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토탈워: 워해머

Vanhaldenhof - XL Vampire Count Map with Town
댓글 31
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 4월 20일 오전 11시 57분 
Just made revisions to all my maps. Nothing major but several details have been improved. I have added a few more AI hints, also the grass should look better on a few maps.

Some details have also been added on individual maps. There are now lit braziers in the towers of Helmgart and I have improved the water in the Seven Lakes map.

Some update on maps for the campaign. There is a big campaign map project currently going on which I've become a part of, my Varenka Hill map have been added. It seems uncertain for the other maps though. The problem is that most of my maps feature very substantial settlements. They might be a bit to large as compared to the other minor settlements for it to feel uniform. Varenka Hill is not actually representing Varenka Hill but a Major City Siege. I have hopes that at least my Norscan map will be added as well. If you have not checked out the project, you really should!

Also, a big thanks to everyone who is making comments in the comment section!
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 3월 30일 오전 11시 55분 
Check out my latest map: Varenka Hills
Featuring a dwarven settlement built over several large hills with lots of tiers. There's also a large river crossed by 4 bridges. Otherwise the main focus of the map is the city, which covers most of it.
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 3월 19일 오후 4시 49분 
I've also sent out messages to the various map packs (for the campaign) if they want to add this map, still waiting for a reply.
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 3월 19일 오후 4시 49분 
I have released another map: Assault on Heimseter. You know what to expect, large map, and extensive mountain range (were you can fight), a Norscan settlement and a large sea.

Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 17일 오전 5시 48분 
@pandom_ Thank you very much for your kind words. While its great fun making these maps, its even better when I hear people enjoy them!

@Chiftain Marian while the offer is really flattering (Thank you! :) ) I'm probably sticking to these maps for now. Never heard of the game though and I will check it out!
pandom_ 2017년 2월 16일 오후 4시 12분 
This is just amazing.
The replayability of these battles are second to none. What these maps do for me is trigger those "Epic Battle moments".
These moments are the ones you have for all games. "Remember when we were holding down that fort against 3:1 odds, whilst your tired troops raced from a reinforce point?"
"Remember when your Gorebull shattered the Dawi lines as a last ditch attempt to break through the choke point?"
Thank you. To think we have so many more Armies and content ahead of us is exciting
Jack Greedy 2017년 2월 16일 오전 12시 24분 
Hey i have idea for You! With your talent and some free time , can You make serie of map from old Warhammer game - DARK OMEN ? You see im editor of Black Battalion Steam group [ was on pc breakdown but returned ] and to the end of next week i will release our website again. Nevermind. Pack of Maps inspired and taken from that cult game , will let older players [ and i can guarantee there are tons of them ] to refresh memories of that great campaign.

Second thing! On Black Battalion website and forum [thus our Steam Group ] ive arranged series of MINI CAMPAIGNS played online by group of players divided to the LIGHT and CHAOS / DARKNESS groups. Each campaign had strong lore background and each own had their own special rules. If You have wish , you can be Author and Campaign Director of Black Battalion.

Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 15일 오후 5시 03분 
Good News Everyone!

I have remade the deployment zones of this, as well as my other two maps to allow to play them like sieges. For this map I have also added a few make-shift barricades at a few places to allow for an easier time for the defender.

Have a look at:
This one and the Seven Lakes have been renamed to Eschen and Quenelles since I have hopes to add them to the campaign as settlement assault maps (Helmgart is already a settlement on the map and no change of name were needed).
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 15일 오후 3시 31분 
Did you enjoy this map? Do you enjoy XL maps? Then you will certainly like my latest map:

The city of Helmgrad guards the pass between the Empire and Bretonnia. You can fight in the 3 tiers of the city, on the field outside it. The mountain features small paths and lookout points that can prove valuable, especially in larger battles.

Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 15일 오후 2시 26분 
I hope to put this one into the campaign as a settlement siege, yes.
Jack Greedy 2017년 2월 14일 오후 3시 06분 
Hello , can You somehow incorporate this great creation into single player map for any city, town etc. ? And second question is assembly kit for this game very hard?
GwynnTheGreen 2017년 2월 14일 오후 2시 35분 
tmw fans in their spare time can make better maps than proffesional developers getting paid 6 figure saleries...
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 14일 오전 11시 51분 
The farms are decals. Go Decals > Search field.

Don't really know how to open it in the editor. I got it in my editor but I'm unsure if you can get it to yours.
ales_95_valla 2017년 2월 14일 오전 8시 58분 
how can i open it in the editor¿?
bassie 2017년 2월 14일 오전 6시 44분 
Whats the name of the farm field prop/building?
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 11일 오후 5시 42분 
If you like this map you should check out my newst map:


Like this one its a XL map with lots of attention to details. It also features a city, slightly smaller but more centrally placed. Not so much focus on forests but rather on the 7 big lakes which dots the landscapes. These divides the map in a way I hope should make it more interesting.

Also expect Fields, Villages, Forests and Hills!
jasontaylor2014 2017년 2월 11일 오후 2시 33분 
yes im waiting on a siege battle map complilation somthing radious may be working on idk
TheDarkDefender 2017년 2월 11일 오전 11시 11분 
I completely deleted the game today because it cept crassing while exiting. Trying it without any improvements was a shock. What a contend lacking game did Ca make. It ren perfectly normal so I added some steam mods an yes it was a beter game. Its strange... the best units and maps or changes are not from CA how odd....
Love your work keep it up!!
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 11일 오전 1시 38분 
Yes, I'm looking to have it added to the campaign. If possible I think it should be a part of a larger pack with Siege/Settlement battles.

Good stuff CA made the map editor, the game could use a lot of new, better maps, and I think it's something the community can do really well. Now we'll only have to wait to get support for Siege battles.

Finally: If you like huge battle maps I will soon release another one. Bretonnia themed, also with a town. The town won't be as big as this one, but that will leave space for a lot of other stuff.
Ron Wilson 2017년 2월 10일 오후 6시 27분 
Classic CA. Letting the community make the only good maps. This map is amazing OP. You should be on the dev team.
jasontaylor2014 2017년 2월 10일 오전 10시 53분 
CA made this tool because they failed to make good maps for siege battles guess they saw my Good review and small complaint
TheDarkDefender 2017년 2월 10일 오전 8시 00분 
Yea CA is making a real tool for it i haired sounds like the finally fixing there mistakes, maybe choas for free, probably not ;-)
Smoo 2017년 2월 9일 오후 1시 44분 
If you're thinking about making siege maps, someone's recently figured out how to use custom maps for sieges / settlements in the Grand Campaign. This could easily pass for a VC settlement :D


Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 8일 오후 5시 21분 
Thank you. Just figured out how to change the thumbnail, got one that should be a bit more descriptive now.

Also, the water in the marshes were not really well handled before, so they are updated with a better version.
Duke of Wellington 2017년 2월 8일 오후 5시 00분 
wow, this is really impressive and cool! the detail is great, and the ambiance really sets the mood for a battle. good mod! I would suggest using a unique thumbnail, though.
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 8일 오후 2시 18분 
I'm thinking of that, yes. Mostly looking at the different options available for making good "sieges". When I figured out what there is I will maybe port the town from this map into a siege. Later on maybe looking at making other siege maps.
TheDarkDefender 2017년 2월 8일 오전 11시 28분 
Can you make actual city assault maps for sieges. I want a proper rome 2 siege or something like that.
bennymclennan 2017년 2월 8일 오전 9시 20분 
Cool map dude!
Private Feelings  [작성자] 2017년 2월 8일 오전 8시 22분 
Not as hard as you'd think. The camera controlls starts as awfull but you get used to them.

This was the first map I've done and in the beginning a few things were hard, but you learn a lot of tricks along the way (although there's a lot of things I'd hope they add).

Basically it comes down to if you like creating things. I thiught it creat fun to slowly see the map come to life. If you enjoy it it should not be enough problem working enough to learn it well. The tool is very powerfull.

And yes. The game needs more large maps for sure.
TheDarkDefender 2017년 2월 8일 오전 8시 17분 
I loved the maps from Empire and I love to see someone finally make some bigger maps going to try for sure. Was it hard to make maybe I trie some myself...
Jotunheim 2017년 2월 8일 오전 5시 58분 
Looks amazing!! Thanks