

Anomalous Empyerian Planet
Lord Frieza 1 Dec, 2024 @ 7:59pm 
this grassland planet mod adds a new structure to forest planets, I will say its not as bad as it first seemed, I just got unlucky and found a forest planet that was covered in fluffalo pastures
Tidalbelt  [author] 28 Nov, 2024 @ 5:46pm 
@Lord Frieza
No, What planet mod even does that? Aside from FU because that's more than a planet mod.
Lord Frieza 27 Nov, 2024 @ 7:51pm 
Does this mod change the terrain generation of other planets? Hate when planet mods do that
Tidalbelt  [author] 27 Feb, 2024 @ 2:47pm 
Actually I more so meant it just to be a box I could shove funny sky colours into, fuel planet part was kinda an afterthought.
Space 27 Feb, 2024 @ 8:01am 
Correct me if I'm wrong but you can't turn Erchius Crystals into fuel in Vanilla, right?
Beezy 19 Nov, 2023 @ 10:37am 
@Delemmur nah no monsters. We have enough mods that do that. This mod is fine, its suppose to be a fuel planet.
DeLemmur 2 Aug, 2023 @ 8:15pm 
Well since this planet is literally gold mine with oils, i guess it'd be a nice addition to add some kind of dungeon or enemies, i mean, everybody wants fuels right? So there should be some form of competition on that planet.
zoro4661 26 Apr, 2022 @ 10:59am 
Oooh, these look really cool! I dig it
randi.elliott74 31 Oct, 2021 @ 10:15am 
I tried it with truespace and was able to find these planets.
Tidalbelt  [author] 30 Oct, 2021 @ 12:05pm 
randi.elliott74 30 Oct, 2021 @ 8:18am 
Does this mod work with truespace?
Tidalbelt  [author] 8 Mar, 2021 @ 12:45pm 

same as without FU, anomalous empyerian as the primary biome and alpine as the sub biome.
Shad 8 Mar, 2021 @ 11:28am 
If we were to have frackin universe installed, which biome would these planets be?
酸哒 25 Feb, 2021 @ 7:59am 
I love this background,but it too bright at night Orz
Super Brasilis 15 Feb, 2021 @ 5:54pm 
imagination errant stars called wrongly as planets shaped as my balls
Ribbons0121R121 15 Feb, 2021 @ 6:08am 
"ring system"
"this isnt a decoration, you barbarian. it serves a much more important purpose"
/\Levi/\ 14 Feb, 2021 @ 2:42pm 
ring systems are always cool looking :SBpenguin:
Cyan Spartan17 13 Feb, 2021 @ 6:50pm 
"they seem to always have a ring system"
*Halo intensifies*
Raiizy 13 Feb, 2021 @ 11:44am 
subbed, faved and added to my evergrowing collection :cozyspaceengineersc:
Raiizy 13 Feb, 2021 @ 11:43am 
so basically moon but safer