Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Decommission Power Plants
38 commentaires
H.Humpel 13 janv. 2022 à 12h58 
your mod has been translated into German by Junky and the translation is now part of the Civilization VI Mods - German translations mod pack.
We would be more than happy if you could refer to the language translation in your mod description.
JNR  [créateur] 15 juil. 2021 à 16h06 
Steam likes to unsubscribe me from discussion threads of my own mods, so please only comment on the "Climate Balance" collection page for these from now on. Thanks. I won't see what you write here anymore.
JNR  [créateur] 11 juin 2021 à 1h01 
I don't see the issue. All lists show what is included where. If you have the Complete Pack, you won't need this one. This is just for when you want to customize components more.
JNR  [créateur] 20 sept. 2019 à 12h55 
updated with a bigger overhaul to integrate the project better and rebalanced its inclusion in the Climate Accords competition.
pauloel7 15 sept. 2019 à 2h45 
September update compatible? Can you now decomission power plants without this mod, as per Plerion comment below?
zon 1 avr. 2019 à 23h58 
awesome, thx @JNR
JNR  [créateur] 29 mars 2019 à 9h09 
@Plerion I know, basically half the features of my Rebalanced Climate Change mod will be added lol. Unclear right now if decomissioning will be available to all power plants, and whether it will just be possible with the climate accords competition running or always. Once all that is known, I'll decide iwhether I remove the mod.
Plerion 29 mars 2019 à 8h11 
Decomissioning power plants will be integrated to vanilla game :)
zon 26 févr. 2019 à 7h08 
thx for the update :)
JNR  [créateur] 24 févr. 2019 à 8h08 
@Moyocoya again: there is no advantage for the human player. Decommissioning your power plants does not give you an advantage over other civs. In fact, it makes you off *worse*. You're sacrificing yourself for the common good so to speak.
Plerion 24 févr. 2019 à 7h56 
Yeah I think so too. I'm just saying that is hard to assess what is fair against AI when the AI cheats anyway. Difficulty levels take care of balancing by cheating, and that's OK.
Moyocoya 24 févr. 2019 à 7h47 
@Plerion : on my point of view, the IA is weak enough... I try to avoid mods that give an advantage to the human player, though this one is a very good idea.
Plerion 24 févr. 2019 à 6h38 
@Moyocoya - Of course not, the AI was programmed before this mod existed. It will not affect your gameplay regardless, and remember that the AI already cheats in multiples ways anyway.
Moyocoya 24 févr. 2019 à 6h36 
Sorry !
JNR  [créateur] 24 févr. 2019 à 6h29 
@Moyocoya refer to my previous answers, this has already been asked repeatedly.
Moyocoya 24 févr. 2019 à 6h24 
Do you know if IA players are able to use this properly ?
Plerion 24 févr. 2019 à 5h38 
@Xernes - This mod does not remove a game mechanic, it adds the option to remove a building from a tile, in the same way that pillaging a tile with a Holy District does not remove religion from the game.
Xernes 24 févr. 2019 à 4h55 
Braucht doch kein Mensch. Warum Spielmechanismus entfernen der durch ein Expansion eingefügt worden ist. Totaler schrott.
JNR  [créateur] 24 févr. 2019 à 3h47 

not really. The situations in which this is useful are very niche and decommissioning your power plants has no benefits for yourself in particular. All you can get out of it is reduced CO2 emissions, which benefits everyone. Meanwhile, you sacrifice production for yourself.
Siete 24 févr. 2019 à 1h01 
Why this isn't included as a standard feature in the expansion? The mod looks cool, but as long as the IA won't use it, it's an unfair is advantage to the human players...
Dizzy Ioeuy 23 févr. 2019 à 23h31 

who you gonna kill for me, now?
baronjutter 21 févr. 2019 à 22h32 
I'd kill for a mod that eliminates the needs to constantly re-build your nuke plants, or at least drastically extend the safe operating time of them.
Plerion 21 févr. 2019 à 6h57 
That would be a nice implementation; even better if they are allowed to break promises (no idea if the AI can).
sonicmyst 21 févr. 2019 à 6h35 
Just the mod I am looking for! This looks great! One suggestion though, will it be possible to make a mod to Ask for Promise the AI not to increase CO2 levels? I think this will tie up nicely with this mod.
JNR  [créateur] 20 févr. 2019 à 12h51 
they are completely removed.
Neirai the Forgiven 20 févr. 2019 à 10h32 
What happens to the plants when they are shut down? Are they completely removed, or does some part of their production remain?
Plerion 20 févr. 2019 à 2h14 
I see, I like more this one then, thanks!
JNR  [créateur] 20 févr. 2019 à 2h04 
no real difference, no. I added what technically are three different projects so that they can have different icons, while Zee merged them as one. In either case the code is so small that it shouldn't matter.

Also, we set the cost differently. Zee's decommissioning is super cheap, while I tried to model the cost of building back power plants (especially nuclear reactors) a bit more realistically.
Plerion 19 févr. 2019 à 17h29 
Hi, nice mod! Is there any difference with Zee's Decommission Power Plant? (I respectfully suggest you to include screenshots as well).
JNR  [créateur] 19 févr. 2019 à 12h21 
I honestly don't know. I wouldn't expect it, but that's probably better because I doubt the AI is smart enough to recognize the very niche situations in which it is even a good idea to do.
moku 19 févr. 2019 à 12h19 
when this mod is enable, will AI also be shutting down their power plants ?
JNR  [créateur] 19 févr. 2019 à 2h52 
@Moyocoya I did not think about them not consuming any resources when not necessary though, so maybe the build cost are a bit steep considering that. I made it cheaper than swapping to a different plant, but not too much. Maybe I'll eventually set them all to 100 or so (right now it's 150-225-300 for the different types, respectively), but I'll wait on some feedback on that first.
Moyocoya 19 févr. 2019 à 2h25 
@JNR : Thank you for explanations and for the mod of course !
Starwars 19 févr. 2019 à 1h45 
Thank you for this! An option that really should've been included in the game.
JNR  [créateur] 19 févr. 2019 à 1h37 
Coal and Oil shut down automatically when you have enough renewables, yes. They just won't produce any power or consume any resources because there is no demand, and you should try to keep them around for the production bonus (and science in case of NPP). But sometimes you need to cut fossile fuels even though you cannot satisfy demand with sustainables, yet, and you would rather have some buildings unpowered than keep burning oil. That's when you can decommission them.

This mod was just made at request, it is actually part of a wider rework for the Industrial Zone that I'm working on, which will let you build Conversion buildings (e.g. an Office Park or Creative Space, you know, those hipster shops setting up in old factories) if you decomission the power plant.
BLÀde 19 févr. 2019 à 0h08 
damn could have used this last night when the world was melting!
Moyocoya 18 févr. 2019 à 23h32 
I thought coal and oil plants were automaticaly shut down when using a clean source of energy, don't they ?
tonycoolbek 18 févr. 2019 à 22h54 
Now we just need hospitals to shut down "The Plague" lol
Thanks for making this to go with the Nuke Plants!