Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Slower Dirt Accrual
omiyomy  [author] 24 Oct, 2024 @ 8:01pm 
@Tenninch Same questions as below.
Tenninch 23 Oct, 2024 @ 6:33am 
I'm having the same problem as AtmosTwitch, this mod just made me get dirtier even faster lol.
omiyomy  [author] 11 Oct, 2024 @ 5:18pm 
@AtmosTwitch, have you confirmed that the dirt is actually getting applied faster (i.e., via debugging, rather than perception)? Have you reproduced that with this mod in isolation, without other mods enabled? I don't see how that would be possible.
AtmosTwitch 2 Oct, 2024 @ 3:49am 
Hello, Unfortunately, the mod doesn't work for me, I've tried different values and I always get the same result, it's just the opposite, with the mod, my clothes get dirty 5x faster, and it's a bit frustrating I must admit :/ Here are the last settings I made:

Body Dirt Increase Multiplier : 0.1
Clothing Dirt Increase Multiplier : 0.1
Body Dirt Multiplier Application Minimum : 0.5
Body Dirt Multiplier Application Maximum : 0.5
Clothing Dirt Multiplier Application Minimum : 0.5
Clothing Dirt Multiplier Application Maximum : 0.5
omiyomy  [author] 15 Sep, 2024 @ 9:51am 
@sineuncha Yeah, unfortunately due to how this is made that's a possible side effect on some computers. Someone in the comments recommended a mod that removes the dirt visuals entirely—maybe that would be better for you!
sineuncha 14 Sep, 2024 @ 11:56pm 
seriously kills FPS performance in my case.
a great mod, but doesn't suit for me.
Doll 18 Mar, 2024 @ 8:30am 
i literally need this mod... i remember how im standing in a CLEAN room with 0 dirt and AFTER washing myself i turned around and SOMEHOW got dirt on both my leg and my chest and it was the most obnoxious thing ive ever seen
omiyomy  [author] 9 Dec, 2023 @ 6:08pm 
@RadLyte "Is there a way to adjust the threshold for dirt visuals?"
I'm not sure. That's not something I looked into for this mod.

"I am guessing that those areas count for the missing 32/100 in the Dirty status."
That's correct; certain things only accumulate dirt in certain areas. I often tested by sprinting into trees while making the mod and I observed similar results. Essentially, every body part in the medical menu has its own individual dirt level and the global dirt level takes all of those into account.
RadLyte 6 Dec, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
Also, it is interesting to test dirt accumulation by sprinting straight into a zombie. Upon contact, your character will trip and fall. Once he/she get ups, the Dirty status will go up by a couple of points and you will be able to see one or two dirt decals appearing on the body. You can keep repeating this in order to accumulate more dirt.

Now, the interesting thing with this 'zombie ramming' test is that I was never able to push the Dirty counter above 68/100. So no matter how many times I kept ramming into zombies past that point, the counter would stay locked at 68/100. At that point, the character is completely covered with dirt, except for the face, chest and abs which remain perfectly clean. So I am guessing that those areas count for the missing 32/100 in the Dirty status.
RadLyte 6 Dec, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
Btw, is there a way to adjust the threshold for dirt visuals? Currently, for 1/100 Dirty status, the player's body receives 1 dirt decal on a random section (back, chest, thighs, calves etc.) Is there a way to push this value so that dirt decals start to appear after Dirty status gets to 25/100 or 50/100?
Atrox 23 Sep, 2023 @ 4:26pm 
For sure. I will get around to it and show my exact method of testing as well as do my best to relay the info. ♥
omiyomy  [author] 23 Sep, 2023 @ 4:22pm 
Thanks. When you do have time, it would be helpful if this were recorded in an issue on GitHub (repository linked in the description). In particular, seeing console.txt and having a better idea of how you're testing (i.e., seeing the code you used, understanding how you were "dirtying" the character) would help to diagnose this.
Atrox 23 Sep, 2023 @ 4:18pm 
I tried to use it when I maxed the settings to make sure my overlay for dirt was working. Which is when I realized "this isn't moving quickly at all". With the lack of visual via my mod, I was testing only values and time. So...Idk maybe it just needs to be reinstalled. Tested both in Single player and my hosted mp.
Atrox 23 Sep, 2023 @ 4:16pm 
I was gonna reinstall it today and test it more. But I have other things occupying my time. <_> Just offering my findings.
Atrox 23 Sep, 2023 @ 4:15pm 
Updating via world settings before creation. I also started new worlds each time to verify. I was comparing the dirt values by number. Timing it via in game time in comparison to raw vanilla.
omiyomy  [author] 22 Sep, 2023 @ 8:34pm 
The “Clothing Degradation” option affects how quickly dirt accrues at the vanilla level, but it shouldn't affect this mod's functionality.

How are you updating the sandbox values? Are you certain they're up to date when you're testing? Also, I should've asked this before, but were you comparing the actual dirt values, or doing this testing by eye? Because of how the game handles thresholds for dirt visuals, the first stage of dirt visibility would appear faster than you might expect.
Atrox 22 Sep, 2023 @ 7:24pm 
Uh so I maxed out the values? Which I presume would make me look like a rug rat very quickly? It did not appear to be fast at all...uhm ;w; I don't know why it wouldn't be working. I can try it with no other mods installed to quadruple check but..uh.. anyway FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT WANNA BE COVERED IN DIRT EVER AGAIN...but still wash.
Atrox 22 Sep, 2023 @ 5:50pm 
Question if the value for Is ticked to SLOW? Could that possibly make your mod go brrr< I am testing it now with "normal"
omiyomy  [author] 22 Sep, 2023 @ 5:17pm 
Hmm, that may be a bug then—I tested it when Tommy-O reported something similar, but couldn't reproduce. I'll have to see about that. Thanks!
Atrox 22 Sep, 2023 @ 5:12pm 
As for slowing down- I will keep testing your mod and compare times etc to make sure but 0.00 value doesn't appear to be working and I don't have any conflicts which is confusing.
Atrox 22 Sep, 2023 @ 5:11pm 
Yeah. Even with it set at 0.00 for all values. Dirt still was coming however it was slow. I tried to look for conflicts but haven't been able to narrow it down. I assumed it might have been rain wash but it was not the case. I have just made my own visual alternative that literally just gets rid of dirt. It will be uploaded after I test. <_>
omiyomy  [author] 22 Sep, 2023 @ 4:06pm 
@Atrocity This mod does not prevent dirt from showing up at all, it just slows down how quickly it accrues. Yes, if the multipliers are set to 0, it should stop accrual of dirt.

Someone in one of the earlier comments suggested this mod for a visual change to the dirt, if that's what you're looking for: .
Atrox 21 Sep, 2023 @ 11:29pm 
PS if set to 0? It does stop dirt all together correct? Or am I stupid.
Atrox 21 Sep, 2023 @ 11:25pm 
Added mid save on Hosted MP - dirt still appears on body even though set to 0? <_> halp
Atrox 21 Sep, 2023 @ 7:04am 
I was literally about to make this myself- Thanks for saving me the trouble ♥ lmao
Tommy 8 Sep, 2023 @ 6:17pm 
@omiyomy Thanks for getting back to me, I'll try to gather more info on the issue.
omiyomy  [author] 8 Sep, 2023 @ 2:42pm 
@Crashdown, I took a look at it and blood could be implemented similarly, but you'd also have to think about blood on equipped items. If I were to implement it, I'd want it to be similarly configurable and, as mentioned, off-by-default. I'm not planning on implementing that anytime soon, but the GitHub repository is open to contributors!
omiyomy  [author] 8 Sep, 2023 @ 2:39pm 
@Tommy-O, I don't imagine so; this mod was written with co-op and multiplayer in mind. I just tested it on my end and it's working as expected with the multiplier set to zero; no dirt accrues. Is it possible that you set the sandbox settings in the wrong place?

Regarding the default settings seeming to accrue normally, this could be because the thresholds at which dirt start to display are odd. It could've been a small value, but still showed the amount for small amounts of dirt.

Either way, if you create an issue on the GitHub repository and provide your console.txt file, I'll take a look at it.
Tommy 4 Sep, 2023 @ 6:40pm 
In the menu beforehand. The only thing I can think of is that I play splitscreen co-op, could that be causing the issue with the mod?
omiyomy  [author] 4 Sep, 2023 @ 7:15am 
@Tommy-O, it should cancel dirt accrual altogether if the multiplier is set to 0. The sandbox options are only applied at the beginning; were you modifying them in-game, or in the menu beforehand?
[GWJ]Baron_Of_Hell 3 Sep, 2023 @ 6:54pm 
Man I've been searching for something like this for a while now.
Tommy 2 Sep, 2023 @ 8:31pm 
Hey I can't tell if the mod isn't working for me or if I'm doing something wrong.
I set the multipliers to 0 in the mod options because I thought it would either completely stop or greatly slow down dirt accrual but it doesn't seem to have affected anything.
Even at the standard 0.1 dirt seems to accrue normally.
omiyomy  [author] 21 Aug, 2023 @ 5:12pm 
@Crashdown I didn't find blood accrual to be too unrealistic, so I didn't include it here. When I have time, I'll take a look to see whether it's feasible to add that as an off-by-default option for this mod.
Crashdown 15 Aug, 2023 @ 12:36am 
Is there any way to make it so blood accrual slows down? Can't seem to find a mod on it.
omiyomy  [author] 6 Aug, 2023 @ 9:45am 
Yes, this is safe to add or remove mid-save.
Guinto 4 Aug, 2023 @ 10:29pm 
Is it safe to add mid save?
omiyomy  [author] 8 Apr, 2023 @ 12:26pm 
Oh nice, looks like this mod will complement that well. Thanks!
JuryOfYourFears 1 Apr, 2023 @ 2:54am 
@Doomstrike53 Check out this one EZ Dirtiness Replacer Should be a good combo. Great work, omiyomy!
omiyomy  [author] 30 Mar, 2023 @ 3:57pm 
I hope this is a good alternative! I agree, less dirty-looking textures for the lower values would be nice.
Doomstrike53 28 Mar, 2023 @ 6:10pm 
I've been looking for a mod almost exactly like this, but instead of slowing down the actual dirt accumulation value, just the visual representation on your character. You'd still be just as dirty as before, but 5/100 dirt wouldn't visually look like 50/100. This is a good middle ground for now though. Looking forward to trying it.
ValyRebelz 26 Mar, 2023 @ 5:07pm 
Does what it says on the tin, and quite balanced. thanks again.
omiyomy  [author] 26 Mar, 2023 @ 1:48pm 
I've wanted this for the longest, too! Never bothered to make it until recently—I thought it would be pretty niche, since I hadn't seen others talking about it.
McDouble 25 Mar, 2023 @ 1:03pm 
Did you read my Reddit post a few days ago asking for this very thing or something? So frustrating organizing a base all day and winding up looking like a Tough Mudder competitor!
omiyomy  [author] 25 Mar, 2023 @ 6:36am 
I feel ya. Hope you enjoy it!
ValyRebelz 23 Mar, 2023 @ 4:21pm 
i was just searching this topic today. it made no sense to me that i get home, load the washer and shower, put on fresh duds and get dirty walking to my bed down the hall. thanks man!
omiyomy  [author] 23 Mar, 2023 @ 3:44pm 
Good to hear I'm not the only one who wanted this!
Darkswirl 21 Mar, 2023 @ 8:55pm 
I was thinking about a mod that does this for bodies almost a week ago. Thanks a ton!