Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

[MWB]MWU Attachments Support For FiNN LMG
Showing 1-3 of 3 entries
Update: 25 Apr, 2023 @ 11:14pm

-Added Slug physical bullet effect for 2 Ammo of HE-2 and HE-Doom.

-Added a new ammo "Heavy Hammer". It will reduce a little RPM but does more damage, and it have Slug physical bullet effect.

Update: 13 Apr, 2023 @ 9:41pm

-Add a New Ammo "HE-Doom".
-Enhanced Visual Explosive Effect for 3 HE ammo.
-Some ammo will change muzzle flash.

Update: 10 Apr, 2023 @ 7:30am