Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Tram - Bus - Hub
i don't know error T.T
Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 1389852552.Tram_Ueberall_Zwo_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 1389852552.Tram - Bus - Hub_Data: Sub building BuildingInfo missing [BrokenAssetException]

No details

something need more mod or assat?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
clus  [developer] 6 Jun, 2018 @ 5:24am 
Hey... I am sry, but I somehow oversaw this "discussion" ... the error arises because you either haven t subscribed to the tram track or haven t activated it in the content manager ...
okay, i re try all subscribe =D
Subjekt-Henning 23 Feb, 2019 @ 12:26pm 
I had the same problem... You have to activate the needed assets over the mod manager not the content manager!
Sternina 15 Nov, 2020 @ 10:42am 
for everyone who doesn't understand english very well.... like me XD

es fehlen noch 2 "Mods"

einmal de-abonnieren danach wieder abonnieren es erscheint ein kleines Fenster wo die "Mods" aufgeführt sind

einfach einzeln anklicken und abonnieren

Dann noch unter Inhaltsverwaltung-> Mods Häkchen rein

ta da! es läuft :D
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