RTR: Imperium Surrectum 0.6.7
Ergebnisse 1–10 von 32
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Update: 11. Sep. 2024 um 14:11

What's changed (v. 0.6.7):

  • Eased growth by 1% on all regions.
  • Added a small growth bonus to player capitals.
  • Reworked the trade routes for ports, ensure your capital has a port to maximize income!
  • Removed flat tax cost from military training buildings, transferred empire size based tax costs into them.
  • Reduced cost and construction turns for recruitment centres;
  • Recruitment centres max out at minor city level, so the full factional units do not need a large or huge city anymore (the unit tier is bond to the city size still)
  • The tier5 recruitment centre is now available at minor city level. All other tiers are also pushed down the city tier levels. Both the reduction in cost and construction time will help to achieve higher tier and factional units earlier or in many cases, at all.
  • Shifted the cost for military buildings around. They are now shown in the building itself.
  • Disabled the script enforcing city revolts going to native faction or Greeks/Illyrians/Thracians factions if the native factions were defeated, as this script likely had some hard-to-track errors and affected end turn times.*
    • Some additional small fixes to scripts and descr_strat.txt.*
      • Rebels now start with negative treasury to improve first end turn time.*
      • AI starting bonuses now apply at campaign start, not after the first turn end.*
  • The bottom right corner mechanics cities now cannot build anything besides the governor buildings, and are also prevented from growing.*
  • Disabled extreme mode due to max entity save corruption concerns.*
  • Very minor descr_strat.txt improvements*

* = Need to start a new campaign for changes to have an effect

Update: 14. Aug. 2024 um 15:23

What's changed (v. 0.6.6):

  • Hotfix for save corruption of too many items in a save (buildings, armies, characters, etc.). Save corruption should be pushed back to around 600 turns while additional changes are investigated further.
    • Silver and gold mines merged into a single building that gives proper income per resource, but less income overall.
    • Thresholds for cities, large cities, and huge cities slightly increased to 7500, 15000, 25000 to delay the amount of buildings in a campaign, the main cause of save corruption in analysed campaigns.*
    • Only one temple is buildable in cities now.*
    • Some population growth and income maluses to governor buildings.
    • Income malus from walls for players now applied to AI as well.
    • River Port building removed; instead markets now provide additional income in regions with the rivertrade hidden resource.*
    • Blacksmith and Sanitation chains now have Empire Size-based income maluses instead of a flat malus.*
    • Farms and Herds now provide Empire Size-based income bonuses, with a larger empire earning less per farm.*
    • Grain Imports building disabled.*
    • Roads, Taverns, Entertainment, and Academic building chains now provide Empire Size-based income maluses.
    • AI will now destroy buildings their culture cannot build (e.g. Greeks will destroy Taverns).
    • Added script to keep Seleucid Rebels and Seleucids, along with Egyptians and Ptolemies at war.*
  • Starting diplomats and spies removed, increasing turn times.*
  • Disabled artillery unit recruitment and siege engineer building until the battle crashing issue is investigated and fixed.*
  • Possible fix to Egyptians emergence script.*
  • Possible fix to Cilicians emergence script.*
  • Egypt now can recruit boats.*

* = Need to start a new campaign for changes to have an effect

Countless thanks to Feral for their support in discovering the issue.
Many more thanks to our players and testers for their patience and understanding while we (especially our dear exi and Lollygagging) arduously investigated possible causes.

Update: 3. Apr. 2024 um 22:00

What's changed (v. 0.6.5):

  • Fix to custom battles having too many factions in selection screen (Messene made unavailable)

Update: 3. Apr. 2024 um 21:35

What's changed (v. 0.6.4):

  • 9 new Illyrian factions + the generic Illyrians faction + 4 Illyrian religions + all new remastered Illyrian units + reforms
  • New Illyrian and Thracian settlement plans for both strat and battlemap
  • Emergent factions all fixed and playable from the start
  • Overhaul to recruitment centres, and military buildings
    • Recruitment centres now only available to player, AI recruitment centres destroyed upon game start, and player centres destroyed by AI upon city capture
    • Recruitment centres convert city to faction religion at higher tiers
    • Lower levels only AoR units, with factionals becoming available at higher tiers at the expense of AoR availability
  • Massive update for traits and ancillaries: updated, fixed, and added many, many traits!
    • New Thracian, Anatolian, and Illyrian traits and ancillaries to give them more unique flavour
  • A few map changes and updates
    • New regions in Greece, Illyria, and Anatolia
    • Terrain fixed for sieges and crazy desert terrain in Egypt also fixed
    • Fixed array errors of map possibly causing save corruption
    • Map and pathing fixes
  • Diplomacy, starting position, and other campaign updates
    • Expanded historical family tree for Epirus, Antigonids, Seleucids, and Ptolemies
  • Starting movement points issue for agents fixed
  • Some new UI for Eastern and Western Hellenistic Cultures
  • Major Greek and Thracian names overhaul
  • Multitude of economy fixes, especially for the AI
    • Major fix for rebel debt and AI not upgrading city levels
    • New Empire Size system for balancing economy
    • Minor map resource overhaul
    • Forts now more expensive
  • Many unit fixes, unit LODs, unit cards, etc.
    • Painstaking rework of unit stats for all units
    • Some new Hellenistic units
  • Many new and updated texts
    • New quotes for loading screens
  • Many more minor fixes, updates, and additions!

Update: 6. Nov. 2023 um 14:48

What's changed (v. 0.6.3):

  • Fixed Suebi garrisons in North Africa*
  • Fixed Argos and Megalopolis spawning units and recruitment building after revolt*

* = Need to start a new campaign for changes to have an effect

Update: 5. Nov. 2023 um 14:00

What's changed (v. 0.6.2):

  • Fixed emergence of Megalopolis for non-Antigonid factions*
  • Allowed Miletus, Argos, and Megalopolis to emerge from a simple revolt*
  • Fixed some missing unit cards
  • Ardiaei available in custom battles
  • Fixed missing strings for players not playing in English
  • Fixed CTD fighting against Ankonitan Archers for players with unit variation off

* = Need to start a new campaign for changes to have an effect

Update: 1. Nov. 2023 um 13:26

What's changed (v. 0.6.1):

  • Settlement plan-related save corruption issues fixed.
  • Fix to factions available for custom battle.
  • Some ranged unit stats modified.
  • Ankonitan Archers error fixed.
  • Seleucid Chrysaspides texture fixed.
  • Fixes to AOR unit availability (duplicates, AOR availability only for player, etc.).
  • Removed Triarii and Principes from AOR pool.
  • Minor unit recruitment availability fixes.[/li]
  • Added some missing unit cards.
  • Fixed Egyptian revolt and many more revolts.
  • Improved starting revolting Egyptian regions based on history.
  • Gave Egypt an army near Thebes when spawned.
  • Added option to trigger 1st Egypt reform after 200 turns.
  • Fixed Achaean reform 1 trigger.
  • Made Aristippos and Aristodemos switch to Argos and Megalopolis respectively.[/li]
  • Improved locations of emergency armies.
  • Changed Demetrius the Fair's age to 16 and his child 0, and his wife's name to Olympias.
  • Added TW: Rome 2 boats for several factions.[/li]

Update: 27. Okt. 2023 um 8:46

What's changed (v. 0.6.0):

  • 100+ newly remastered units for Greek, Hellenistic and Tracian factions with 7 soldier variants each and LOD models for optimal performance.
  • The largest map in TW history with 1808 cities and regions total, virtually all as heavily researched as possible, and beautifully painted with Kirsi's map textures.
  • A total of 54 playable and 50 unplayable factions with unique UI and banners.
  • Complete rework of the Traits & Ancillaries with +1500 unique Archon traits, +400 city and +50 tribal traits. Olympic traits, spoils of victory, supplies/attrition mechanics and much more.
  • Expanded BI-religion-based system to act as a second culture mechanic with a total of 48 religions, including 29 sub-religions for Greeks, Anatolians, and Thracians, representing the major peoples and material cultures in the mod.
  • 4 Turns per year with increased recruitment and building time + season traits.
  • More than a hundred new academically researched and referenced unit descriptions, as well as some new historically accurate in-game named characters.
  • Improvements for battle map environments, trees and skies.
  • An intuitive and immersive AoR and recruitment system across all campaign map.
  • 64 reforms along with an Egyptian revolt, as well as 15 other emerging factions.
  • New extreme mode for the players who love a truly insane challenge.
  • Many fixes for issues from 0.5.0, such as unpathable areas in settlements, freezing when assaulting a gate with a siege ram in some settlements, etc.

Update: 29. Juli 2023 um 3:07

What's Changed (v. 0.5.5):

  • Preventing a crash when viewing settlement details while playing the game not in English

Update: 28. Juli 2023 um 13:35

What's Changed (v. 0.5.4):

  • Elite Tax now displays its additional income in the settlement and settlement details*[\list]

    * = Need to start a new campaign for changes to have an effect