Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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5.538 GB
27 avr. 2020 à 14h10
8 janv. à 16h05
307 notes de changement ( voir )

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For more information, join our subreddit and discord[discord.gg]

Our Official Music Mod is here

KaiserreduX started out in late 2019 as a collection of various submods for Kaiserreich, later evolving into a unified submod turned fork and eventually - thanks to the continuous addition of new content, wider sweeping changes to lore and setting, and ever widening differences in design philosophies between the original base of the KR mod and KX - into a wholly separate entity that is in no way affiliated with KR beyond sharing the conceptual ideas for the timeline, albeit with many differences, and the base for the mod, so do not run the two mods together; KX is a standalone product. While KX has kept a considerable amount of pre-existing KR lore, much of which has changed by now, it has also introduced a lot of new elements and additions going beyond the scope of the timeline created back in the days of Kaiserreich for Darkest Hour.

If you want to report bugs, we are most active on our discord[discord.gg] server. There is also a guides channel there, providing ways of how to get most paths, and a GitHub[github.com] version that gives players early access to in-dev content. HoI4's various DLCs are also NOT required for KX to work, but if you have them, some of their features are used while other certain DLC features are disable as to not break the mod's scripting and balance.

-Hundreds of unique focus trees and paths, spanning the entire globe and showcasing many interesting and unique figures, be they more notable or groups and movements that the vast majority has never heard of
-Tens of Thousands of unique portraits, focus icons etc.
-A diverse range of experiences such as the myriad of content available for African tags appearing after the post-MAF Collapse
-An expanded American Civil War taking into full account the full spectrum of Political Figures lurking to take their chance in the divided states
-Expansive and exhaustive content for Russia/its ideological alternates and the Russian sphere of influence, along with Ukraine and wider Eastern Europe at large
-Over 500 unique subideologies
-Hundreds of flavour events showcasing a vast variety of unique cultures, traditions and stories from all corners of the world
-A leader GUI system enhancing the experience of playing nations where the leader of the government has more power than the head of state
-Our unique music submod mentioned above, including hundreds of tracks across half a dozen radio stations, lets you fully immerse yourself in the world and its nations from American jazz to Mongolian throat-singing
-And so much more than we can fit on just this one page!

For both the original base for the mod and any elements not unique to KX itself, the credit goes to the Kaiserreich team, with more information about the mod possible to be found on their workshop page.

Many thanks to Neutrino for letting us integrate Player-Led Peace Conferences, to Glowingone for letting us integrate the Supply Overhaul submod, to PapaHuts for letting us integrate the Nation Buffs submod, and to Kail for letting us integrate the KX 2ACW & 2RCW Buff Game Rule submod.