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Abu Sayyaf Group [NIA]
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29 Jan, 2017 @ 9:00pm
26 Feb, 2021 @ 9:07pm
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Abu Sayyaf Group [NIA]

In 2 collections by jarrad96 [4SFG]
Special Operation Forces Factions [SMA/NIA Edition]
31 items
Special Operation Forces Factions [SFF]
54 items
A Special Forces Faction [SFF] that adds the Philippines terrorist organisation of Abu Sayyaf Group "Bearer of the Sword". The faction is accurate to a 2011-2016 timeline.

The Faction-

Abu Sayyaf are a Muslim Extremist insurgency in the Philippines. They are armed with a mix of firearms, from AK47's, M4A1's and G3 rifles, supported by heavier weapons like M60's and mortars captured from the Army, or gained in drug trading with the Mexican Cartels.
Uniforms vary, but are usually anything in a neutral color scheme, be that M81 woodland, Tiger stripe or just flat colors. They are well known for making heavy use of IED's (Improvised Explosive Devices) and other traps.

Historical Info-

The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) are a splinter cell from the Moro National Liberation Front (segmented in 1991) and their aim is to establish an independent Islamic State within the Pacific region.

The faction primarily funds itself via dealings with the Mexican and Hong Kong drug cartels, or via hostage taking from Western nations. They have beheaded hostages whose money was not recieved.
The faction rose in power during the early 2001's after the leader of the ASG formed a personal connection with Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, who assisted them with weapon and training. Since 2014 however, they have changed allegiance to the Islamic State, and it was under their banner that ASG, along with other groups, was involved in the Battle of Marawi in 2017-2018.

Specialist Elements-

The ASG have a small core force of internationally trained forces, who are equipped with superior gear and weaponry to the main force. They carry the G3 rifle or M4A1's by standard, and have camo uniforms. In real life these would be represented by the Al Qaeda trained forces within the faction, rather than the domestically trained main force.


The ASG are supported primarily by light vehicles like technicals and trucks, but also have a sizeable naval force of assault boats and captured civilian sailing vessels. They also have access to a light mortar.

Faction has full Editor, Zeus, Task Force Radio and ALiVE support (faction name ASG ) Also supports ACE3 Medical system. ASG are an INDEP faction. Sailing boat by Dust[Sabre]
Discussion page and updates/ WIP logs will be posted here before they hit the Workshop.
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [author] 26 Jan, 2021 @ 10:27pm 
Abu Sayyaf Group Updated- cleaned up some files and updated with signing.
pedro.alvarez.2011 10 Jun, 2019 @ 12:53pm 
cant wait to execute them!
filicity 21 Mar, 2018 @ 11:01am 
does it come with a hostage npc?
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [author] 6 Dec, 2017 @ 1:53pm 
Notice- For ease of use the dependency list on Steam has changed to use the NIA All-In-One. The mod does not require every NIA weapon pack, and the individual weapons used can be found in the text for those who would rather use each pack individually.
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [author] 20 Aug, 2017 @ 4:09pm 
Updated workshop page with new images and some text corrections.
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [author] 12 May, 2017 @ 6:15pm 
Faction is now fully compatible with the Dynamic Recon Ops scenarios.
OfficerFarmer 15 Mar, 2017 @ 8:26am 
RJ 5 Mar, 2017 @ 10:57pm 
Well either way, it is greatly appreciated!
jarrad96 [4SFG]  [author] 5 Mar, 2017 @ 10:52pm 
Ha, I had the update ready to go anyway, as the boat was included in the RHS version of the Abu Sayyaf Group, I just forgot to add it to this one until now.
RJ 5 Mar, 2017 @ 10:51pm 
Thatis the quickest response to a problem I have ever gotten! Thank you so much!