Arma 3
Abu Sayyaf Group [NIA]
20 commentaires
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [créateur] 26 janv. 2021 à 22h27 
Abu Sayyaf Group Updated- cleaned up some files and updated with signing.
pedro.alvarez.2011 10 juin 2019 à 12h53 
cant wait to execute them!
filicity 21 mars 2018 à 11h01 
does it come with a hostage npc?
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [créateur] 6 déc. 2017 à 13h53 
Notice- For ease of use the dependency list on Steam has changed to use the NIA All-In-One. The mod does not require every NIA weapon pack, and the individual weapons used can be found in the text for those who would rather use each pack individually.
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [créateur] 20 aout 2017 à 16h09 
Updated workshop page with new images and some text corrections.
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [créateur] 12 mai 2017 à 18h15 
Faction is now fully compatible with the Dynamic Recon Ops scenarios.
OfficerFarmer 15 mars 2017 à 8h26 
RJ 5 mars 2017 à 22h57 
Well either way, it is greatly appreciated!
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [créateur] 5 mars 2017 à 22h52 
Ha, I had the update ready to go anyway, as the boat was included in the RHS version of the Abu Sayyaf Group, I just forgot to add it to this one until now.
RJ 5 mars 2017 à 22h51 
Thatis the quickest response to a problem I have ever gotten! Thank you so much!
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [créateur] 5 mars 2017 à 22h41 
Update -Added a sailing boat donated by DustSabre to the faction, to represent a drug-running vessel.
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [créateur] 5 mars 2017 à 22h32 
Ok, That's an easy fix. Wait 10 mins and you should have an update.
RJ 5 mars 2017 à 22h21 
I'm having issues with this mod. It tells me that "Addon 'AGS' requires addon 'sab_boat'. I've been searching for this addon but I can't find any file for it anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Silber 21 févr. 2017 à 6h01 
oh nice :D
UnmotivatedZombie 6 févr. 2017 à 16h16 
aloha snackbar?
penchovilla 4 févr. 2017 à 7h23 
jsortahuman 30 janv. 2017 à 23h54 
yay more terrorists to kill!!
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [créateur] 30 janv. 2017 à 19h36 
No problem. Have fun. :)
Gecko45 30 janv. 2017 à 19h11 
I finally have units to play against when I play as NAVSOG, thanks!
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [créateur] 29 janv. 2017 à 21h29 
First Release.