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Dwarven Rune Crafting Overhaul
標籤: mod
393.466 KB
2022 年 9 月 6 日 上午 5:46
2024 年 12 月 15 日 上午 9:35
24 項更新註記 (檢視)

Dwarven Rune Crafting Overhaul

IMPORTANT: Since 6.0 it is neccessary to also subscribe to the "Scrap Upgrade UI Framework" mod by BAGholder (Check requirements on the right)

This mod adds all craftable banner runes of the dwarves as unit upgrade for all dwarf factions. You can upgrade all your units in an army with banner runes now. In addition all character runes can now be crafted unlimited times for increased cost.

Rune crafting in vanilla is little lack luster at the moment, once you crafted all you runes there is little you can use your oathgold for. This mod tries to change that, by making the rune crafting process a lot more expensive, but you can craft every rune as often as you like.

It also implements a new system which makes it possible to upgrade your units with runes with the unit purchasables system (like the one used for the orcs).
Every unit can be upgraded with a rune, that cost oathgold. You don't need any banners anymore.

Banner Runes still can be crafted but only one time and it is very expensive now. With this banner runes + unit upgrades you can now buff units two times. For that reason banner runes are very limited.

- You need to start a new game to get the unlimited crafting of runes.
- Built-in Compatibilty for the units of the following mods:
All other unit mods need a comp patch for upgrade system access.

The following mod disables the craftable banner runes all together, like originally intended by my mod
FFTweaks - Remove Banner Runes

Known Problems
- Some Runes do not work together (like Rune of Burning and Rune of Seeking)
- Flame Cannons may break if using with banner runes (Vanilla Bug)
- Rune upgrades may disable malakais adventurers units special abilities

Special Thanks
Thanks to prop joe and the Modding Den, the Unit Upgrade Window is now scrollable and every unit now has access to applicable runes and to Rauri for making the Mixus Legendary Lords Compatibility Patch.
Thanks to BAGHolder for contribute the Scrap Upgrade UI Framework.

Also try my other dwarven mods:
Dwarfen Grudges Redesign - https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2861590036
Overcast Rune Magic - https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2861075713
138 則留言
Tabitha_Rasa 2024 年 12 月 17 日 上午 1:57 
Thanks for the update! I really like this mod and didn't know how much I'd miss it!
nullmana  [作者] 2024 年 12 月 15 日 上午 9:40 
IMPORTANT: Since 6.0 it is neccessary to also subscribe to the "Scrap Upgrade UI Framework" mod by BAGholder (Check requirements on the right)
Hope#1243 2024 年 10 月 21 日 上午 12:18 
I salute you for having the patience to patch all those modded units. I went insane patching the 1861 units added by dawi gunpower and is now a permanent aslume resident:redbeard:
Tucanonerd 2024 年 9 月 10 日 下午 11:58 
Basically what I am getting at, is that the limitation of 1 banner rune crafted PER CAMPAIGN is simply not a good system when you get hundreds of units by the mid campaign, and only a single master rune of any kind as a banner that you can craft.

It is already limited by cost. It is already limited by numbers. It is already limited by type. At least let us craft them more then just once as well, just like the character runes.

I would try to make an argument for implementing along with this mod, the removal of the rule "no multiple rune banners of the same type" which would allow for example, for a double buffed artillery line with 4 copies of the same runes, at a pretty exorbitant cost of thousands of oathgold, which seems like a very fitting progression.

It wouldn't make anything anymore broken then a vanilla thunderbarge anyway...
Tucanonerd 2024 年 9 月 10 日 下午 11:58 
Hey Nullmana. Firstly, this is an absolutely awesome mod, specially for the built-in compatibility with things like the Expanded Roster.

However, if I might, I think that the limitation on the Banner Runes for crafting only 1 is still a problem, and it is not something I can fix with other mods while using this one for the other additions.

My argument here, if you care to consider, is that, even though there is in fact a HUGE power spike that could be gained from stacking the banner plus the "upgrade" on multiple units, basically giving 2 buffs to several of them, this system is still limited by both the ancilary cap on characters, meaning that a lord can only bring so many banners to battle, limited heavily by cost, with a maxed out army costing multiple thousands oathgold to double buff, AND also by the fact you can't bring duplicate banner into the same army (at least not without other mods).
BearArse 2024 年 9 月 5 日 下午 8:29 
nullmana  [作者] 2024 年 9 月 5 日 上午 3:29 
AI should also use it
BearArse 2024 年 9 月 4 日 下午 9:34 
AI uses this mod or its just for the player?
Daverin2112 2024 年 8 月 29 日 下午 2:31 
You are so awesome!!! Thank you!
nullmana  [作者] 2024 年 8 月 29 日 下午 2:28 
yeah i am planning doing this next