Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Silent Hill for L4D2
호진117 29 Oct, 2023 @ 6:02pm 
One of my favourite custom campaigns. The puzzles, atmosphere, exploration, and finales make it all an incredible experience <3 <3

Lancer 4 Jul, 2023 @ 1:06pm 

This version is being maintained and has all bugs fixed. I recommend you to play only it.
В этой версии пофикшены все баги и она единственная поддерживается. Рекомендую играть только в нее.
wolfzond 15 Jan, 2023 @ 2:01pm 
P.S. Автор я надеюсь что ты вылечишь свой рак мозга и хотя бы получишь 2 извилины, первую что б взять свол, а вторую что б застрелится, жду с нетерпением этого праздника. желаю что бы ты лежал вместе со своей семьёй в канаве
wolfzond 15 Jan, 2023 @ 2:01pm 
сын просроченной поблядухи из подвалов Саратова или сокращённо автор этой великой и ужасной кампании, хотя зачастую скорее просто ужасно кривой. Начиная с великолепных затупов как сходить за тремя ключами что бы открыть пояс верности отчиму, потом сходить ему за пивом в школу, что бы отсосать шуб нигурату дабы хотя бы он уничтожил этот богомерзкий кусок кода вместе с автором и насиловал его пока ткань мироздания не порвётся как его очело с рождения.
Nixo_89 1 Nov, 2021 @ 4:23pm 
Es muy buen mapa, esta bastante entretenido para pasarlo con amigos :D
Azusa 7 Sep, 2021 @ 8:07am 
It's just a port. My buddies and me played L4D1 ver. of this map. We were satisfied with it fully (except finale al least) In a nutshell: it's playable only if you're SH fan and know a whole game. Otherwise you're going to comments to impress your butthurt. stop pls.
Kłasant 4 Sep, 2021 @ 4:57pm 
The campaign is very well made in terms of capturing the atmosphere of Silent Hill and its locations. However, if you wish to have fun, just don't play it. Most of the time you'll be using pistols, supplies are very rare, the lack of medkits at the beginning is very frustrating with four survivors, while trying to solve a puzzle you will be constantly attacked by hordes of enemies with about three special infected with them. It's just not fun and felt like a chore to complete with my buddy. That's about all i can say about this campaign. It's just unfun and boring.
Draven Crow 2 Sep, 2021 @ 1:18am 
I am likely of the rare few or appreciative many who enjoyed this mod, the rest who spit on this mod and the game its based on are philistines in a tavern, very little in the way of a brain to do what this mod requires to truly enjoy it, and I find this mod very enjoyable compared to the vast majority of mental oyster driven mods on the workshop made by degenerates who are bored enough to binge TV drudgery with homer simpson.
Iptosyn 7 Aug, 2021 @ 4:20pm 
This felt like a fever dream, don't play this garbage :-D
The Silent One 4 Aug, 2021 @ 5:28pm 
not easy doing this with bots human players are better for this
lolipop 1 Mar, 2021 @ 9:53am 
omg thanks i can play this after school thanks
Hexadecimal 19 Jan, 2021 @ 11:29am 
Ruiner 29 Jun, 2020 @ 1:25am 
that was one hell of adventure :10real:
Mack 23 Jun, 2020 @ 12:40am 
My friends and me we wanted to play this, and everything bad you can read about it.

It is supposed that every Silent Hill, the town, portaits the... Sins, fears, and other darkness within a person's psyche...

This man. Has the worst nightmare town of all. And I don't mean it for it being a scary one.

My recommendation? Do not play it, or do it, but do not expect a pleasant horror map.
Chet 19 Jun, 2020 @ 6:43pm 
Not too bad, I enjoyed it at least. Just hard, but I guess that's as expected. The hardest thing for me was to navigate on the foggy streets. My suggestion is to put more maps or bus stop maps like the silent hill movie had.
DIGI 6 Jun, 2020 @ 8:31am 
Peace of shit.
Noise 23 May, 2020 @ 2:02pm 
POYO 4 May, 2020 @ 4:37am 
The worst campaign ever. It's just wasting my time:winter2019angrybulb:
咕咕咕 16 Mar, 2020 @ 7:00am 
mastersnoop454 2 Mar, 2020 @ 10:37am 
support my hamster if you liked this map wtf cant even afford buying the fucker food!
Dallas 16 Feb, 2020 @ 5:32pm 
Este mapa es increible lo jugue hace muchos años atras en el primer left 4 dead en garena por esos tiempos, era el mapa mas jugado, esta perfectamente bien ambientado en silent hill y con sus respectivos puzzles de ps1, al que no le guste, es por que nunca jugo a ningun silent hill.

Besitos para esos fracasados.
Goku chikito 17 Jan, 2020 @ 8:46pm 
es el peor mapa que jugue la concha de tu madre
Arrowpig 17 Jan, 2020 @ 10:04am 
rubbish shit map
Б@Б@йК@ 16 Dec, 2019 @ 7:46am 
smells like mustafa mon 25 Nov, 2019 @ 10:01am 
Not terrible but this is buggy, i had 3 witches spawn at once within 20 feet in the middle of a mission honestly 4/10
Pen'Cill 3 Nov, 2019 @ 3:34am 
Ну автор как бэ пида1, любит долбиться в 0чк0
Tough-guy Blues 17 Oct, 2019 @ 2:09pm 
not compatible with game maps version of Silent Hill Other Side of Life.
Walter Black 3 Sep, 2019 @ 3:14pm 
Played this map and absolutely love it! Granted it was a little long but I had a lot of fun while playing this!:steamhappy:
❄ Y a t o ❄ 26 Jul, 2019 @ 3:46pm 
Too hard... so damn long... like 4 hours for finish all the campaing... not easy at all...
..and that´s why I LOVE IT!!
People complaining about "too hard" or "so many puzzles". Like, that´s why it´s a map of
"Silent Hill".
I played with 2 other friend in advanced, it took us 4 hours but in the end, i was happy and relief... like playing any other hard game... like Silent Hill ! That´s why I love it.
¡ Great work ! (^^)b
If you guys are looking for a custom map to relax with your friends... dont play this map, because it´s SILENT HILL. ┐(゚~゚)┌
Sumfing Shticky 21 Jul, 2019 @ 7:22pm 
Pretty faithful recreation of silent hill 1. I've always been a major fan of SH 1 and 2 so this was fairly decent. A bit too tough to solo with just bot support though (normal difficulty). Not enough health items. Also seems a bit buggy as it CTD after I was pounced in diner. Bots couldn't get through the door so I died. Right when this happened CTD.

Highly recommend this to anyone who is a fan of the first game. Play with friends if you can.
WAAY better than another custom campaign here on workshop called "silent hill: otherside of life" That one was terrible.
gibus_jc 9 Jul, 2019 @ 5:44am 
Chiyoda Koyomi 1 Jul, 2019 @ 6:33pm 
AGREGAT 13 Jun, 2019 @ 7:53am 
Автор люто сосёт бибу, одна из худших кампаний от коммьюнити Х:Y:Й
OFFICER BALLS 13 Jun, 2019 @ 7:52am 
Fuck doors, fuck keys, fuck this map, fuck fuck fuck
Material Gworl 8 Jun, 2019 @ 11:11am 
i really wanna play this but it keeps crashing for me
Braix 26 May, 2019 @ 8:14pm 

I have recently played this map with two friends of mine, Fenn and Ben. And I would like to speak
for them, as well as myself by saying:
Now granted, the map itself is fine as is; except for the finale, which was super buggy and not
finished as the skybox was completely broken.

But those are just minor complaints. Don't let this little criticism get in the way, Thank you and have a nice day!
Jebus158 11 Apr, 2019 @ 6:26pm 
... Finished. Hey that was all right.
ƓའįⱮⱮ 16 Mar, 2019 @ 5:22pm 
this is not fix this is fucked up ...the finale is bugged as hell lot of bugs ...still a good map tho ...8/10 + there are only l4d1 weapons ...
Shapeshifter 16 Mar, 2019 @ 5:20pm 
Meh it was alright except the finale that was really bugged
Ol' Dreaddy 1 Mar, 2019 @ 11:00pm 
There was a version of this but with the L4D1 survivors... Where did that go?
天空与海、 1 Mar, 2019 @ 7:53am 
pixie <3 22 Feb, 2019 @ 9:58am 
i get as far as to the campaign loading screen and i am redirected back to the main menu?
pulga 7 Feb, 2019 @ 12:45pm 
y si no te hago caso?
Minun 22 Jan, 2019 @ 10:19pm 
Puta mapa chato do carai mano... não tem diversão nenhuma :l
 Бродяга  20 Jan, 2019 @ 8:07pm 
карта не исправная! дизлайк!:angryofficer:
Rise1192 13 Jan, 2019 @ 6:07pm 
Very muy mala.
risfutile 8 Dec, 2018 @ 3:49pm 
0% fun, 100% work. Don't get me wrong, I like a good challenge, but that map's aim is nothing but to frustrate. Yeah, you can beat it, yeah, it's not easy like other campagnes - but it's just no fun.

There's jack shit in the safe rooms - maaaybe 1 med-kit. Yeah, okay, so you gotta watch out more. But then there's also no weapons.
You get the one shotgun the author likes. Oh, you don't like that? You like to play with some other weapon? Nope...

I mean, there's maps out there which are a lot harder but fun to play - this one isn't.
It's hard because you get jack shit but the one weapon the author likes... and far too little med-kits. Stock it up like a normal map and it's probably awesome to play.

I don't get why someone would put in a lot of work to put together a visually awesome map - and the deliberately take out the fun of playing it.
It looks awesome - but it plays like shit.
PöpThèséFøøls 5 Dec, 2018 @ 10:10pm 
please remove custom items and weapons sounds
FightCain 6 Oct, 2018 @ 7:30pm 
Anyone know how to get the song to play at the beginning (the silent Hill theme)
JosheWolf 4 Sep, 2018 @ 10:53am 
la verdad es que la campaña no es mala, tiene buena historia y esta relacionado con el juego en si, se nota el trabajo que hay tras esto, pase varias horas jugando la campaña(como era primera vez) y la verdad es que me gusto pero, hasta el final, me precio muy pobre y reciclando mapas, algo un poco echo algo a la rápida y eso es lo que me decepciona, pasar una buena cantidad de horas en la campaña y ver ese final, lastimosamente me desuscribi, ¿mi puntuación? 6/10