Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Tram - Bus - Hub
i don't know error T.T
Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 1389852552.Tram_Ueberall_Zwo_Data: NetInfo missing
Custom Assets: 1389852552.Tram - Bus - Hub_Data: Sub building BuildingInfo missing [BrokenAssetException]

No details

something need more mod or assat?
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1-4 / 4 のコメントを表示
clus  [開発者] 2018年6月6日 5時24分 
Hey... I am sry, but I somehow oversaw this "discussion" ... the error arises because you either haven t subscribed to the tram track or haven t activated it in the content manager ...
okay, i re try all subscribe =D
I had the same problem... You have to activate the needed assets over the mod manager not the content manager!
Sternina 2020年11月15日 10時42分 
for everyone who doesn't understand english very well.... like me XD

es fehlen noch 2 "Mods"

einmal de-abonnieren danach wieder abonnieren es erscheint ein kleines Fenster wo die "Mods" aufgeführt sind

einfach einzeln anklicken und abonnieren

Dann noch unter Inhaltsverwaltung-> Mods Häkchen rein

ta da! es läuft :D
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