Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Prada Osaka
Stringer Bell  [author] 25 Sep, 2019 @ 11:48pm 
@Amanda米卡 no mod is necessary -- did you place this building on High Density Commercial tiles?
Amanda米卡 25 Sep, 2019 @ 9:58pm 
Why did I disappear when I placed this asset? What MOD can solve this problem?
Stringer Bell  [author] 1 Jun, 2019 @ 3:21am 
Thanks @hashimoto4life I figure making them L1 will allow them to spawn more easily, while if you want them to level up to L3, you just need to make them historical.
hashimoto4life 1 Jun, 2019 @ 1:41am 
Your assets are so nice but why are they all LV1?
Bobokiller420 4 May, 2019 @ 8:16am 
this is a gay
老七 11 Mar, 2019 @ 1:33am 
I like it very much. Come on.