Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

193 次評價
KF1 Remakes
My remakes or other remakes I found on the net
項目 (42)
建立者 RockMax
Update 21.4.2018 Fixed exploits Update 16.2.2018 New collision New spawns Optimization Remake from Killing Floor 1 Update 6.10.2017 Edited path nodes Edited spawn volumes Edited draw distance Edited blocking volumes REMOVED UPK ...
建立者 RockMax
Update 5.7.2018 Reduced mesh count Fixed some collision Fixed splatter maps Added few details Fixed camping spot Map should run better Update 18.4.2018 Fixed exploits Update 8.1.2017 Updated shaders Added more detail to the map Edited path nodes Edited blo...
建立者 RockMax
Remake from Killing Floor 1 27.5.2017 Fixed Shadows Some adjustments Fixed lightshafts 24.1.2017 Added doors Fixed Landscape New path nodes New spawn volumes 5.1.2017 Fixed some issues with SpawnVolumes Final Build 4.1.2017 RENAMED THE MAP BACK TO KF-Asylu...
建立者 RockMax
Update 29.1.2017 Better performance Faster spawn rate Original Creator MKTS02 so every thanks go to him, I only re-created and changed the map and made it a little bit bigger. Added second floor Added new path nodes Fixed Lightning Two new shops Connected ...
建立者 RockMax
Update 5.1.2017 Increased the radius of light from 360 to 460 Decreased the Light damage treshold from 100 to 75 You can now destroy the lights with explosives I had this crazy idea with the lights. So every light is destructible but not the white lights. ...
建立者 RockMax
Released version Update 17.9.2017 Edited spawn volumes Update 4.9.2017 Fixed some path nodes drops for zeds Added more boss spawns Update 17.6.2017 Split the terrain mesh on 4 parts. Little adjustments Fixed item spawn, thanks Daynish for pointing this one...
建立者 RockMax
Day version of Stalker Prometheus NOT MY MAP! THE ORIGINAL WAS MADE BY Hicks-D, Lucy Fur I and my friend only made a remake Night version here -
建立者 Frostbite*
UPDATE:27/06/18 removed versus added 2 new entries in world properties added Endless Mode made new kismet traders system closed the outside area(traders only) added blocking volumes fixed some meshes added new toys to play with at a certain trader increase...
建立者 RockMax
Update 24.6.2017 Updated the map for the newest patch. Added blocking volumes to reduce lags on stairs ...
建立者 RockMax
Remake from KF1 Update 19.7.2017 Fixed trader arrows online thanks to Frost New respawn system. After you die you respawn right next to the trader Some other fixes Update 5.7.2017 Fixed height of the bridge Added more detail Update 2.7.2017 Fixed Light con...
KF1 Manor
建立者 Kill Master Note for server owners: If you are having issues with version mismatches on your server try deleting the contents of the “appcache” and “depotcache” folders in the Steam CMD Install as well as t...
KF1 West London
建立者 Kill Master Note: The Forum link will remain dead while I am in the process of consolidating all my maps into a single mega thread....
建立者 ZOD
Built upon the outstanding work of Kevin 'DrGuppy' Butt (original) and EndlessNights (Edit). Reworked to be more like the original official KF1 version. PCServer-KFEngine.ini: DownloadManagers=OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.SteamWorkshopDownload ServerSubscribe...
建立者 Frostbite*
KF-KF1-Arcade-Gas-Station remake-port of the old kf1 map Update 10/8/2018 added: 2 new traders static mesh and skelatal meshes 15 gas pumps(collectables) blocking volumes spawns ammo pickups Fixed: some static meshes fixed carwash^ fixed doors(can be activ...
建立者 Frostbite*
06/08/2017 small update fixes: zeds pathing at stairs removed 4 invisble walls:) removed trader doors,now open DESCRIPTION Port KF-KF1-DefenceB2 (friends request) credits go to original creater fadiel and those who had a chance to play the beta. many versi...
建立者 RockMax
Port from KF1 made by UltraKill remade by me
建立者 RockMax
Update 10.09.2018 Fixed pathing bug in the middle building 420 BLAZE IT!!! Original map made by King Shinobi...
建立者 Frostbite*
KF-KF1-Manor-Snow its been nearly 2 years scince this map was looked at so in the spirit of things i managed to roll out a update^^yes me too cant believe it worked. now that the map has the fixes below this map just got real, will not take any prisoners o...
建立者 MixMakMax
OFFICES is back again but this time it's SICKER, SLEEKER AND BETTER! A TRUE remake version!! KF-Offices is inspired by the original Tripwire 2009 KF-Offices map. This new/last version was built from the ground up for a SICKER, SLEEKER and BETTER design ove...
Classic Menu
建立者 Forrest Mark X
Group Discord Description Classic Menu is a mod to replace the default KF2 main menu with one that mimics the KF1 main menu. This mutator works independent of the whitelist so will...
建立者 RockMax
Port from KF1, map made by Ferenos QuickFix 23.05.2019 Fixed camping spots QuickFix 13.04.2019 Fixed AI pathing bug under stairs Time to have the real benifit of tom banner character to play in this map...
建立者 Frostbite*
KF-KF1-Aperture UPDATE: random player starts, REMOVED intro, reduced mb file size. fixed collision were boss was reported to get stuck, fixed physics materails on shaders, new AI pathing, new and improved spawns. more larger zeds spawns extra spawns (trigg...
建立者 RockMax
Completely new version of Farm map from KF1 New vesrion 22.08.2019 Optimization New draw distance Ammo now spawns faster Zeds now spawn faster Added more detail to the map Added easter eggs Edited shaders Edited shadows Edited lightning Edited collision Ed...
建立者 Mr.
Thanks Frostbite*, M@GISTER and Rockmax for their original work, it can be found here: This map uses official Objective Mode from TWI so it is possible to win XP playing. This map is compati...
建立者 Frostbite*
KF-Devils-Dollhouse-Descent i started porting this map from kf1 over the period of 8-9 weeks, it was made by the original creater of kf1 mod alex quick, being objective mode only and was a standalone mod , the zeds were replaced with toydolls and evil 1s a...
建立者 Frostbite*
Update:21/10/18 added endless support by request fixed kismet to work with endless mode fixed lights @bilemeters not turning off@the end of boss wave fixed collisons fixed traders doors at dockyard new matinee reduced bile tank activation time from 30secs ...
建立者 RockMax
Update 20.5.2021 Optimized shaders & particles Reduced map size Blocked some camp positions Winter came a little bit early. Wanted to release this on my birthday...
建立者 RockMax
Update/Quickfix 28.11.2020 Added more drops for zeds Added more blocking volumes Fixed light shadow bug in the middle area And more Port from KF1, original mapper Ferenos Map offers: Quality shaders New lightning Great shadows Blood splatters Added a 3rd t...
建立者 RockMax
Merry Christmas everyone! Ice Cave is here, a long awaited kf 1 port in a new jacket Map now offers Stand your ground mod Collectibles 16x Updated textures and shaders New lightning Dynamic enviroment lights New collisions Bloodsplatters And more!...
建立者 Frostbite*
KF-KF1_West_London_Night originally this map was set in a night time style back in the early days, 2019 i made a similar version of this map from stevens version, it was never released until now, after getting permission to upload it to the workshop by kil...
建立者 RockMax
Update 16.02.2022 Fixed some doors Added physics volume to the acid pool Added a few particle effects HillBilly horror the classic Killing Floor 1 map is back! Map now offerrs Stand your ground Killing Floor 1 ammo boxes Collectibles 30x but 20 is needed N...
建立者 RockMax
QuickFix 23.12.2021 -Added Dosh Hold areas -Fixed trader doors not opening, kismet issue -Moved player spawns to the center of the map in order to reduce distance to the traders. -Various path node issues QuickFix 22.12.2021 Fixed shooting through the fenc...
建立者 RockMax
Another classic map from Killing Floor 1 is back! Map now offerrs Updated textures and shaders New lightning and bloodsplatters Dynamic enviroment lights Reworked collisions Stand your ground Killing Floor 1 ammo boxes Collectibles 30x And more! Special th...
建立者 RockMax
Bedlam finally made its comeback! Fix 20.5.2022 Fixed the option to jump through window in trader area QuickFix 5.5.2022 Fixed ammo box respawn from 5 seconds to 360 Fixed few disappearing meshes Added blocking volume on Courtyard stairs Opened before clos...
建立者 Spychopat
I'm proud to present my remake version of the map KF-Wyre from the first Killing Floor ! Most assets have been taken from the original map....
建立者 RockMax
Water Works is back! Took a bit of time to fix everything but I got there. Map offers: New lightning and bloodsplatters Dynamic enviroment lights Updated textures and shaders Reworked collisions Hold out areas Killing Floor 1 ammo boxes Collectibles 20x bu...
建立者 RockMax
Welcome to Advanced Genetics! On a new isolated ship kept from the world. The ship's crew was dabbling with new zed experiments but everything went to hell when both engines broke down. When fires spread and locks failed zed specimens began roaming the dec...
建立者 RockMax
Hello everyone, I want to wish you a happy Merry Christmas from me and AsuLt3R while giving you another classic map from KF1. Tho this is the extended version that's already in the workshop, that one didn't have splatter maps and was built with BSPs; this ...
建立者 AsuLt3R
Happy Holidays, Re-skinned version of KF-KF1-MountainPass-Winter, because global warming!! Features: - KF1 ammo boxes - Collectibles (20x) - Improved lighting...
建立者 Frostbite*
KF-zelda a link to the past. fully ported from kf1 to kf2, all original assests, textures inc geomentary with the original layout and terrain has been crossed over as well. copyrighted to nintendo. update:14.6.2024 fixed physics on god link, some optimizat...
建立者 Frostbite*
another KF1 classic has made it´s way into kf2, with HD textures and quality shaders. special thanks to ferenos for managing to get the original terrain coordinates from the kf1 version Thanks to the testers that helped testing map. map offering Stand your...