Bubble Head Nurse
𝒦𝒴𝐵𝒰𝒦 26 Dec @ 9:18pm 
можно ли перепаковать ваш мод с изменением текстуры? Уж больно карявые получились, я бы улучшил качество для своего проекта.. Ну и нужно прописать урон и хп другие..
Buddy  [author] 13 Dec @ 10:37am 
@sad thats strange, that shouldnt happen
sad 12 Dec @ 5:31pm 
this has been awesome but ive noticed it can be triggered by other infected walking near the static object. any way to change this?
«Mark» 4 Nov @ 11:35am 
i love this :D
Buddy  [author] 31 Oct @ 1:29pm 
@michen I only tried with DayZ Editor, but it should be possible with others as well
NONOX 31 Oct @ 6:32am 
can working also if place with vpp admin tool or only with dayz editor?
Buddy  [author] 27 Oct @ 9:21am 
@President no, one static nurse will only spawn one nurse zombie per restart

when they are triggered the static nurse will disappear and the zombie will be on the location of the static one
President 27 Oct @ 8:21am 
in editor the static nurses keep spawning nurses! this will happen and in game if put it? or its just like that at editor?