me up on compatibilities
PROMETEI 10 Dec, 2021 @ 8:45pm 
Good afternoon, and how did you change the color of the titanium laser in which text document? Could you tell me
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